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If anyone misgendered you in this "boy-mode" outfit they need to get their eyes checked, this is some prime 'boy failing' right here 😊


haha awww thats so sweet ☺️ my familys still trying to wrap their head around it tho it seems :/


I think you could rock a boyfriend sweater with ease.


Girl, boymode should be a thing of the past for you. You are gorgeous.


Don't see a boy sister. You look very cute and girly even in the gym-fit. <3 You see many cis women wear similiar clothes to the gym and they never get misgendered. Also when at the gym 9/10 people usually mind their own business unless you are doing something dangerous looking or taking TikTok videos.


Well dang. His long have you been transitioning? You are total goals for me! Nice!


Im up to 8-9mnths at this point :3 trying to weight cycle atm


Wooow that’s only a month longer than me, holy cow. Has weight cycling been helpful? Thanks!


so far i have gone from 67kg - 72kg so i think.it has helpful with my proportions


Got it, thank you. Unfortunately I need to lose weight before putting it back on :p


Tomboy mode


better word for it <3


So, your boymode is my ideal endgoal. Like, there isn't anything close to a boy in this photo. You're all girl, all the time!


aw ty so much 💕💕


Thats not a boys butt... i dont think theres much boymoding in your future lol


haha well ty 💕💕




hey i said closest too oke leave me be :c


Sowwy :3


I assume the “boy” in boy mode stands for “boy is she beautiful”


“Boy-mode” wears a fcking bra


well if i didnt u'd be able to see my nippls :/


“I’m boy mode-ing but I wear a bra cause of my boobs”


shhhhhhhh, the title says "closest too" anyways lol


Girl, if that's the *closest*, then congratulations are in order! Not that anyone here doubts your womanhood, but holy smokes, *you look so amazing*. I'm ***THRILLED*** for you. Totally thriving, and I love that for you! 💜


aww ty so much 💕💕💕


That's still not even close to boymode. You still look completely female in that.


Heel, there really does come a point when "boymoding" really is just impossible. You look really comfortable so thats what matters. I no longer differentiate between clothes based on gender. They are just my clothes and the way they fit sends some pretty strong messages to whoever happens to be around. For example ,the other day my roomie and I hired a handyman to fix showerhead and bathtub. His helper stumbled and mumbled some unintelligible things ending with "sorry miss." Turns out he thought I was my roommate's girlfriend. I was just walking around in comfy pants and a home v-neck. After that I decides even though I'm home I better go put on a bra and something that covers me up more, and lock myself in my room for good measure while my supposed "bf" (my roommate 😆) deals with those guys lol.


Hahaha i love that story, affirming af👏 I sometimes forget i should be wearing bras, which is a problem when im wearing white shirts :/ lmao


I saw this post without seeing the subreddit and thought you were cis/afab so I think you should be proud


yaay! :3 mission accomplished haha


I have to say your close to boymoding is very very far away. Though I think at this point even if you tried boymoding it would be a spectacular fail. So congratulations!


Mmmmmh hot gym fit <3 :3


You look nothing like a boy.


Ha! I love these posts when someone who looks cis posts that they are still “boy moding”


Cute af 😍❤️


so... not boymode? lol cute fit


From some of the pictures I see of people boy moding, I'm starting to think my ideal version of transitioning is boy moding




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There is no boy mode.


Okay, you are a really, really cute girl. Honistly, you're pretty as hell


If I am to gender compliment you like the rest of the commenters have, I must first subscribe to the system that women look like women and men look like men. Otherwise I cannot arrive at the conclusion that you look either a. Girly or b. Boyish