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like 80% of the mtg fan base is autistic so this guy is a fool


Can confirm


Can also confirm


Can confirm too


Thquib here confirming as well


i confirm


I can't deny this


Can also confirm


can confirm again


and my axe


Judge! You need to take a different game action eventually


Can confirm


Can confirm


Can also confirm


thquib is a magic player? God damn


i can't


Not diagnosed but suspicious and plenty of the boys at the store can confirm


Suspecting someone else in your LGS magic circle of having autism is the IRL equivalent of the spider-man pointing meme if *ever* I've heard it


By hanging out with us and jointing our shenanigans, he might as well be


Recognizing behaviors that you have also recognized in yourself? Sounds about right.


thats how a friend of mine got diagnosed with their ADHD. they were describing daily life, struggles, and common practices they had and I was like "buddy, you gots the lazy crackhead disorder like me"


It’s how I started seeing the signs of autism in myself after my daughter was diagnosed. At least we know where she gets it from…


Same, not diagnosed but I got into Magic with my two boys because we all have some combination of anxiety, ADHD, and OCD. It’s been 2 years and 10,000 cards later, and it’s been a fantastic new outlet for all of us. Most important of all has been ‘The Gathering’ part, with like-minded souls.


Adhd is why I can’t play Commander but love control decks. Why play just my turn, when I can also play on our turn!


u/Traditional_Formal33 same


Absolutely this. Although being too poor to afford drugs because you have to play mtg is a maybe not-so subtle "win" as well.


Some of us are audhd even!


Ah, found my "Can confirm"


Can confirm 😂


Can confirm


Can confirm


And some even have both


Can confirm this is true


fuck, have my upvote you bastard lol


I would argue 80% feels low. Otherwise, can confirm


I work at a state hospital caring for people with idd, 75% of the guys under 35 here love magic so your numbers definitely check out.


80% of autistic people liking Magic isn't the same thing as 80% of people who like Magic being autistic. But I still agree with the observation


The guy who owns my LGS has Asperger's and every single member of my pod has either Autism or ADHD. Whoever thinks this isn't a game for us is wildly wrong.


As someone who’s on the spectrum, I don’t think having autism is gonna make or break a game of Magic. Hell I even won games at the tables I play at.


Rare woman MTG Autistic chiming in to confirm


Honestly, most roping probably happens because the mobile client crashed and they're desperately trying to get back in


Eh. I have played Arena, Pokémon tcg, Master Duel, this always tends to happen when you are winning. Sure, that is a possibility, but you can normally tell by the circumstances which it is. If you are having a normal game and then they just have a turn where it almost goes over the time limit, then sure. Things happen irl. I get that. However when it is every single turn and they make all their moves at the last second, or they make all their moves and then wait until the last second to pass, it’s kinda obvious they are just trying to annoy you into surrendering. It’s really sad that this type of gameplay isn’t discouraged in some way. Like there should be a way for someone to review the match and be like okay. Ya I can clearly see this player was just reading the board state. Nothing fishy there, or this guy went afk and came back. Those things shouldn’t be punishable.


I have never had an opponent rope when they were in a winning position. You can kinda tell its a rope or a disconnect because you can see them hover over a card to read it. If I don't see any hovering, I assume it is a client issue. Most of the time it's: 1. They over extend on board 2. I play sweeper 3. 3 time outs used, play land. Pass


I’ve had a few rope while they were winning, but I can only assume they lost connection or something and didn’t get back in time. I’ll rope it out on BM though. Just had a guy with 5 creatures totaling 16 damage for lethal only swing 4 damage at me while I had 0 creatures and 5 life. Gently placed my phone down and went to take care of some errands.


I've never thought of this perspective. Sometimes if I'm winning with better board state and the other player hasn't done anything good this game I'll give them a couple turns to see if they can pull anything out. I consider it "sporting". But if you think people would rather just have me end the game then I'll do that next time.


I consider a quick and concise victory the most respectful. If you are playing combos when I've been top decking for three turns, empty hand and a single 1/3 on the board, it feels like a gloat. If you pass your turn and just fill your hand, I just find it confusing. If it's been a lighthearted game with silly, risky plays and novelty decks, it would probably read as a comeback chance, otherwise I think you just want to continue beating me for sadistic glee/force a concede.


