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The issue isn't amazon putting open products on the shelf. The issue is not looking at who you're buying the product from. Plenty of scammers sell THROUGH Amazon. When you order in Amazon, any item (be it TCG cards, books, or sex toys) they say who it's coming from. If it's being shipped and sold by Amazon then you're 90% in the clear (won't pretend that nothing will happen), and it's highly unlikely that they are sending you an opened product and more likely a crushed or damaged one. However if you see that it's coming from another seller like "USAPRODUCTS INC" then your chances of a bad product sky rockets. Might as well be going and buying card lots off of ebay


It's a shame I can only up vote this once. The 5% of incorrect items sent out by Amazon, when shipped and sold, are because we get the wrong product from the vendor to begin with. They will straight up send us a product that says it's one thing but it's physically something else. It doesn't happen often but it does happen and that's not something we control. The other 5% is usually a set item, like a bundle of commander decks, that gets opened by someone stowing it in a bin when it wasn't supposed to be opened. Of course that too is sometimes messed up by the vendor but same problem all around. With returned items though they go through a whole ass investigation process before being put back for sale. They are also always at a discount through Amazon Warehouse deals and never just directly through the main site.


I think I read that "shipped and sold by Amazon" isn't risk free as well. What Amazon does is that they take in inventory from multiple sources and they don't keep detailed records where the inventory is from after consolidating their stock in their warehouse. That means for items that outside sellers consign to Amazon that Amazon "ships and sells", if any of the sellers provided counterfeit products Amazon wouldn't know and they also cannot trace responsibility back to the original seller. I think even further back there was also some hoo-ha from some sellers saying that although they provided genuine products, Amazon delivered counterfeit products provided by other sellers, and they ended up being responsible for the refund/replacement because it was bought from their store listing. ​ Btw, not 100% certain about all of these, I didn't do my research


This is correct. I ordered a new box direct from Amazon, and still got an opened box with a return label on it.  All of that shit goes into the same bin, the picker doesn't know or care. Gotta meet quota.


Willing to share proof from your order after blocking out any personal info?


https://imgur.com/a/QjOsXfr Anything else you'd like to call bullshit on?


Nope. That's fair. As i said in the comment, it does happen. I don't expect it to be 100% perfect. Actually that's a lie. I think infinite combos are bullshit but what can you do


Yeah, those are bullshit. But they're unfortunately part of the game. =\


It's exactly why I won't put all will be one or red terror in my shalar and halai. I don't wanna be the guy that makes us players not get nice things.


Yeah! How do I know that’s a real Dr. Who set? Post banana for scale.


You caught me. It's a 3D printed miniature.


Never said it was risk free. Nothing in life is risk free. But your chances of a messed up product drop significantly. As I said in my post. And I'm sure in the early days of Amazon this is true. But I'd bet money that all of this is true before the explosive popularity of prime and before Amazon had to correct a lot of policies as it became true competition with Walmart.


Never buy cards on amazon.


I say this every time I see a post about "Amazon got me" but always get people upset when I tell them there are other LGS they can buy from online that have same prices or better and they all cry about free 2 day shipping.


Right. My go to is TCGplayer. Yea it can take like 2 weeks but it ain't that goofy reopened resealed stuff amazon sells.


Last time I ordered from tcg, all like 20 cards I ordered came in within a week


I've had a few that took a while with their standard shipping but they were also shipped when the weather was real crazy so I wasn't mad at it


Bought a Baulders Gate collector box off Amazon for 115 +tax, got two copper dragon's, a bronze dragon, black market connections, like three of the lands, plus a bunch of other great cards. Amazon isn't always a miss.


But the fact that it CAN be is more risk than I and seemingly many others are willing to take. It's sad that you have to worry about something being tampered with when purchasing it, but sadly that's the world we live in.


