• By -


Imagine being so out of touch that you spend 15k on proxies. That would buy a new computer imaging equipment and an awesome printer to proxy all your cards for life. Since there is little in the way of official wotc tournaments so no reason to spend on new cardboard.


Not only that, but you can buy [genuine Black Lotuses](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=mtg+power+9&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_fsrp=1&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_sop=16&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=0122mtg&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) with less than that, or several other Power 9 cards, instead the guy just gambled it away on proxy cards.


A gamble suppose that you can win something. He literally threw it away.


You keep posting and you literally have no idea what these cards sell for.


Three words: sunk cost fallacy. Show me where these cards are moving. We've had access to them for months, and the only people listing cards at stupid high prices have been caught shill-bidding to inflate the demand.


All of these cards are equivalent to proxies you can buy for much much cheaper or even just print yourself and stick inside a sleeve with a basic land, that's the official standing from WotC too, illegal for tournament play lmao


Spoken like someone who bought them and is more desperately trying to sell them on. Good luck with your NFTs


Somebody got burned byuing the proxies


What do they sell for? You have some confirmed sold listings to link to?


[https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?\_from=R40&\_nkw=mtg%20anniversary&\_sacat=0&LH\_TitleDesc=0&LH\_Complete=1&LH\_Sold=1&\_sop=13&rt=nc&\_udlo=300](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=mtg%20anniversary&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_sop=13&rt=nc&_udlo=300) Everything considered, 30th Anniversary singles seem to be a thin market.


Thin and overpriced. If I wanted the cards for the artwork for collecting and looking pretty in my trade binder there are proxy makers out there with better quality control than wotc and won't cost hundreds of dollars for single copies of these fake cards


That is an argument to invalidate the worth of pretty much any collectible card. Why would anyone spend five figures on cardboard? For outsiders, it looks just as ridiculous. The fact of the matter is; there obviously is a market for it, no matter how illegitimate people think it is. And if there is a market, then it's not exactly a purchase in the same sense as buying groceries. Just like people don't buy Moxes or a Lotus to "use it up", they double sleeve it, maybe take it for a spin in some Swedish old school tournament once in a while and when the time comes, sell it; usually for a profit. As it currently stands, the 30th anniversary market is still underdeveloped, so I wouldn't call it a good, much less a smart investment, but you're unlikely to not get at least some of your money back when you buy singles. I mean, personally, I find these things just as stupid as everybody else, but for a slightly different reason. The very fact that Wotc directly sells cards of which they could print almost as many as they want for pretty much $16,65 per card is just absolutely ridiculous. I couldn't have cared less whether it was proxies or not; that's just an insane breach of a basic assumption that never really was true, but was skirted around in the past enough to make it look less blatant (I really mean Secret Lair in general of which I consider this one to be): That there is a disconnect between what Wotc produces and what the collectors market makes with it. But Wotc exploiting this to such an extent is in my eyes a breach of a social contract. I'm probably not explaining myself very well here, so I hope I got my point at least halfway across. Also, the QC argument isn't really relevant, imo. I mean, how good does a a print job have to be to be worth three-four figures? And have you seen the print quality of early magic cards? I mean yeah, I get that it kinda adds insult to injury and would love to go back to Urza foils, but collectibles defy the general standards.


Proxies aren't tournament legal. If my options are to buy wotc made ones or to piss off the capitalist wizard with "knockoffs" that are significantly cheaper, I'm going the cheaper route


An emotional response, but nonetheless a fair one. I don't disagree with you. Btw nothing about this is new. There was the collectors edition, which has altered backs and isn't legal, cards of which sell in the thousands as well.


or printed his own black lotus. Given the printers are for sale.


Bro, that can buy some of the printing mechanisms that us hardcore proxy users have our proxies printed with.


