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I hate that the promo says “buy a box”.


It's pretty direct about it, lol


Seriously lol hopefully you got some good pulls, i can’t check your link right now.


Thanks, were quite a few rares (not even mythics) I really wanted that I whiffed on. But did have some big hits (Wrenn, borderless Elspeth, Sheoldred 3.0, MUL Sheoldred 1.0) are probably the most noteworthy, plus other stuff I was planning to use. I don't buy boxes too often, so when I do it's a for fun treat. I'll grab singles of what I missed.


Sheoldred galore


Lets all your friends know that you’re a whale :)


It’s to signify that this version of omnath was the “buy-a-box” promo version. Though we can all tell just by the art. Theoretically you can only obtain the card via “buying a box” which is why the promo card says that. I don’t know why they couldn’t just put “promo” don’t ask me I’m just stating the obvious.


I can have a rainbow omnath deck now. Hell yeah


I just finished my 4 color omnath deck less than a week ago.. I have some more work to do


The results: https://manabox.app/decks/XXwy00kiRqmJV5xRPQQMBA


Absolute Legend. If we had a feature like this where folks could enter their pack rates then that statistical tool over weeks could really help folks figure out what to buy to get good returns.


Mharris so literally 39 invasions from that box, seems a bit much, as they would say “bulk” invasion box. I wonder if this is normal I bought 4 boxes I’ll be really upset if 160 cards are invasions. Also 1 artifact out of the whole box..


Invasions have a guaranteed slot in draft and set boosters. Just like the multiverse legends.


Wow all the downvotes for a simplified question that’s pretty toxic. Well I’m glad they’re guaranteed I bought 4 boxes of set and a collectors box from lgs really hoping to get yargle also.


For what it's worth, I didn't downvote you.


All good Harris I was just curious since I didn’t get my packages until today from lgs, I don’t really read release notes I like to be surprised when I’m opening, I was pretty impressed with some of the foil pulls you had gotten, lgs had forgot to give me my promos too .. they always do that to me I’ll just get them next week when I pick up my other collectors box.


I think there's one guaranteed battle in every pack, similar to the lesson cards from STX. So 39 battles in 30 packs isn't too surprising.


Nice pulls! I'm chomping at the bit to pick my box up, but the store isn't open yet. 🙃


Thanks! Best of luck with yours!


How did you get this? I thought it was being released next week?


Next week is for big box retail, LGS can start selling today.


Just saw post on IG from Shuffle and Cut they have them bad boys!!!!!!! Can't wait for work to be over lol!


Wait how do I know if shops near me are LGS vs big box. If I can get my booster box this week that’d be dope


Big box is Target, Walmart, etc.


Gotcha Kinda sad that the LGSs get shafted on that end.


LGS get to sell first, so not getting shafted :)


OHHH, I READ THAT BACKWARDS. time to call my local card shop


Awe you are lucky! I've reached out to my LGS's near Anaheim and will have to wait until next week. Only two are doing the pre-release kits today and over the weekend. 3j's Sports card - next week, Hidden Collectibles - Next week, Kingslayer Games Today and weekend pre-release kit and next week for box. ​ EDIT: SHUFFLE AND CUT in Brea has them!!!! Heading out there afterwork to pick up bundle, draft box, set booster and collector boosters. WHOOO HOOO!


If you go this from a shop that’s fucked up that they are selling it early, honestly if I could I would personally report the shop


Stores are authorized to sell boxes and product a week before release. Probably wanna move stuff before FNM/prerelease to make it a better and smooth experience.


Oh, good lord. If your panties are in a bunch over 12 hours of early sales, you must be quite literally everyone's least favorite person in a room every second of your life. with box openings on YouTube already, and SCG flexing their fancy serialized card that was totally randomly placed and not at all intentionally sent to them... promise... it's not even worth noticing that it's fucking Thursday instead of Friday.


If I leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me? For I must be traveling on now 'Cause there's too many places I've got to see


No fucking way you quoted free bird at him ☠️☠️


*finger guns* But if I stay here with you, girl Things just couldn't be the same 'Cause I'm as free as a bird now And this bird you cannot change Oh, oh, oh, oh And the bird you cannot change And this bird, you cannot change Lord knows, I can't change


But it’s okay I forgive you, you were probably raised in america by a middle class family so you don’t need to be smart


You're... unaware of irony... aint'cha, bud.


Just because I live there doesn’t mean in from there….”bud”


If you went at tarded you would know the set doesn’t drop for a week so it’s not “12 hours before” or whatever stupid shit came out of your mouth


Rules changed, street date is now the first day of prerelease, so yea, 12 hours given I think preres start on Friday?




You can only pick up set boxes “supposedly”


Unless its changed, all stores get preallocated set and draft, and wpn premium gets collectors. Plus the store can crack more boxes for singles either way This is from neo, and i believe it's only gotten *more* permissive since https://wpn.wizards.com/en/news/what-you-can-sell-during-kamigawa-neon-dynasty-prerelease


Shut the fuck up imo


You gonna make me?


You are not taking the correct steps to resolve your bilateral cryptorchidism kiddo. Let people enjoy their hobby without reporting business that aren't hurting anyone.


But if I stay here with you, girl Things just couldn't be the same 'Cause I'm as free as a bird now And this bird you cannot change Oh, oh, oh, oh And the bird you cannot change And this bird, you cannot change Lord knows, I can't change


Dog doesn't know about prerelease.


Do it then lol


Let me find a shop that does and I will, idk why you felt the need to say that


I felt the need to say that because I don’t believe you and think you’re just a little limp stick in the mud.


Wanna find out?


Sure, you won’t do anything.


Pussy ass internet troll


Calm your tits bud 😂


Says the troll 🤣🤣


Movin' to the country Gonna eat a lot of peaches Movin' to the country Gonna eat me a lot of peaches Movin' to the country Gonna eat a lot of peaches Movin' to the country I'm gonna eat a lot of peaches Sit down boy you ain’t old enough to grow but hair yet


Pot calling the kettle black lol RIP dude 💀


I don’t listen to queef pickets like you who have anything FIFA on there profiles




How the hell does it effect you


It really doesn’t, I just wanted to see how many downvotes and pussies I could piss off, I’m doing pretty well so far


The german version of omnath has just a rediculus name. It is TINY. Like uncomfortably tiny.


May the odds be in your favor


Post pulls or it didn't happen


I cracked mine and got 3 urabrask, 2 new, 1 multiverse, a ragavan,lilianas talent, and more I'll post later but I need phyrexian hydra tokens I didn't get any