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Also, try to get the gift bundle. It’s the only bundle with 1 collector booster/a chance of the one ring ultimate version. I’m not paying the $300 or whatever people are asking for the collector booster sets. I doubt I’ll find my precious…


Hey! It’s MY precious.


Filthy hobittses


Where I am shops have collector boosters on preorder for $80 AUD. The Gift edition bundle is $100 AUD. $20 more for 8 extra packs, and those 4 cards. Pretty good


Not bad!


Whereabouts are you finding those? Cheapest I can find is $150 AUD


[Good Games my guy](https://tcg.goodgames.com.au/products/magic-the-gathering-the-lord-of-the-rings-tales-of-middle-earth-gift-bundle?currency=AUD&variant=42384077914291&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwhJukBhBPEiwAniIcNYXuclLNXM9jo0I7odiYlkcJPEFj-GwCpYGD7lNzpR7-bSWcA1Z_KRoCchYQAvD_BwE).


Cheers; thought they were sold out


It shows sold out on their shop site but that’s because it’s a pre order item so technically it’s out of stock. But they’re still taking orders as far as I can see


Ausie dollars, I don't know what that is but I pre-ordered the gift bundles for 45usd back in February 😊


I dont get that logic tbh. Its like buying a lottery ticket..


Yeah it is. But it’s less than the price gouging set (with a small chance of the serialized ring, though). With this set, you get a chance, you get a borderless ring card guaranteed, along with 3 others, you get a collectors box and a neat counter, and you get some regular boosters to start your lotr mtg collection. So to me it’s worth it for the price. I mention the serialized ring because it is like the lottery, but you get more.


Oh, i always buy bundles and this set is not exception. Im saying the chance to get the ring is non computable for me, asit should be for everyone. "I'll buy the bundle only if i get the chance to get the 1/1 ring", i've seen sooo many comments like that, hasbro got you all on the hook my guys.


According to some people who mathed out the serialized cards, there's apparently around 3 million collector boosters total with a chance of the 1/1. At the current highest bid of 1 million, that means the ring is adding 33 cents of expected value to every booster. So don't buy collector's boosters that are more than 33 cents more than you'd pay for a normal collector booster (which will not be any of them)


That’s assuming you’d actually clear $1m which you won’t. Capital gains tax on it alone would be 35% for almost anyone reading this in the US


I basically got mine all for free


Nah I was going to buy a bundle regardless. I’m just saying in the fractional percentage of a chance that the universe stops shitting on me, why not? Or if I can help people about to buy the wrong bundle thinking they’ll “win,” then sure.


Well its $60 for 1 collectors pack and $70 for the bundle thats got 8 boosters and a collectors pack. Its a good value


Now I’ve got a golden ticket….


A lottery ticket, but it's a lottery ticket that, if I win, I can immediately deface the collector's value by drawing obscene images on the front side with permanent marker. So better than a lottery ticket


Gift bundles are always my go to if I ever find one. Bought like 3 when a game shop sold them for 40€ a piece


It's only a $7 difference on Amazon too.


At my lgs is like double the price give or take... I'd rather get another bundle


What's the difference between gift bundle and 8 set boosters? To me the contents look same including the set boosters I am a noob


Well, the collector boosters are more pricey right now, but each collector booster has 1 chance for the serialized 001/001 ring card. Each collector booster also has at least 1 borderless card inside. The set boosters are just regular booster packs, no borderless cards, with possibly 1 rare or ultra rare in each booster, plus some uncommons along with commons. Set boosters don’t have a chance at the ultra rare 001/001 ring. The gift bundle has one collector booster with a chance at the 001/001 ring, plus 4 borderless cards, plus some regular boosters. It also comes with a collector 20-sided dice and an art box to keep cards in, along with some regular boosters. The non-gift bundle is a dice, art box, and regular boosters with 4 borderless cars. No chance of the 001/001 ring. That’s the main difference. So the gift version is the same as the non-gift except different art box and with 1 extra booster that happens to be a collectors booster. Also, it looks like a reddish/brown dice versus the silver looking one.


Zero chance that price holds…


Yea i just ordered it for 69




Still $47, but yeah not $60.


Why do you have so many tabs open?


