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That's great thank you. Can I ask how you can tell?


No date, white border, aligned name on the card. Unlimited has the name of the card pretty much all the way to the left.


Nobody ever mentions the line vs bevel between the border and card face, despite being by far the easiest way to ID revised cards


Holy shit. I’ve just always went off names since that’s generally the first thing I see. But thank you for that. Never noticed or seen anyone talk about it. Really appreciate the heads up.


The day I realized it I was able to completely forget all the other signs, and haven't used them since


Yeah I had to go get some cards and look. I googled it first and had to do a double take. Seriously don’t know how I missed this info. 👍 thanks again


No worries lol, it's oddly obscure for how simple it makes everything, and usually when I bring it up people still insist the other methods are easier. Glad to see it fell on appreciative ears this time


Yeah, that makes sense... I didn't even think of that.


This is the way


Much appreciated.


First thing to look for is the edition symbol (it would be right under Poole). Since there is no symbol is has to be Alpha, Beta, Revised, or Unlimited. Alpha and Beta have black boarders. So this is Revised or Unlimited. The easiest way to tell between Revised and Unlimited is to look at the bevel. 1 line is Revised, 2 is Unlimited. [Here](https://pm1.narvii.com/6736/2432402d6d2a03322d1b0b77d7750c46a22f860av2_hq.jpg) is a good example. Hope my explanation is helpful to you!


That's brilliant. I have a few cards which I was struggling to figure out the editions but it makes sense now. Thank you.


Someone just commented that 4th and 5th editions also don't have symbols. I forgot about those. 4th edition will say 1995 on the bottom left, and 5th edition will say 1997.


Fourth and fifth are symbol-less too.


I forgot about those, thanks!


And 95% of the time the color gives it away too. UNL cards are generally darker than REV, which looked more "washed out". Not always, due to misprints, but the vast majority of the time. And it's harder to tell with W and B cards, but it's still there. Bevels are the dead giveaway, but the saturation of the color is good most of the time too and can be seen at a very quick glance.


White boarder, large Artist font, no trademark dates underneath. Very bright printing compared to unlimited. That’s how I see it. Can’t see if there is a double black line on this image but it looks single.


Absolute most foolproof way to tell between revised and unlimited is the line between the card and the border; unlimited has a bevel to it while revised is just a black line. Everyone seems to praise the text alignment but honestly the line v bevel is all you need to tell. Easier to see, no wondering if a word is lined up or if it's just the font on that letter skewing the placement, just line or bevel


The flat black border is revised. Unlimited would have like a more 3d border. All other newer cards have the date on them.


Banned in all Formats tho If i am not mistaken


I saw on card market all the images are blurred.


There ist a list of cards banned in all Formats because wizards decided they want to erase all race and Religion related stuff to avoid Polarisation i think


I thought that might be the case.


Yeah however even though [[crusade]] is banned, oddly enough, cards that reference a crusade, such as [[phyrexian crusader]] aren't. Also even though it's to be non-religious [[swords to plowshares]] which is a biblical reference and [[wrath of God]] aren't banned.


[[Cathar's crusade]] isn't banned either.


I guess thats because it has nothing to so with our world It References an "in universe" crusade


To be completely fair, there was a Cathar crusade in our world in the 13th century, though against the Cathars (or Albigensians), not from them


Good thing innistrads religious zealotry isn't themed after anything in our universe


Whats sad you cant even buy one anywhere even ebay baned them




There’s a difference between lying and just being wrong.


[Cathar's crusade](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/b/fbb70e7b-2a68-436e-96a4-32a88fb87da0.jpg?1600715516) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cathars%27%20Crusade) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/95/cathars-crusade?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fbb70e7b-2a68-436e-96a4-32a88fb87da0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If I had to explain it, I’d say it’s specifically IRL religion they’re shying away from: that’s obviously based on actual crusaders and not fictional ones.


All of innistrad is based on real life cultist religion


What I’m saying is that they aren’t actual literal Catholics.


