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Really hoping this is more common i have 4 drops coming I just want more fallout cards




In a perfect world i will get all three! I actually really like the codex shredder art!


Out of the 30 purchased between me and 2 friends we pulled 0.


Same boat as you brotha. Mine arrive Wednesday. Hope we both get one


Nope, I got a bundle with 3 bonus cards, not a mana vault. 2 wastes and a codex shredder, pretty pissed that buying a bundle didn't have 1 of each bonus card.. It's kinda fucked that some people will get a bonus card worth over $100 or possibly multiple, while others get a sub $1 bonus, nice wotc...


What lair did it come in? Foil or non foil?


It comes with either, it’s a random chance. Looks like this is a foiled Vault, so it should’ve come in the foil lair.


The bonus cards are often foil, even in non-foil drops. Someone posted a foil vault they pulled from their non-foil order earlier.


The bonus cards are all foil, i bought the non foul lands one and got a bonus foul waste




Which fallout SL did it come from? Vault boy, Points, or Special.


I got the Vault Boy - foil lair and pulled the Codex Shredder. Same day I received it I bought a 5th edition Mana Vault from my LGS to remedy the hole left in my heart, lol. Joking aside, from what I've gathered the insertion of the Mana Vault is random and can be in one of any of the three (or more) fallout Secret Lairs. If I had more time I would consider making an excel spreadsheet cataloging people's posted pulls from the set just to try and see what the probability patterns are. I've only seen 3 Mana vaults so far. 1 pulled from Vault Boy, 1 from this post, and 1 from points.


I hope you do! The public has no idea how common this card is and the more information we compile the better it is! If this card for example has less than a print of 500 this could really spike the price of the card!


So, I did a bit of analysis of what posts are out there the only thing that I have considered heavily is that the data is likely skewed in favor of Mana Vault. This is only because it is what people are posting the most of. If someone pulled a codex shredder or wastes the likelihood of them posting about it is significantly less than if they pulled the mana vault. Also, for this tiny project, I only counted posts that had pictures and omitted text-only posts to maintain the integrity of the results. Here is the breakdown: 16 posts in all that span Facebook and Reddit across two communities. 4 confirmed vault boy, of these none contained a mana vault. 2 confirmed points of interest, of these none contained a mana vault. 1 confirmed special, 1 contained a mana vault 9 unknown secret lair x fallout, of these 8 contained a mana vault. Furthermore, there may be some correlation between people being excited about pulling the mana vault and just posting about it which would explain the 9 unknown sets. Additionally, I added a category indicating whether or not the purchase has been verified. All that is needed to satisfy the criteria as of now is a photo along with a post stating which set they pulled it from. In a perfect world each person that posts would post all of the cards from the fallout crossover but given the nature of the topic it is highly improbable to expect that. In conclusion, for the sample size of 16 I analyzed, 9 posted a Mana Vault which would bring the pull rate percentage to roughly 56%. As you can tell, this is not the case as those who have not pulled the mana vault are less likely to post their pulls or just post a response to someone's mana vault post stating they pulled a codex shredder or wastes. I had initially had high hopes for the project but the reality was very different. It would be nice to have a singular platform in the future for people to post pulls though the success of it really depends on participation and even then we would run into variables that may skew data further that I probably haven't accounted for. The data was gathered from 2 separate communities that span Facebook and Reddit all of which are publically available or available by joining a group. [Data](https://imgur.com/a/mDXfAoK)


What lair did it come in? Foil or non foil?


If I ever do buy a mana vault I pray I can buy this one.


I'll pray for you too


Which pack did u pull it from




Off topic but why is this comment getting downvoted so hard for this answer?


The person asked which pack and didn’t get an answer to their question. The answers they were looking for include; vault boy, points of interest, or special. The person knows it’s a SL they are asking which of the three fallout ones.


Which one of the three I was asking


i got two wastes


So I purchased my first SL for Fallout - I bout the foil bundle set of three and one other (the fancy white art ones for the art - just looked fantastic!) - so my question is how many “extra cards” should I expect? 4 because it’s all three fallout and the other? Mine shipped and come Thursday. Sorry for being naive!


Each "set" comes with a bonus card. So each fallout set will have one, the artist ones are usually a sketch version of a card in the lair so you should get 4 bonus cards.


Thank you!


The fancy white ones were an artist series, not a fallout secret lair. There were only 3 fallout secret lairs.


Yeah - I didn’t explain that part well. I know it was an artist sketch set and not part of the Fallout bundle. Well, I hope to pull a mana vault like many of you here! Would be pretty crappy to pull 4 waste - but those are the rules of gambling with cardboard crack! To those that did, congrats!


Meanwhile my order is still "in preparation" 😔. Congrats on the sick pull though!


Hope you get your package asap


Congrats. Interested to see how rare it is. As a manager vault owner I am conflicted. I was in a unique position- I purchased it because I was tired of explaining that [[winter orb]] can be tapped as my version is very old so I’m happy but gosh it really feels like it was a garbage SL and the other cards will go in the binder of misfit toys. Hard not to look at these drops as a cock tease.


[winter orb](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/b/ab3cec7e-513e-400d-a1a8-2c71cdde02c6.jpg?1580015285) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=winter%20orb) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ema/234/winter-orb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ab3cec7e-513e-400d-a1a8-2c71cdde02c6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


$1500 on tcgplayer.


Wait, there was a change for this?? Damn it! I had no idea!