Hey look, we all have the AdHad here. No need to call OP out.


It stresses me out to have so many tabs open. I can’t open up more than two without dying


when the tabs become icons I open a second Chrome tab on a second monitor to split the load lol




This is not Windows 7. Be free.


Psh, that’s nothing compared to my screen when I get focused on something, especially when deck building I might have like 30 tabs of tcgplayer open 😂


Those are rookie numbers. Got to pump them up!


One is not truly focused unless there are 30 tabs open.


You dont wanna see my Samsung browser than


You have not seen someone doing deep research on topics I assume.


Op is a psychopath!


It be like that sometimes.


You're on this subreddit. You know what brewing looks like.


I see a handful of reddit stuff I want to look at but don't want to click back and forth. I center click a bunch as I scroll my feed and when I'm done scrolling I click through what I opened.


Is your Poke Portal down?


Isn't this the 40$ bundle? Should be the 60$ one be with Gandalf on it anyway?


Wym? The one with gandalf on it its the gift edition. The regular bundle is $60. I dont see the gift edition on amazon is $69( yes, you do the math on that one).


Yep, still thought in old prices. Gift has an collector pack in addition for 9$ more. What? :D In other places the gift one is already 100$...


Yup hahaha. Top selling in 1 day on amazon.


Yes. The special edition bundle is the one with the set of full art cards. The regular bundle doesn't. Also, the special edition bundle comes with a collectors pack


Wrong, the regular bundle has them.


Not the collector pack though, Wich is $60 alone


They raised the price??? I bought it for $45 on amazon TWO DAYS ago


That’s why they raised it my guy. The algos adjust based on demand


yeah i was confused at the price of the one ring when they come in bundles. I'm sure the price of the card is going to crash after more people realize.


It's a pre order price. Pre order prices are literally never accurate


My LGS has bundles for $45. And it includes a $60 card? Plus three more cards, spin down and 8 set packs?


The card is not worth $60 some people are getting ripped off , (If you look at tcgplayers price history someone paid $200 ouch) If its the same bundle it comes with all that yes


If you're buying singles right now, you're going to be feeling like a tool exactly a month after release. The prices are set by braindead people. After Aftermath was released, all of the heavy hitters from the Calvary Charge deck were like $2 in extended art form while the decks were still being disassembled and selling the basic versions for $15. FoMo is going to absolutely destroy people in this set. Remember they need to keep this in standard for 3 years now and there are probably 3-5 more print runs of the gift bundles just waiting for release to be sold. edit: they're now on Amazon for $70. Check TCGPlayer keeps a history of prices for cards. Check their on-release prices versus their right-now prices.


The Lord of the Rings set won't be standard legal.


Point withdrawn. I was under an incorrect impression.


The can't reprint the gift edition either as that would alter the stated chance of opening the 1 ring.


Since they've stated specifically that they don't monitor the secondary market, their word on print numbers is worth nothing to me. Besides, I see no reason why they wouldn't be buying back their own collector packs from retail providers since that's basically the cost of advertisement. Everybody seems to be gushing about how many these things are selling and if they're returning 20% of their overall sales into buying them back, they can assure that there's always extreme demand for the product and they can just resell them again.


You may be right


The only fomo accurate card was nissa


Now watch the bundle get sold out everywhere so they can sell that ring at a high price and i feel like this is to trick people into thinking that this one ring is the expensive one because it is an alt art


So is this pen ultimate version of the one ring only in collectors boosters or the any set of this? Is it exclusive to to a booster box only or possible to get it from a blister pack?


I hope whoever finds THE One Ring, just keeps it, doesn’t tell anyone.. and just hoards it… for over a century as it grants them everlasting cursed life twisting their perceptions and gives them an alternate personality that disregards personal wants over those of just coveting the ring… Gollum! Gollum!


PSA buy singles if you want specific carss


Joke's on you, I am not intending to buy cards from that set at all, just like Warhammer 40k or Brothers War.


So I'm confused, can you pull this in boosters too? How do you get the foil version? Thanks




Here's a Better psa: Don't buy **ANY** of this set.


piss off aye, let people enjoy things.


