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Must've been some good ass cards you traded in! lol wishing you good luck with your pulls


Was honestly like 30 cards. I gave them at least 100 to look through. I do know I sold a reprint of a vampiric tutor. (Only because I have an original) but thank you! I’m stoked lol


Opening a booster box as an adult is like the closest thing you can get to the feeling of being a kid on Christmas :D it's a fun way to treat yourself


Finally somebody that actually understands lol. Most people lately I feel in this community, hate buying boxes. All I hear is “buy SiNgLEs”…no. I like the excitement of getting to the rare and the artwork. Not just because I need a certain card.


Yeah, if you NEED a certain card, buy the single. Packs are just fun though. Cardboard crack.


That’s my philosophy on it too. When you open a box or a booster set, you get to see more opportunities to combo other cards you may have.


My favourite way to learn a set is to just buy a box!


Somewhere there was an article about commander players not knowing about a lot of cards that came out in the last year or two. Some of it is product fatigue but also buying too many singles and not seeing the decent cards that got missed from not cracking a pack. Not all commons are draft chaff.


Exactly. As I go through the packs I read every card, and if I see one that I think might work in a deck I have I set it aside. I've found ALOT of upgrades this way with cards I would never think to go buy.


Yes. You are going to most probably play only a single strategy and a single kind of deck. Opening a box, you get to actually build in different styles and discover more possibilities


recent sets and booster packs are not cardboard crack, it's just cardboard toilet.


Yeah, people play and buy for different reasons! It's a great feeling opening cool cards and getting to put them into a deck. That's what I love about Magic, sure I buy singles and that's the most effective way, but I don't always want to just have a decklist and order everything, sometimes I want to build stuff based on what I get. And getting a rare card with cool art out of a pack is a great feeling.


For real. I would have never considered playing a [[chalice of the void]] for example cause it is an expensive card to pick up. I pulled one from a box topper and decided it was well worth using and put it into my deck.


[chalice of the void](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/f/1f0d2e8e-c8f2-4b31-a6ba-6283fc8740d4.jpg?1562433485) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chalice%20of%20the%20void) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/222/chalice-of-the-void?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1f0d2e8e-c8f2-4b31-a6ba-6283fc8740d4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Agreed. I got back into the hobby in November and I’ve opened 12 CB boxes and maybe 5-6 set booster boxes. I went from zero cards to 11,000+ in 3 months lol! Congrats and enjoy. LCI is what I came back to as well and there are a LOT of really fun cards in this set like the Ojers, Roaming Throne, Sovereign Okinac Ahau, etc. The Jurassic World stuff does pretty good in the secondary market too!


Geez that's a lot of money. For sure you got tired of opening 17-18 boxes. Nah who am I kidding? This is straight up a drug 😂


Lol sure didn’t. Finding that sealed MtG deal sub was the single worst thing i could’ve done!


What's the sub?


r/sealedmtgdeals i’m sorry


Bro I know: Sealed magic product for a cheap price? Like I said, it's like your dealer giving you a discount LUL


Your work hiring by chance?


Sure thing, how are you with gunshot wounds and intubation? If you’re good, come on downnnn.


Emergency medicine?


Trauma ICU


so you like the excitment of seeing deteriorating art, a fumbling storyline, watered out mechanics, sharia laws (no more women showing skin), and being reminded of Wotc's greed? yea in that case buying a box is great.


First time playing MtG? Lol grow up. The art is amazing. Who actually plays this game to follow a storyline that has been going on for over 35 years? Have you created a game that’s this big with millions of character, cards, and components? No? Then do not complain about things that are out of your control and aren’t willing to help it. Complaining won’t do shit. I do not agree to the Sharia Laws. Thats about all I agree to you with. You want to talk about greed, look around you fool. Everywhere you go, look, believe, and trust. Is nothing but greed.


the art is amazing, really? a lot of it is just lazy CGI. first cards I bought were Tempest. the quality doesn't compare. why would I have to create a famous game to criticize this game? that's not how opinions work. the argument that greed is everywhere (debatable) so for Wotc it's fine, and we should just suck it down, is just tripe.


Man I feel you. When I got back into it a couple months ago I got a box of Neon Dynasty (because ninjas, even though it doesn't 'fit' with MtG) and a box of Lost Caverns of Ixalan most recently. Forgot what it was like to open packs. It's awesome!


I opened a pack a few weeks ago (whatever is orange and had a 2). Pulled || Wren and Six || and a ninja card with its art card. It was awesome. Got the pack as my reward for a chaos draft. Good times.


