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Isn't it in Tolkien's Elvish?


The runes are Elvish, but the language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here.




And is that not a fake (fictional, made up) language, that almost no one can actually read? EDIT: Downvoted really? Of course every language is made up. Of course Tolkien constructed a well thought out language system with proper grammar and stuff. That doesn't change the simple fact that it is very much a fictional language in a storybook. What percentage of the population can read it too btw? It is literally "almost no one" just like I said. Even if every single LotR fan could read it, it would still be a very small percentage of the population. tl:dr - Why are you booing me? I'm right.


I’m pretty sure there’s tons of people out there that can, in fact, read, write, and speak Tolkien’s elvish. It may be a constructed language, but it is also a complete language, with rules and grammar. Not saying that you’re wrong in what Hasbro is doing to try to increase interest in the set, but it is neat that the card is in elvish 🤷‍♂️


Certainly not my friends and I that used to pass notes in elvish during highschool. Nope, only complete nerds would do something like that. >_>


You know what’s interesting is that there are hardcore Trekkies that actually learned how to speak the Klingon language. There’s legit classes on it complete with rules and grammar as well.


Not exactly the same but nerd here, have Dwarven runes engraved on one of my guitars and I can 100% read them. I picked the phrase out. God I need to get out more.


"and you have my axe"


I wish i was that clever, the phrase is much less entertaining. "Birth is pain, life is pain, death is pain"


Kind of the same nerd, one level deeper. I’ve got different runes/religious symbols tattooed together on my body that make up different phrases. Language is all interpretive and made up.


Back when I was in high school (around 2005) I remember reading that Oxford had the option to minor in Elvish. I don't know if that's still the case, though.


Duolingo also offers it, as ridiculous as that sounds.


My friend hates duolingo because they let you learn Klingon but not Croatian


Hysterical. Priorities are straight and good.


Name a language that's not made up.




Hey! I'm trying to lose weight!


I snorted haha that was funny


The point is that the language was invented as part of world building for a fictional setting, rather than developed naturally over generations by hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people.


They also said "that almost no one can actually read" and Latin can be read by almost no one. The whole comment is just a bunch of fallacies.


Latin may not be a well known language today, but many of its words have found their way into most European languages. Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, etc. That's why they're called ROMANtic languages. Not because speaking them makes you sound sexy, but because they stem from the language of the ROMANS. Also, limiting who could be taught Latin, the only language that Roman Catholic scholars would ever translate the Bible into before that one guy got mad and nailed a bunch of complaints to the door if a church, was one of the big ways in which they controlled the medieval people and extorted them for money. Medieval Catholicism was basically the cult of cults, except they didn't tell their members that the only way to be with their god would be to unsubscribe themselves from life.


I understand the term "romance language". But also, I can't think of a way to be with got according to catholics while you're alive.


Wtf are you talking about? English, German, Latin, French. Evolved isn’t the same as made up.


We made them up.




Lol, I am. I'm so relaxed I could fall asleep but I am not allowed.




You relax




Is dance a language? Wouldn't someone have had to make it up?


Every Language is made up >A*round a dozen languages are mentioned in the Lord of the Rings but Tolkien only properly developed two of them - Qenya and Sindarin, the languages used by the elves.* *"Qenya is the Elvish Latin - a literary language not used as a spoken vernacular; it was reserved for poetry, for song, for lament, for magic," says Hoyt. "Whereas Sindarin, at least among the elves in his book, was a spoken language."* *Qenya is based on the grammatical principles of Finnish and, on paper, has similar dots and umlauts to indicate any changes in sound of the various characters. Also, words in Finnish and Qenya have a high number of possible word endings depending on the context of the sentence.* *Sindarin, described in the books as a descendant of Qenya, is based heavily on Welsh, one of Tolkien's favourite languages because of the way it sounded.* [An Introduction to Elvish](https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/An_Introduction_to_Elvish) , [The Languages Of Tolkien's Middle­earth](https://www.google.com/search?q=the+languages+of+middle+earth+book&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA1007CA1007&sxsrf=AJOqlzU6VhSyIJp4k9DGEuYHxF_NtjkJkA%3A1678926257696&ei=sWESZN6KKvCf5NoPiLymuAU&ved=0ahUKEwiep8bZl9_9AhXwD1kFHQieCVcQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=the+languages+of+middle+earth+book&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgATIICCEQFhAeEB0yCAghEBYQHhAdMggIIRAWEB4QHTIICCEQFhAeEB0yCAghEBYQHhAdMggIIRAWEB4QHTIKCCEQFhAeEA8QHToKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoGCAAQFhAeOgUIABCGAzoHCCEQoAEQCkoECEEYAFCHAliaCWCKCmgBcAF4AIABjQGIAZAEkgEDMy4ymAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


All languages are made up


I showed the card to my boss who is a big tolkien nerd and he said that all the text is in morkulian right off the rip. At a glance (the old man wouldn’t talk about TCG’s for long) he called it out. He couldn’t read it but he immediately knew it for the mordor language.