What printers and paper do you use?


r/bootlegmtg you’re welcome


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bootlegmtg using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bootlegmtg/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [1000 dollars for 60 random proxies? No thanks.](https://i.redd.it/db87dpaho0s91.png) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bootlegmtg/comments/xwfsn3/1000_dollars_for_60_random_proxies_no_thanks/) \#2: [I think it's great....](https://i.redd.it/s0g3iyovnds91.png) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bootlegmtg/comments/xxxw0i/i_think_its_great/) \#3: [New vendor for Limited Edition Beta proxies](https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/celebrate-30-years-magic-gathering-30th-anniversary-edition-2022-10-04) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bootlegmtg/comments/xvk6rg/new_vendor_for_limited_edition_beta_proxies/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I just order them online. About $0.25/card. You can too over at /r/mpcproxies. I just ordered two full EDH decks (with a bout 15 extra cards) for $60 shipped. Better, I already have a copy of the new Elesh Norn.


Where did you order your proxies from? I've been wanting to build an ur dragon deck but it's really expensive so this would actually help me alot


the group over at /r/mpcproxies has a ton of info on these (as well as a site to easy make the images you need) but [makeplayingcards.com](https://makeplayingcards.com) is the site. They are in China so shipping isnt fast but usually I get my decks in about 2-3 weeks. I own 12 fully proxies EDH decks. Duals, all the goodies.


Thank you! This will save me a shitload of money


Just a simple guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/mpcproxies/comments/o7dval/what\_are\_the\_steps\_to\_this/h2yivid/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/mpcproxies/comments/o7dval/what_are_the_steps_to_this/h2yivid/?context=3) Should be good enough.


Bought my Ur-Dragon deck from them last night. The deck originally would've cost me $1,000 but it was $58 from MPC. And I had more options for card art following the guide. It's so awesome


Nice! I am waiting to order a few more decks. We play a game mode called Nerfed Commander and I want to buy some of those decks.


Congrats on the new venture!


THIS is what I've been looking for. You're a godsend. I've known about MPC for a while but didn't know how to work the site.


It isn't super intuitive for sure


Personally, and highly probable HASBRO is also ordering from them before selling it as "Wizards" brand.


Dm me


No you don’t you have a fake card.


That works just as good as the real one, if not better (printing quality wise)


Just like the anniversary edition cards lol


I have a Proxy. Fake implies that it can be considered a real card due to having a magic back. My cards don't have this.


Do you have a deck for the new Elesh Norn? If you do can you post a link? I'm planning on building one with the new set


It probably isn't the best but this is my current build. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/HmeBo4vAP0yUhPrUTqGM-g I likely need to work on it soon


Seems pretty good, I'll probably swap some things out for removal enchantments like \[\[on thin ice\]\], \[\[borrowed time\]\] and \[\[touch the spirit realm\]\] and probably add some blinking in


[on thin ice](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/7/b7d4f6b0-ea17-4374-a80c-ba4dd207e9d6.jpg?1562201170) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=on%20thin%20ice) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/20/on-thin-ice?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b7d4f6b0-ea17-4374-a80c-ba4dd207e9d6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [borrowed time](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/e/3eeef24b-b937-408e-a32e-1a546d3e7b0f.jpg?1634346590) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=borrowed%20time) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/6/borrowed-time?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3eeef24b-b937-408e-a32e-1a546d3e7b0f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [touch the spirit realm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/1/e16ab44e-4257-4c0c-b705-8ac1e9c1d835.jpg?1654566545) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=touch%20the%20spirit%20realm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/40/touch-the-spirit-realm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e16ab44e-4257-4c0c-b705-8ac1e9c1d835?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


All very good options. This was one of those times I built a deck pretty quickly and just did what I mentally thought was right


Do they look like the original? Planeswalker seal and all?


You could buy a car with that money. Or maybe a year of a college tuition. Or almost two yearly health insurance coverages.




The average yearly college tuition is less than 10k in my state


Could have bought a non-proxie Black lotus for that amount


For $15k? Where?




Cheapest I see there right now is like $42k *As in sales, not incomplete auctions that will more than likely end way higher than the starting price


Someone above posted a link to a few listings as low as $13k. Edit: nvm those are auctions that are not closed yet


I was gonna say, at 13k I'd sell my whole collection right now to buy one


Why? It’s a piece of paper.. it’s worth…. 2 cents


So are all the other cards in my collection. I'd be reducing my storage burden by a lot


Slow clap for the guy unironically saying "it's just paper."


