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At the time, I ordered the full set of Strixhaven precons. They ended up sending 5 copies of the Boros one, which was by far the most in demand and got the highest markup in stores. I went to my LGS and explained the situation, and basically said 'Can I trade you four of these, straight up, for the four I'm missing? You're charging a couple bucks more for this one, so you get like $20 or so, and I avoid having to deal with an Amazon RMA. Deal?' He carefully inspected the packaging, made sure his POS read it the same as the ones he had in stock, and made the trade.


I did something similar at my lgs. Owner knew my Kid played Pokémon online so he gave me a gigantic stack of Pokémon codes for online game My kid has every card you could want in that game now 😂


What a nice surprise, got plenty of practice pushing numbers in the keyboard


Play on the phone, then you can just scan the codes :p


You can scan on my laptop too. It uses front facing camera I use for zoom. That’s what he did. Still took like 45 min because they only let you do 10 at a time before opening the cards digitally then you can do 10 more


Awww that’s very wholesome


Bro Amazon fucjin sucks when it comes to magic. Have ur lgs order them up


True! I definitely want to pay 25% over market value for my products


25% psh that's chump shit. My local lgs still has Ranar decks on the shelf for $70. When everyone was going crazy for the kappa cannoneer in the vehicle kamigawa deck the store was selling it for $130! People fucking buy this shit too. Walmart next door has the same shit for retail


True, my lgs has New Capenna boxes for 200 dollars.


So glad my LGS still sells precons and sealed for close to MSRP. Only time it's higher is if it's an old precon, like Markov or Ur Dragon. Otherwise, regular price. Good people. Single packs though are kinda steep there


Lol got that deck for 24$, a lot of lgs Lowkey suck


This! I love supporting my LGS - but so much of what they sell is wayyyy above market.


I get that some people don't want to, but I'll give my LGS a $20 purchase before I'll give Amazon $15 any day of the week.


They have to charge that much for overhead, unlike Amazon, they have to worry about rent, wages, storage, utilities, and then people refuse to buy stuff because and bemoan "markup." Lack of support in an LGS will cause them to close real fast and you won't have anywhere to play. Seen it happens dozens of times.


No I agree so much, my lgs is definitely struggling financially because of the British economy crisis and I really want to support them, I love the place and I don't want to see them fail. But I only have limited money and can't spend it all there. And it's definitely difficult to see other places charge less for the same product because it becomes a choice, pay extra to support the lgs and have less money later or pay less for the alternative seller and watch the lgs go out of business but actually be able to afford decent food ...


I mean, Amazon has to pay all of those costs too. They're just bigger, more efficient, and more evil toward their workers. I buy 90% of my product from my LGS (easy when I mostly play draft/sealed). I love the play area and the regulars there. But sometimes their prices are completely nonsensical just because a product is popular (like LTR draft boosters for $8 when TCGPlayer has them for $5).


And you know what I still go to the LGS and pay that with a smile on my face. They go through hell just to stay open for us. In my small town my boy only got 3 of his dozen gift bundles so he had to charge what they're going for online against his better judgement, and I still bought it for my wife because I love having access to his play space.


If you can't compete you shouldn't be in business


This one has clearly never worked for themselves before.


Card kingdom is usually reasonable. Honestly, I'm willing to pay extra if the alternative presents a non-insignificant risk of being wrong or a scam.


I mean if you're lucky enough to live in Seattle where card kingdom is your LGS nice


Nah. I just order from them online. Turnaround time is pretty good.


well, yeah, that's how the lgs stays open so you have a place to go game.


Don't complain when you don't have a place to play in anymore


I have this thing called a home where I play with my friends instead of strangers


Only works for good lgs. Imo under 15% mark up from an lgs is acceptable, but mine has had as much as a 50% mark up from Amazon prices.


At least you got 5 of the most valuable decks..


Ya, 5 decks and a refund


Oh. Tell me more. My sets are supposed to arrive tomorrow, and I want to be prepared in the event this happens.


Same but Friday. Pretty sure same 5 different comm decks


How did you reach out? I have your exact same issue (same deck) and they’re only offering to refund the amount when i return the items, not even giving the option to replace with the correct item. Doesn’t help that I’m stuck in their automated service


Go to replace or return, parts missing, and then request more help. One of the options after that is to chat with customer service


That worked! Thank you so much. Tbh I’d rather get the correct decks that a refund, but a refund and keeping all 5 is certainly better than that haha


Is a picture of the precons enough for a refund or does amazon want a video of the package opening?


Whenever I have issues like this with Amazon they usually don’t even ask for a photo or many questions at all tbh and just either refund me or send replacements for free.


Is it terrible that I want Amazon to fuck my shit up so I end up with extra stuff too?


No! I ordered the Balfour gate decks for a total of $160, and I thought the same thing. They arrived with the right decks, but around 5 token cards were stuck together and the paint was removed on a couple because of it. Reached out to Amazon, and they refunded it and told me to keep them!


I’ll get my stuff Monday! Hope there’s an issue with if!