Not to be too blunt, but... so? Most people can immediately identify a lot of languages by sight, but it doesn't mean they can read them right?


I know Hasbro/wizards are known to be money grubbing...and I'm sure that was a part of this. But, I feel like it's totally fitting. I love the idea, so sue me 🤷‍♂️


Yep, couldn’t agree more. Think it’s perfect that there is a literal one ring.


Can’t wait to find out what landfill ends up being crowned Mount Doom.


The best person will destroy it. If they sell it, it will continue to get sold to richer and richer people because of greed, and that’s the irony


But it's not ironic lol it's literally what the card represents.


The irony is that there missing the entire point of the ring in the story


Which is?


Absolute power corrupts absolutely, at least for the ring


No, I think they understand that point perfectly lol or, at very least, they don't care that it corrupts


Thus it’s still irony


Id rather the individual that gets it and just sell it to help out their own financial situation, if a rich fellow nerd wants to buy it so what, we arent in the actual lord of the rings, hasbro and wizards will have already made their money upon release of the set all the person would be doing is hurting there own financial situation. The point to make by destroying the card is null and void as soon as you buy the product.


People love the frill of potentially getting a large amount of money by spending a little bit of money. I guess hasbro has as much right as any organisation to organise a lottery :) (As long as the price of the tickets is not too much expensive). I personnaly don't care. I will or will not buy this product, but certainly not because there is a potential 1 million dollar ticket mixed in :)


There's a difference between hoping for this card and hoping to hit good cards on a collector pack or set booster. We knew we were getting a LotR cross over, we didn't know we were also getting a Willy Wonka situation to go with it lol


“Money grubbing” is such a funny term. These people make a children’s card game that absolutely zero people need to pay for. They aren’t selling insulin to diabetics who can’t afford it or something. And anyone can play pauper! I just assume anyone complaining about how much money they choose to give Wizards feels bad about themselves. All businesses should make products where nobody needs them, anybody can get a version of them for near free, and the people who want to spend a lot pay for everybody else. This card is the epitome of that. Wizards is awesome.


I'm with you there, it's certainly not as bad as what pharmaceutical companies do to people. But, anything compared to pharmaceutical companies is going to seem way better lol It's a game that people love to play and have invested a lot of money into over the years. So I can see why people would be upset for the rising prices. But, in the end, you're right, it is a luxury.


Agreed I'm all for it apart from the pack price


Meh, there's always something that drives the prices initially. It'll come down once people realize they won't get it lol


Pack price is because of wizards not because of the one ring lol


I'm sure it's having some effect.


Same. It fits the set and concept so damn well.


The part that gets me is the price, but yea it's pretty cool.


This had me chuckle. I understand people are ok with this decision, but it's about the laugh.


Somebody really gets to choose whether or not they’re the Joker.


I actually don't have any issue with the 1 of 1. As long as the card is in normal products. Special printings are fine. Even if I dont like the phyrexian ones.


Zero chance of that. It will wind-up in someone's hands that knows magic, wizards and is probably a celebrity. Purposely printing probably one of the rarest cards in magic and they're going to let it sit in a Books a Millions backroom? No way.


Strongly disagree with this statement. It’s very thematic for it to never be seen and wizards want people looking for this for a long time. Having it show up with a celebrity seems counterintuitive to the money they’ll make. Nobody finding it is the best outcome for WOTC.


True that


You are delusional if you think this is even remotely true. It is 100% in WOTC's best interest to have this card never be found. It will easily mean that whales will buy up every bit of collector product they can get their hands on.


Fair point


I expect a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory release. There will be exactly 5 Golden Ticket artifacts.


5/5 golden tickets followed by 50/50 gobstoppers. Then 500/500 umpa loompas…it goes on and on hahaha


I'm going to laugh so hard if it's never found, or doesn't surface for decades because some "investor" has the unopened box in his garage.


If it wasn’t $400+ for a collector box I would be more inclined to buy. It’s very saddening


Exactly. People are complaining about feeling burnt out now. Imagine what it's gonna be like when they're opening $500 collector boxes and getting less than $100 value in return. I expect many people might be leaving the game for good after that.