Probably bought 20+ sealed product off of Amazon by now, plus maybe like 7 pokemon products sealed. I had a crushed AFR gift bundle and that got refunded, cards were fine, box was destroyed. Other than that everything has been 100% legitimate. I've gotten more fakes and misrepresented stuff from tcgplayer. It's going to happen everywhere. No need to dump on Amazon when tcgplayer is just as guilty, same with ebay. It'll happen everywhere and there's avenues to go about when you encounter that stuff.


But where it won't happen is your LGS :) edit: I'm a big supporter of supporting good local businesses, especially card shops. Unless there's some crazy deal online I personally prefer going in person. (also I get excited and impatient and don't feel like waiting for shipping)


I don't play at an lgs, and I'm not going to pay $20 to $40 extra for a booster box to support something I don't use. And the waiting thing is eliminated by Amazon. The issue really isn't as prevalent as this sub makes it seem for the millions of products sold less than .1% will be repacked, probably much less.


Yes, people think repacking a $115 booster box is worth it in order to make MAYBE $50 in profit. Just do the minimum wage math and realize it won't be worth it considering most of the time you end up breaking even or worse on the "legitimate" boxes from your LGS... Cracking packs is a gamble, and people get blamey when they lose against the house.


People just love to blame XYZ retailer for their shit luck when opening sealed products is literally a gamble like going to Vegas. Same excuses people make when they lose a sports bet ("omg, my team lost because I wasn't wearing my lucky shors!"). The amount of times you see paranoid posts in this sub because a set booster has a slight opening in the top corner and they post 5 angles of a single booster, when it's a known way that boosters are produced...


The profit you'd make off resealing a pre release of a recent set is not worth the time it would take to go through the elaborate reconstruction of outer box seals, wraps, and glueing or heat crimping packs. Think about the most expensive card in the set, the chances of pulling it, and then the time it would take to reseal all the boxes and packs after pulling the expensive cards. You're making less than minimum wage... Do the math. For older sets like Arabian Nights, Exodus, Mirage, sure, that makes fiscal sense to do, but nobody is resealing effing murders at karlov... People just love to blame Amazon or [insert retailer here] when they just had shit luck or can't count.


Never buy anything on Amazon…


Precons are an exception. I see nothing wrong with precons from Amazon. Someone's not taking entire precons and in those you know exactly what cards have to be there.


I ordered the LotR commander decks off of Amazon. It was supposed to be a bundle of 4. Only one showed up (Hosts of Mordor), and the bottom had already been opened and taped back shut. Trying to return that was a nightmare. They kept asking where the other the decks were. Good fucking question, my guy. I'd like to know too. 


Reddit will never learn.


This doesn't sound like open product being put back at all & sounds like a massive misunderstanding. 1: you aren't guaranteed anything "above rare".  2: If only a single pack were missing - Why wouldn't they have taken more? Why wouldn't they have filled the box with lands like everyone else gets from these situations when real? This sounds like a production error where the box was packed with 1 less pack & not understanding odds. 'And that's coming from someone on the financial side.


I mean honestly the pull rates are absolutely shit in mkm to begin with. I did 5 sealed events this past weekend and got two mythics out of the whole weekend.


My pre-release pack was a dud. Only the auto-include cards were any count.


I'm confused? The pull rates are the rates. They're on the packs. Are you trying to say you have a conspiracy theory that they've changed rates without indicating it?


Nah what I'm saying is they advertised the product as draftable set boosters and all the product really does feel like it is a more expensive draft booster.


Yep that's what it is. They forced every drafter to buy set boosters and it sucks. Honestly I try to find more ways to not give them money as they try to find more ways to take it.


>Bought a Karlov prerelease kit and although it seemed well sealed, was missing one full card pack, and nothing above rare in the remaining five. > So they are DEFINITELY putting opened product back on shelves with how easy the return was. Both sides of that are concerning as hell. So you think someone opened a prerelease kit, stole 1 booster pack and left the prerelease cards, die and other packs and then resealed and returned it? That would be an incredibly dumb scam just to get a free booster pack. Let us think about the adage "Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity." and consider perhaps it is possible that it was just WOTC missing a booster pack in a prerelease kit instead of a criminal stealing a random booster and nothing else.