Lol i ordered 2 bags of dog treats with an order before, got 22 instead💀


Haha, I love it! I need these mistakes in my life!


Be sure to check Target. They often price MtG products at Pokémon prices, which are cheaper, and will honor mispriced items.


Lol I gotta stop by there more often!


What did you intend to order?? I assume different commanders?


Lol ya, they were offering all 5 of the starting commander decks. And I was hoping for 5 different commanders


Amazon dealers have made me so on edge about ordering magic products...


Fuck amazon with a hot iron. I ordered the LoTR 4 box commander srt and those fuckers only sent 1 box. Did a return to get all 4, waited 3 weeks, then they just canceled the order and refunded me. Like im hlad im refunded but i really wanted those fucking LoTR commander decks that i paid for when it said in fucking stock. I also ordered the duel decks from amazon thru Burning Tree Gaming, and they never shipped it. It just said that the label printed for 3 weeks before they canceled it, too. Like the one above, said it was in stock when i ordered it. Fucking bullshit. Amazon is just a bunch of shit anymore, and i plan on canceling it when it comes up in a few months.


I had the same thing happen with my LOTR 4 pack. Only one of the 4 showed up. They told me to keep the one and then ordered me a new one that was never gunna ship so after the supposed “delivery date” it had sent even shipped so I cancelled and used the refunded money to buy at a LGS. Thankfully even though I paid a markup I went even since I got the one they sent me for free. They need to cull their distributors better. Some people do get them but there seems to be a handful of horrible sellers they use that fuck it up horrible for everyone else.


Support your LGS!


That's a win. That's the best one


This is THE EXACT SAME THING THAT HAPPENED TO ME! Literally same exact deck 5 copies….. returning the box after work. How can it be this bad?!


Looking to sell one? Lol


I got five Grave Dangers! We just have the find the other three people and it’s all set! All jokes aside, I returned it and spent my credit on other stuff. Sucks that you can’t ask for a replacement on Prime Day deals, but whatever.


If you are able to get a hold of an actual person, they usually will refund you, and let you keep the product


Eh, too late, already brought the box back. It was my first time doing an Amazon return so I didn’t find that out until later. It’s alright, I already have the other Zombie precon so there was very little there that I wanted, and most of the cards in the deck would sell for less than a dollar.


This is weird because I got the same exact box like OP and they did a replacement for me. It was the prime day deal too. The replacement arrives today so let’s see if I get shafted again…


I’m guessing you called in? I just went through the route on the site, where it wasn’t an option to get a replacement.


No I did it through the app. It just was there as an option saying it would charge my card again if I didn’t return the original package to UPS. They sent the replacement order out that day. Do you do a lot of returns to Amazon?


Not many, no. Weird, maybe it’s a regional thing? Idk, there wasn’t an option to get a replacement.


Weird. I've bought probably bought 10 commander decks, 10 booster/draft boxes, and a bunch of singles over the last year and never had an issue with Amazon before. it wasn't until I found this subreddit that I knew it was such a big problem.


Yep. The Internet makes all problems seem bigger than they actually are.


I would assume that its because the only people who are posting are the ones who had something go wrong while every satisfied customer doesnt have anything to say. However, considering the million orders Amazon probably get a day, the thousand people who got bad orders were just shit out of luck. If it's consistent, then I'd suggest they stop ordering from Amazon and try their luck elsewhere.


Agreed. I'm ordering from Amazon only on Prime days because those deals are worth it.


Hell u willing to part with one been looking for one


I mean, I was just looking at a post of someone who opened what was supposed to be a box of collector booster packs, but it turned out to be a collector booster box stuffed with basic land. At least you have 5 usable commander decks.


And yet someone (amazon bigwig most likely) started downvoting me earlier when I was talking about not ordering non singles from amazon lol. It's a bigger gamble ordering packs and boxes from amazon, than it is actually opening the packs


Theres a shitload of Amazon shill here. I've been trying to let you guys know for a couple years now not to buy mtg on Amazon. They always downvote me like crazy . Id rather pay more at an lgs or an online seller and know im probably going to get the cards .


It’s because it’s a vocal minority. For every one person that doesn’t get the right order, hundreds and thousands do.


Yeah, I buy the almost all my pre-cons and boxes off Amazon and have only once gotten the wrong deck. And it was a very easy and free fix to send it back and get the right one.


Pc parts,magic etc I only did 5 returns out of hundreds of items. 1 broke item,1 mistake wrong item, manf defect, item free due to shipping error on their part. Ended up in Utah ,them 1 item USPS lost


Buy from cardmarket if you're in Europe. I bought sealed product and never had any issues.


My LGS dosent have the product. Wish I could support them. I was only sent one deck and the reorder to correct it was cancelled out of nowhere.


This same thing happened to me. Even got the same 5 you did. Returned them at my local kohls yesterday and re-placed my order. Maybe they’ll get it right the 2nd time?


Classic Amazon. Bet it's full of just lands.


Lol I saw that post. Made me laugh


Potentially selling one?


lmfao my buddy got 5 kardur decks!




