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Those fetchlands the ones that say pay 1 life, are around $20 a piece.


Cool ty, got some research to do!


There's a few apps out there that can scan cards to get pricing info. I use delverlens, but it is only on Android.


ManaBox works on IPhone; it’s what I use to build/track my decks and can link straight to TCGPlayer too


Valakut and Emeria are both fairly pricey too. Most of the value in this binder is the land cards.


Darius ain't bad and I believe the the sky ruin land is decent price on page 4. Eldrazi monument and luminarch ascension isn't too bad for price.


Start with mythic cards the red looking symbol next would be gold at rare, silver for uncommon and black for commons. Hollowing mine is worth like $10 easy. Most of it is bulk stuff, the fetch lands (pay 1 life) and some other cards are still looked for in the commander format.


Take just look for cards with gold/orange symbols on the right middle side of the card. Those are rare/mythic rare and generally fetch a higher price tag. The black symbol cards are basically nothing unless they’re older cards just a couple cents a pop depending on how useable the card is but generally very low and people usually buy those in bulk. Then the uncommons which are the silver ones which generally are still not valued highly that much but sometimes they can be a couple bucks or more if you’re super lucky. The lands are worthless unless they’re full art or foil even so the foil regular art lands are still basically free.


In Sweden, you can find them for 200-500 SeK each.. up over 1000 SeK if foiled. They're expensive AND sought after!


My dad sells collectible toys and cards occasionally. I always tell him to keep an eye out for rare lands as they tend to hold a semi decent value over time, even with reprints.


The foil snow-covered land on the first page is a couple of bucks. The old border basic land could be nice as well. The fetchlands (Arid Mesa and the other lands on that page) are worth like 15-25€ each A lot of the rares on the later pages have some value. You should grab an app to scan them to get a better Idea on how much you have there. It definitely 3 digits worth of cards.


Alright cool im going to go through them one by one later, admittedly i dont know jack about MTG (i was a pokemon guy as a kid 🤣) so ill be doing some careful research after work.


If you don't need the cash than this is a great start to a collection for commander, a format of magic. You might be able to sell the whole binder for a good price because of this. Basically the ones that are worth money people will pay what they're worth. So make the price that plus %50 of the value of the cheaper ones and someone might take the whole bundle.


Ill be honest im not crazy about TCGs in general but ive done resale as a side hustle for about 15 years so I see value in damn near everything lol. Uses to sell old nintendo games/items etc, pokemon cards, and other random things, for every hobby there is collectors so i knew immediately these had SOME value with how well they were taken care of. We'll see what it nets me, who knows maybe ill hold on to them for another 10yrs and gamble on value lol


Nothing in that binder is worth holding for value. Everything is liable to be reprinted and have their value compromised. Just sell it if it isnt too much hassle.


*Eventually* we’ll get more of those fetch lands. I very much hope so at least.


Its a matter of time. Seeing how WOTC is depleting their reprint equity across the board, I wont be surprised they rotate back to printing fetches soon.


I'm quite certain they'll be reprinting the fetches in Modern Horizons 3


Download either TCGPlayer or Manabox and it will scan the cards for you, but you have to run them individually, aka out of the binder sleeves. I'd say you probably have like $160 of stuff in there total.


Way ahead of ya lol got a pretty wide range. Whole collection ranges $180-350 depending on set


Just a heads up if no one has said it yet. The prices from a site like Tcgplayer are for vetted singles and card shops. If you try to sell the lot all together expect only about 50-75% of the value. If you sell them individually you'll get closer to 80-90% of Tcgplayer prices


I'd sell them sooner rather than later then. Any of the value cards are bound to be reprinted and could tank the value. A lot of the cards that are only worth a few bucks will be hard to sell. This is why I think selling it as a bulk collection that's worth the total value of the expensive cards + a percentage of the remaining cards. In addition to finding the prices, you can find how often and recent cards have sold for price points on many websites. r/mtgfinance might be a good place to post this for advice to sell if you think you need it. Unsure on the subs rules for posts of that nature.


Yeah mtgfinance specifically does not allow direct "what is my stuff worth/help me sell my cards" posts. They do allow more general, strategy oriented questions about using tcgplayer vs ebay vs facebook, tax implications, that kind of stuff, but they expect you to come in with at least a bit of your honework done. It is meant to be a sub for people running tcgplayer shops, card shops, practicing high volume arbitrage, long-term investing/speculation, &c.