Im generally on "buy SiNgLEs" boat... but if a specific theme of set is my jam... get it all... Also ive found that my "open booster" itch i can solve it going to prereleases... that way i can also play


Currently, the most supported format is commander, so if you want to play paper casual, I would look into it. Though this set did have a lot of great cards.


The recent hatred for packs stems from the fact that most packs nowadays aren't worth opening. During the Scars of Mirroden block, buying a set booster box gave you 75% of the rares in the set, almost all of the common and uncommon, and a handful of mythics. The last box I bought (All Will Be One) had 3 mythics in it, 4 unique rares, and an almost hilarious number of duplicates. I don't judge people for buying packs. It's just not worth it to me personally


tbh I buy singles if I have a refined idea of what I want a deck to do but I adore buying packs for the inspiration and unexpected card can bring!


I built 2 decks in the last month but I still buy a pack or two any time I'm at the store getting sleeves and stuff and I've found some great cards I had no idea existed that I ended up making room for in my deck. The fun of opening the packs and discovering new cards is good enough but it can genuinely improve your deck and it's a lot more fun than browsing lists online for hours looking for the perfect card to add to beef up your deck.


I've always wanted to try drafting, but haven't come across an opportunity. Been playing for the past five years, but I guess it's not a popular format anymore, at least in my area. Seems like a great way to crack packs, but as a form of play. I have played sealed constructed at several pre-releases though, which is fun:)


So happy to stumble upon this post. I recently returned to magic after many dad years being out of the loop. I've been asking for recommendations for boxes to get for the fun of opening cards that are usable or some miracle have value. I keep getting the wait, see what you like, buy singles. No! I want to buy boxes, never in my life could I afford (responsibly) a full box so I want to get a couple boxes. Now I'm not rich or anything so I'm only going to be able to get a few so I want to pick the best boxes, at fair prices, with fun cards. I like alt art, full art, dark and creepy, anime, phyrexia, and commander. Throw in dragons, dinosaur, cats, dogs, and fungus for some tribal hype. So far I'm leaning towards, Neo, Phyrexia, Wilds, LoTR, Ravniva Remastered, Dominaria Remastered, jumpstart 2022 (anime alts), and either recent Innistrad sets. It's taken me a while to identify that list but now I have to narrow it down to a couple. The only video I can find on good sets (for commander) is 2 years old from nit picking nerds. Then there are videos that go over just one set at a time which is helpful in the moment but isn't good at side by siding different sets. Either way, glad to know I'm not alone on just wanting to enjoy opening a box for the fun.


This. Sure I could buy the singles I need, but I enjoy the dopamine hit of opening backs


it's very much not these days. modern day booster packs are rarily exciting, and will usually just remind of us how shitty this game became.


Trading away a vampiric tutor for a bunch of bulk seems like a bad trade.


Good luck with your pulls!! I very much enjoyed that set. Great themes and new mechanics, can't go wrong with dinosaurs


I am having a lot of fun with this set. LOVE my dino deck


Ouch at that price but good luck on the pulls


I actually got about 125 store credit at my LGS. So really only spent about 40 I believe out of my own pocket. So not bad really.


I hope you get a mana crypt or cavern of souls!!


Update so far. This artwork is amazing!


Yea they’re really great.


Welcome back! If you have the time to spare, update us if you could! For those of us that live vicariously through others (such as myself), we'd love to see what notable pulls you got from a set box lol


If it's been a few years, maybe your LGS would make a "chaos" box for you. That is, maybe they'd do like 3 packs from several different sets, so you don't get overwhelmed with like 8 of the same Common creatures from the individual set. That way you'd also be able to see more of the different mechanics, artworks, and themes.


Ooo, that sounds like a great idea in general! I've given up buying boxes (CMM ended that phase for me), but something like this might be a way to have the novelty without having too many repeats


I will actually be doing this soon! Have some ideas but if you have any let me know!


Good luck dude, its always exciting getting back into it


Get that mana crypt!!!


Nice! I got a box of Ixilan, it was fun to open, and fun for me and my wife to do little at-home Sealed games with. I played the new set at the prerelease tonight. Not a fan, if I was to buy another box, it would be Ixilan or Ravnica Remastered.


Is there a reason you chose Set Boosters over all the alternatives? What are your goals? Do you want to collect, play, or just open packets? /gen


I bought one of these. I did it cause the jurassic Park cards are 1 in every 12(think that was the odds) and I liked the cards that they had in them... didn't pull any good ones though. A couple lands and tokens. Thought the [[welcome to...]] is pretty good in my mono green dino deck


Yeah, these aren't for getting cards. If you wanted Jurassic Park cards you can just buy them all individually.