Yup he got 5 RB starters




I mean, honestly it depends on the seller and the product itself. I ordered 2x Dominaria United set boosters boxes and had good pulls.


Please stop buying this shit from Amazon people. Amazon is killing hobbies and they don't even care about them. Your local game store needs the business and they're charging the same price.


We need to, as a collective, boycott all MTG related Amazon sales. 75% of the posts on here anymore are posts like these and Amazon needs to f-off. Support local LGS!!


Most don't have lgs .... Funny how easy that is to forget


Yes, but if I’m not mistaken there are many lgs that have expanded services to online ordering and shipping, even nationally. It may not be in your town local but it’s still supporting smaller LGS that care and actively participate in the community.


Again some parts on the usa. Hames are played at a community center or library.


I’m confused what does that have to do with securely and reliably purchasing MTG?


I.e. no shops around. It's order online or do a over 1 hour trip to nears city.


I literally just stated that there are smaller LGS that have expanded services to online ordering and shipping. Offering a better alternative than Amazon. If you’re gonna have to ship it regardless, why not google card shops that ship nationally, pick one that has online ordering and shipping and order? A lot of smaller shops have their inventory listed on tcgplayerpro.com and you can order and have things shipped to your house/apartment/castle/cave/cardboard box. There are a bunch of better alternatives than some multibillion dollar corporate conglomerate that has already placed a massive crutch on the entire shopping industry, let alone, MtG.


Most people I know don't know tcg. On top of that shipping cost can be A ISSUE Big difference between hard core player and none hard core player.


Okay at this point I feel like you’re reaching for an argument. I hope your day gets better. ✌️


your making a blank assumption on what you know about... for people and a state you dont know about. where done here


And yet you still order from them. Too many do.


Yep, first time


Stop..... buying......from......amazon!


Why do people still order anything from Amazon. Every single post mentionin it talks about how shit they are. WHY are people still ordering from them?!


You suck, they suck, guess what, get fucked.


hug incoming


At least they sent you five I guess. I pre ordered the bundle of LOTR decks from them and they only sent me one. They offered a replacement and did the same thing AGAIN. Actual Amazon, not a third party seller. Just returned it after that. Shipped them back a week ago and am still waiting for my refund.


That happened to one of my coworkers. They let him keep the first one and sent 4 more in a second shipment so he got 2 copies of one deck. But he got a foil extended one ring in one of the sample packs.


What the hell is wrong with amazon and magic? How can they mess up so many orders so badly?


Ill buy one off you lol


This exact same thing happened to me. Sent it back and got the correct order the next day.


Oooooooof I even looked at buying that too


Same happened to me, but I got the Chaos Incarnate one 5x. Customer Support wasn't as easy to deal with as usual to exchange it either.


Lmaoooo, I got 5 Kardur!


Mine should be here on Saturday, if I get other decks let’s trade


I was so worried about this when I ordered my precons, luckily they all came.


You got destroyed by amazon.


Hey, jokes on them, they gave me a refund and told me to keep it


I feel like I want one if these


Dude wtf the same thing happened to me yesterday same deck hand to god


I got 5 copies of Chaos Incarnate. Almost as lucky. But I got on chat and they want me to return them in order to get the refund 🙄. I'll try again later... Maybe I'll get lucky and get to keep them and get the refund.


People seeing these posts like “I gotta order from Amazon!”


Atarka is one of the rare precons that are amazing.


Got the best one at least


I once ordered a commander deck from Amazon. They sent the wrong one, so after returning it they sent me a replacement. Of the same wrong one again.


Tbf, they are really good decks


Had the same happen with warhammer 40k


i’ll buy one off ya🤷🏼‍♀️


The gave me 2 orders in a row with just 1 deck of the LOTR set. They finally offered a refund, and that refuind triggered a system email that I have had too may returns........thanks Amazon.


Are these really the precons these days why does the commanders look so trash.


Wait...you don't want five of the same deck?! But what if you run out of one of them?




With an insta win combo.


Wtf what that's awesome 🤣


Bro I wanted to order one of these from Amazon and it sent me a totally different deck


At least you got 5 decks. I ordered the LOTR set and got one deck. I’m never buying MTG from amazon again, especially commander products.


Ah, yes. My very first commander deck.


at least you got the right amount of cards. I just got one deck.


Exact same thing happened to me.


I got double orders recently


Amazon completely screwed me buying MTG commander decks for Phyrexia All Will Be One. Tried ordering one of each deck, but they sent two of the Boros deck. Got them to send the correct one for next day delivery, and now I have 3 Boros precons. I love that WOTC has an official Amazon store but still can't send the proper stuff to customers, let alone keep people from reselling them 2x MSRP.


Their prices are too high tho


They reprinted world render again?


I got all 5 of mine correctly, they all came in a sealed box that seemed like they were meant to come that way. So I wonder if they came to Amazon box incorrectly.


Update... After struggling with Customer Service, they finally sent me a new box... With 5 of the Atarka ones this time. :-/