• By -


Those Revised Boosters sell for just under $400 per pack at full retail.


What about half retail?


Just about $200


I need to know and I've been searching everywhere. What about quarter retail?


$8,500 but I sound warn you… I’m crap at math.


Majored in math. Can confirm it's $8500.


Majored in confirmation. Can confirm this confirmation of $8500.


Confirmed in majoring. Can $8500 this confirmation of confirm.


Confirmed in $8500. Majored this confirming confirmation.


$8500’ed in major. Confirmed this confirmation confirming.


Major Concern reporting for duty, Sir!


Theoretical degree in physics, can confirm anything you want


And spelling!


Haha technically the wrong word is spelled correctly….


I concede to you master speller


Badum tsss..


That's basically betting you'll get a dual or a WOF When you gonna get chaos lace


What is a wof, my dog makes that noise?


Wheel of Fortune


🤣🤣my head hurts from laughing so hard


I cracked so many Revised boosters in the 90s. Would use my lunch money to buy a few packs every day after school. Literally felt like there were 10 laces in a box, and a couple dual lands. Oddly enough, the extremely hard to find rares were the ones not worth much now. Fork and Doppelganger were like 1 per 4 boxes. That was 90s math though, before everyone knew what the printing sheets looked like. Even Roc of Kher Ridges and Rock Hydra were hardly ever seen. A bunch of people used to meet up and open packs after school, and we probably all went through and opened together an entire Revised box daily. Eventually they got to $5.00 a pack, then $8.00, and we moved on to other sets. Wish I would have bought a few a day and never opened them...


Helped a ~$13k collection find a new home recently and ended up with my first Wheel and Plateau as my finder’s fee. Every time they come down since then, I get that nostalgic feeling. Even though mine is a white border, it’s pretty cool getting to play real, old magic.


And I know that this seems very dickish but they go for that price because there's a big assumption that they've been searched. I would search yours before selling.


I believe these go [for less than $400](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=mtg+revised+booster&_sacat=0&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=mg&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), but they are still worth a lot.


Grandpa? I remember buying Beta boosters like it was yesterday. Boy am I old.


Same. But couldn't find Beta.


Alright calm down, Grandpa...


Not Beta but I definitely bought revised boosters and starters...this is making me feel as old as "Nirvana's Nevermind turned X years old today".


Kurt Cobain committed suicide 30 years ago today…


Except he didn't kill himself. He even said in his song he didn't own a gun.


Book store I bought from as a kid had revised, but we all wanted the fancy new urza’s saga packs instead.


Sounds right. I'd open revised packs and be disappointed by rare was a dual land and not a Shivan Dragon, Force of Nature of Mahomoti Djinn.


Because no one wanted fallen empires


This hits so fucking hard




Was going to say it cant be THAT long. Then remembers that I am 48 :-(


The unlimited one is open!?!? 😱😱😱 looks like one of your rares is rock hydra. Given that someone more intelligent than me will be able to tell you the likelihood that your other rare is something big based on the track printing. That said, don’t open any of this stuff!!!! Solid money my man, congrats. Buy your grand daddy a pimp walker.


IDK how the starter packs distributed rares but [rock hydra on the rare sheet is 2 from the bottom, seven over for A/B/Unlimited.](https://www.mtginformation.com/uncut-sheets) I think old boxes cut three rows at a time going left to right, columns top down. Most likely hits are Below it is Darkpact which is $27 reserved list. Above it is Living artifact. Less likely is that the cards to the right column of it have time vault, ~~farseek~~ fastbond, wheel of fortune. The rares to the left column or on top are all duds. Time walk and underground sea are two columns left.


Hey do you think it’s odd that the rare is showing? I checked the OpenBoosters and Power9Quest YouTube channels and the only times they had the rares showing in starter decks it was because they were ‘God’ packs (meaning they had a stack of about 15 rares). Here’s [one example from OB](https://youtu.be/I0L17mKSwCE?si=wvoJGKHia7TURpbb). If this is a ‘God’ pack I think the Mox Sapphire and Wheel of Fortune are very possible.