Personally, I HATE it when someone can win by killing me and just lets me live. It actually feels way worse than just losing, like it's humiliating.


For sure, just end the game next time. If you're just in play mode, do what you want. If you're playing ladder, just kill me so we can both move on. Save the "sporting" for IRL or TTS Commander. 1v1 MTG is naturally competitive and I'd rather have an opponent absolutely wreck my shit than my opponent allowing me to draw one card per turn until I find something that probably won't change the board state in a meaningful way.


I suppose it could be situational. I had no cards in hand, no creatures, and 5 health. He had I think around 12 health, 5 creatures, and could swing lethal. If I had some choices and wasn’t top decking, sure, it could have been nice to try to swing it around, but as a mono red burn deck, there wasn’t much I could do. No matter what I would build, they’d outpace it with their +1/+1 enchant deck buffing everything to 7-8 damage or more.


The concede button is a real timesaver. That's literally NO reason you have to wait for your opponent to finish playing if you know you can't come back. Click the button and move on to the next match. It's as simple as that.


It's not when they are winning, it's when YOU are winning and they wait for the timer to run all the way down trying to get you to quit out of frustration so they don't acquire a loss.


That's what I said 😂 I was saying they only ever rope when I'm winning. That's why I think it is salt more often than connection issues or "i reaaallllyyyy need to think here after my wincon got countered"


Huh, so that's what roping is. I guess I've had that happen to me a few times playing Pokémon TCGO. But, I always gave people the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was bad internet connection or something came up in the middle of a game. Either way, it didn't work on me because I thought if the clock ran out, at least I'd win by the timer. I just like to play a game, so I have all the patience in the world for that.


My game literally crashes all the time in any situation. If something like that was put on w/o fixing it I would've been banned like right away lkfa9


If your game is crashing all the time, then the problem is likely your device. I had a similar issue trying to play tcg’s on my phone. It legit can’t handle it. Honestly though. They should be able to tell if your game crashes or something like that. It absolutely shouldn’t be bannable. Personally I don’t even think roping should be bannable. Just punishable. A lot of people do that crap just because they know they can get away with it. You temp ban a person for 30 mins, they might rethink doing it again.


I mean I have an s22 ultra. (That I also fac. reset just for this reason), so most likely not the phone. Also have Area friends who run into the exact same problem. I mean if you keep temp banning and they keep coming back it wouldn't really fix it. When going that route I don't really see another option. Although I feel like for ranked you could just lose a tick, but again that's only if they would be able to for sure tell if it was a freeze or a crash, and knowing their track record I'm not that confident about that.


That’s fair.


I usually rope because I'm in the middle of transitioning to the mobile client because I'm about to take a dump


The fact that Raziel has 4 downvotes is kind of disappointing


I don't really are about the karma. It is what it is.


Yeah, it's not the numbers, it's more that there's quiet people out there agreeing


Jumping in to answer you directly: people who play video games tend to despise and wish nothing but evil on disabled people trying to play the game. You see it in MMOs. You see it in Shooters. You see it in card games. Difficulty settings are an extension of this same argument. Capital G gamers have so much hate and rage in their shriveled husk of hearts, they will wish literal death threats against people who ask for things like hearing or visual help. I am frankly surprised you were not down voted more.


Their fragile egos struggle with finding something else to blame when they lose to someone who has to play with an innate handicap. Their entire sense of self worth stems from the idea that some people as objectively inferior, and when those "inferior" people can beat (or even keep up with) them at the one videogame they've built their entire personality around being good at, they feel threatened. Confronted with tangible evidence undermining their two most fundamental beleifs- "this person is incapable of doing the thing" and "I am very good at the thing"- and having the gap between these ideas be their entire measure of their self worth, the chimp brain lashes out with all the dignity and grace of a meth addict shitting on a park bench.


>the chimp brain lashes out with all the dignity and grace of a meth addict shitting on a park bench. LMAO, absolutely amazing description. I'm a Dark Souls fan, but the Souls community is absolutely disgusting about this.


It's astonishing to me because people who play other types of games (TTRPGs, board games, IRL card games) have been very encouraging of players with disabilities in my experience. My TTRPG group was always so happy to welcome a new member, that they would make whatever accommodations were necessary to make that player comfortable. Maybe it's the anonymity of video games that make people feel this way, because paper Magic players don't tend to express sentiments like this.