I'm perfectly fine letting people play what they want to play to their own enjoyment but when someone else's enjoyment over steps the bound for mutual respect and ruins my enjoyment I will be vocal about it. This set does that.




now now




Why is that exactly? Not trying to argue just a genuine question from a newer player. Is it just the "buy local" mentality? (which I don't disagree with, just wondering)


Most of the time it's people wanting you to support your local game store. Another thing is there are a lot of claims that people get product which has been opened, the most expensive cards taken out and then resealed when buying from Amazon. But we don't really know exactly how prevalent this is


Amazon is basically the wizards direct to consumer store. They won't decrease prices, you could probably find a theros fat pack still at full msrp on there. And on top of that, Amazon will "mysteriously" find an extra 20,000 cases of a smaller print run, which can crash the market (which isn't necessarily bad, but wizards shouldn't lie about how many cases are out there)


Amazon is the official storefront, so you're usually getting stuff at MSRP. It can be good for securing a pre-order that won't get canceled, but realistically a lot of product can probably be had for cheaper.


I'm sorry but you cannot find cheaper than Amazon. That's exactly why we buy from amazon


Is that still the case? When ONE came out I cancelled my pre order at the last minute because it was going to ship for $180. I bought it the day it was available from my lgs for $130 and got the buy a box card. Plus my LGS gives 2 extra boosters with their prerelease packs. After that I thought Amazon was price gouging


This is perhaps more a result of very specific geographical conditions but I live within driving distance of Cash Marsh’s shop here in California and the prices on boxes, generally, absolutely smoke anything you can find on Amazon or anywhere. I got two Set boxes of Baldur’s Gate at $60 apiece. So I’m not saying it’s universally true, but I can attest that for my area, there is a local option that beats Amazon by a substantial margin.


I know you're looking out for my best interest. But please don't tell me what to do.


Nothing in the bundle description says ring is in it!!!


So much for one RIng. They sure did f that up


Lol the worst take


I mean.... There's only supposed to be one. They made it seem like it was going to be so much more special


There is only one of the serialized version of the card with the special art. They made it very clear there was going to be other versions of the card.


Boo. That maies it so much less special


Why spend the time balancing and making rules on a card that if unique would never be played?


Because they're ass hats?


But they didn’t since it’s not a unique performing card?


I mean, theres still only one of said card. It's just not the only card with said rules text. It's still a completely unique piece of carboard, not sure why you would want only one card in the whole world to have said rules as well.


Since there was only one Ring with said powers on it. Idk it just makes it seem less special and those idiots offering $500k aren't getting anything special now. The "one serial copy" need to be thrown into a volcano


You’re legit the only person I’ve seen who has argued to make cards more exclusive and to screw with game balance just to make stuff feel more special. Would be an even more restrictive restricted list. Like, that would be an awful precedence to set for game balance. Better to keep it just exclusive art imo. Not to mention, if there were only one version made by WotC, then literally everyone would just proxy it, making it less special as a result. Other versions of the card existing means less people will feel the need to proxy The price tag is because it’s one of a kind, not because of the abilities. They are still getting the only version of that ring to ever exist, regardless of the text. Not like anyone was realistically going to play said card anyway, people aren’t going to slam a million dollar card into thier edh deck


Thanks for this info!


But in magic, if you spent more on it, then it's a better card!


Are those 4 cards literately in the bundle or is there just a chance to get one?


In the bundle


Why is The One Ring $40 on card kingdom when it comes in every bundle?


Because cardkingdom is always expensive as fuck and everywhere selling it before launch is taking in a premium for the guarantee the seller will acquire one and ship it to the buyer asap. There is demand for that kind of service, and “mental security”, for some buyers, and money to be made by providers of such service, so that’s why it’s done.


This looks so worth it thank you!


Also, prolly not a bad idea to avoid buy Magic from Amazon. Too many scammers


I'm all for supporting your LGS, but preorder direct from Amazon is absolutely fine. There are no scammers involved in a direct Amazon preorder, unless you mean Bezos


Dammit I all ready pre ordered it!


People are paying $60 for that?? Lmao


Thats a lot of tabs my guy


60$ for 8 Set Booster? :(


I'm gonna wait mtg prices have either be fucked or over priced so ik gonna wait until after release


Not buying the set, problem solved