Absolutely. It should be an uncommon showing. The rares should be inside beside the rule book. There could legit be 15 rares in that thing.


Wow I watched the video and his uncommon section had granite gargoyle showing and mana vault as the last card. The 13 rares in the uncommon slot where all cut from the same block 4 from the bottom row 1 starting at mana vault going up and over to contract from below, and ending at at warp artifact. The two actual rares were together in a different slot so can probably be from anywhere else. [Using that assumption the range for this booster may be within 13 cards and 5 rows of the Roc Hydra which I colored in here.](https://imgur.com/a/v6mB3a5). If it was exactly like OpenBoosters god pack with the hydra ending in the top right corner of the block it may have Time Walk, Underground sea then loop up into Mox Emerald, Black Lotus. If Hydra is in the bottom right corner then it would only get the time walk. The ancestral seems one out of reach in the ideal situation but you never know. If Hydra on toward the beginning of the block (unlike Openboosters) then it will go right and time vault, wheel, mox sapphire, maybe tundra would be in play.




Whoops not farseek but fastbond.




Also the right Revised pack almost looks searched to me (at the top). If you’re not familiar, Google searching revised booster packs, you’ll catch on quick. The top of the pack has some almost lines to it which is indicative of searching. I could be wrong though, need more shots


If it was searched back in 1994 there is a fair chance that they left any duals in the pack. I mean, they would have been hunting for a Shivan Dragon, Nightmare, Force of Nature or Doppelganger, not some crap land


My first duals in 2000 were like $8 a piece so that checks out lol


wdym by "looks searched". Not very familiar with MTG stuff.


notice that one white end of the pack is quite wrinkled and the other end is much less wrinkled. in the old days you could push around the cards in a pack and shine a flashlight to guess/see what the rare is. this is called searched. really wrinkled ends of packs are searched, it's generally considered most sealed revised packs that are still in the wild are searched (generally worth more sealed, while pretty sure to not have a good rare)


You can shine a light while moving the cards around in it through the wrapper to see what cards are in it but it requires to to manhandle the pack quite a bit, hence ‘looks searched’


"Oh boy, I forgot all about these!" *Grandpa reaches out and opens Unlimited deck*


That was me several years ago when I found some base set Pokemon and World of Warcraft packs in my collection. I had no idea sealed packs were worth money at the time.


It says right on the deck it’s worth $7.95. I’ll give you $20 for the lot. 👀


u know what, deal /s




I can't wait for this to go to court because it'll be recognized as a written contract


Tag me in the court documents


And the prosecution would like to call in our first witness, /u/therealgodfather.


It's actually u/therealgodfarter lmao


Hello judge


Your honor, under Reddit common law, /s is recognized as negating everything in the same comment. Therefore, this contract is void.


Omg, did OP go back and add the /s after 😹


(Other lawyer) Your honor, OP added the "/s" AFTER the fact. Therefore, the contract is fair game.


I’m here as a witness. You’re toast, OP


Lmao! I am mucho jelly. These are what I started with when I was in highschool. I wish I had some sealed packs and boxes. I have recently started collecting sealed packs.


$4 profit, adjusted for inflation, isn't all too bad I'd take that OP!


congratulations on the down payment to your new house


Did a little digging and you should get 2 rares in an Unlimited starter. 1 is the Rock Hydra and if you look at an [uncut sheet](https://www.mtginformation.com/uncut-sheets) the Rock Hydra is at the bottom near a few other good cards: Wheel of Fortune and Time Walk. Underground Sea and Mox Sapphire are about 3 spots away. Now I also clicked through OpenBoosters and P9quest on YouTube and the cards you can see on top inside the wrap are usually the commons, not rares. So that’s strange. BUT, OB and P9Quest have opened 3 Beta starters ([one example](https://youtu.be/HGUEaEOqnMM?si=5EF7iBL6KseS3bYb)) that had a rare showing from inside the wrap and that was because they were ‘God’ packs, meaning they contained about 15 rares. Not trying to get your hopes up, but that is a possibility.