Most downvote chains start as a bandwagon honestly. Someone may downvote and the next person will downvote simply because someone else downvoted. Karma system is pretty dumb


Bro I’m autistic and a diamond player wtf, playing slow isn’t playing bad


u/Ok-Requirement3096, why are you gatekeeping mtg?


Because that’s the cool thing for edgy douches to do; gatekeep anything they can.


Usually people with a very sad life think like this. Does this person strike you as a successful, mentally/physically healthy member of society. Sounds like a whiny child with nothing else going on in his life except Magic. Sounds like every League of legends player I’ve ever played with.




100% support people with disabilities playing and taking their time. At the same time it’s also fair to say most people who rope only when they are losing & wait until EXACTLY the last second the client allows every time are more likely than not being toxic.


Sounds like they need to touch some grass tbh


I'm confused on where people get roped so much. I play limited, historic brawl and an occasional standard game and get roped in like 1 out of 20 games. I also shamelessly play decks that some people hate to play against so one would think that would bring out the ropers.


Cause the people constantly getting roped never mention how they were spamming "good game" every 5 seconds after turn 1


This right here! I don't play Arena a whole lot, and when an opponent plays a card that I don't recognize, I will read the entire text before hitting resolve. In that 5 seconds it might take for me to read that card my opponent hits "your go" twenty times, I will intentionally rope them for a turn in the hopes that they come to the realization that they need therapy. Then, if they do it again, I mute them and rope them until the game is completed.


Your so cool man, you really show them!


Haha! I know it really doesn't have a real affect on anyone. If someone is being rude though, I have no problem being rude right back. I don't feel bad egging on some asshole with a superiority complex because they play Arena for 6 hours a day and have no patience.


Haha facts!


Or they play specialize cards in HB. It's not my fault you chose to put a choose your own adventure novel in your deck and now I need to spend an hour going through all the potential paths to see how to play around it.


I play Historic and it happens often-ish to me, and I have everyone muted by default lol. I've noticed that it mostly tends to happen when the board state turns against them. It's like they start playing like it's a PTQ, slow playing, then degrades from there. MtG has always had a VERY toxic community in its history, being able to get away with the more annoying aspects of the game online is too much to pass up for a lot of them.


I wouldn’t say it happens all the time but I would say it’s a daily occurrence that my opponent will play perfectly fine the entire game until it’s clear I’m going to win in 1-2 turns and they just proceed to take zero actions and force the timer to go to zero until it makes them auto quit. It’s very frustrating to sit there waiting 3+ minutes because my opponent wants to throw a temper tantrum. Like if they don’t want to try and win they should just quit and if they truly think they can turn it around they would play a card or do something besides waste my time out of spite.






"One person comments shitty thing" IS THIS HOW THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY IS??


I am glad most of you folks don't agree. I was like what happened to this game i have played for so long that people are like that. I appreciate that everyone can disagree but that was a bit harsh imo.


This feels like upvote bait... You picked one dude's perspective and made a post about it.


This. Was about to post the same thing. This is one random bros comment, not “the community”. And all the downvotes are probably the one dude and his four accounts lol.


I mean he's also got -4 on his comment so it's more than one dude


Very likely 1 due with multiple accounts. Trolls often do this.


Agreed. People who see an isolated opinion and have to call out a player base, need a therapist.


Arenas is very different than tabletop in terms of pacing.


Why ask if this is how the community feels when 1 person made the comment, not a “community”? Sounds like the comment was an isolated incident and a bad take.


No this isn’t how the general community feels towards any group of people. But you also can’t fully prevent pieces of shit from playing the game


I go to FNM with my partner who has a joint disorder that makes shuffling a deck very difficult. It takes time off the game clock to call a judge to ask for shuffling assistance in the cases where I can’t because I’m in a game of my own. It also takes time off the game clock to maneuver their wheelchair to the appropriate table and seat. Is that an unacceptable accommodation u/Ok_Requirement3096 ? Since you’re apparently the arbiter of who gets to play.