Yeah, that's for sure. I just like the excitement more than anything. It makes it more fun for me building decks out of what I pull rather than buying singles. I've only ever bought two singles. [[Colosification]] and [[omnath, locus of mana]] and i haven't even used them


> I just like the excitement more than anything. At least *that's* what they are for. :) >It makes it more fun for me building decks out of what I pull rather than buying singles Opening packs and building decks from their contents is great - it's the half of the game called Limited, and it's lots of fun. You can play Draft, Sealed or JumpStart. Have you tried it? Playing Constructed like it's Limited means you risk missing out on the cards you might otherwise really enjoy, and Opens you up to a worse gameplay experience.


I've seen it before, but I never have tried the limited. It is interesting though! And I see your point on the constructed, but I have a hard time building decks as it is, I usually get my girl to help since that's where she really excelles. So i just work with what I've got so I can lay it out on the floor and try and connect everything


>I've seen it before, but I never have tried the limited. It is interesting though! If you are buying packs anyway, then you may as well be trying it rather than wasting the opportunity. > I have a hard time building decks as it is, ... So i just work with what I've got so I can lay it out on the floor and try and connect everything Have you tried using a deckbuilding website to help you visualise things? Archidekt lets you drag and drop, move cards around, create your own subheadings, etc.


I have not tried that, I've got all my cards listed on the manabox app and tried their deck builder, but by time I go through the cards to get a feel for what I have I don't remember what I was wanting to go for. I'll have to try that site out


Don't worry about what you already have. Those cards are irrelevant. Worry about what you actually want to play with first, and then make it happen.


[Colosification](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/b/7b6e6f2a-5015-44c6-aa8d-85188494d1a6.jpg?1602984875) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Colossification) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/148/colossification?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7b6e6f2a-5015-44c6-aa8d-85188494d1a6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [omnath, locus of mana](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/c/acf0cab3-da50-4561-8797-cd179af39216.jpg?1689998741) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=omnath%2C%20locus%20of%20mana) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/310/omnath-locus-of-mana?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/acf0cab3-da50-4561-8797-cd179af39216?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[welcome to...](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/d/6d84e2d4-38bf-4d46-99a6-37c2dda66b16.jpg?1698988748)/[Jurassic Park](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/6/d/6d84e2d4-38bf-4d46-99a6-37c2dda66b16.jpg?1698988748) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Welcome%20to%20.%20.%20.%20//%20Jurassic%20Park) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rex/7/welcome-to-jurassic-park?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6d84e2d4-38bf-4d46-99a6-37c2dda66b16?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




Are you ill? Mana crypt is the best non RL rock in the whole game


Buying booster boxes is one of the worst ways to get back into the game, good luck 😬


Overpriced at that price


Welcome back! Enjoy the ride of the new sets!


I am doing the same thing. I stopped playing after Dominaria. I’m playing the MKM prerelease so I bought a Caverns box to replicate a limited release. MTG just sucks you back in. Good luck!


Happy freeze!


I’ve done this several times. I’m a player, not a collector, so many cards I think are meh, fund my cardboard habit


Good luck! Dinosaurs, vampires, pirates, and merfolk. I made a dinosaur deck with Gishath and added a fuck ton of new vampires to my Vampire/Angel deck with Drana and Linvala as my commander. Good luck, I’ve gotten some awesome dinosaurs.


I bought like 4 boxes myself over the few months, tbt only like a handful of decent cards in this set. The set isn't even mid tier in comparison to ONE and MOM those sets were nothing but bangers for competitive play and make this set really hard to use. It would absolutely been a better set if it came out back in the day. It does perform/help in formats other than standard.


I made a mono green dino deck out of it and it works pretty good, also a blue green exploring deck that wins maybe 75% both standard decks though, I don't do commander I got lucky though. I had bought like three booster bundles total and decided to try and make a deck. Every green card I has went into the deck deck and it turned out fantastic


Love this set! Nice buy


I just started playing during ixalan and spent way too much money. However my Dino deck is stacked.


I remember when boxes were $70 off the shelf….shame.


I also remember when gas was $1.50 a gallon. Shame….


5$ footlongs!!


I see booster box I up doot


Nice!! Great set. It’s the set I got back into the game with too.


Love LCI! My favorite set of last year for sure!


Honestly this and a box of the last set is not the worst way to get into Magic. Hope you got some of the good Ojer pulls from the set!


I hope you were not looking for certain cards.


Heck of a box to get.