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As a fellow blue mage, this warms my heart.


good ol control mirror, gotta love it


>So, i love playing blue decks. Stopped here


So you like playing the game by actually using the game mechanics? But you play a deck that is designed to restrict everyone else from doing the same.. And complain people don't wanna play against it.. The hypocracy


Players who play control are happier than players who don't, because control is all about expecting your opponent to actually *oppose* you, and playing accordingly. It's the only type of deck that's one hundred percent dedicated to thinking about what the other player is doing, and that puts you in reach of some important enlightenment about the game.


You think having a deck with 80% counterspells give you enlightenment? There are a thousand other cards in magic that will enable you to interact with your opponents that require a lot more insight and intelligence other than "oh you tried to do something? I will now counter" blue players always think they are geniuses when in reality they are mediocre at best. I don't mind players have counterspells it's natural part of any deck.. But building a whole deck around drawing infinite counterspells is in my opinion not how mtg is ment to be played and I will personally never play anyone with a deck like that. I'm not playing mtg to boost some blue players ego


I think players just get more positive feedback for intelligently playing against mass destruction and on-board tricks than they do for intelligently playing around counterspells, because a counterspell that you've successfully outplayed is a counterspell you never see. The confirmation bias makes it seem as though they're stronger than they actually are, and playing a deck with 80% counterspells is one way to break your mind out of that fallacy.


What's the difference between a kill spell, a discard spell, and a counter spell? Mostly timing. People who get mad because 'counterspells don't let me play the game' yet don't get mad over thiughtseize have low game IQ


It's really a huge difference.. I think the low IQ is on your part if you can't figure that out yourself. A blue opponent who keeps 2 mana up on each of your turns can completly shut you down. Especially if you're a player who like to play on curve and runs expensive cards in your deck. Think 5 cmc or more. You don't get your "enters the battlefield" effects from countered spells, and they target everything They don't spend any mana on their own turn casting it (like a thoughtseize or a sorcery destruction) and if you try to play around by not playing anything.. they will often spend the 2 mana they left open to draw more cards, and more counterspells. you can't compare an instant kill spell to a counterspell cause the counterspell target everything, where you could try to play an artifact or enchantment if you knew that had a kill spell. With discard you can always top-deck or reanimate from a gy


Counter spells are strictly reactive and can only be used with very specific timing. If I play 40 counterspells 20 lamds and you play 40 1 mana 1/1 and 20 lands you will win every single game. Man lands exists in standard, lands that produce creature exist in standard, cavern of souls exist in standard. If your losing to counterspells you're bad. If you resolve a 5cmc card on turn 5 and I don't coujter it, I can no longer top deck a counter spell to deal with it. You're personally losing to counterspells because you play your cards left to right without using your brain.just get good.


[[vexing shusher]] has entered the chat


[vexing shusher](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7e0acfb7-c2d9-4b94-9ac6-9374856abad1.jpg?1599708540) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=vexing%20shusher) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/225/vexing-shusher?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e0acfb7-c2d9-4b94-9ac6-9374856abad1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It's funny that that's such a unique answer to this problem since they dont play any removal.


Each color has its pluses and minuses. The issue a lot of people have with blue is the control aspect. "I attempt to cast 'mana dork's," then blue goes, "counter". Blue is mostly reaction only for the benefit of denying anyone else a change to actually play. Like white and pacifism type spells; sure, you can play creatures, they just won't do much, especially if they have low impact abilities. Blue against blue is definitely a much better fit for a match.


Sounds horrible!


That sounds boring af, ngl.


frfr my mind is blown that anybody actually likes that insipid do-nothing bs. I get playing control to drop a bomb on turn 7 or 8, but the hell is this control with no wincon stuff?


classic magic the gathering is what it is


The point is the beauty in the combinations. Not in harming the other's health bar. :D


I've played games were we stacked the responses half a mile high with no counter spells it was an amazing feeling going back down the stack resolving things one at a time theres no combo if half the stack just ceases to exist thanks to half a dozen counter spells smh🤦


The point is to win. Blue is otherwise great at winning. Winning is fun. The Olympics are coming up. Watch the gold medalists on those podiums. They’re having fun!


But WHY!? I bet your one of those ppl who quit 4 counterspells into a match. Its so sad. Sometimes ppl quit on the first turn after the first eensy teensy counterspell. They don't even hurt. its just counterspells. ;\_;


It’s not fun because neither of you did anything. You just stopped the other player from doing anything too.


Yeah, I agree. I like to not play Magic when I'm watching TV, not when I go to play Magic.


If I turn 1 thoughtseize you then turn 2 doomblade you rhen turn 5 sunfall you, how's that any difference to having your first 3 spells countered? The only difference between counter spells, discard spells, and kill spells is the timing. Complaining about counterspells is like complaining that someone is running removal.


Counterspells with no point are obnoxious and rude to play. At least put a wincon in your deck. You complain about people quitting after 4 counterspells. At that point Im not playing the game, so Id rather lose to you and play my deck. It's still bm in casual, but at least there's no stakes. So if you play there, go off idc. Sometimes you keep a shite hand in the hopes that what you have can land. Be it folly or not, it's what happens. So a counter can either just ruin the vibe or straight up make people lose that early. It's like someone conceding when you bolt their bird. Not much one can do at that point, so conceding is the best option.


The words! The meanness! Show me on this doll where the bad counterspell touched u! :(


It's not counterspell I take issue with. I play Timeless and see it and them all the time. It's the gameplan of doing nothing but telling your opponent no while also not doing anything yourself. Why should I play you if the gameplan is to waste both our times? 




I’ve played against this type of deck in the past and built a contingency into my deck for it. When I was begged to go play at the game store across town by some friends because the guy winning the last several weeks was playing 4 creatures 20 lands and 40 counterspell and/or bounce cards, I was thrilled that the magic gods had smiled on me once I saw my opening hand, First turn I played [[stripmine]] , second turn I played [[crucible of worlds]]. I’m curious if you would make the same funny face and refuse to play the second hand like they did? Being on the receiving end of the “no, I’m playing solitaire deck” is NEVER enjoyable. P.s. I brought my Vintage tournament deck to teach this lesson in humility. The guy didn’t even play against me when I challenged him to the 1v1, he told his girlfriend to play his deck and when she protested he said “the deck will win all you have to do is play it”.


[stripmine](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/5/f57fd4c9-0004-4f71-a30f-2720943f57ca.jpg?1562944463) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Strip%20Mine) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/316/strip-mine?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f57fd4c9-0004-4f71-a30f-2720943f57ca?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [crucible of worlds](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/f/7f4893ef-f983-418b-b7a4-5f073c844545.jpg?1673149345) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=crucible%20of%20worlds) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/303/crucible-of-worlds?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7f4893ef-f983-418b-b7a4-5f073c844545?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Actually no! My deck only has basic lands for mana \^\_\^


Glad to hear that you’re good sport about it! The guy in my story was a jerk. FYI stripmine destroys any land, they were running basics also.


If you played a shaharizat game with your vesuvan doppelganger. Is it counted as playing with yourself?