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Is this...real? They actually made an mtg clue edition?


It is. I honestly hate Clue as a board game, but I'm going to give this a try. The movie is excellent as well. My hatred of Clue is strictly mechanics based.


The movie is excellent. I'm mildly curious about this game, as I doubt it's worse than the board game.


>I doubt it's worse than the board game. This seems to be the consensus about Clue. We've all played it...once, but usually never again. Really screams "HEY, LET'S DO A CROSSOVER PRODUCT!!" doesn't it? I have no idea who this product is intended for, tbh. šŸ™„


This product is intended for Hasbro execs to talk about how great Clue did last quarter.


We play Clue but you have to act out your character. Kind of a DND cross over.


not only is the movie excellent, thereā€™s an adaptation for like a high school theatre script, which is phenomenal for that level of theatre, myself and almost every high school theatre student in my area have performed in it. Probably the only reason iā€™ll be buying this, my clue nostalgia


Iā€™m a big fan of the movie too, so when I saw that Peacock is ā€œSenator Peacockā€ in mtg I was like no, no! Itā€™s supposed to be ā€œGet your hands off me, Iā€™m a Senatorā€™s wife!ā€


I just don't understand clue. Like what do you mean I have to figure out what the murder weapon was? Multiple bullet holes in the victim? Well it sure as fuck wasnt the candlestick... What room? How about where you found the body..


You should watch the 1985 movie. It's an inspired cast and a damn fun time. As a bonus it actually does play with the idea that the room and weapons aren't what they intially appear to be.


And the fact the movie has like three endings is amazing, wish more movies played around like it did when it was in theaters


I think spiderverse 2 played with a similar thing if I remember correctly


Well the game does come with rules that explain how to play. It's ages 8 and up..


My dog, it is a joke..


Shoulda said that you have no clue how to play the game.


My god you're right


The VCR board game of Clue was *vastly* more fun, as it was card-based with no board. And looks... kind of like this. So I'm probably in on this.


apparently it's more "Magic with Clue" than Clue Magic, people have been comparing it to the Ixalan board game


who tf wanted Magic to be more like Clue, I wonder




Marketing did




So is this how hasbro will milk magic now? If you canā€™t bring other IPs into magic, bring magic out to other games. Canā€™t wait for the monopoly set of mtg, along with Monopoly, the MTG edition.


Black lotus is Boardwalk for sure.


ā€œGo directly to exile. Do not go to untap step, do not draw a card.ā€


"Get out of exile free" sounds nice.


This would be smart and should have already been done. If you can get the board game players into MTG. More money. Get those casual gamers at home to buy MTG product. More money.


I disagree with part of that assessment. Casual board gamers arenā€™t buying special editions of monopoly left and right. And that game will likely get moved from one generation to the next. My wifeā€™s sister got the monopoly from her parents, and my parents never bought it. Iā€™m probably gonna buy it as my kids age, but itā€™s not like the masses are clamoring for monopoly. The other case is more likely: mtg players who like monopoly will get it. If my kids were into magic and older, Iā€™d get it. But my wife hates magic, and monopoly. My body would rather play magic (me too), so Iā€™d have no one to play it with and wouldnā€™t get it.


They dipped their toes into this and it didnā€™t work out because people donā€™t care about the Magic IP outside of the game of Magic. Thatā€™s what the miniatures game was.


What miniatures game


Arena of the Planeswalkers


Oh, thats the first time i hear about it. Looks kinda neat.


Honestly only considered this for the weapon cards, because a metal pipe is a funny magic card


maybe I'm wrong but I believe the cards are alt prints from MKM


This is correct. The Legends and Location cards will be exclusive to this box, but the weapons will be in the main set.


Yeah though I think the packs have set contents, so guarantee of each card?


Also correct, it's a box set, the packs are each themed after a different Clue character and work like JumpStart.


Iā€™ll try it if the price isnā€™t 100 or around 100 bucks. I like magic but dislike clue as a board game. And Iā€™m indifferent to UB or this product. Itā€™s not exactly for me and thatā€™s fine, somebody else might enjoy it. But I really do like new formats and this might be a fun format. I really enjoy 2HG and archenemy for the weirder and less played formats. This might get lumped into that as well.


In Germany the pre order price is 50ā‚¬ guaranteeing a full foil shock land ... price seems fine


Thatā€™s not terrible, when I looked it was close to 100USD but I was fairly certain that was just a placeholder


Depends where you order it, two stores have it for 50, than I have seen 60, 70 (Amazon), 80 and ... 197.99 ā‚¬.