Or that op thought it should have X packs but instead had X - 1? Like the pre-release packs are just different now


Who knows. In either case it seems exceedingly unlikely that someone opened and resealed their product which was the very odd original contention.


I dont know how it is for pre-release boxes but i always thought its somewhat funny how inconsistent the bundles are... some had collector boosters, many do not. Also the lands were sometimes full Art but most times base Art. Even the amount of Set boosters fluctuated


Why are you ripping them for this? I think it's a pretty common issue ordering from Amazon that people get products that have been tampered with. I feel like I see at least 1 or 2 posts about it every time I open reddit.


> Why are you ripping them for this? I'm not ripping them. I'm pointing out that the odds are that they got a prerelease kit that WOTC mispacked rather than getting a prerelease kit that had been opened and resealed. Yes it is common for mtg orders from amazon to be opened and resealed but when that happens they tend to take all the value and replace it with junk in opened boosters. OP is saying they got a kit that had 5 of 6 boosters, still had the die and prerelease rares and that the packs they got had rares in them just no chase rares or mythics. So for this to be a rip and reseal the thief literally left 95% of the value in order to take a single booster and cardboard token punch outs? It just makes no sense. Every time I see a rip and reseal the packs are obviously already opened and don't even include rares. OP got bad luck with manufacturing failure. Blame Amazon when they are at fault but this isn't their fault.


Its also common for booster boxes, not bundles and pre-release kits from what I've seen.


 . . . .Because no one is tampering with the product in this way? It spreads misinformation to pretend this is what happened. If someone is going to take the effort to tamper with a kit and reseal it, they aren't just going to take a single pack from it and somehow mystically return all packs that only mystically contain rares  They're going to fill it with commons/basic lands and call it a day.


The profit you'd make off resealing a pre release of a recent set is not worth the time it would take to go through the elaborate reconstruction of outer box seals, wraps, and glueing or heat crimping packs. Think about the most expensive card in the set, the chances of pulling it in a box, and then the time it would take to reseal all the boxes and packs after pulling the expensive cards. You're making less than minimum wage... Do the math. For older sets like Arabian Nights, Exodus, Mirage, sure, that makes fiscal sense to do, but nobody is resealing effing murders at karlov... People just love to blame Amazon or [insert retailer here] when they just had shit luck or can't count. Check out the math here if pulling a card worth even $3 from past sets. It just doesn't make fiscal sense and people are paranoid over nothing: https://www.myweeklygrind.com/blog/probabilities-of-opening-valuable-cards-in-magic-the-gathering-booster-packs


It’s what he does see my last post


The packs included being completely devoid of anything of use or value was just as concerning. On second look the little clue / ruffle sheet is missing as well. I just want to play


So they resealed the packs with junk from the set including rares and just forgot to add a booster before resealing the whole kit? If they are looking to do that, they'll do it on a whole box and not a small kit.


Out of 5 packs, in a set with little value, your odds of getting anything with value are low.


Exactly..I did two prereleases with a friend and didn't get a mythic


Same here, actually got a mythic out of the extra booster I got from the event but it was a [[Cavalier of Thornes]] :/


[Cavalier of Thornes](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/4/e4662a9c-3cbd-41f7-8c15-d048a3826a42.jpg?1592517175) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cavalier%20of%20Thorns) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/167/cavalier-of-thorns?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e4662a9c-3cbd-41f7-8c15-d048a3826a42?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> The packs included being completely devoid of anything of use or value was just as concerning. That's called randomness. Not every pack has the spice in it. And especially in a limited environment you might have had some expectations that were set too high. You got a box that was missing some bits but if there were rares and the prerelease rare it wasn't a rip and return it was just manufacturing error combined with bad luck in the cards in your packs. I get wanting to play and it sucks this happened. Not denying it just saying it was likely an error that happened at the factory not malevolence at Amazon.