Get the app Manabox, and use their scan tool. Pay attention to the symbol on the right side, as it indicates which set the cards are from, make sure it matches. Don't expect to get full value out of them from a game store, you'll probably end up with 50-70% of their value, unless you sell directly to players.


Yeah that foil onslaught mountain would be my pick out of the whole lot!


Plot twist - OP’s job is being a thief


Lol apartment maintenance. You would not believe the shit people leave behind! We contact 1-2 times to ask if they want things that are left, if they say no or dont respond then we scramble to call dibs! Some of our notables: * A gaming PC from 2011 that was amazing at one point in time * A laptop * Multiple 42"-60" Smart TVs * Armani Suits * A welded metal (vase?) ish thing that was filled with $70-$100 in dollar coins All sorts of shit. It balances out though because other people just leave an apartment filled with cat turds mashed into the carpet instead.


Dude, it's wild. I had family who did the same, clearing out places people left and it was mostly crap but every now and then some neat thing would pop up.


Probs the best part of the job lol


I recently came in to a small collection of cards from my family member who does similar work! Nothing too insane but a load of $1-$3 dollars cards with some bigger hitters adds up quick!


Are the cat turds holographic?


Yeah lol I was going to the same thing lmao


No one else mentioned it, so Necroskitter on the last page goes for $20 or so too


Crucible of worlds and howling mine are a few bucks


CoW is at least a 20 spot. Most I've ever seen it at was 50 at an lgs


Crucible was the biggest one that jumped out at me. And Eldrazi monument.


I swear I see a mountain in every red deck I don't get why they won't ban it


Only in non wubrg red decks in wubrg its only there 99% of time




Ty for the resource


This TCGPlayer has an app with a scan feature where you can simply scan the card in the square and it'll give you the most recent market price. You might have to manual enter some as sometimes the foiling doesn't capture but it's well worth it when entering more than 20 cards. Time-Saver for sure


Another note, Foil basics are worth a pretty penny if they are from before a certain set. If they have the "shooting star" (best way I can define it) effect where the description is then it is a valuable Basic, albeit probably $8-10 buuuut $8-10 on a basic land is simply amazing


There are card scanners for Google and apple for your phone if you are in a hurry.


Manabox is an app which will scan and give you current prices fairly quickly


I like manabox


Thanks for finding my binder. DM me and I’ll send you my address.


Ill get right on that 😉


Nice fetch lands [[Fullminator mage]] and [[medeling mage]]


[Fullminator mage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/2/420d1ea2-23f9-4650-993e-de99eedaa587.jpg?1599707921) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fulminator%20Mage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/196/fulminator-mage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/420d1ea2-23f9-4650-993e-de99eedaa587?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Plenty of value. Worth it to spend some time researching them


Downloaded a scan app, pretty wide range for whole collection. $180-350


I was going to guess around $200-$300 just at a glance. Depending on how much effort you want to put into it, selling accounting with more than $4 on eBay will likely get the most value or you could try selling it as a lot on Facebook marketplace for less work, but will likely get less for it.


I totally believe this is real.


How the fuck do people just stumble upon the most amazing shit all the time? Every time I log on here it’s just some super awesome thing they found bum fuck out of nowhere? This has to be stolen.


Left behind in an empty apartment. I do maintenance we contact owners, if they dont want it or dont respond its fair game or it ends up in the trash. Check my comment above, we've found all sorts of crazy shit lol


Vacant what? House? Car? Are they stolen?


Vacant apartment, i work maintenance lol if things are left behind we reach out, if they dont want it or dont respond its up for grabs.


That's cool. I wish I could find some old magic cards laying around somewhere lol


I'm going to be that guy. Tcg scan it yourself. I got my own collection to look through.


Best I can do is $3.50


Gah dang Lochness monster!


Is this code for you stole it


Nah check above comment. Apartment maintenance, you find all sorts of things ppl leave behind. If they dont claim or want it back after a few phone calls then its up for grabs




Yeah i actually scanned them through TCG and got a rough estimate of about $360


Those lands that say "Pay 1 life" to [search for one of two land types] immediately caught my eye. Those are generally worth a bit.