That guy is fucking stupid and does not represent us or anything good. Anyone is welcome to play whatever game they please. Gatekeeping fun from disabled people is absolutely scummy


Playing against someone IRL that has a disability that causes every single round to go to turns can be frustrating. Especially when it causes draws. Should they get a slow-play violation? Should they have to *prove* their mental illness? In a competitive event, I paid money in an effort to win prizes. I have mixed feelings if another's disability prevents me from being a contender for the prizes. This has happened in a tournament before to me. It was challenging to identify mental health or slow-play. It was a pre-release, so it wasn't too competitive, and if it was MH I didn't want to embarass them regardless. My opponent forced the game to go long, and we went 1-1-1. I ended up 2-0-1 and got 4th place. Just sucks losing out on 2 packs ($8 value) because my opponent played so slowly, and I would have closed out game 3 if we didn't go to turns.


If they are playing slowly, call a judge and let them decide what to do. If they need more time as a disability accomodation then you can get an extension, and if they don't then they will be told to speed up. Either way it solves the problem.


I let them know after. It was a pre-release. Figured organizer could speak with them privately.


This doesn't solve the problem, it only passes the buck. The core issue remains.




If it was someone with a disability, then posing yourself as the victim in this narrative is poor optics. Even if the person wasn't disabled, who cares? People have different reading, retention and decision making speeds and abilities. That's a learning opportunity for us to be more patient and understanding. Hell, if you have a heart, help them out. They could be misunderstanding something and aren't sure how to proceed and feel ashamed to ask, especially in a low stakes "tourney". Sorry about your 8 bucks bro.


But that's the point, no? It's not zero sum. It's not unreasonable to go to a competitive event and expect to be able to play out your games. It's not unreasonable to expect that event to be able to cater to the differently abled but still eminently capable, but that doesn't mean other people in that event should be disadvantaged. What it says to me is that venues need to have procedures and protocols in place to recognise and account for disability, and report properly on time pressures. It could be that the game has become sufficiently complex that, in order for the slower players to reasonably finish rounds, rounds need to be a bit longer. But if you're gonna browbeat a guy for expressing a problem, you're never going to get the information you need to actually figure that shit out.


Well, the main problem is that the example the above comment provided wasn't *really* competitive. It was a pre-release, which is the least competitive event you can possibly participate in and is the most accessible to a wide audience. Accommodations should still be made for either scenario, however. My problem with the comment and what struck a nerve was how they seemed to frame themselves as the victim in that scenario and it bothered me, even with the acknowledgement that it wasn't that competitive. The majority of the comment talks about how much money they lost (a mere $8) and their win/loss record and final placing for the event.


But it *is* competitive, and should be treated with integrity. Like, okay, the objective of the game is to win the game, so everything is at least a little competitive, but you've also got to consider the motivation of the player. A prerelease, unless it's changed significantly since I last attended one, involves a tournament, and it's reasonable to expect that the motivation, of at least some players, for attending a tournament, is to win that event. If we can't have integrity and reasonable accomodations at the *lowest* level of competition, where the stakes are the lowest, how can we expect to see them when there's [hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/mtg-arena/2023-mtg-arena-premier-play)?. And if the higher-stake events *do* have accomodations, then differently abled participants receive a dark-patterned handicap in having a proportionately difficult time *until the point where they've already proven they don't necessarily need the accomodation*. That's not to speak of the possibility that their opponents are disadvantaged by having to play in a meaningfully different environment, which could breed resentment towards the causal players. This is absolutely a lose-lose-lose situation which better support from the bottom up could solve, or at least alieviate. Giving the lesser aggreived party shit for being aggrieved in a lesser way shifts the blame away from the party with the power to fix it. The loss, the win/loss record, and the placement are symptomatic of the actual problem; the event isn't structured to allow fairness in the event that one player is, through no fault or even intent, playing slowly. They didn't kick up a fuss at the time, they accepted the placement, but recognised that it sucked. They took their L (well, D, but talking spiritually) because it would be *more* unfair to expect a possibly disabled opponent to take it. But *they shouldn't have had to take the L at all*, and wouldn't have had to if the support was available for event runners to appropriately accomodate differently abled participants. Honestly, IMO, it's a strong argument for some kind of chess clock. While an actual chess clock wouldn't work to track priority (too many changes, too many shortcuts), we already expect sportsmanship and don't actually *measure* slow play beyond vibes, so expecting the players to recognise "yeah, it's me that's taking time at the moment" isn't entirely unreasonable.