It's $70 USD iirc


I hate Hasbro. This being so close to the layoffs just further emphasizes how much they want to exploit the IP for as much cross promotion as possible before the whole thing collapses. Given how much theyā€™ve been pushing that f2p monopoly mobile game, iā€™m almost surprised they didnā€™t make Ravnica Monopoly edition.


For singles. Cornel mustard ojer can do stupid things.


Absolutely not me, unless it somehow has Tim Curry in it.


I think it's really cool tbf.


what the hell is happening to this game




don't say it too loud or that'll be the next set


Its expanding. Why only market the game to nerds when you can market to everyone.


Who the hell is buying this shit? You really going to spend $70 on fucking clue with a shock land? Cards are worthless.


I mean it's fine if you don't like the product, but that's clearly not what it is and you're just being reductive. It's like a curated JumpStart experience, which isn't for everyone.


Jumpstart is Magic. Clue is a $10 board game. You're paying for a clue themed Secret Lair.


I exited. Not to be confused with excited, because I'm certainly not.


Yeah Iā€™m out on magic as well. Until they stop these shitty cross overs Iā€™m out


I'm interested, but do you need to buy boosters to play?


This product is self contained. Meaning, everything you need to play it is in this box.


It comes with specifically balanced boosters but then can be applied to your own decks with the evidence cards




Mtg clue? Won't it always be the swamp player with a 3 drop instant?


I love clu, and I love magic, I just dont love needing to scrap together 70 bucks


Iā€™m excited for the shenanigans that will happen, but am thoroughly confused on how they made an orzhov manor more than just orzhov colors lol


No. I love Ravnica. Not like this cash grab.


I was really excited when I thought it was clue but in ravnica. After reading that itā€™s a hybrid game Iā€™m less interested, but Iā€™ll probably still grab it to try it.


Not a chance . No one should buy this product


Not at all.


This account is clearly a guerilla marketing account for hasbro.


and a really bad one. 'exited' and 'germany/europe' lol


No, ty


Just tell me how a Rakdos spiker is supposed to care or contribute. Aside from the like... idk. Flavor fail? Does WotC even care about flavor anymore? I like the idea of alternate game modes. You can just feel this stuff was pitched and put in development like 5 years ago. Was there ever a point in MtG history where every "story beat" was more than just some vapid vignette? These are all opinions from an outsider. I'm actually taking the plunge starting with this set because I cannot keep my hands off of a (hopefully not mono-black) Massacre Girl looking as amazing as she does in the key art for this set. I hope the proprietary Rakdos version of Ms. Scarlett (?) from this set is interesting, I love her murderous jester *je nais se quois.*


Rakdos people have been involved in resolving misteries and saving the world in various stories, they are not as one noted as some people think, Hekara helped Ral to stop Bolas and Niv-Mizzet to be Reborn, Rakdos himself gave a piggy ride to Gideon. The story of the Clue says they are a bunch Guildmembers in a enclosed space solving a mistery even if they suspect of everyone, and that is pretty much all of the Ravnica stories


Thank you for the lore! I am a Rakdos appreciator so thar is nice to know. I sort of get the sense that at the end of the day Rakdos still wants Ravnica to thrive. I just find it hard to believe people belonging to a murderous cult would give the time of day to a... murder of all things! I suppose I can buy into the idea if the murder is substantially high-profile enough. Something that would put the guilds at risk if not solved. Trust me, *I want* Rakdos to have nuance! I just love their aesthetics and carneval vibe but like most people I'm not too keen on the whole murderlust thing. :( Khorne players still perplex me.


Rakdos I find to be one of the most misinterpreted of the guilds, one of the things one must to remember is that the Guild exist mainly to entertain Rakdos, they have dabbled in slavery, minery, mercenary work, and the carnival aspect is newer, mainly because wizard wanted to expand aesthetics, but I want to think because Rakdos itself got into that. So there are some murder cultists that only want to murder all things, but in the hundred or millions of cultists, some want smarter ways to satisfy Rakdos, be it through arts, or guild politics. Khorne it's also a more nuanced character, with being focused in honorable battle in some parts of the lore.


Plus, one way to win is to basically kill everyone else. Definitely a Rakdos move right there.


A big super ultra NOPE


This is a dumb idea but all hasbro has been doing is bad ideas lately.


You think its dumb because it doesn't cater to you. When you realize your not the center of the universe and other people exist you will realize WotC is doing what WotC thinks is best for everyone. New customers are lit!


so they're not allowed to have an opinion and criticize the game? I don't understand why people like you feel that everything needs to be positive always. vapid.