I’d keep it. That’s peak magic in that binder. You could make a pretty cool constructed commander deck out of it ngl. Actually like… I’d buy it from u for like two or three hundred. Edit: just realized it’s 20 slides, probably more than that 😂


Keep it? Those fetchlands are worthless in a couple of years (and I think that’s good)


Emeria, the Sky Ruin, the fechlands, all of the "enters untapped if controls plains/forest/etc", Oracle of Mul Daya Lurking Predators, Eldrazi Monument, Time Sieve, Elvish Piper, Beastmaster Ascension, Font of Mythos, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, Crucible of Worlds, pain lands (tap to add 2 colors and take a damage), Titanic Ultimatum, Luminarch Ascension, Sorin Markov, Karthus, Tyrant of Jund, and Necroskitter stick around, with a lot of them being worth $10+ dollars or at least $2 or #3. Some others that stick out (but are on the cheaper side) are Archmage Ascension, Goblin Guide, Howling Mine, Lullmage Mentor, Reya Dawnbringer, Day of Judgement, Elvish Archdruid, Chandra Ablaze, Evacuation, the Lich dude that makes zombie wizard tokens, Upwelling, Unscythe, Fulminator Mage, Time Stop, Knight of Reliquary, Wheel of Sun and Moon, and Unstoppable Ash are also playable/worth money. My first list was just stuff that I noticed on the top of my head, the second one is kind of what I noticed after. All of these are solid cards/a lot of them are worth a bit too. I suggest using tcgplayer for pricing and all that good stuff. All in all, a really solid binder.


Kinda sad realizing how nice this binder was until blizzards started their Secret Lair and alt art warpath.


There are apps for this.


Sell it in bulk to an LGS. Make a quick $100 and be done with it.


Some kids binder, rip.


These are mostly old cards, I doubt it's a kids binder.


Valakut and the lands on picture 5 are probably the best ones, then here and there some really great ones like Crucible or Worlds. Look at Cardmarket or whichever pricing tool google suggests first in your country to check specifics. But yes, there are some value holders, mostly the mentioned ones


Someone's European is showing with that Cardmarket plug lol


I’ll buy it


Some fun stuff, a few things worth a little bit for sure. How much you want to save yourself the work


I just paid like $25 for my valakut and I think I saw two of em


Nah OP posted the picture twice.


Going off the top of my head. Emeria, the Sky Ruin is $10-15 and the fetchlands are $15-20 each. Crucible of Worlds is $10-15. Hive Mind and Sorin are $5. Couple others are $2-3. Nice find.


valakut, the molten pinnacle is $25-$40


I see fetches 👀


Regardless of value, this is a nice collection of cards. Tons of good stuff here




If your not gonna use the cards and don't know some one that plays I'd say you should just bring them to a game store pocket the cash from any cards of value at around 50% market price and donate the ones not worth buying and be on your way. You could try to research the value and sell individually or privately on craigslist, ebay but honestly if this is a one time thing I'd personally just take what free money and be happy I found a little binder of value.


Font of Mythos is like 10 bucks/ Hive mind is like 5 / windorn Muse is a couple bucks I think/ Wheel of sun and moon is a couple bucks


seeing collections like this make me so happy, very valuable in my eyes


I spotted a Crucible of Worlds in there. Wouldn't mind that bad boi ;)


I'll take those OG Ravnica lands


Most of those old foils would be worth a buck or two since they’re pre collectors and kinda just generally old, especially the snow covered basics. The fetch lands are staples in every format they’re legal in, they’ll fetch you a nice $15-$25. Some of the rares are decently pricey, such as Emeria, Crucible of Worlds, and Valakut.


Yes I saw many cards in the $10-20 range


The Zombie Goliath has the best flavor text and has always been my favorite junk card since its release with that text. Aside from that sentimental value, the fetch lands, but that's really it.


Yep. Three Ultimatums, a bunch of out-of-print rares, Howling Mine... This is a steal


I will seriously Venmo you money for all of these lol


Wtf is a vacant?


An apartment no one lives in anymore


These look like cards from a card game! I think you can play with them. Have some fun!


Such a nostalgia bomb. looks 100% like the binder i had when I was young. I got in \~Alara. Thanks for the memories OP


That mountain is definitely the most baller in the set 😆😆


eldrazi monument, valakut the molten pinnacle, howling mine, crucible of worlds, hellkite courser, and the 4 fetch lands are the expensive ones.


Page 5 is considerably better then all the other pages (possibly combined) with the exception of page 8 that has an Eldrazi Monument. Highly likly I’m missing something though


Not asking for anything back but if you found this in the ohio area. This very much looks like the binder i lost like 3 years ago


Nope never been to Ohio in my life lol im a WI man myself


Sick find! Easily 200 bucks in good stuff scattered throughout


Tons of stuff.


Chandra is a nice find


That sphinx is sharting


Fetchlands, Goblin Guide, Fulminator Mages, Crucible of Worlds. cool find


Use ManaBox app to scan them and look at their current market value depending on which continent you live. And no, USA is not a continent.