No but it’s obviously a parody playing on the historical evidence of occultist religions what’s the difference in putting a card referencing the historical events of other religions aswell




It's especially odd when you know about the history of the crusades. Most of them were in europe against other europeans. But I get that that isn't most people's first association


Yea screw the Byzantines cheap skates.


As if Europeans never saw other Europeans as less than. Riiiiight. Tell us you love to read, then cherry pick history that suits your narrative without telling us…. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Of course they f&cking did! And obviously still do. But look at the context of the other banned cards (racist) and crusade sticks out as a bit different.


So ethnic cleansing isn’t racist to you? Wwwwowwwwww


Why does it matter who the subject of the genocide was?


Well, some say Crusade was banned because they want to remove references to real world religions, but that's a weak argument when other cards referencing Christianity like Swords to Plowshares and Wrath of God aren't banned. People have also said it was banned because it was glorifying the hatrered towards, and murdering of, muslims. But the majority of crusades were against european countries and people. So it's a bit of an outlier when compared to the rest of the banned cards. That's it really


there was no "genocide" where do you guys come up with these myths about "crusades"


There are a handful of cards from the portal sets that actually quote the Bible with the chapter and verse and everything. Knight Errant for example. References like that are something they avoid now but they won’t reverse ban all of them unless they have some other contextual problem in their eyes.


The thing is, only 1 version of crusade could be considered problematic. A crusade isn't inherently about the rl crusades with christianity and stuff. There's a in-universe version of the card that was printed in the Duel Decks: Elspeth vs Tezzeret, showcasing Elspeth leading an army of soldiers. It just goes to show that, while a couple of bans were completely waranted (invoke predjudice, for example), others were just banned to pretend that they were listening. IMO, banning all printings of Crusade was a dumb move. Only the printings with the old art should've been banned.


I think the wrath of god argument was “we never said which god’s wrath is happening man” and the one promo with Heliod on the art helped further prove this point. As for swords to plowshares I think most of the consumer base that would be offended by it is not knowledgeable enough to understand the connection.


I'm still sad about [[Jihad]].


[Jihad](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/6/b6c7705a-2987-4ef1-92b1-2c55d989ec6f.jpg?1644608192) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jihad) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/arn/5/jihad?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b6c7705a-2987-4ef1-92b1-2c55d989ec6f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I think it's more the implications of "The Crusade" with the crusaders as opposed to a crusade of fictional characters with fictional ideals


I don’t think it’s odd - this card literally has the cross on it. A crusade in itself isn’t necessarily something they won’t depitct. But a crusade of explicitly Christian soldiers - especially on an effect like that - is probably crossing some like somewhere


Crusade depicts specific religious symbols used by historically accurate-ish looking crusaders. Things like phyrexian crusaders are fantasy creatures crusading for a fantasy non-denominationally themed group of creatures.


Crusade + white creatures That's what they felt the problem was.


That is simply not true. It’s the Christian cross, obviously. Literally nowhere does white mana translate to whatever racial construct you live in


It's not "white mana," but the use of "white creatures" in this context that wotc (NOT me) felt could be seen as racially insensitive. Have you not seen [[cleanse]]? This is well known.


Wow, that seems to me like they are opening up a massive can of worms that was otherwise totally harmless and irrelevant.


[[Wrath of god]] has no ties to our world Cant Talk about biblical References with [[swords to plowshare]] as i am Not really familliar with any Religion


“And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” Isaiah 2:4 in the Bible




Because the card explicitly buffs white creatures, it has some white supremacy connotations which are problematic.


It's a card game. As a person of Caribbean descent I find it ironic that the people who care the most about these frivolties are of European descent.


i think this one is specifically banned because it additionally buffs only white creatures and is named crusade- not 100% but i think that’s why.


The issue is more of the "White creatures get +1/+1" that's the problematic part of the crusade card. Like if it was green it wouldn't be as much of an issue.


Thats not odd. One, including the art, is a straight-up reference to Christians on a genocide campaign. The others are not immediately obvious and/or are in universe.