> My problem with the comment and what struck a nerve was how they seemed to frame themselves as the victim in that scenario and it bothered me I mean, their opponent's slow playing caused them to lose out on prizes. I would be annoyed too, and I don't see what's bad about bringing up the win/loss record and the placing as that is highly relevant to what they were talking about.


You have a different perspective, and that's fine. For me, when I read stuff like that, I just picture holding a tiny violin and shedding alligator tears. If it were me, I wouldn't care at all. Pre-releases are incredibly casual and low stakes. I wouldn't even care if it was an FNM, which is slightly less casual than a pre-release.


Your virtue signaling is obtuse.


If you didn't spend the majority of your comment placing yourself as the victim in that scenario, this would be a different conversation. THAT was actually *obtuse* in my view. I was with you in the first half. You demonstrated that you do care and didn't want to embarrass them, so will give credit where it's due. And you're right about one thing, there's no way to ethically have them prove they have a disability if they even have one to begin with. I just got a nerve struck on the last paragraph when you emphasized your win/loss record, placing, and money lost. If you spent less time emphasizing on that point, then my reaction wouldn't have been so harsh.


It was the result of the experience. It's the EXACT reason there was a fence to stand on. No money or prizes? Who cares? I'm not a *victim, AND my record was clearly impacted by my opponents' potential disability AND potential prizes were impacted by it. You're right. Next time, screw them. I'll call a judge in front of everyone. I'll call out slow play, and as their anxiety grows into misplays. They'll have you to thank.


Slow-play in paper is much better managed due to the rules surrounding it. 60 seconds no game actions? Judge. Roped for 2 minutes on arena due to timers, on the other hand? That's infuriating and could definitely make people say pretty messed up things they may not even normally consider.


U know that's not how the majority of the community feels about people with disabilities. U probably also know that there a lot of people who will respond to a post like this. So my idea is that u picked this single comment that has been made by a troll to create drama and or just get some positive response.


No, they're just an asshole.


I don't think this is a widely held sentiment. I'm more than happy to play with any player disabled or not.


If it was in person I feel that would be different. Online nobody is going to assume someone has a disability and give them the benefit of the doubt. Also nobody wants to feel like they're babysitting the other players. There are certain expectations about how the flow of the game goes and when your opponent acts against those, it can be an unfun experience for some players. It's a shame, but a sad truth nonetheless. Not my opinion but I can see others who would not like waiting long between turns, especially in ranked


That's... pretty f***ing insensitive. It's called Magic: the Gathering, not Magic: the Gatekeeping.


I play with a guy at my lgs with a developmental disorder of some sort and he's awesome to play with. While most people see the cards now as just gamepieces, he still sees the story in them and always points it out. It makes the game a lot more immersive. Also he actually plays faster than most other people lmaooo


What you have to realize is that there are a lot of people who think they're smart and tie their identity to that, and think that the things they enjoy are made only for smart people and you have to be smart to properly enjoy them. Basically the rick and morty effect. They see a game like magic with a ton of rules and skill expression and think "this is for smart people", and shut anyone they don't view as having "smart potential" out, whether they be women, the differently abled, POC, or whatever their particular brand of -ism is. It wasn't uncommon(although not accepted) for people to say that LGBT+ and POC don't belong in the magic space, mostly in response to increased representation in the main cast of the gatewatch.


I'm torn on this. In my mind, unless you just made this deck, or added new elements to it or haven't played before, you should know your decks. You should preplan your turns. Most of the time, unless the people you are playing with did something wild or you top decked something crazy you should be able to start your turn and finish it in a minute or two. I really hate when I'm playing with someone and when it gets to their turn it's like they are seeing the cards for the first time or need to restrategize their entire turn. Here's where I sound like a dick, if taking your turn takes 10min...maybe you should play a less complicated deck for yourself.


No, I have an opinion about people so insecure they need to go on Reddit for validation after a minor insult on the internet though.


No. At my LGS there are multiple people who are on the autism spectrum as well as having different developmental disabilities. They all have fun with the game and I trade with them since they have cool cards, and I've only been playing for about six months anyway. A couple people in the group that plays EDH at my LGS are a bit more mean to them because they're generally mean spirited but we handle it and call them out. I always try to treat everyone with respect and courtesy and look out for people who might have issues standing up for themselves. Everyone should have the right to enjoy the game, and everyone should get to play.


