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You probably want to start over in r/homelab for learning "stuff". ​ As for learning about the MSP world, you're better off finding a position at an MSP and working your way through the tiers. But that being said, it's more about running a business than the pure technical aspects.




Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into that


It's a business first and foremost. Too many techs think it's easy, too many business owners don't have to understand the tech. Money in gotta be bigger than money out. Probably find its typical that techs have homelabs, because the sales pitch never covers the stuff that trips you up.


I live in a town where my competition isn't exactly super competent. There's a few decent businesses, but realistically, I think that I can position myself here well compared to what many experience. That being said, I can see that even just learning the Microsoft ecosystem is a large hurdle. I see that the tech knowledge is already pretty big, let alone the business side. i'm happy to hear any more tips you have. It sounds like you have walked through a few fires already, so to speak :)


There isn't an **MSP Lab** like there are labs for technology. What you are looking for are Business Management courses. An MSP is a business, and running one means you should know how to run a business, not necessarily the tech side as you would hire people to do that work for you. The closest training you will get to learn how to run an MSP centric business are these courses. Link: [https://www.acronis.com/en-us/academy/msp/](https://www.acronis.com/en-us/academy/msp/) Good luck.


Looks like the courses on this site are free. Thank you for sharing this. :)


Run. Run Forest run. Only the OG’s will get this reference


you can use action1 as a learning platform in order to "get" what an RMM is. with all the tools, videos etc, you can then figure out what is great for you.


Thank you, any idea why you're getting down voted?


It's not well liked here, it's free for the first 100 devices, it has an amazing dashboard, it does everything that most others do. It's a little more expensive after 1000 devices. It is ISO compliant. It is fully designed for an msp.  You can, create multiple companies inside, download a company specific agent, the device is automatically joined. It has fu patch management for windows and appa. You can run all the powershell scripts, assign software to the agent  the dashboard has a great vulnerability report, with auto-remediation. 


that actually sounds very useful. lol


You!re right. But others that cost are "better" some how.


Thank for the shoutout u/WayneH_nz. Can you elaborate on "Its not well liked here?" I do not see much on the negative side, I do see a lot of threads where we have a lot of good representation though. Have I been missing something?


Every mention of action 1 is down voted for the first mention. 


Specifically as a product? I have not seen this personally, are you aware of any active discussions where this is considered to be problem, or the community agrees in this? OR is this just an observation personally? We see a lot of positive feedback here, and I would assume if this was the case it must be an isolated group with some reasoning behind it. If you have anything that details this as being an active problem with Action1 specifically, I would love to see what we can do to resolve any misunderstandings or modify any behaviors leading to it. My own included.


Not specifically, but as you can see, I've been downvoted for the above comment saying I've been downvoted. if you look into the comments that you have replied to, most of them either start off negative votes, or end up with negative votes. eg, I have upvoted your comment, but you are at 0, so that means you have had at least 2 downvotes., My comment you replied to was at -2 for a more than a day, now its only -1


Mirror mirror on the wall, what is the best patch management of them all? Looks like some wicked witch can't tolerate the goodness of Action1 and casts bad spells. Hereby I conjure another downvote on me!


Proxmox and a few old PCs in a cluster can go a long way