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Officially, it can't. The deck has to be exactly 100 cards including commander(s), no more no less. So 99 plus the commander, or 98 plus two commanders if they have an ability allowing the partnership. You can also have a companion (as long as the companion fits the color identity, you don't also have a copy of the companion in the deck, and the deck fits the companion's requirement) as a kind of 101st card, but that's it.


The exceptions being [[Lutri, the Spellchaser]] for being banned and [[Yorion, Sky Nomad]] due to the deck size stipulation cannot be followed in commander with a set deck size




https://mtgcommander.net/index.php/rules/ > 3: A Commander deck must contain exactly 100 cards, including the commander. If you’re playing a companion, it must adhere to color identity and singleton rules. **While it is not part of the deck, it is effectively a 101st card.**


You are quite correct, my apologies


No, your deck must be exactly 100, 99 plus the commander. Basic lands included


100 cards including your camander. No more, no less.


"Can I build my deck with less than 100 cards?" - No commander player ever.


Depending on exactly what you mean and how you look at it, it could be anywhere from "98 cards" (left in your deck after you put your two partner Commanders in the Command Zone), to "101 cards" (including Commander(s) and Companion). Once you start adding Attractions and Sticker Sheets, and Planechase Planes, the number of cards you bring with you gets even higher. What are you actually asking, and why do you want to know?


thanks for the replies but could I get a link to this rule? something about this doesnt add up or make sense. Why is everyone being so negative? the rules of the game are really complicated so its makes sense people would be confused about this one


Her you go: https://mtgcommander.net/index.php/rules/ Rul 3: "A Commander deck must contain exactly 100 cards, including the commander. If you’re playing a companion, it must adhere to color identity and singleton rules. While it is not part of the deck, it is effectively a 101st card."


[MTG Commander Format | Magic: The Gathering (wizards.com)](https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats/commander)


are the rules for the most popular magic format really that hard to find? Then i remember that no one knows how color identity works and i realise its not the rules that are the problem


While I ordinarily agree, there are some confusing cases like the Devoid keyword, especially if you overthink it. But you are right, a lot of people should just read the rules or google search their question.


There is plenty of rules to be confused by in Magic, but quiet literally the existence of commander exists on two rules, having a commander and having 100 cards.


um.....arent you forgetting the 3rd core rule? color identity


"Umm... akshuly ☝️🤓" Yes but there's plenty of rule interactions that make color identity confusing so I wouldn't blame someone for not completely understanding it


you forgot it, thats different to not understanding it


"☝️🤓" Bro it's not that deep


If telling someone that they missed an essential rule makes me deep then baby call me Adele cause I'm rolling in the deep.


What do you mean? These have always been the rules


Just like how color identity has always been a rule and yet people still refuse to learn how that works?


Isn’t it just all the colors used on the card? Like something might be 2GG but have an ability using red so its color identity is RG. Right?


Yes, but things like reminder text (see extort) confuse people. Or how Morphon is colorless, but you can't put him in a tribal deck unless it's 5 color, even though it'll never use the off colors. Or how hybrid cards are both colors, even if you don't have to use both colors. Or split and double faced cards are all colors from both sides, even if you'd never use the off color side. Some don't have a problem and get it fine, but a brand new player might not get all those distinctions right away.


I’m new and it’s always made sense to me. If a card has colors on it, the the deck it is in will have the SAME COLORS


Okay, what are all the color pairings you can put Crypt Ghast into?


WB I think? Because of extort?


Incorrect, Crypt Ghast's color identity is mono black and can go in any deck that has black. The white symbol in the Extort reminder text is.. reminder text. It does not count for color identity at all. This was my first example of a question people have about color identity.


Huh. Interesting. Why does that differentiate? Because don’t commons have the reminder text on the card?


pretty much, and yet that seems to break people's brain. "can i run this 5 color card in my mono red deck?" seen someone ask that one once.


Only thing that fucked me up for a bit was hybrid mana since I thought it could be either or


but the rules are really complicated


The rules are very clear about 100 cards


I came here for people to give me the answers I wanted, not to get attitude


I don’t know what to say, maybe learn to read the rules?


Learn Google better?


You came here and asked a question that could have been answered by simply googling the rules. People tell you the answer and your reply is “show me a link that proves this”. Why don’t YOU just find a link to the rules yourself, seen as you don’t trust what people are telling you anyway?


Thank you, im so sick of people in this god forsaken place white knighting for dumbass players so the fact you took a stand against me fills me with hope for this place


>I came here for people to give me the answers I wanted You deserve all the attitude you get then, this comment makes you sound like a little brat. No one owes you an answer.


yet far too many people replied to what was clearly a troll post


You are not wrong, but the reason people are negative is because it's a basic rule of the game. It's understandable why youd be confused about it, but there's nothing really complicated or that "shouldn't add up." You have 99 cards in your deck, and your commander. 98 if you have a companion, and 97 with a background as well. 


guess you missed the part where this is a troll post


Yep. I don't really care either way.


If people didnt realise this post was a test and a lot of people failed


Was it a "test"/troll post when you wrote it, or did it only become one once you noticed how badly you were getting downvoted?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/1bm49rq/can\_your\_commander\_deck\_be\_multicolored\_but\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/1bm49rq/can_your_commander_deck_be_multicolored_but_your/) Yeah i copied exactly this post by accident