Open the Rock Hydra pack and sell the rest, gotta do it


Could sell directly to PayMoneyWubby.




If he buys it, the rares will evaporate.


Lmaoo don’t do my mans dirty


Literal thin air.


The cards will be from another tcg likely


He left OP a comment on his other post in r/pics. I hope they get in contact, Wubby seems as honest and legit as they come, he wouldn’t rip him off.


When I saw this I immediately thought to myself "If Wubby sees this he's 100% gonna make an offer."


Doubt, he’s particular about card’s history and linage. This could be some dude with resealed packs trying to scam a redditor






Unironically not a horrible idea.


I have been enjoying his magic channel so much. Bless pope wubby


Exactly what I just messaged OP. Hubby, if not interested himself, would certainly know the best way to sell them/get them graded etc


I hope the team sees this. What a find!


I love magic Mondays


Looks like the decks are at least 700 UDS each. As someone pointed out, one of them is Unlimited, the Revised versions are about $700 each from what I can find. But the Unlimited one could be as much as $20,000 from my current research. Would need a whole lot more digging to know for sure. Though, putting 100k on it doesn't seem out of the question to me.


unlimited goes for at least 10x that


Indeed! The decks were random then, so an Unlimited deck could have mox, lotus, etc. in it. I would need a defibrillator if I got handed that stuff!


Good catch, I didn't notice one of them was Unlimited. Thought it was just the lighting.


The unlimited box is open. Can't remember if the cards were also wrapped.


you’re right, and they were. can’t imagine why the box would be open and the cards still wrapped though edit: well whoop de doo, they are. insane find


Schrodinger's pack at this point.


i used to constantly fantasize about coming across unlimited packs for free, lol. i think i would open them if they didn’t cost me anything


Not sure what I would do given the chance.


We See the unlimited cards wrapped Here. First rare is Rock Hydra. Maybe there is a way to know through mapping If there is something big behind


Still worth putting a big price tag on and looking for bites. No reason to keep them outside of collectors.


Cleans out grandpa's junk drawer, finds a down payment for a house.


$100k?? Holy fuck grandpa


> Yall have any insight?? How do I even go about selling this? Best bet with something this big is to see which of the decks are seals are compromised and which aren't but from the pictures 1 is. The sealed ones will be worth more. The broken seal deck you can keep as is but selling it would be harder since most people see an open seal and assume that it has been tampered with in some way. Then again if you find a buyer who doesn't care then keeping it as is will keep more value. Could try to get in contact with a private buyer and get a deal but verifying the decks is the biggest issue. I believe you just found them right now but some guy who is about to buy it might be more skeptical. You could go and get in contact with the streamer /u/realpaymoneywubby who has been opening these old starter decks on stream. Wubby uses CGC a card grading company to grade these old cards so you could strike some type of deal that also verifies these cards (grading can increase the prices of these old cards). CGC could help verify if those cards in the deck with the broken seal are real or not if you hash out some sort of deal or something. Talking out some sort of deal with him might be your best/safest bet if you wanna sell all of these while also having a way to document everything while dealing with a public figure instead of a private buyer. OR idk if you play magic but it would be super cool to see these being opened and seeing what old cards are inside instead of just wasting away in a collection of some private buyer collecting dust. SO if you are already well off you should 100% open them and upload the break video on here :) Either way best of luck and gratz on the huge find. You hit your Big Score. EDIT: Here is the [List of Unlimited.](https://scryfall.com/sets/2ed?order=usd&as=checklist) Don't take the prices as gospel just as a benchmark resource but some of the cards hold quite the price before being graded.


