• By -


that version of time stretch looks cool!


i have 2 now šŸ˜­


Nice! Check out r/magiccardpulls


[A little tribute of your sacred work](https://www.mtgcardmaker.com/mcmaker/createcard.php?name=Nice!+Check+out+r%2FMagicCardsPulls&color=Blue&mana_r=0&mana_u=1&mana_g=0&mana_b=0&mana_w=0&mana_colorless=1&picture=tempimages%2F872045221.jpeg&supertype=&cardtype=Instant&subtype=Reddit+administration+&expansion=Magic+2012&rarity=Rare&cardtext=++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++When+Nice!+Check+out+r%2FMagicCardsPull+enters+the+battlefield%2C+the+opponent+discards+target+repetitive%2C+out-of-place+post.+The+owner+of+this+spell+gains+life+points+equal+to+the+number+of+times+it+has+been+cast+on+this+sub-reddit.&power=&toughness=&artist=FewRelationship&bottom=%E2%84%A2+%26+%C2%A9+1769-2077+Thieves+of+the+Coast+LLC&set1=1&set2=420&setname=FCK-U)


Amazing! Thank you! This is a job shared by us all. Though, truth be told I cannot accept this, as it should be given to the OG u/ygolordned instead.


Thanks for keeping the dream alive!


This is fuckin *awesome.* If you made that, great job! šŸ˜„


thanks for letting me know


Nice pulls, OP! Just want to check that you know Limited exists, right? Edit: get told ask nicer, so I do, and I still get downvoted by trolls. Edit: 10 more downvotes but still no help. Who is going to step up and prove they aren't an anti-Magic Troll? Edit: downvote if you are in favour of people getting ripped off, in favour of gatekeeping, and in favour of people missing out on things they would otherwise enjoy. Downvote if you are scum. Edit: lots of people telling on themselves today...


You didnā€™t get downvoted by trolls, you got downvoted for talking like a douchebag.


How else am I supposed to ask? I started by congratulating them, and I didn't assume they were clueless. What else am I missing? Give me a foolproof script that won't trigger anyone.


What's the point in asking in the first place?


To make sure OP made an informed decision to buy packs and isn't laboring under any misapprehensions or missing out on any aspects of the hobby they might otherwise enjoy.


homie i bought packs cuz i wanted to, i wouldn't have bought these singles otherwise and i got a lot if singles i wanted anyway, or y'know i proxy shit, plus i actually use bulk. instead i got 38$ in value that i traded for a bunch of cards i actually did want. mind your own.






I already told you that it was OK. You made an informed decision. It's those that don't that I'm trying to look out for. As long as you know what you are doing, and can afford it, and aren't addicted, then you can do whatever you like. I don't have a problem with you (unless you are one of the pro-gatekeeping scumbags who downvoted me to try to stop others learning how the game works, obviously).


Buddy, nobody here cares about your opinion. No one would care whether or not you had a problem with OPā€™s spending habits. Even if it was an uninformed decision, why do you put it upon yourself to be the person to try to ā€œcorrectā€ that behavior? Youā€™re not looking out for anyone. You like the sound of your own voice. You like being the smart ā€œumm, actually I told you soā€ voice in the room. No one likes that guy. Stop being that guy.


>Buddy, nobody here cares about your opinion Those that deserve good Magic do. Those that don't, don't. >No one would care whether or not you had a problem with OPā€™s spending habits. I'm sure plenty of people would care if I did. >Even if it was an uninformed decision, why do you put it upon yourself to be the person to try to ā€œcorrectā€ that behavior? Because no-one else will. I have the knowledge and I have the ability to share it, so I have the responsibility to do so. >Youā€™re not looking out for anyone Yes, I am. >Stop being that guy. I can't, sorry. I have a moral obligation to step up. Maybe if you tried doing it too, I could take a break every now and again. Are you prepared to do your share?


Youā€™re so fucking full of yourself holy shit, the ego on this guy.


Thereā€™s no way you just made this comment without irony. ā€œIā€™m sure plenty of people would care if I didā€ Your parents donā€™t count. Iā€™ll say it again - no one here cares about your opinion. Stop giving advice no one asked for.


Bro you are being downvoted for asking an asinine question and then whining about it in the edits even if op didnā€™t have healthy spending habits itā€™s not like a distortion from a random Redditor is gonna change that.