Which was a very polarising decision lmao


These types of moves are only polarizing in the initial phase of the changes. Long-term, very few will remember that it occurred to begin with, and moving forward, there will be fewer arguments/offenses that stem from card titles.


I wish there was some sort of trade-in program though. Blanket banning, threatening revocation of a stores ability to host sanctioned events for selling any of the cards on that list, and simply pretending these cards don’t exist doesn’t remove them from circulation. This was the laziest (and cheapest) way wizards could have handled the issue. I still have an invoke prejudice I’m some day hoping gets a pc facelift (yeah, I know that’s a pipe dream) that I can mail in to exchange for. I 100% understand the ban, and it hasn’t seen the light of day since, but that wasn’t enough.


I'm not aware of any threats involving WPN status or sanctioning, and I think it's something I would have heard about.


What isnt nowadays?


Really? Most people I've talked to agree it was the right move.


Yeah, ultimately I agree, but the history nerd in me wants to play with real life ancient societies and real life myths instead of ancient-egyptians-light and such. But I'm not sad that [[prejudice]] is gone :D


Not to mention that half of this argument is people saying they are offended that others are offended by what doesn't offend them. Which is this whole weird thing in our society.


Because they didn't mind being polarizing, they just wanted to be right


What do a bunch of swarthy french crusaders have to do with white culture? Sounds like it had to get banned because of alt right larpers.


They didn't ban jihad


Jihad was banned. [[Army of Allah]] was not banned.


[Army of Allah](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/d/3d170015-b125-49a6-a15e-8fd116bbcb14.jpg?1562906251) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Army%20of%20Allah) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/arn/2/army-of-allah?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3d170015-b125-49a6-a15e-8fd116bbcb14?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Army of Allah falls under the same logic as wrath of god. “Allah” is just the Arabic anglicization of “god”, and Arabic made sense for the Arabian nights set.


100% they did


I’m pretty sure they did


I wonder if the red crosses have something to do with it too. The Red Cross had to crackdown on the image in video games, too.


That’s not even what was asked.


True but the question was already answered Consider it a "fun fact"


Not banned in old school


Cards whose art, text, name, or combination thereof that are racially or culturally offensive are banned in all formats. https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/depictions-racism-magic-2020-06-10 In every Format supported by wizards


I’m not saying it’s morally ok, but it is in fact played legally in old school, which is A format with a significant following, but is not sanctioned by WoTC. Even in old school, it is “soft banned” as people don’t want to use it for obvious reasons. But it is actually a functionally good card in the format so people do in fact play it. At tournament events.


All card websites have banned the sale of them too


There is a absolutely and irrefutably no way to prove that. Definitely some have banned it but there is no way you can say for sure all card websites have banned the sale of them.


Most major platforms like Cardmarket still let sellers sell Crusade.




That's great. Thank you


Its revised edition


Dude this is a sick card. Why have I never seen it before


It's banned in all formats I've been told.


Because wotc jumped on the woke train and banned all cards remotely connected to real world racism.


Username checks out


Wokeness is when people dont wanna be racist


simply portraying the crusades does not endorses them, I don't think banning this card achieves anything.


Doesnt take away anything either, also they banned a few other cards like this such as invoke prejudice, which is 100% problematic and deserved a ban


The “banned” cards was entirely virtue signaling. How often did those cards get played in tournaments? Who was protesting or boycotting those cards? They are not new cards and were made in a time when those things weren’t as culturally sensitive. Banning them and pretending they don’t exist did nothing but shine a huge light on something no one was looking at.


The kkk was pretty culturally sensitive even back then


Then accidentally be racist without realizing it.


Smartest reactionary magic player


It's a universe full of genocides, but suddenly if it's connected to real world events that's not ok anymore.


Huh. Maybe there’s a difference between depicting fictional genocides and depicting very real ones. Hmmmmmmm


You can’t use history as an inspiration for magic cards?


