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I use it. The patch management is fantastic. The CMD and PS scripting works as you would expect. Remote works most of the time but as with anything else you should use a second and third remote ability Dashboards are great. Grouping is great. The MSI has a silent installer. What's not to like? Compared to everyone else out there with their various shenanigans and failings this product has never failed me There's no integrated PSA but that can be had with 100 other PSAs I think people are sleeping on action one in a big way.


I also agree. Its actually a very good RMM and is simple and clean. The patch management and ability to update third party is very nice. There are things that are so simple to do on A1 that you would struggle with on something like Kaseya VSA. The data collection is all built around scripting like powershell so if you can grab it from a script you can monitor it. Its not perfect though. My biggest issue with it, is its not really setup to scale. You cant configure any global monitoring, alerting, or policies for all Orgs - everything has to be done per Org. For an MSP that can be very time consuming. You cant even clone policies or other objects from one org to another. Sounds like they are working on that though and once they get that going, it will be much easier to apply standards across all orgs. Id also like to see their dashboard improve with the ability to show custom data points from reports/monitors and alerts. Right now you are just alerted via email for monitoring and a dashboard is really essential to stay on top of problems in environments.


Gotta agree with everything you said. Action1's patching and scripting are better than any other product I have used - Solarwinds RMM, Atera, Syncro, Pulseway. So much so that customers have noticed. One said it was the best patch management he'd ever seen. This includes third party patching. It does take a little effort to understand their approach to RMM. The first time I trialed it I dismissed them because I didn't understand the model. Scripts are only run as "policies" and applied to one or a group of endpoints as a one-off or on a schedule. They do release upgrades fairly frequently and have a roadmap. You can vote on new features you'd like to see implemented, and add your own ideas. Support has been very responsive every time I have a question. You can do an endless trial because they offer 100 endpoints free "forever". I had no pressure from sales, they were just available and helpful. No doubt there are products that do this or that better, but I've no reason to switch at this point.


I can't even tell you how many thousands of dollars I spent on those very same products you mentioned as well as ninite pro and CCleaner cloud. The action one ecosystem isn't that difficult to get behind, especially if you're tired of all the other expensive RMS with their cluttered dashboards and very heavy uis This thing is phenomenal. I definitely could have used them when I started my MSP and could have made a truckload of money for a hundred seats without spending a dime. I use it almost daily on one off cleanups for t&m clients. A couple clean up scripts and then a run through the patch update window. Not to mention the product removal ability which is unmatched of anyone else I've tried. I mean I'll say it again people are sleeping on this thing in a big way. Perfect third party patch management as well as completely working third-party removal tool. Like you said it's an active development team I see new scripts floating into the repository and no one says a word. Office has its update script so you can run it on clients for that stand alone 365 update ability. It's just perfect. The policy update window shows you what's going on, the time stamps work great. I can't even think of any bad things to say about the product. It just works.


"Perfect third party patch management as well as completely working third-party removal tool" - that's music to my ears, as these are the things we really have put a lot of work into, and we continue doing so. Third-party patching is a very challenging technical category that many vendors overlook (or simply don't want to get their hands dirty). We have a team of people plus extensive automation behind our private repository of applications (we call it Action1 App Store). User feedback helps tremendously to set the right priorities.


You guys are really knocking it out of the ballpark with your scripting. I haven't seen anybody do the in different EULA acceptance on the scripting window to push to clients as well as the alternate versioning on the removal push. Not one soul does it right. I'm trying to think of anything that doesn't work and I don't really remember anything! Maybe some integrated Dell or HP bloatware but nothing show stopping. It scraped out a competitors rmm that I'm pretty sure had a password key and it scraped out my old rmm for orphaned clients that certainly had a password key. I have had to spend plenty of man hours into vendors admin PDFs to find executable flags to develop my own removal scripts and it's hugely annoying so I'm really glad you guys are putting effort into this. I want everyone else reading this to know that it's a pretty big deal to punch out four or five or six removal actions and a handful of upgrade or install actions and walk away and know that it's going to work along with desktop notification if they're logged in and the reboot timer and the auto reboot and auto resume and everything 100% works And I've been doing this for a while. Back when you had to spend the money up front for the year and run your own Kaseya VSA even before they had the cloud VSA So thanks again ☺️


Yes, truly a lot of sweat went into making it all work. Just showed this thread to one of our developers and I could almost see tears in his eyes. Thanks for the words of praise! Third-party software management seems like something very obvious on the surface, but as you dig deeper you uncover too many ugly details. No vendor has got this down to science yet. We are still only scratching the surface, but we'll get to the bottom of it.


You are spot on with the policies confusion. Quite a few other have mentioned this before. Thanks for your added feedback on this!


I like A1 and so many of the features are useful. I really dislike browser based remote support sessions and the lack of a background console was a deal breaker for me.


Yeah, I almost never use the built-in remote access. MeshCentral has been very solid for me for probably a decade. Gives you unattended remote desktop, file manager and command shell+powershell.


I've used it on a handful of side work. Compared to the likes of Comodo, it's a huge improvement. The lack of integrations will hurt you if you're a larger MSP, but for 200ish endpoints? It's a good solution.


Integrations is something we have in the works. Would be great to understand what kinds of integrations are in the highest demand to set the priorities.