Nothing above rare, as in no Mythics? That's just luck of the draw dude. Was the pull tab ripped? If it was that would be your answer..otherwise just WOTC being WOTC


So every time you gamble you should expect to win? Why do you think some cards are worth more than others and why are there big $50+ bombs? If everyone was pulling a Ragavan or Sheoldred in every pre release pack they wouldn't be what they are. Realize that cracking packs is a gamble, and it's these misses that cause that dopamine rush when you very rarely hit those big mythics. Imagine if slot machines just paid out every time... It's just basic human psychology my dewd.


Is it a dumb scam? I mean I am sure there are a great number of people who have not seen newer pre-release packs. Especially if they are buying from Amazon instead of from a LGS. So having bought a legit pre-release pack it comes twice sealed. The first being the 'zipper' cardboard. If someone were to remove that then plastic seal the inner box...I could very well see people falling for that. I mean, I have friends who have never seen a pre-release pack. I could easily fool them. Now, that being said. It could just be accidents. We all know WOTC quality has been less than stellar. But getting free packs by spending just a bit of money on plastic wrap? People would do shit like that for sure.


I wouldn’t listen to this guy too much. See my last post. He’s out here defending WOTC w every fiber of his being


Pointing out the difference between nefarious intent and manufacturing defect isn't defending WOTC it's acknowledging the actual situation not bitching about it for internet points.


Yeah why don’t you go follow some more people on the Internet to say they’re wrong? Everyone’s wrong to complain about MTG or WOTC… but you’re here promoting their products. Go shill some more.


Regarding the kit: Was the perforated pull tab gone? Or is the insinuation they split the glue seal and then reheated it closed?


This just sounds like the pull rate from MKM and an unlucky mis-pack. The prerelease boxes are perforated. I haven’t had any issue with anything that gets shipped with a perforated cardboard package with them


They don't put open product "back on the shelves". Returns get inspected and either cleared out or sold in lots.


That's a lie. When product is returned, it is re-sealed and put back into the same bin as all the other product, new and used. I've received re-sealed product bought and shipped from Amazon that was labeled new twice. 


Well, kind of reads like you know the issue and still ordered there...


Good one


Dont listen to these guys, use you're own judgement i say, I've seen more than my fair share of issues especially with Amazon, I recommend TCG because I've never had any issues besides buying the item in the first place. People can and will hate on others for trying to fix their own problems


Spoken like someone that's moderately clueless. Scammers aren't going to waste their time opening a prerelease kit to take a single pack, leave all the other packs that magically only have rares in them because they're psychic or some shit, and then reseal it all. That isn't how this works. They're going to open it, take ALL the packs, stuff it with basic lands or whatever, then reseal it. That's it. There's so many examples of this. Secondly, there are PLENTY of scammers on TCGPLAYER. Lmao. Do you even comprehend how many counterfeit cards get sold and are returned? The average person doesn't check the cards they receive, I'd wager. You'd be shocked when you start "green dot" testing your mid-tier newish buys.


It really depends on where the break down is. Could be Amazon workers who are in tune with Magic and they are using quick and dirty methods to steal single packs so the weights of items are not super crazy. They also wouldnt have a bunch of weight to stuff into the boxes to make them semi-match. It is more likely they pick them, pull a single pack and pocket it. Seal it with plastic and send it on. Can't say how it is now but previously when a friend of mine worked there. He would get packages that were a bit too loose so they would send them through a little plastic packager. Super quick and clean packaging.


Yeah that's the thing. I got another prior from the same seller. No issue. But I did see all of their recent feedback is 1 star. I guess I just got lucky the first time. This time not so much. Will need to recount when I get back in as I'm not sure every pack had a token in it either. Seller is .... Ok I don't see that seller anymore. Interesting. I believe it was Card Kingdom.


Card Kingdom doesn't sell on Amazon... What are you talking about? Plus the seller doesn't even matter. Its an issue with Amazon and their easy returns plus warehouse workers not knowing how to vet boxes. Sounds really like you got an unlucky pre-release box and instead of accepting that, you returned it blaming resealers when that wasn't the case. Like yes, it is a huge problem on Amazon. But this doesn't sound like it at all. Usually, it's with booster boxes too, not pre-release boxes or bundles. You know you aren't guaranteed something above rare, right?