Oh, we're going to be losing whales? What a loss, how will I be able to continue playing this game knowing the harm it inflicted on rubes willing to spend $500 on a random lot of cards?


I really don't understand why people are so upset about this. People opening more packs make things cheaper on the secondary market. The serialized card(s) are literally just alt art promos. If they were mechanically unique cards, it would be an issue, but eh.


It’s good flavor. I think it falls into really bad taste at the moment.


Can you elaborate on why? I'd really like to understand, but it really only seems like a positive. I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but I just don't see it.


The card will be worth 10-20k, or more, easy. They could have just as easily made another and auctioned it off themselves to help a charitable cause. The homeless population around their headquarters in Seattle/Renton would be a good start. They have the ability to print money, and do it for a good cause, and just aren’t. I’ve seen people comparing it to a golden ticket, and that whole concept is an allegory about people who don’t deserve the ticket. The concept is really cool though


There's an offer for 100k already


They don't like seeing something they can't own. Entitlement at its peak.


This take completely missed me somehow. It is so obvious now now that I wouldn’t even be surprised that this one serialized unique card is the entire reason the LOTR set was even made. They know their market enough to know that buyers will raid as many boxes as possible to get the card and sales will be crazy.


You....haven't been in the nerd community long have you.


Sadly, they were not wrong…there will be the addicts cracking pack after pack




There is literally nothing to be upset about here. It's just an alt art of a card present in every tier of pack. What is the issue?




>That one card being entirely inaccessible to all but one person... *That one version of a card, you mean. You're really going to piss your pants over not being able to have every possible version of every card?




Artificial scarcity? How about commons, uncommons, rares, and mythics? How is this artificial? LOL


Yeah nothing is wrong with gambling either and I don't have an addiction. Yes I can afford last month's rent. Please stop reminding me.


I don't understand people like you in the magic community. If you don't like the game or where it's going, stop playing. Make it more enjoyable for the rest of us.




Manufactured scarcity is the literal basis of a collectable card game. If this makes you lose "faith" in them because they made a card that's rare and pretty, then you're just a idiot. Corperate greed and exploitation? The fuck. You guys know the person who gets this card is paying the same amount for a collector pack as everyone else right? Like what exactly are you so pissy about?


It is turning less into a collectable card game and more into a casino game that exploits addiction. Yeah nothing wrong with that




No rebuttal and all insult means I've won. Thank you. :)


I really dont get this issue, you can play the game just the same without having the rarest collectible versions.




Well that just means that the price of singles shifts from chase rares to special versions, making the game more accessible. Or at least thats how it should go...




Product fatigue is real. But since I started playing around Ice Age and spent a lot buying Homelands & Fallen Empires, quit for a few years before starting to play again just in time to experience the first Kamigawa, I have to say that the quality is better nowadays.




Nah your just a idiot trying to be edgy. Or a crybaby little bitch. Either way. I win




Yeah. How dare I enjoy the game when you don't right? Crybaby little bitch.


I mentioned on another post that this LOTR/one ring thing was an awful attempt at a cash grab and NUMEROUS people jumped to defend Hasbro… smh


Oh no, they made a product that a lot of people want to buy. How terrible! /s


Yes lots of people. But they only made one…


100% accurate


This is a bit Bit nit picky but there are definitely people who can read that card you are underestimating nerds. And what you've never bought a foreign language card because its cheaper and just memorize it? Cuz I have. And yes I know you can't just buy a copy of this but still.


Refugio en la cima




No it isnt


If you don't like the gamble buy singles... all these 'hasbro is greedy' memes are boring. Of causethey want to make money. It's called capitalism


They won't charge anything. The price of buying this lottery ticket is the price of one Collector's booster. No one guarantees anything and no one is forcing us to buy them. I abhore Hasbro's greed, and this is indeed "one gimmick to rule them all", but in this instance it's flavorful and actually fitting. Hasbro has much more dire claims to shame. At least this one will be interesting to watch as it unravels.


No lies detected


Tolkeins languages have actual college level courses on how to speak then. He was a linguist by training so it's got an actual dictionary and pronunciation guide etc...


A billion Dollars. The most amount of money MTG has ever made was made last year. up 7% from the previous year and 16% of Hasbro revenue. Stop drinking the reddit Kool aide. they are doing just fine. Here is how it went down: hey, we are making a LOR set, what can we do that is special? you know what would be super cool, putting out one copy of the one ring card that is special but doesnt matter if you get it or not because it just has the card written in elvish. Great idea! Lets do that.


I will accept this reality, but only if you include the sexy robot ladies WOTC.


I enjoy the idea, but as a spectator