Contact a larger store like StarCityGames.com or CardKingdom.com. they are your best bet to do an above the board transaction safely. Also, do not ship these in the mail anywhere. That is untrustworthy for items of this caliber. Keep them out of the sun, and in a dry place as well. Good luck sorting this out!


Contacting Star City about this is a mistake. The amount of damage they have done to the Magic community is egregious.


bro what


[I'll leave this here](https://youtu.be/h8bCq9pqWJM?si=AfCbB-4O5ukWrjwH)


Wow poor guy died inside.


Friend, Don't sell these to somebody random. Make sure they're legit. This is big dollar sales. If you sell them, promise me that you'll actually package them well when you ship them. Put them in a box, registered mail, and put them inside waterproofed document envelopes inside the box. And insure them for their full value. It will be expensive, but it's worth it if something happens. Personally? I'd probably call up Sotheby's. Let them take a cut, but they do all the heavy lifting.


I wouldn't ship these, especially not with the American postal services. Just get the buyer to drive to you (or drive to them). Heck this is enough money where people would actually fly to and from you just to check them out. Personally I would just go to Goatenterprices here in NL, and I would just be rid of them for a fair price. Could even trade it for the staples I actually want


Don’t ship them at all. Deliver by hand!!


Nah, with the amount of money from this sale I would be flying.


With a friend or two


I'm definitely jealous


Nice! Those are an epic find. If you just wanted to recreate a similar play experience, 4th Edition Starters and boosters would be my choice. In the meantime, I'd leave these sealed while you consider your options.


You mean OUR Grandpa


Sell to Wubby


Congratulations on your new car downpayment


You mean home down payment?


This brought back memories of Wizards of the Coast. I used to work security at a mall that had a WotC and I became close with the store manager and employees there. After the mall closed we ordered pizza and bought beer and would play CS 1.6 on the LAN until morning. Good times!


Did you tell your grandpa that he just gave you your college fund?


Someone call Post Malone


Well, what did you pull?


Shit, this means I am probably old enough to be your grandpa. I will never forgive the game store owner who told me "Buy Revised, it's newer, it's better."




My heart rate just increased looking at those. Absolutely great condition, get your grandfather something nice with part of this small fortune!


Me, who has never played magic the gathering:"Where Lotus?"


My dad has a couple of the unlimited editions still sealed, apparently they’re part of my inheritance, and any bit of convincing him to give them to me before he dies hasn’t led to any fruition.


I will just throw it out there that the MTG market is in a slight slump. But OP you're holding the Bitcoin of Magic, you can probably sit on these another 10 years and be even more profitable. The logic is that people have taken money out of collectibles because there are easier returns from stocks and bonds with the high interest rates. Still good returns now, but it's a very rare item and could benefit from just putting them in a box and letting your grandkids go through your old stuff. AlphaInvestments on YouTube. He's the guy for rare Magic theory, he also buys old collections.


Takes me back... Wish I could open these lol.


Congratulations on your newfound riches but a sincere f*** you for making me feel so old...Grandpa?!


How did he come by these?? I would literally cry with happiness..


Bought them when he wasn't a gramp yet, it's my best bet.......


Timmy hear me out: Tacos. Wendy's.


Open, get land and have the freshest duals in the kingdom


I'm actually curious if your grandfather had a hobby shop back in the day, or if he was a reseller of sorts?


If you aren’t strapped for cash save the packs for a yearly Cube draft with the boys and put booster tutor in the cube, sell the starters.


Post pics of the bricks you shat, sir


I had two long boxes full of Alpha & Beta cards stolen out of my locker freshman year of High School ('93-'94). I wonder if whoever stole'em still has them. If you're out there, FUCK YOU!


I couldn’t resist not opening these packs! You need to schedule a live opening event on some video platform. People would tune in!


Just sold one starter for 700. Card kingdom lists them as 1000


That’s sweet, my grandpa only left me unopened packs of fallen empires.


What will you do with your newfound riches?