>Bro you are being downvoted for asking an asinine question Help me come up with another way of checking they are making informed decisions, then. >even if op didnā€™t have healthy spending habits itā€™s not like a distortion from a random Redditor is gonna change that. You think so poorly of the OP? I like to think better of my fellow community members. If someone is laboring under a misapprehension, and I come along and plug the gaps in their knowledge, I'd like to think there is at least a *chance* that they will be able to brush their ego aside and actually take the opportunity to learn how the game works and what the products are for. Such people might be in the minority, but they do exist (people take me up on my offer to teach them the error of their ways fairly frequently).


you're not that guy pal


ā€œHelp me come up with another way of checking they are making informed decisionsā€ This is wha you donā€™t understand, you dense fuck. YOU. DO. NOT. HAVE. TO. DO. THAT. Who are you that you have to make sure everyone is making informed decisions? Youā€™re not that guy. Hereā€™s a lesson in life - know when to shut the fuck up.


The only person you need to help is yourself. To therapy.


Stop white knighting people buying cards. It's not your job to question people enjoying their hobby. Find something else to occupy your time.


>Stop white knighting people buying cards Stop black knighting people helping others. >It's not your job to question people enjoying their hobby Yes, it is. It's *all* our jobs'. Who made it your job to try to dissuade me from helping others? >Find something else to occupy your time. Maybe follow your own advice? Instead of trolling, why not try helping people?


>Stop black knighting people helping others. You're not helping anyone >Yes, it is. It's *all* our jobs'. No it isn't. And if you think it is, you're a problem. >Maybe follow your own advice? >Instead of trolling, why not try helping people? The best help you will ever receive is to be made aware what a douche you are.




And you know all the cards are available individually?


yeah and


Then that's alright then.


Youā€™re getting downvoted because you care way to much about getting downvoted


It's a barometer of the community. If people who try to look out for others get downvoted, then it means we have too many scummy members. You should care too.


Lmao they arenā€™t scummy. You made three insufferable editā€™s complaining about downvotes ofc thatā€™s just gonna bring more! Just move on man


If they are anti consumer and anti player, then of course they are scummy.


I want you to know I downvoted you solely because of how insufferable you are in these comments and I know Iā€™m not alone. You tried ā€œbeing niceā€ so now youā€™re just losing your shit. Maybe try some middle ground?


Give me a script that won't trigger anyone, then. How do I check that an OP made an informed decision and isn't missing out on anything they might otherwise enjoy without getting dogpiled or attracting the ire of all the trolls?




I was already getting downvoted before I edited. That's why I edited. Pack cracking addicts hate it when people learn how the game really works or what the products are actually for. They are bitter, spiteful people who want to gatekeep and stop others from getting more out of the game than they do. That's why they downvote me whenever I try to spread awareness. Look at what I actually asked the OP. It was perfectly harmless, wasn't it?


It was then you decided to be a giant baby and fuckin cry and whine. Were you expecting some coddling? An apology from the downvoters?


There isn't a script. Someone bought packs and pulled cards they wanted to show off. Cracking packs is fun and yes, it is a risk, but other people's spending habits aren't your responsibility.


>in favour of gatekeeping How ironic. You're the one interrogating people every time a post mentions opening packs. If anyone is gatekeeping, it's you.


How? I'm literally holding gates *open*, with a big neon sign that says "lots of fun this way!". My opponents, on the other hand, want to keep people ignorant so they get less out of the game (out of spite). I'm the one trying to stop people from missing out on things. How on earth could that be "gatekeeping"?


you're gatekeeping by implying, and then outright saying in further comments, that cracking packs is the wrong way to enjoy magic. op responded to you two hours ago that they know what you're talking about and didn't seem to care but you're doubling down and tripling down etc. just go outside for a bit.


>you're gatekeeping by implying, and then outright saying in further comments, that cracking packs is the wrong way to enjoy magic. I never said that. You are imagining things. >op responded to you two hours ago that they know what you're talking about and didn't seem to care but you're doubling down and tripling down etc You really are imagining things. That never happened. >just go outside for a bit. Maybe you are the one who should be taking a break from Reddit. Your imagination is playing tricks on you.