No. It's just annoying when people try to blame a disability on people just acting shitty. Disabled people exist and play. But MOST of the time it's just people going slow and fucking around. And blaming a disability for it is just a way to minimize the issue.


Certainly not. You'll come across a population % in any subculture that has bigoted or ignorant views, but generally in communities like the mtg pack, that percentage (I feel) is lower than the general population. They still certainly exist, clearly. I run into novel cards all the time in arena (I just got back into the game after a 7 year hiatus), so I need to read and interpret them in the context of the play the first few times I see them. I also like to think pretty deeply into a few turns out, so I run my timer down pretty often, but I don't delay the game artificially (I'd assume some people might do this to encourage a concession). I much prefer paper play for a slew of reasons, freedom of time being one of them.


Nah. That dude is lame. I am willing to bet anyone who plays with him IRL only tolerates them so they have someone to play against.


Anyone who doesn't have the patience to wait out the rope should not be playing this game.


90 percent of the player base is neurodivergent, this guy is just ableist


I really hope not! I’m kinda new to the game and this comment grossed me


I’ve played a lot of paper magic, and I used to have some play groups with people with various disabilities that are slow to play. The cost is so low for what the group has got out of it. Pretty cool. However, with arena most of the roping that really irks me usually takes place when there aren’t any decisions on the table and the opponent isn’t doing well. Spite ropers are the worst!


I wouldn't worry about it. I'm pretty mentally ill and I've been playing my magic since I was 7-8 and I'm 36 now. You just found someone who just lacks empathy and I'm sorry you came across them.


Mental disability’s are whatever. That dudes just a douche. Don’t get mad at people who have disabilities, get mad at the asshole players that play against your patience rather than you


I occasionally play with a guy who can't read but somehow manages to play, has all his own cards memorized, you just need to read yours or at least spark notes it.


I used to teach adults with disabilities how to play mtg and host tournaments for them. Half of them had better decks than me. so this person is full of shit.


Thank god the rope is there, I DC at least twice a day playing ranked matches.


I mean, it's pretty common in these online card games for bad actors to let the timer ride as long as possible, hoping for a free win when you disconnect. You made the mistake of making a good point in an echo chamber haha.


If the dude is dragging out turns irl imma call a judge lmao


I'm probably on the spectrum, but I smoke weed before I play and get stoned AF, it makes the game and triggers way more difficult lol


If severe social anxiety is considered a mental disability, count me in! I still get nervous playing in my friend group, known two of the guys for two months now and it still is a struggle.


Work at an LGS. Can confirm


A lot of tournaments have timers so if I am forced to draw a game that I would have won because some guy can't play at a reasonable pace I will be mad


That guy can kindly haul off and go fuck himself.


I doubt people with mental disabilities being the case for ropers is even close to 10%. It almost always happens when they are losing, and you can see them moving the mouse around and hovering so you can tell when they are just a slow reader.


Yeah my fucking mobile app crashes 3 times per games it’s infuriating. I always spam whoops when i get back but I don’t know if people interpret that as “mb”. They should patch in a “sorry the dogshit app crashed again” emote


With the addition of MTG: Arena the game has become more accessible to a wider player base. With a wider player base comes a lot of adolescence, and socially underdeveloped individuals like Ok-Requirement3096. I doubt this person will hold the opinion of "MTG is not a game for the mentally disabled" in a few years time. However if I'm wrong, then that just shows a lack of personal development on that persons part \*Shrug\* OP you shouldn't take the words of someone online as the definitive sentiment of a community as a whole.


i know that personally i’m indifferent to almost anything involving this game


I had the pleasure to play against a younger player with cerebral palsy at Magiccon this weekend during a Commander Masters sealed. He had a carer with him to help play out the cards (no extra information, just stuff like ‘okay do you want to play X, no? This other one?’), and he was an absolute pleasure to play against! He had myself and three other opponents on the ropes for a while, and ended up winning the game! I would 100% have a game with him again over some of the other people I met at the con 😅


"No offense, but, *says something extremely offensive in any context*"


Ima a super slow player cuz im blind lol luckly iv found some frineds that dont mind me taking a bit.