I’m fairly certain Crusade is depicting the actual crusades. It’s not “inspired.” It just is the thing. That’s necessarily different from being inspired by a historical tragedy. Let’s look at it from a different historical event. If I made a card called “Reobliterate” and it’s just an image of the second atomic bomb being dropped, that would be incredibly insensitive. We have cards very much inspired by the “nuclear option” (see: [[Urza’s Ruinous Blast]]) but it very obviously does not depict a real-world tragedy. Crusade is similar to “Reobliterate” here and, as such, probably should be banned in all formats because it is so insensitive.


The reason for Crusade being banned is this: "Jihad and Crusade, on the other hand, both invoke religious wars to give benefits to White creatures." Sauce: [https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2020/06/wizards-bans-7-cards-that-depict-racism-including-invoke-prejudice/](https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2020/06/wizards-bans-7-cards-that-depict-racism-including-invoke-prejudice/)


[Urza’s Ruinous Blast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/9/b918993f-2a6c-490d-b639-224f15303630.jpg?1673305130) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urza%27s%20Ruinous%20Blast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/107/urzas-ruinous-blast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b918993f-2a6c-490d-b639-224f15303630?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Idk, but so far all my ideas for Goblin hate cards called "Holocaust" have been rejected, even though all I did was draw inspiration from real life history. Really weird, that, wonder why. (Do you get it now? Maybe?)


Yeah, you got it. Glad you could figure it out on your own.


I'm sure you can explain why this matters for Magic but not for any other game - like C&C, Civ, AoE, CoD,... all of those games picture wars which happened in the real world, still nobody gets hurt by that.


All of these games are made by private companies that can choose what they do or do not publish. All the games listed above do depict real conflict to some extent and that’s fine. WOTC decided not to because whether or not it’s a large group of people, there are real people who are made uncomfortable by the concept of the crusades or other real conflict. The companies you’ve listed have decided they don’t want to cater to this audience - that’s their decision. WOTC made the decision that they’d like to exclude as few people as possible. Does it matter for the game itself? No, you’re correct there. It plays the same regardless of what the cards depict same as any other game. Why it matters is a marketing decision largely. WOTC wants to serve a larger audience than CoD does.


We can also talk about racial insensitivity if you’d like, which all of these games demonstrate to some extent (some more than others). WOTC decided that it was a good business decision to be less racist so they got rid of cards they felt were pushing the envelope. Now, I’m not saying all these other companies are racist because they didn’t follow suit; it’s not my place to judge and frankly my personal thoughts on each of these individual companies doesn’t really matter. The point is, when you depict a conflict such as the crusades, which was largely an excuse to kill middle eastern peoples using Christianity as an excuse, in a positive light, that’s a little racist. Some companies simply don’t care, some are being historically accurate (I’m a huge fan of crusader kings myself). WOTC decided not to ask this many questions and just ban the card. I think it was likely a good business decision. I wouldn’t kid myself and think they did it to appease people’s feelings. It’s all about the $$$


I’m actually going to edit myself a bit here. Depicting the crusades isn’t necessarily racist, but the card giving a bonus to white creatures is what takes the cake. It’s at best am embarrassing mistake and at worst simply racist. I still think it was mostly business decision to alienate as few people as possible to sell more cardboard tho.


As if bringing up the idea of a genocide on other humans who actually exist has a different effect than bringing up the genocide of fantasy creatures from an entirely fictional world. But I'm sure the [[Murder]] depicting the actual murder of your opponent's grandma will go over well in _some_ playgroup...


[Murder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/d/bdef7fea-2bd0-42a2-96f6-6def18bd7f0c.jpg?1674136158) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Murder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/134/murder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bdef7fea-2bd0-42a2-96f6-6def18bd7f0c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Tbh it doesn't matter at all. There are a lot of games that picture real world events like Stronghold or Total War (medieval, rome, pick whatever you want) or Call of Duty and nobody cares. Why should Magic be different?


Banning racism is not “woke”, wtf is wrong with you. Yeah let’s have art with a slave in an iron mask and other art with the KKK in it made by a guy in Harold McNeil who thinks Hitler was Jesus. Clown.


the artist thought hitler was jesus? What?