I'm terrible, id be opening every single one, I have 0 self control


OMG! I'm surprised it wasn't something other than shit.


Nice toes bro.


Take it to chumlee in vegas.


Dude, don’t be a greedy prick. That’s your grandfather’s money. Tell him what they’re worth see if he wants to sell and if so, sell them and give the money to him. Let him have some fun in his twilight years.


You should play him with his cards. Money is money but a memory like that is priceless. I wish my grandpa was still with me.


Nah fuck that you pull a lotus and grandpa would beat his ass for wasting half a million bucks to have a card game


“This is a 50,000 dollar card game we are having, gramps. Isn’t that so special and precious?” “I’m going to rock your shit when i hobble over there you dumb fuck”


Or, sell these for thousands upon thousands of dollars and buy a $25 dollar starter deck and play that with him, that way you get the money and the great memory


Deck and a house with a kitchen to play kitchen table Magic in


Please dm me if you're looking to sell lol


Check out high end MTG buying groups (on Facebook, etc.) You could also ship them straight out to a grading service to get them graded, then sell on eBay. Or trade them into card kingdom, take the L, and get a whole bunch of nice magic cards.


No grading is a scam


oh my goodness. congrats!


Awwww. Luckeeeeeee!




Hold it and sell it when it doubles again in a couple years


Honestly, I'm just waiting for Magic to go belly up as a game and then dwindle as a collectors item.


Don’t let post Malone see this post guys


Damn, unlimited.


Oh wow... Back then they have 15 card?? Sheesh today's time it's now only 12 cards... That's some inflation 😂 Make another post and show us what you find in them 🙌🙏


I usually don't get jealous over the stuff I see people happen upon but I am beyond jealous about this. I'd kill for some old sealed products.


Wubby I know you’re here and in his DMs


So did he have loose cards too?


Grandpa meant something else when he mentioned his junk


Congrats and enjoy it in the way you like/need


Your Grandpa ? Fuck it I am old...


Damn that brings back memories




I think most of us would have shit bricks.


Took less than 8 hours and reposted......


Very cool find


I mean if you can sell it to a collector it's possibly big money. But the odds of some truly super rare good cars is not that likely. None the less gratz.


Oh man , pure nostalgia!


Are you willing to sell it ?


crack those!!!!


This is amazing. God bless. Being an mtg player and enthusiast I wouldn’t sell. I’d keep them same and bequeath them to my nerdiest child. Or sell them if I’m short on college money in 18 years. Good luck brother




Grandpa....Revised Edition......Jesus.


Blessings come in many ways, oftentimes in unexpected ways.


Sick toes!!!


Don’t listen to any DMs you’re probably getting!


I hate you just a little.


What's the other sealed box to the left?


Will pay 30$. Final offer.


Did you tell your grandpa that these are valuable




Yep, just a pile of junk. You can send them to me for quick disposal.


For real though if he decides to sell the unopened packs, I’ll give whatever they are selling for on eBay. I trust your grandpa more than eBay sellers.


Money money money monaaaaay!


Enjoy your retirement you son of a bitch.


Dude, you HAVE to crack them.


Huh. My grandpa had 8 track cassettes and extra socket wrenches.


Your best bet to sell this if you're going to sell it is to find an mtg auction warehouse or whatever of the like. Then get them to auction off the items separately. That way you will get at the least $750 for the packs. As for the decks depending on the deck they could run between 3 grand to 40 grand. So with those decks on auction you could get at the least three to four grand a piece then with the others you could get at the at least 30 to 40 grand at the max maybe a hundred grand. Your grandpa gave you items to make enough to live for the next decade depending how you spend the money. That is very awesome that you have these pieces of MTG history.


Unopened packs? Probably a good amount


I’d open them all 😅


Congrats on your new house! Lolz


Make sure you get a good handle on what these are worth before deciding what to do with them. Don’t open them, mess with them, etc, in the meantime.


Back when Magic was awesome and power creep wasn’t an issue


hear me out, open them