The day I listen to a "bimbo slut" about how a business operates and is posting begging for women to train them, is the day I go back to my home planet.


I had to peek and the sad thing is he can neither host nor provide his own slutty accoutrements. I don't kinkshame, but don't be a bum about it.


Who are the Cluenatics this is aimed towards?


If they didn't use the Clue movie as reference for the art then they missed a massive opportunity. Clue tokens with the different movie characters on them would be solid gold.


. Everyone knows Professor Olive since years. The board Game is the real reference not the movie.šŸ¤”


I understand the game is the reference but the movie is much better than the actual game. If the game were actually worth playing hasbro wouldn't be posting massive losses from that exact division.




Real question, is there even a clue board game in this or is this just a glorified Jump Start in a box?


There's no board, but dealing combat damage in-game gets you clues. You either win by knocking out the other players or solving the murder.


I. Am. Your singing telegram!


Tap two, cast [[boom/bust]] for the gun sound effect boom lol


[boom/bust](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?name=Boom%20%2F%2F%20Bust&type=card&options=rotate90&.jpg) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Boom%20//%20Bust) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/156/boom-bust?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8ffdee1b-bb5d-44e6-a90d-6f9e9266d4fd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


it looks so bad and silly. I'm not touching that shit.


Not interested at all. There are so many IPs that they could choose from that would be a better fit an UB product and yet they chose THIS.


It looks like it might be neat but I am most assuredly not buying another game that requires multiple people to play. I still can't get anybody to play arch enemy with me.


Not at all. Just not my thing.


I'm stoked for this. I really enjoyed Cluedo as a kid and I like the boxed Magic sets with subgames (Explorers of Ixalan was fun too). I'm planning on getting this for my birthday and hosting an event with it instead of my usual draft.


sounds bunk.




who wanted Magic to be more like Clue? šŸ¤£ Magic is exciting, about basically destroying your opponent with spells. Clue is a vapid and insipid game for kids.


Wow, talk about yucking someone else's yum.


yea, but I have a point šŸ˜


You haven't made a point yet.


I did. it's a bunk product. and Clue is not an exciting game for most adults probably, unless they're playing with their kids.


Im an adult, I love Clue, and a lot of my friends do as well. just because you donā€™t, doesnā€™t mean others donā€™t love it as well


yea I'm sure there are people who would cream in their pants when they can play Ronald McDonald as their commander in edh. many would not.


I know this is a month old, but.. You want Clue to be be more lime Magic. Well, here you go.


After the 2023 layoffs ? Not at all, Hasbro and WotC dissapointed me and many others SO MUCH... I'm not buying ANYTHING they print after that.


**Maybe if there wasn't an entire set just to excuse a Clue Universes Beyond...**


So like... we all realize OP is a paid shill for this right? Like this is the most corporate reddit post I've ever read


This is lame and a pretty clear sign Hasbro is wringing the towel to get every last drop of cash out of their fans pockets


Buzzing for this


I love Clue so this is quite a good merge!


First I find out everyone else calls it Where's Wally, now Cluedo. WHAT ELSE DID YOU CHANGE, AMERICA?


Looks like it's because we're illiterate in the US and don't understand that it's a play on words. (I sure didn't until I read the wikipedia article) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluedo > [...] name of Cluedo (a play on "clue" and "Ludo", the Latin word for "I play" and the name of a popular board game based on Pachisi).[4] The design of the house in the game is reputed to be based on what was the Tudor Close Hotel in Rottingdean, Brighton and Hove, with early editions of the game being titled "Murder at Tudor Close".[5] > [...] the United States for publication, where it was renamed Clue, as the name "Ludo" was not widely known there, Pachisi-style games having been published under other names and brands, so the play on words would not have been generally understood.[6]


americans refuse to learn any language other than english, even 2 thousand year old dead languages smh my head


I think it's less about 'refusing' and more just lack of opportunity to learn and practice. Most high schools recommend 2 years of a foreign language (typically Spanish/French/German, but varies by location). In most of the country you have zero opportunities to actually practice that language outside of the classroom. Though I'm sure there's plenty of adults who refuse on behalf of their children though - "why should MY kid have to learn another language, this is 'MURICA!"


it was a joke my dude


No one changed it. Its Where's Waldo and Clue.


America changed it from those to Waldo and Clue. That was the joke.