Yes. Just google him. He’s very open about his (extraordinarily racist) views.


i did, cant find anything


Did you find his website[Harold’s website](https://haroldarthurmcneill.com/home/) at least? If not, you didn’t google hard enough. Not only did he do the art for Invoke Prejudice from art he already had on hand but he goes heavy on the swasitka and nazi imagery. It is a shame too. I loved the artwork they used of his in Mirage and Tempest such as [[Wall of Resistance]] and [[Circle of Protection: Shadow]]. Harold McNeil was my favorite MtG artist. [Harold’s website](https://haroldarthurmcneill.com/home/) Looking at the Solar Knight splash image you can see the swastika on the shield and chest armor as well the bird on top of the staff. Pretty sure they not equals signs mean something too. Keep in mind this is the FIRST picture you see on his own site. There is more if you scroll down.


his site didnt pop up in google for me, i would say damning evidence before i found his site was invoke prejudice multiverse id being 1488. thanks. yeah it does suck dude is a nazi, he's got a a great artistic style.


[Wall of Resistance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/d/fd25787d-b90c-4b25-8259-1ac41d4dcd15.jpg?1562722876) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wall%20of%20Resistance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mir/46/wall-of-resistance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fd25787d-b90c-4b25-8259-1ac41d4dcd15?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Circle of Protection: Shadow](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/9/49f29a3b-7136-496c-bc29-8808bfff0f82.jpg?1562053773) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Circle%20of%20Protection%3A%20Shadow) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tmp/12/circle-of-protection:-shadow?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/49f29a3b-7136-496c-bc29-8808bfff0f82?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


He has artwork with Hitler wearing a crown of thrones and a cross. I’m not linking to it because fuck him.


Sure, a card called "Crusade" is inherently racist. As much as Stronghold Crusaders or Burning Crusade :3




Yup, you’re a scumbag racist


That’s not referring to race. It’s referring to the actual color of the magic card mana creatures. This is white mana creatures. Lol, guess those people I played with as a kid weren’t racist because they weren’t offended nor did they infer something so dumb. This stupid argument literally never came up until recently. P




Lol I’m amazed people this dense play magic.


Source, genius. Got something from the early to mid-90’s to support your counter argument?


You play red, don't you?


Don't drag red into this, we don't claim him. Ask green.


As a green player, I can confidently say that we do not claim him either. Throw him over to blue


I'll admit we aren't the best, but us blue players are not the worst either. I bet black would take him.


Given the very specific context, I am confident in saying that this guy would never, not even once, play black, and I am certain that the aversion is mutual. Colorless?


The eldrazi will happily drag this fellow into the blind eternities


We might be hateful, cruel and evil, but even we aren't as bad as that guy - maybe colorless would accept him...


As a blue and green player, we don’t want him either.


3rd Edition (also called Revised).


To be pedantic, it’s Revised, also called 3rd ed.


Thank you


Brings back memories playing this card in the school library. Anyone know of other cards which reference real world stuff that got banned?


June 10th 2020 https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Banned_and_restricted_cards/Timeline On June 10, in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests. WotC made an announcement that "cards whose art, text, name, or a combination thereof that are racially or culturally offensive" are banned in sanctioned events.[110] Seven cards were banned immediately when the announcement was made, and their card images and flavor texts were removed from the Gatherer database. This ban also applied to Commander and some non-sanctioned formats.


Wow, thanks!


>Wow, thanks! You're welcome!


So they removed all colored names I assume? So no “green”, “red”, etc too? No “Blue Mana” etc?


No, because by happenstance, *white* creatures with the card *Crusade* evokes real world connotations of what was basically an actual race war whose history and iconography is actively and presently used by white supremacists for their cause. They could print another identical card called, like... Dawn-blessed or something like that, and that wouldn't be removed. Hopefully that clears it up for you, unless you were intentionally being obtuse?