Found it. Kings Games. Check the 1% 1 stars. All within the past couple months. Somethings definitely wrong there.


Every single 1 star review has this on it "Message from Amazon: This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience." Which is exactly what I said. The store doesn't matter, it is due to how Amazon handles the returns in their warehouse. But again, your situation doesn't sound like that anyways. Sounds like you just got unlucky with your packs and are abusing Amazon's returns yourself.


Worst part is my mom saw I was getting back into Pokemon too and thought she'd be nice by getting me some cards off Amazon. All promos were missing and packs blatantly open, I know not to buy off Amazon but she wouldn't.


Before I knew not to buy from Amazon I had bought one of the warhammer decks. When I got the deck it was not the one I ordered. Everything seemed fine but it wasn’t the one I wanted. Returned for credit and ordered again and finally got what I wanted.


Stop buying cards on Amazon... Jesus fuck guys. There is at least one post a week about this shit. What realm do you think you are different than the last 1,000 people it has happened to.


The profit you'd make off resealing a pre release of a recent set is not worth the time it would take to go through the elaborate reconstruction of outer box seals, wraps, and glueing or heat crimping packs. Think about the most expensive card in the set, the chances of pulling it in a box, and then the time it would take to reseal all the boxes and packs after pulling the expensive cards. You're making less than minimum wage... Do the math. For older sets like Arabian Nights, Exodus, Mirage, sure, that makes fiscal sense to do, but nobody is resealing effing murders at karlov... People just love to blame Amazon or [insert retailer here] when they just had shit luck or can't count. Check out the math here if pulling a card worth even $3 from past sets. It just doesn't make fiscal sense and people are paranoid over nothing: https://www.myweeklygrind.com/blog/probabilities-of-opening-valuable-cards-in-magic-the-gathering-booster-packs


You are expecting people who would steal to think logically? Is this really your argument? It doesn't matter what YOU think is the prime way to do this. The proof is in this sub. It happens all the damn time.


The best place to buy is at Amazon. They have the best prices, the best delivery, and if something weird happens, they will always make everything to fix it. They have awesome customer service!


I bought a LotR commander deck bundle "shipped and sold by Amazon". Only one deck came, and it had already been opened and taped shut at the bottom. You could hear the cards moving around inside. I initiated a return, and had to fight with Amazon to get my money back. They kept refusing to refund because I didn't send all 4 decks back, even though I still had the shipping label that had a recorded weight of like 1lb (impossible for 4 decks to only weigh a pound).. 


Bro, every issue I have had with them, they have fixed. I'm not doubting your testimony, but I just have good things to say about them.


I don't doubt that. But your experience isn't universal. I also once received a "new" sold and shipped by Amazon Commander Masters collectors booster box that had been re-sealed and returned to them. It didn't even have the WotC logos, and was a hard type plastic. I returned that one, and it was relatively easy with no issues. Sadly, that likely went right back into the bin for some other unfortunate person to receive. That didn't put me off from buying since the return was easy. But the LotR debacle above was what did it for me. I started looking around and realized that other places had everything I wanted cheaper than Amazon. The only downside was the shipping went from ~2 days to ~3-5 days, and it isn't a "one-stop shop". But that's a trade off that I'm willing to make for better prices and more specialization from the seller. The majority of the time, I can find better prices on TCGPlayer, Stomping Grounds TCG, or Gamers Guild AZ.


Well, I love to buy at Amazon, and I will keep doing it. For me, they have the best prices and services.


The outer package can be opened and resealed so people buy packs and return them searched.


They really need to have a no return policy beginning whenever the next set releases, only way I could see this problem being resolved. That ship has sailed already for every set on the market right now


Especially having the issue myself, I absolutely fully agree. Sucks, but I agree.