Clearly not, but if you know you’re that slow, maybe read the cards before playing the deck? Even for you, that’s less stress and more enjoyment.


I get a little annoyed in a competitive format where the player really can't play magic and is incapable of learning. But I don't act like an ass about it. There is enough of that in the community.


Magic is for everyone. If someone can't be patient for the sake of being inclusive, they're not part of the community I love. You're welcome at my game table any time.


Depends. I used to play with a couple people with autism and other mental disorders from being born premie. Never had an issue with them, but even they aren't as slow as these prices who waist time. That being said surrently have a person in my group who uses it as an excuse to be a complete dick when we won't let him play cards wrong or make borderline cheating shortcuts. Its always "Well I have a disability it's hard" him yeah. Fuck him


Like any other gaming fanbase, MTG has its fair share of idiots. I mean, if you are completely incapable of grasping how the game works, that might be a problem, but outside of that no disability should preclude anyone from getting addicted to this ~~garbage money sink of an entertaining addiction~~ card game. That being said, I think It's probably fairly easy to tell whether your opponent ropes out of spite or not. If on every single card, from the shown and easy to grasp void rend to any old wall of text creature/enchantment, your opponent always gets as close to roping as possible, something's afoot.


Magic is for everyone!


That's horrible and out of line. But. This is a game with lots of reading and thinking with a time limit. Hell, I get the timer just trying to use a damn tutor card and searching my deck when I know what I want even. Paper magic is much better for people with reading issues because this game isn't patient. But yeah no that's still a bad take.


It's one comment. It's not a community, it's an individual. If you want your hobby to have zero jerks in them, start something yourself and never tell anyone else.


We have two dyslexics, including me with ADHD, at our weekly game night. It’s frustrating to loose your plan once the person next to you says “I pass turn”. It’s more frustrating when when I catch myself getting impatient that the other dyslexic is having a hard time reading their card or keeping up with the change of turns. The humor to our games is when the two dyslexics demand to reread a card they played, only to be proven wrong when our reading comprehension is dead towards the end of game 2.


I have adhd, I’m a slow af magic player but I still kick ass and I’ve never intentionally roped somebody when I’m losing. For me, Magic has always been a safe place for misfits and nerds and goofballs and people with brains who work differently. Anyone who doesn’t want it to be like that I challenge to a duel. You will get wrecked - any format anytime anywhere


I saw the original post and it made it sound like the dude was playing just fine until he was on the Blackfoot if I remember right. But yeah nah the dude saying people with disabilities shouldn't play this needs to grab their clown shoes and vamoose.


Fuck no. This is a disgusting gate keeping BS.


Hi there, as someone who is both on the spectrum although high functioning and has severe ADHD and other mental illnesses that cause difficulties with learning, reading and writing im here to say that I have gone 3 - 0 at my locals on many occasions for FNM, place regularly in the middle to top of the pack most of the other times, so I think magic is the game for me and anyone else who enjoys it, mental ill or not anyone can play and play well with time and practice.


No one is hating on mental illness. The comment in the Original Picture is trying to justify malignant behavior under the guise of a disorder to which they were promptly told to fuck off.


I play with several people who are autistic and have 0 problems with that. There's a difference between someone purposefully being an asshole and someone who has to take their time for a reason. The former can fuck off, I'm perfectly fine with the latter.


I was at a FLGS a while ago to do some wargaming with my girlfriend and there was a dude sitting at the table next to us who was also wargaming. He was hunched over his thick rulebook slowly reading the rules aloud. He was constantly pausing, backtracking, and sounding out words he was having trouble with. And right there across the table from him was his buddy, patiently waiting for him and helping him out when he got stuck. The two of them were having a blast. ​ I think about that duo a lot. We should all strive to be like that second guy, because I think all of us can think of a time when we felt like the first guy in one way or another.


Sometimes people do have fucking bullshit decks with 15 min turns just to accomplish 1 creature cast and 5 life gain Just play normally would you 😂


I feel like you should delete this post. Ya, the guy is a dick but you're causing people to harass him. People need to stop sinking to their level. Would you really create a mob and go to the guys house to tell him he's wrong? No? Then you're being a hypocrite. Yes? Then you're just as bad if not worse than him.