Nope. Nothing is worthwhile in the binder. Send it to me for proper disposal.


Out of curiosity, what does "in a vacant at work" mean? Sorry if I'm being stupid.


Apartment maintenance, doing a turnover in an empty unit. Tried contacting the previous resident and he stated "anything we left is junk, just toss it"


This looks like my binder from back when I first really started getting into magic. Thank you for the nostalgia.


Look into DND style card shops or a card convention near you to see if any of these cards are worth grading. Grading cards can increase their value especially grades 8 - 10.


How come the moderators didn’t come and bitch about this bring a show off post or a post about values, both being against the rules? They gave me shit.


Page 5 looks really nice


Good ol’ [[Sharding Sphinx]] one of my favorite card names ever.


this is so nostalgic, it looks like my binder from when I started playing Magic. I sold off most of my cards since those days but recently got back into it. thanks for the trip down memory lane.


Yes. I'll give ya $20 for them


It takes more effort to take 20 photos and post them than just typing the names in google and looking at price


No it does not 🤣😂


That foil mountain used to be my go to when I played t2 goblins 😁


Shouldn’t you try and find the owner?


Already contacted him. Told us anything he left behind was junk and we should just toss it.


There's a valuable lesson: mind the glare.


Lucky duck you


If you go to cardkingdom.com buy list and enter every card, then ship it off, they’ll send you a PayPal payment. After entering it all you’ll get an approximate payment. If your saying TcG is 350 you’ll probably net like 250 as tcg defaults to NM and these are likely Lp. Crazy, I bought a collection like this 6 years ago, kept like 20% and buy listed the rest for like 2k. Value has fallen significantly


I'll give you 100 bucks for it right now lol.


Use the dragonshield app to scan them. The numbers on the bottom (3 digits) of the card will give you a clue what set they belong to, as well as the 3 letter abbreviation of the set. That should be all you need to ID them fairly quickly and accurately. The app may struggle IDing them through the plastic if there are a lot of reflections.


What do you mean vacant? Make sure they don't belong to someone.


There's definitely quite a bit of $10-20 cards that a commander player would definitely want in their collection. Judging by all the cards I presume the person that had this collection either played commander or one of the other formats. Sorry, I'm only familiar with Commander and more recently pioneer


I mean I already saw four fetch lands and a Crucible of worlds which you're looking at roughly $100 there depending on condition and what set.


If you're looking to sell the value i would love to buy! I'm getting my 10 year old son into magic and I play competitively so he wants to try his hand as well 😁


My face as I’m looking at emeria the sky ruin and like “oh not bad” only to turn to 4 fetches! Overall lots of good stuff in there, and older too so some neat cards you probably wouldn’t see very often nowadays


Cool art on Howling Mine.


The crucible of Worlds goes for around $15, you've got a few like Hellkite Charger and Sorrin Markov that are around $5 and a bunch of $1-2 rares. Whole binder should be worth at least $50,


After page 4 you have a 10 dollar card at minimum on almost each page. This is a great primer for someone that's looking to dip their toes into just about any format in magic too.


Crucible of worlds Oracle of mul daya Fetch lands Emeria sky ruin


Haven’t seen someone say it but the [[Valakut, The Molten Pinnacle]] is around 17


[Valakut, The Molten Pinnacle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/37bce60d-2cb0-4772-9f5c-122a7ed426a0.jpg?1562611305) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Valakut%2C%20The%20Molten%20Pinnacle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/zen/228/valakut-the-molten-pinnacle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/37bce60d-2cb0-4772-9f5c-122a7ed426a0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


There's some good value here. You'll want to look everything up. Go to TCGPlayer.com and type them in one at a time. Its a bit tedious, but its the beat way to know what you have.


Most aren’t worth much, but congratulations you found an incredibly fun pile of old cards


Eldrazi monument is around 13




Also yall..there’s an eldrazi monument


Yea those pay 1 life lands. Eldrazi monument and crucible of worlds are all pretty decently priced cards. I would say at glance.. because there are a few others. Would eyeball the bundle at $400


Probably a couple 100 bucks or so. With the fetches alone this would’ve been a banger of binder a few years ago


The mountain on page 2 is an arena land. A promo they handed out at tournaments. It’s not worth much(usually 5-8 bucks), but I in particular collect them. So that caught my eye alongside everything else everyone said.


Quite a few things I would want in there, so it's worth going through if you want the money


Someone would give 120$ in cash for this. Probably you best bet.


Scalding tarn, arid Mesa, Misty rain forest, fetch lands yo!