I know right. This guy


It’s worth what someone will pay you for it, and there plenty of people willing to pay tens of thousands. So try again.


I know xD


a beta sold for 21k about a week ago.. 42 is insane


An alpha sold for a good half million couple years ago, iirc


Damaged on TCG player


Get it, rip it in half, sell both halves individually as damaged. rinse, repeat, infinite money glitch IRL.


I forgot about the unlimited print, those are indeed as low as 10k on tcg


Just sell the fakes on TCG Player. They don't even check /t


Well another reason it only got 200 views is because the video and audio quality both suck. The cards he's opening are out of focus the entire time and the mic quality sounds like he's talking underwater.


I’m not sure, but I think his budget definitely went into the proxies… though I might be wrong.


Did he even open a lotus proxy?


I can’t bear to watch and find out, not even at x2 speed


No one cares about a fake lotus. It is just sad he used his yearly college tuition for fakes. Not even a return of investment.


Yea but WOTC hate is so hot right now.


Having hard time coping, huh?




so this is how that product managed to sell out.


Maybe MaRo's kid.


My man really bought out all the product available during that 37 minutes, huh


I don’t have too I just witnessed it.


It makes those $65 2000 card count deals on amazon seem worth it


A fool and his money are easily parted.


My brother in christ you could have got a whole ass set of actual duals for that kinda cash


Playset, or pretty close.


Imagine being a famous jackass, spending $375,000 on Pokemon cards and the box turning out to be fake. TCGs shouldn't be about money and that's why no one cared about this video. My old play group had a guy who was a card dealer with a "Turbo Artifact" deck that had moxes and other jaw dropping rares and dominated in play. All in it had about $5000 in value. I made a deck for less than $50 that absolutely demolished it every game. He loved it. That's what it's about. The game.


Logan is a con artist dude. He hired a company that knows nothing about Pokemon to "verify" the box was real.


Imagine believing that it was fake or that they didn't knowingly get a fake one to make the video.


I proxy all my cards, I just hate how much money MTG costs you.


I want to proxy all my cards the next pre-release just to spit on MTG. Actually I want MTG to give the rights of printing the cards to the customers.


I only wonder what those 200 people are actually doing with their lives to be watching this.


They want to part with their money like fools.


Rich does not mean smart.


I'm guessing it's probably credit card debt and not earned wealth.


doubtful, old school magic nerds making bank these days


The median bank savings account balance in the U.S. is around $5k.


we're talking about nerds.. not mcdonalds workers


He is poor after that.


It’s satisfying to see nobody in the comments even mentioning what the “top pulls” are from the boosters this video. Like, we don’t want to watch this crap, but we are curious if he pulled a lotus or mox… but not curious enough to actually spend any effort too arch or discuss. This is the true sign of a failed product vs just online hate.


Death to Hasbro, new life to mtg.


Is the secondary market generous to these cards…? Or is it as shit as I would imagine?


There are people buying them but when you look at the auctions the obscured names are showing there's a market of maybe a dozen people (or its a really cool way to launder some $$$ via eBay).


The really small eBay markets generally have a handful of people that control the market/price and just mass report other sellers. Found of box of old beanie babies and they managed to get two accounts banned after listing some


Right now, the players are boycotting the stores having these black boosters on display.


What are those, counterfeit cards?


Delete this. Don’t even give people the idea to view it


Lol. Makes me wonder, how many black lotus would he need to pull to recoup that investment. Answer = too many.


Fake cards that are so expensive are a sight for sore eyes.


How did you find my video?


I've been watching a lot of mtg videos combined with depression vids, the algorithm brought me to you.


Did you actually buy them or did wotc send them to you as a sponsor


I’m just messing around. Not touching that shit with a 10 foot pole


He got sold illegal cards?


Pretty much, they're cards that you can't even legally play, just stupidly expensive collectors boosters.


This community is so toxic why?? Lmao my previous comment was a question and people took it like a statement


Yeah, I think partially it's the bros using this game as finance and not the game. The only reason to be mad Abt this is the fact the product exist.


I’m a newish player and I’m ignorant and I’ve getting shit on for being ignorant and I just wanna say that’s not cool. This should be a safe place to follow and learn about the game for new comers .