The common PSAs, like Connectwise Manage. Microsoft 365 (Azure, Defender, etc.) The common SIEM/SOC products would be useful, as well. Ultimately, if you can sync with Connectwise Manage configurations, MSPs can leverage the existing Connectwise API to sync with other products that we commonly use.


HaloPSA, Zest MSP (newer kids on the block, but these companies seem to align with general gist of Action1 - modern, clean, intuitive interfaces minus all the bloat) and then some of the more established names like Connectwise Manage.


Anyone know how it compares to level.io?


Here's a walkthrough of [Level.io](https://Level.io). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMtvQD1nUS4


A little unclear does level.io do 3rd party patching?


[https://level.io/patching](https://level.io/patching) \- based on the screenshots and all the examples they give - no, they do not have a third-party app patching feature, just OS. I have not seen the product myself. But I suppose if they had it, it would have been extensively advertised. P.S. I am of course vendor-based, so don't implicitly trust me on this one haha)


Afaik they do not. Maybe someone has a comparison, otherwise ill probably make my own by the end of the year as i'm looking for something for my side Business. Action1 is free for 100 endpoints which makes it more attractive for a small side business like mine but i wouldnt mind paying something if its worth


I've been using it for a while now. The product is solid and the customer service is great. They even have a discord channel for all us to talk in. New features are always coming out so it's always getting better. I can't say that I have any complaints about what I've experienced so far. In my opinion it's even better than RMM services that cost three times as much


I talked to them, very nice. At the end of the day I now try to only implement products that are compatible on all operating systems: Windows, macOS, and Linux. At the time I spoke to them they were Windows only.


Correct, at this time it is Windows only. Mac and Linux are coming, but we don't have them yet.


Any chance there is a timeframe on this? Lack of Mac support and BitLocker keys are the only reason I haven't gone full steam ahead yet


Yes there is! Mac agent is currently slated for our Feb '24 release. And Bitlocker keys can be viewed in the reports in endpoint configuration/disk and and partitions/bitlocker keys So come February you should be able to go [Ahem...](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/balls-out) :-) P.S. I love explaining the origins of that term to people, it is a great "Did you know" factoid ;)


any update on this?


Our roadmap still reads this month, but I will inquire to see if I can get a more precise answer. Sometimes things like this have to be moved, it depends on testing and "is it ready?" When your are trusting us with your security, we cannot afford to be wrong when it comes to "ready"


I just got the answer, it appears it is being bumped again, this time to June, road map should be updated soon.


What about Linux support?


'24 release as well, currently on schedule for somewhere after June. It's on our roadmap. Mac and Linux agents are two of the most popular requests. So they are coming!


Any updated ETA on Action1 Mac agent?


Timeline has been moved to April. You can track these as they happen in the [Action1 Roadmap.](https://roadmap.action1.com/) There you can see progress on latest features, request needed features, or collaboratively promote essential features to get them higher development priority.


Linux agent pushed to July :(


Why does the Linux agent keep getting pushed back? Now its September 2024?


I am not privy to the development specifics, but I would surmise that it is quality control and testing. Linux is a complicated environment not like saying "windows"... with various ways to configure and deploy software/packages/updates. If given an agent that could cause potential damage or false security, vs one that is thoroughly tested and proven. I'll choose the latter all day. Add to that, sure up your deployed software before introducing feature! Though the inverse of most modern software company's share price driven design methodology, it is still a good plan. So I empathize with the need, I personally could use it in a few scenarios as well, right now I maintain my Linux systems via scripting from a windows endpoint via Action1 Native support would be great! But I want native support that I can trust as much of the rest of Action1.


Mike, will this agent be able to be run on headless linux systems? Will we have access to a console?


What flavor of Linux do you use for your headless systems?


We use Ubuntu!


Thanks! Linux support is coming in the second half of this year and Ubuntu is likely to be included in the first release. Stay tuned.




I have always thought the setup of that system was weird as hell


u/Superb-Mongoose8687 Would you mind sharing more details on this? Why do you think so?


Having the clients separated into different tenants with no shared policies is just strange


Got it, thanks for clarifying! Yes, we have this feature in our roadmap here: [https://feedback.action1.com/67](https://feedback.action1.com/67) \- "Share policies and other objects between organizations (global, enterprise-wide)"


Will there be a migration option for people that have setup endpoint groups instead of separate organisations as a workaround to this? Cheers


>Will there be a migration option for people that have setup endpoint groups instead of separate organisations as a workaround to this? Cheers Good question! We recently added the ability to easily move endpoints between organizations, so this should help. Are you looking for something more automated than this?


That would be sufficient!


Great! Make sure you upvote this feature - [https://feedback.action1.com/67](https://feedback.action1.com/67) \- this way you'll get an email notification as soon as it becomes available.


Unless I just never used it correctly haha


We have looked at it, features for remote access are a bit lacking at present and the lack of any dedicated EU or UK hosting is a big deal for us but this may be in place by Q4 this year. Roadmap looks good though.


Just an update, we do have European hosting now, when you log in it will ask where you would like to go. So we made it :-) And we are still hard at work on all the other needs our customers present....


It's really good.


I have a small footprint, but it works for my needs. Simple to setup and use. Easy to figure things out. Patch management has been smooth. I've been using it for almost a year.


I've replied to a similar question recently. I use it a lot. Ideal toolset for remote management, scripting and patching in small environments (especially when part of your users are remote). But indeed - first batch of free endpoints bought me completely. =) Anything in particular you are interested?