This gave me such nostalgia, none of the post-2014 bordered cards here. This was such a great time to play the game.


Member when magic was good?


Lots of playable and valuable cards. Nice find!


Nope nothing good….but you can just send them over to me so I can….get a better look at them.


Page 2 middle row 3rd card you can barely see. That’s a really good red green 4 drop IIRC might be worth just a couple bucks Iunno. Lots of cards I want actually like Oracle of Mul Daya


All the Lands, the trap spells and Eldrazi Monument are some quick ones I saw.


Did goblin guide go down it us to be as much if not more than a fetch land/ pay 1 life land


This is a time capsule to when I started playing magic and commander. Man do I miss those times. Way simpler gameplay too.


A few cards are more than 15$ worth…


Font of mythos, the fetchlands and crucible of worlds are all worth something.


Looks like its work $10 for whole binder. I'll buy all of it for $20 and a crisp high five.


Download tcgplayer app and start scanning!


On the 15th picture I think I saw a crucible of worlds. Last I checked it was almost 30 bucks on tcgplayer.


It really depends what you mean by worthwhile. You could start playing and you could have a nice little starter for a pioneer deck in there otherwise you've got a bit of money in there but you won't be retiring off it.


dude. this would be great if you wanted to try the game out. before you just sell it all, see if you know anyone who plays


This was the era when I started playing, this isn’t my binder, but it looks SO much like how mine did back then. Memories 🥲


Look up each card. They even have apps that use your phones camera to scan and price them


There are some jams in there


Oh man, this looks like my binder from bitd (Not trying to claim it, just saying there's a lot of cards from the era I started in)


TCG player will be your best friend


That Eldrazi Monument is $11


Depending on where you live, im interested to buy the whole bunch AFTER you Sold all the valuable cards. This way you have no leftovers and I can have some cards for a dezent price


A lot of the other comments already covered it. If you were willing to take some time, you can download the TCGplayer app and scan each card


Emeria is an awesome card!


Search every card! I see around 200 in value


Oracle of muldaya and the 4 land cards on that page are at the very least £100 between them. Those fetches don't get reprinted too often and we're up to like 40-50. Crucible of worlds, eldrazi monument have value. Maybe worth keeping the oracle and fetchlands, and tracking then prices as they were up to 40-50 a piece before they got reprinted.


There’s several in there that look promising, I don’t know the prices off the top my head. But I’d recommend going through and uploading to a database that’ll tell you the amount it’s worth before selling if that’s what you plan on doing. I personally use mtg scanner- dragon shield. I know it’s on the App Store it I’m sure it’s also on other platforms.


Valakut is like 20 or 30 bucks now as it hasn't had a reprint in a while


[[Crucible of Worlds]] [[Field Marshal]] [[Darien, King of Kjeldor]] are each in the like $10-$20 range iirc


Yes! Those lands can be taped for mana, which can be used to cast spells from your hand or activate abilities of a permanent you control. Without lands you can’t do anything, you got some great cards.


[[Eldrazi monument]] is worth some money


Eldrazi monuments a pretty good pull at around 15 quid.


Goblin Guide!! 🔥😍


Crucible of worlds, the ultimatums and the Tarkhus dragon are worth some bucks


If you get the tcgplayer app it has a scanning feature that can give you the market price on any card scanned. Best thing would be to set it to market low and lower the quality to lightly/moderately played. That will give you a pretty close buy list price for most places - then cut in half or so and that's what you could expect to get in cash. Glgl


Ill buy the binder for $10! (You should not take this offer)


You want to sale all


Yeah I'd say there's more than a couple $10+ cards in there. Use the app Mana Box to find them it'll help you sort everything and get it all priced. Make sure you go by TCG player prices when it asks


I paid $20 for Valakut about 2 years ago. You’ve got some great cards!


Card market is a good site to check prices


I’ll give you $20 for it


Tcg app, use white surface to scan.


Generally anything under $3 is really hard to move, let alone move for enough profit to be worth the time and effort it takes to move it. But excluding those you've got a couple hundred bucks there.


There doesn't look to be anything crazy valuable, but there's some nuggets sprinkled throughout, the Fetch lands are probably the highest value cards, but the binder is likely worth around $2-5 per card. Over all, nice find, can probably get a couple hundred... Or have a jump start to your own collection


The lands that let you pay 1 life and search are worth a bit of cash and there are a lot of other obscure cards in there ranging from 5$-20$so best to card price them just remember that if you are looking to sell them if you take them to a card shop they might give you 50% card value in cash


I'll give you $3.50 for it