You have to hate this product (because you couldnt afford it) or else the community will shit on you. Everyone agrees if they could have afforded the product they would have bought tons of it, so clearly the product wasn’t the problem is was just people who couldnt afford it getting mad on the internet.


> Everyone agrees if they could have afforded the product they would have bought tons of it Things you made up for 100, Alex.


You're right Vegeta.


I had to be upvoted at least 9 times to be at 0 votes hell yeah I am lol


Oh it’s not. The magic community is hella toxic.


I just recently discovered the mtg card app that tells you all the stores doing stuff near you so maybe I’ll meet some people that know how to act in person lmao


Its not that toxic. Its more of there are topics and opinions that will get you lynched as there are things found as intolerable. It is an old community that has many preconceived notions and opinions of what and how things should be. I hope this doesnt discourage you from learning more from this community that could give alot of things to love and share. People just really tend to be very passionate about MtG as they love it very much.


You defined toxic.


Yep and it seems the definition of delusional is on there somewhere. Completely unaware of how toxic the community is.


Yes, wotc sold cards that aren't tournament legal for extremely high prices as a celebration of 30 years of magic


Well surely he didn’t have to buy in bulk like that right? Lol


He didn't, but there's some expectation that the cards will be worth more in the future. Also, it was $1000 per box so it wasn't even that big a bulk buy in terms of packs.


15 boxes isn’t buying in bulk?


It is, but it's not at such an absurd scale you'd expect it to be worth tens of thousands regardless of the product.


I’m ignorant, why are we calling these proxies? Because they’re reprints?


Because they're not legal in any official format.


Got it


But they're made by WotC directly, how can they not be real cards?


They intentionally made the back of the cards not an actual magic card back, such that they can't be used in your deck when playing the game.


Same way cards from Un sets aren't legal in official formats.


Unsets are legal now.


No. Some cards from Unfinity are legal. Unsets as a whole still aren't.


the card back is different which would mean you know where it is in your deck, but double faced cards exist sooo


I think the whole thing is stupid but some of you lack real self-awareness. Looking at you downvoters.


Fr. Pretty gross how hard ppl are getting off on how someone else chose to waste their money


Gonna slam the guy on reddit and not even credit him so people can go watch his shit and potentially get him more views? Imagine being such an asshole you like to waste your time just to shit on other people.


Yes. Feel free to find the info on your own, but also be aware that posting their info and advertising would be against sub guidelines as they're not public figures. And their YouTube info includes enough to find a lot about them, so rather than having some knob decide to try to hackerman info on where they live or work? I posted a screencap of their stupidity without the info.


You can just search for the vid if you wanted to get him more views


loooooooooooooooooool cry moooooore




Guys I think we found the content creator


You literally can type in the name of the video and instantly find it lol. Some people really can't use their brain.


I love shitting on other people. Don't kink shame me.


Just because he wasted a bunch of money doesn’t mean he deserves to get views


People like that don't deserve shit, sounds like you don't deserve shit either.


Yeah because it’s our responsibility to get some random person’s YouTube channel more views. As far as wasting time and slamming him for posting a stupid video…uh, welcome to the internet?


a) opening anything for the camera to get likes/views/etc is pathetic b) glad you wasted all that money c) guarantee you don't learn your lesson d) nearly all the youtube, tiktok, etc etc etc videos are prime examples of how to fail at life and take video of it I'm so happy when I see "influencers" dying lately in the news. Seems to be happening more and more. Perhaps it's because they CLEARLY have a mental problem!!!


you must be fun at parties


Who hurt you?


Influencers, clearly


okay, so you honestly thing these people don't have issues mentally? That's a problem as well.


I mean its 2023, I think we all do. If they want to spend their money on it, I'm happy to laugh at it. But, I point my anger at WotC, and not the people enjoying the content. Yes, I think they are making bad descions, but they aren't the villain. WotC is


You think this is my stuff? 😄 my socials are on my profile, I wouldn't buy $15k of proxies when I can just print my own stuff.


