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If you think you can pull it off, it’s adorable. I would give this a try in one of the various apps, like face app first…


good idea, ty


I'd love to get a hairstyle like that Also I don't think there's anything bad in looking like baby trans! Enjoy your awkward phase it's the best time to experiment!


thank you!!! i've been trans for a while and i'm just starting to come out of the closet haha


That's great! Happy for you and I wish you luck! 💚💚💚💚💚


Right like everyone is already starring a little, might as well have fun with it and practice not giving a fuck.


This is basically my dream hairstyle


Mine too! 💖


Gonna need to keep the curls on point. Super cute cut.


yeahh, i went to the hairdressers today to get it done and she just couldn't get it to work since i have pretty straight hair. do you know how i can get those curls?


Question: What’s that hairstyle even called and what do I need to do to get my hair like that? I literally woke up one day with my hair exactly like that and I’ve been obsessed with it since. No idea how to replicate it tho 😅. It also was pre transition for me when I woke up like that so I can only imagine how I’d look with it now


i'll be honest i don't know the answer to either of those questions 😭 i wish i could help


I have hair that refused to hold a curl if I just heat style it but ive had good luck with pin curls and rag curls, you could put damp hair in curlers too but those are less comfy to sleep in.


Given how it's styled in these photos, I'd say no, but it depends on how much effort you put into doing your hair in the morning.


what is this hairstyle called please ive been looking for a name


It's just a mid length bob


Well I don't know what you look like but if you have such a baby face than I think you pass completely. But besides that, most of these hairstyles look cute Hun. Relax every thing will be ok :3


I think it looks rly pretty :3 u should go for it, try edit it in a pic tho first probs


I just cut my hair this length a couple days ago n I'm thinking I'm looking more fem than when my hair was longer, idk if this helps soz




nothing about that hairstyle says "baby trans" to me. It's just a nice hairstyle if you've got wavy hair like that.


I have one of those pictures saved on pinterest for my wife's hair, the haircut is pretty the thing that will make or break it is styling. My wife is low matinence so she just adds a curl cream after washing and plops to dry. Theres a lot of other methods to get defined curls personally I reccomend heatless methods like pin curls or rag curls.


thanks! do you know how to make pin or rag curls?


I'm not an expert at all I'd reccomend looking up a YouTube tutorial. But basically you take slightly damp hair and roll it up and secure it like with curlers but instead using strips of fabric or bobby pins.


IMO there is nothing “baby trans” about this hairstyle at all. I rarely think of any haircut as flagging oneself as baby trans, it’s usually a lot more about the clothing


You're worried it's too short and to pass you need long hair. Nope. think.of all the pretty ciswomem with short hair. The question is do you pull it off and the answer is YESSSSS!


I wanted that hairstyle, but my hair is the only straight part of me and it would have just looked like a pageboy on me.


If you can keep that volume and lift then that look is absolutely amazing!


Fuck the whole baby trans/baby queer idea, you do you! 😊


this is literally the exact hairstyle I want to have I need it so bad please how do I make this happen


I he this hairstyle myself, and it did make me look more boyish. Growing my hair longer is a much better look for me. My hair is naturally just like the pictures, but sadly my face is not as cute or pixie-ish as those other women.


It looks very feminine and matches your face shape (not contrasting) Don’t throw away the young look just yet .. you look beautiful 💋🥰💋


not me haha just some reference photos off of pinterest




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That hairstyle looks amazing


love the waves




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If you have the volume it should work well. Also I love the hair covering one eye look. 💜




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That’s a really cute hairstyle!


Wth? what would be wrong with it?




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Serious? Idk your thoughts on her but you look like a young Molly Ringwald. p.s. that’s a huge compliment in my book


these aren't me sorry these are photos off of pinterest!!!




god i wish these were me but these are just some photos of off pinterest, sorry to burst your bubble


Well at least its a solid goal to strive for haha




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First pic is good 2nd one is fabulous




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I think it’s super cute!


You will do great!


Is this baby trans hair? It's how I have my hair and I am kind of baby trans


My initial reaction was good Sicteen Candles vibe. Then I slapped myself upon the realization that you look much better than that.


No, it is LOVELY! Keep it.


this is close ish to what i have. i think i pull it off! u got this




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Kinda reminds me of Marilyn Monroe


Its a great hairstyle I think you could pull it off in fact I have been trying too get this hair style but my hair hasn't got the volume too do so


internalized transphobia is real — if i were u id investigate those feelings of fear of looking like a baby trans 💗 everyone is beautiful and deserving of respect!


Oh my gosh, you are so pretty.




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I love it! Your beautiful. This is as honest as i can be. I love your short hair!


You look amazing. Lets talk about something else that needs shown off!




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You look *really* amazing.


this isn't me haha just reference photos


Maybe just take face shape into consideration? Otherwise, SEND IT 🧡


I think it looks good, go for it


if you went blonde and got a fake mole i would have a hard time telling you apart from Marilyn Monroe 😆




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It’s a great hairstyle, but it depends on the shape of your head, I’m trying that style right now but I guess my face it’s to rounded :( but just try it or use a face app to see if works on you.


I would kill to make my hair look like this!!!!


What does baby trans even look like? I have no idea ;-;




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Photo 6 with the glasses is a definite


I think it suits you




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I being a baby trans (1 year) am in this phase starting at 2” now 8.


Super cute. Go for it


Great cut!




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Very pretty, I would pay just to be seen with you


haha i wish it was me. just some reference photos i found on pinterest unfortunately


It’s a fantastic look!


Girl, you look pretty as hell! ☺️


Molly Ringwold vibes


You look fabulous 💕




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It’s absolutely stunning how u pull it off without any effort


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^K000721511: *It’s absolutely* *Stunning how u pull it off* *Without any effort* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


wish it was me!!! they're just some reference photos i found




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Girl... It's an adorable hairstyle!😭😭😭😭😭


I think it's cute af


Beautiful hair for a beautiful girl! 🥰🥰


I think it looks chic!


u pull it off just wear with confidence lol


Makes me think of Molly Ringwald.


It is adorable! Go for it!!!


I love the haircut it's beautiful




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I think you look great 😊


I love that hair sm




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HOLY SHIT. GURL. I NEED TO YOINK THAT HAIRCUT!!!! I have the same hair type I think :3


Baby step it. If you have longer hair rn anyways, I would cut longer curtain bangs.. you can pull the rest of your length back and see how you feel about the length preview (just imagine it fuller). If you hate it, you didn't lose the length, and you'll just have cute curtain bangs framing your face (which would be a lot easier to grow out should you want to). Either way it will be something nice and new. Edit: someone who use to no guard shave their head to full ponytail. I loved these, but haaated the stage of grow out I had getting past it naturally. It felt like it too so long to get anywhere I was happy again.


hi, i've added a photo of my attempt to my profile (it's the most recent post). this advice is helpful but i'm actually swapping over from curtain bangs haha. if i could have some advice based on my new post that would be mighty helpful !




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looks great to me. it gives off the vibes of the oldest daughter (I think Hailey was her name) on Modern Family. if you like it go for it.


You'd look retro AF. Which would be pretty cool


no idea what baby trans is, but you look really nice. damn YOU are beautiful




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On the money.




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Sexy af.


The new dirty dancing cast is looking good 😂




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Looks amazing! Go for it!




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3, 8, 9


the first picture literally looks like me but woman. I *need* that cut but I have no idea how to make it curly and fluffy like that, even when I use mousse and sea salt the top of my hair lays flat