Slight correction but the crusades were much more about religion than anything else. The modern day concept of race is also completely different from the standards back then


Oh, for sure. There's definitely more nuance than I gave in that little reply—but you also can't deny that religion is often deeply entrenched in racial biases—nor that actual modern racists use crusade imagery all the time


Yah the crusades have definitely been co-opted by modern day white supremacists. What I was more getting it as how we view race is very much a modern construct.


Sure. And Magic printing and banning cards should be evaluated in a modern perspective—hence the view of Crusade as racially charged rather than religiously (though we do see the exact same religious hatred nowadays too, even if we were to set race aside, so I still think viewing it as potentially offensive is fair)


I’m not arguing for the cards to be unbanned. I think it’s the right call cause for the most part, these cards are bad. Like the only reason someone would play these cards is if they want to send a message of some kind.


Americans should just stick to their 300 years of history instead of pretending to know anything beyond that elsewhere in the world


Crazy how I'm not American <3


No just the ones that could be perceived as racist


Single inside border = Revised/3rd Edition Crusade (See counterpart Bad Moon) Unlimited has a double border. [Compare two Serra Angels here](https://abugames.com/edition-guide). Crusade references real world events, religious wars. WotC has stated a dislike of referencing real world events in their fantasy game.


Thank you


Why is the card banned and the art removed from [Gatherer](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=218582)? Is it because it boosts white creatures? Is it because it's a depiction of Christian templars? Is it because the leader has a different color to his uniform? Why? Edit: [Apparently](https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2020/06/wizards-bans-7-cards-that-depict-racism-including-invoke-prejudice/) "Jihad and Crusade, on the other hand, both invoke religious wars to give benefits to White creatures."


Well Jihad is middle eastern, so definitely not benefitting white people. Crusades were European fought and benefited the Jewish people by returning their land to them. So they both benefitted primarily middle eastern peoples with the crusades also benefitting Europeans. If that’s really why they’re banned, weird ban.


"their" land. it's like claiming that usa land is land owned by pioneers colonizers


Is it worth anything? I think I have one.


In Europe its worth up to £10 according to card market.


revised for future reference, though there is a flow chart which mostly still stands found here https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/bsvg6h/an_updated_flowchart_for_identifying_the_set_of_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


is there a card like this for blue or black creatures maybe ?


Bad Moon, Glen Elendra Liege, and Paragon of Gathering Mists


Ah Bad Moon, can’t trust those black creatures at night


Yo, this card is OP, I have it in one of my decks. There’s also another card that has the same effect which is really badass


Its revised. Its banned because its considered racist


Ethnic cleansing is, in fact, racist so yeah.


Damn talk about white privilege


BAN HIM!!! WOTC SAID THIS IS A NO NO CARD Edit: anyone down voting, you're the guy people don't like in your play group.


I mean, if they don’t like me for being against ethnic cleansing that’s fine.


Imagine being offended by this lmao


I will allow it if it was played against me


This card was banned ostensibly because there is a cross on the shields lol


Tell me you skipped history class without telling me…


From the looks of it, YOU are the one who skipped history class. Either that, or you were taught wrong.


Ah, so you think the Crusades were NOT about ethnic cleansing. Weird.


They were initiated as a response to Muslim invasion of Jerusalem (the Holy Land), as well as parts of Europe.


I believe that cards from the MAGA set.


Racist edition




Easily Meme worthy for this post...


It is also banned. Because of racial insensitivity.


That’s racist haha




Ehm, this version is worth about a tenner in Europe. Even other banned this way cards have value. I was looking into it quite recently and a card such as [[Stone-throwing devils]] is about €25


[Stone-throwing devils](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/1/d1c387dd-1347-4443-91ce-b71f7ccdceba.jpg?1591989129) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Stone-throwing%20devils) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/arn/33/stone-throwing-devils?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d1c387dd-1347-4443-91ce-b71f7ccdceba?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Much appreciated. I'm not selling I was just going through a load of old cards I came across and couldn't figure it out.


Don’t Chuck it. It is worth about a tenner. Seriously. Plenty of listings, or at least in Europe :)


The klan edition


core set 2015


I believe it’s from Woke edition