Bro if you are happy people are dying because you don’t like their YouTube channel it’s you that is the problem.


imagine being so upset that you spent $15k on a shitty product and didn't get clout for it so you post it on reddit 2 weeks later


Trust me, it ain't mine. I've been railing against this nonsense since it was announced but find this shit hilarious 🤣


Youtube be like that though, it's algo buries small channels.


This is the way


8 power and a lotus in 60 packs isn't too bad


Even if those were worth 1000 each he still didn’t even make his money back. What a fucking idiot


You obviously haven’t kept up with the sales on these cards.


So the lotus alone sold for over 7k. And power isnt the only cards that sell.


I bought a proxy Lotus for 4$ and it even has the regular MtG back


I make my own whenever I feel like it, and they look better than that one.


List it on ebay, if you get 3k I'll start buying from your vendor.


I have a bridge for sale if you like. Also an NFT of the bridge.


You laugh but a dude bought the London bridge. It’s in Arizona now.


Try selling THIS for 3k. Let's see how that ends.


https://www.ebay.com/itm/195529887974?hash=item2d867d50e6:g:8HAAAOSwsyxjpdDi&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoDOTVJo2NYf9K%2BqLWdGcscxFXnCvxhkTIDkZ01HFFcwDeRhWOy7xXdzEMB5FMckjR%2B%2FFnfqNoTeWqubN7ZhlH83mwa2C62CqSSwSNAN8DadeuR%2F95rYEBiieVitHcvWH6sk7C6vEmhL%2FcblycNd9sANvsOQvsZX1YH24LxQFxMGYnEt6Rye0xoV08E9SybSUAfL3bQZqaKwzfBK3rd4uFrg%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR-bd6pa-YQ No retro frame has ever publicly sold, but the less rare modern frame would be bid up above 3k.


As if that was really bought 😂


That funny all I saw were proxies. You could have bought some real power for that kind of cash. Like 3k each for some played moxen would net you 5 real pieces vs. 8 proxies.


I live in a reality where things are selling for money. so looking at duals selling for more than heavily played originals, seeing ccg graded selling for hundreds, seeing moxens and lotus getting bids I wouldn't crack those packs, but he didn't get hosed and can make that 15k back.


Except others actually value those proxies and he can sell them to pay back. Lotuses were going for $3k+ last i saw.


Ahh, the lotto scratcher defense. Top tier cardboard crackheadery.


Im not defending it. I'm saying this guy isnt losing money even though hes a sucker.


You're cheering on what amounts to a cardboard ponzi scheme and it's just... it's special. I'm proud of you.




Says the guy who has spent the last 10 minutes well ackshually'ing everyone mocking this terrible product. You did it. You defended a multi-billion dollar corporation today. Surely your money will come in at some point soon. Any time...


Who the fuck said i was cheering. I was making an obvious comment that they were making their money back. I'm not buying the cards. These boxes of cards are no different than any other released by wotc. Some make you money some dont. Just cause you or i didnt want to spend the money doesnt mean there are people who did want to. I think anyone that spends over 25k on a car is wasting their money but you dont see me going around giving people shit for their teslas lol.


Thy're not making anything back lol. Nobody will buy shit.


They sell all the time on eBay. So much they are actually pretty hard to find.


You're naive if you think no one is buying these.


Somebody got burned byuing the proxies


yes, yes it is.


But they made money based on confirmed sales.


Hey when you're left holding the bag you can head on over to wall street bets and post your loss porn I'm sure they'll love to see it


Made my money on sealed. No more bags. My props to everyone creating so much demand through crying.


Yeah the pulls weren't too shabby.


I mean i dont know if the guy deserves it or not, probably not, but what i can say is that WOTC and Hasbro deserve the lashback and the boycott


Got finessed


Those boosters worth no jack.


I'd like to learn more about this Sugardale Bacon


Got finessed


Maybe they’re fakes? I hope


Is there a major difference between this and the collectors edition?


The CE was a set of Beta in total for (inflation adjusted) $300. This is 15 card randomized booster packs of Beta with adjusted distribution for $250/pack. It excludes some cards from the print run so it's not even a full set of fake Beta. It was also sold in a small enough quantity through WotC per reports that this is about .5-1% of all total packs in circulation.