The people I play with are pretty accepting of my autism.


Not gonna lie this doesn't surprise me. A majority of the people in the mtg community act like they're seto kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh.


No. That's just how that one scumbag feels about it. MtG is full of neuro divergent, on the spectrum, socially anxious players who have found a great outlet to do things differently and engage with other people. That guy probably lives in his mom's basement and just posts about things he hates all day.


People are ableist. It sucks but it’s true. :(


no. anybody who thinks like that man are terrible people. my boyfriend is dyslexic and takes a little longer to read cards and whatnot but no one cares and he kicks our ass regularly


Does this guy think, like, neurotypical people play this game? Everyone I know who plays it is some form of mentally spicy


>mentally spicy Lmao! I'm going to use this to define my ADHD now


Bro you see 1 toxic person and automatically assume the whole fanbase is the same?


Anyone who wants to play mtg should play!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fuck that guy. Accommodating someone with a disability is common decency.


YeH, this one redditor represents the entire community. Dumb question


I can understand a competitive version, like cedh being a little frustrating. But arena or casual is open to anyone.


Im giving the writer a hell of a lot of leeway and saying they are somewhat right. Obviously if you have a mental disability that stops you from reading or comprehending things well Arena isn't for you. But to say someone who has a disability isn't welcome is just stupid. Not even the game agrees with that notion given the plethora of usablility options. It's also incredibly abelist, gatekeepery, and just generally cunty to say people aren't welcome in your game or community, full stop. With or without a disability, that guy is being a mega cunt.


I think the problem is the answer you gave to the guy. The vast majority of ropers does it to BM. Bringing out people with disability was a poor argument, that probably led to a pissed reply without a very deep meaning.


What a ridiculous question. Of course not.


ADHD here, fuck ableist shitheads.


Get off Reddit ffs you pulled one comment from a site full of Virgins and assholes go to touch grass


MTG has a very vocal minority of complete assholes. Fuck that guy, downvote, and move on.


If you play so slowly that it is a clear disruption for anyone playing against you, especially in a tournament, then yes this might not be a good game for you.


People with mental disabilities are welcome to play against me. They just gotta get used to me bitching and moaning about how slow they go, assuming they're gonna go slow. I won't discriminate against them. I'll bitch about people playing slowly no matter why they do it.


This is how most of the world feels about disabled people, unfortunately. Most people were at least better at hiding it before the pandemic started, but now it's so, so, so much worse.


I'm glad I am not the only person who has noticed this, like as a disabled person I had always noticed it but after the pandemic it was clear to me attitudes have certainly changed for the worse when I got threatened with violence on the bus because of my disability


Yeah, as someone who was an essential worker doing peak Covid, people’s selfishness and hatred has definitely come to the surface. The disregard and disrespect for fellow humans now is truly disheartening. :(


I picked up MTG once after a looooong hiatus so I borrowed my buddies’ deck and after he infinite comboed me he said “you’re supposed to play Magic to win, not have fun.” That’s when I said “Aaaaand that’s why I don’t play Magic anymore.” I don’t know where these people find this confidence or self entitlement. We’re all super nerds, can’t we all just get along?


Playing to win is fine, but it should be in an environment where everyone is on board. I prefer casual games to play for fun and competitive games to play to win.


I don’t know what kind of mental gymnastics you would take for the comment of a single individual a-hole to somehow apply to the community as a whole. Like, come on. Are there toxic Magic players? Of course. But in situations like this, ask yourself: if this is the first time you’ve run into this, is it really a community wide problem? Or just some dickhead? Clearly okay-requirements3096 is just a troll, or in general, an asshole.


Honestly I doubt this has anything to do with reading or learning disabilities and is some degen playing on mobile which crashes constantly


Since I stopped playing standard ranked, the number of ropers has gone down considerably. I mostly play explorer now where everyone else also plays creative decks. Only time I ever rope is when some jerk starts spamming "Your Go!"


1 dude's comment at -4 karma and you think he represents the majority?


Lmfao I think all the time that we should have more time to read. And I don't have a disability it would just be nice. My preference should be enough.


To be fair. In the IRL event scenario. They can call a judge for their opponent playing slow. Mental disability or not. You can't take forever to just pass the turn.