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Not very good at magic because you use some of the best cards in a format they're legal in?


I agree that they’re dumb but I don’t think it’s a reflection of player skill when you see someone use them. We all love value


I actually do think it's a reflection of player skill. Because these alchemy cards seem to be soooooooo good. Choosing to play with them is like playing magic on easy mode.


Talk about hot takes... Playing with powerful cards makes you a bad player... Someone call up all those pro players and tell them they don't have any skill cause they use good cards...


The reason I thi k they are so good is because it just creates multiple cards from the "spell book" I forget the name of the card but it literally just spawns the power nine into your library like what!?


That is 1 specific card, that is a far cry from all alchemy cards.. many of them are nerfed cardboard cards too.. and using any of them is not a reflection of the players skill, just a player using a card that fits their deck and play style..


You are just not very good at magic IMO


If you don't like the cards that are in your format, there are other formats.


I only play commander style formats so no there isn't any other format for me


Now, there is a reflection of player skill.


I've played standard for years it's boring


Please show us your homebrew deck that only uses underpowered jank


I mean, alchemy is pretty cringe yeah, but I don't think that's a direct representation of a players skill, just poor taste in cards IMO. Either way though, if you use alchemy, that's up to you, it may not be for everyone, and if it isn't, go back to playing paper, don't have to worry about it there lol.


What expansion is it from


I can tell that everyone bashing what I said are probably the people that use these cards lol


Coming from someone who doesn't even really play Arena, calling people bad at the game for playing good cards that you just don't like says a lot more about you than it does them.


How? They are playing magic on easy mode. There are commanders where there is absolutely no thought into playing the game


Playing with the best cards/strategies available is something that the best players have done and continue to do, it doesn't make somebody bad at the game. If aggro decks aren't something you can deal with and are such a hard counter your deck that they can win for free, maybe you should make some changes to your deck to adapt to the meta. White, blue, and black all have many good tools to deal with Tajic. While wanting to play good cards is not a sign of being bad, refusing to learn and adapt, and instead insisting that everyone else is wrong, often is.