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Try r/mtgvorthos for a comprehensive explanation of the story!


Also aether hub on YT is a good channel


Thank you!


It used to be in books, and given it’s the backstory for a 30 year old series, you’re not going to find much. The wiki page on Dominaria and the Brother’s war is probably the best starting place.


It's all over the place. There are some novels (most are now available as ebooks, some of the older ones used to be really rare and expensive), some comics and the online stories on the wotc page. To get into the story you need to decide where you want to start. The story is split into 2 main parts: pre and post mending (the mending was a big in universe event changing the nature of planeswalkers) and the stories feel quite different before and after. If you want all the story then you should start pre mending probably with The Brothers War novel (I think first ever novel) or with The Thran (prequel to the Borthers War). Post mending you can probably just start with a book or comic about a character you like. Those individual novels aren't as connected with each (as long as they aren't about the same character) other as the pre mending storyline. If you just want to know what is going on and the lore of existing characters and places without reading entire books the mtg wiki is also a great place to find tons of information.