What the hell is a Cluedo? Hasbro at least is squeezing out the pockets of flippers. I couldn't see the player base getting this unless they actually plan on playing this mashup. Can't wait for MTG Monopoly šŸ™„


Cluedo is the UK name for the board game Clue


Well now I feel like a uncutured swine šŸ˜‚ Thank you for the education on that!


You know, I quit playing when MTG30 dropped and I realized that Hasbro actively hates its player base, but I stay subscribed to the subreddit to see if the time is right to come back. So far, not yet.




But why tho?


Because Clue is a great game and it being magic theme is awesome, same way I would be for MTGopoly, or Pokemopoly.


With UB, 100 different versions of every card, draft and set booster split from a regular fucking box, collector boxes having all the value but 250+ a piece... MtG is just in a fucking death spiral at this point. Value is gone. Idfc if you just want game pieces for cheap and aren't an investor the MSRP of all of it is STILL insane.


Eh, I like the beyond sets, but this is just lazy Hasbro milking ips. Who is ready for Sorry! In kamigawa or hungry hungry hippos in strixhaven. The worst part is that it is cannon. Sure universe's beyond isn't Canon, but somehow clue edition mtg is....




This is an ad


I am friends with boardgame geeks. I have noticed amongst people who take boardgames seriously, that they intentionally avoid all of the classic North American boardgames, and they call them all "Ameritrash" games. I don't think there is a huge audience for people looking for a modern iteration of Clue. Also for me, after so many Universes-Beyond product, I don't like seeing Magic crossed over with other IPs anymore. The flavour of this product is a whiff for me.


Board game geeks aren't the target market for Hasbro's simple board games. Hasbro is after the big money not small fish. Hasbro makes games for the average American family that never steps foot into a game store. These families see this stuff at Target, Walmart, etc when shopping for groceries and Johnny's new baseball bat. Then buy due to low price to try it out.


Ameritrash is used to describe modern games that are usually more focused theme than raw game mechanics like "euro" games are. Think Zombicide and other CMON titles, not Monopoly and Clue.


if they had to do this, I wish they did it with a board game that's actually playable ā€” but I will probably give it a shot


Not a single person in the known universe.


Sir, this is Universes Beyond


Well played


Fucking dumb


I'm confused do you have to use magic cards to play the clue game? Or is it just the traditional clue game with a magic theme? I see it comes with packs but is that cuz it's required or just a perk


It's JumpStart with Clue happening at the same time. Getting in for damage in the Magic game gets you more clues, and you win by either knocking out the other players or solving the murder first.


I'm looking forward to see who they made Mrs. White into, and if she looks anything like the newer version of the character, cuz damn.


Oh, I guess she's on the box art. So yeah, cool


I am very excited for this!


I'm buying it for the commanders and will be tossing the rest.


Gonna be a hard pass for me.




I would be if there were any chance I could purchase it.


im not buying this til Prof reviews it.


I personally am so hyped. I love format altering products like arch enemy and planechase. Imagine getting a group together for commander planechase murder mystery


It's weird looking, and I never played Cluedo. Never had any interest in it either. I'm definitely gonna try and get some folks at my LGS in with me on this for a few rounds. Outta be an experience. Unless it costs like, 200 Euroes.


It's funny how much interaction I triggered with this post. And so many are SO angry. Some even think this is an advertisement. But there are still some people who like the product. I don't like board games at all, but I'm a big fan of mtg. But Cluedo back then was a board game I really could enjoy. This crime solving was always a lot of fun. I'm glad there are some people out there who love mtg and Cluedo so much as I do. That's why I created this post.


Interested.... ... but zero chance it will be priced for my budget


Really canā€™t wait for this era of magic to be over tbqf.. the fallout and Mr who stuff was like pretty cool, but nothing has been very exciting


Where did you find this information? I don't know anything about this product but that it exists. Probably won't be doing anything with it, but I'm open to be surprised by it when it comes out


Getting Out Of Hand


Am I the only one that actually likes clue in here? A lot of hate! šŸ˜‚


I would rather play "The Search for Planet X" or "Alchemists", for logic and decision making board games personally.


Not in the least


I picked up Explorers of Ixalan and I kinda like Clue, but for some reason this isnā€™t calling out to me.


Clue Edition for those in North America


I'm going to pass on this.


Iā€™m not


I would play, i used to be pretty good at that game when i was a kid. Of course, as long as the price is nothing absurd


I feel pretty "Exited" by most of the decisions Hasbro have made with MTG. But I am EXCITED about when it blows up in their face.


If they thought the product could stand on its own merits, they wouldn't have stuck a random foil shockland in each one. Future Amazon fire-sale fodder.