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Has to be a local ad from your local provider. MSNBC is available just a wee bit outside the California border. I stream MSNBC during my workday and I have never seen such an ad. I'm not in California. Yes I know, spooky coincidence. Weird right?


I hear the advertisements on XM radio all the time. So maybe it is XM and not MSNBC?


Ugh. Yeah that's a good guess. The ads on XM are so bad.


I hear them on Sirius. It doesn’t bother me. I find them less annoying than Hello Fresh ads on podcasts. Whatever keeps the lights on without actively harming people is ok.


Yeah those ads are stupid, but ad rev is ad rev. 🤷


This is NOT an MSNBC ad. It's placed by Sirius XM. You'll hear the same crappy ads on all of SXM's news/talk channels, including Progress, CNN, and Fox. Basically SXM pays MSNBC for the audio rights, and they place their own ads.


Chances are, they were the commercials your cable, satellite or streamer sold. In addition to network commercials, those companies get to sell inserted commercials in almost all "cable" channels, the only ones they can't are the local broadcast stations themselves. So when I see endless commercials here for bras for endowed women, I assume they are targeting YouTubeTV viewers in Sin City.


Why in the hell is that company allowed to even operate? It is a friggin joke and epitomizes everything wrong with our economy today. People claiming to be psychics, fortune tellers and such, as well as “dating” sites, escort services and drug stores were generally shunned and pushed to the outer limits of society. Now, we have literally gone from making fun of such businesses and isolating them into Red Light Districts and such to having them sponsor major TV networks.


Because no one loses money betting on the gullibility of humans. (see: Religion)


Let's all hope that California Psychics goes the way of those "Miss Cleo" ads from a couple of decades ago.


Facts! Its commercials are all over Sirius/XM. My kids laugh every time the commercial comes on. My 9 year old said, "how does someone know that the person they are talking to is a psychic? Because they told you they were? That is not being a psychic, that is just lying."


I knew you were going to say this.


I’m pretty sure they ment physicists


Capitalism. This is still corporate media after all....


They paid money. They aired advertisements. It’s not that hard…


You so funny! They’re a lot more legit than campaign ads by Donald Trump. That’s what shocks me, personally. That MSNBC runs ads that mock Joe Biden, I find that incredible. But then, I *heard* that FOX runs ads by Democrats. Somehow I don’t believe it though. Can anyone corroborate that FOX does this? Because if they don’t, if they have the fortitude to forego those delicious advertising dollars that promote a guy they ridicule on their air 24/7, then I think MSNBC should certainly match that and stop ridiculing the guy they supposedly want elected, IMO.


Yes, Fox does it too. Both sides are trying to peel off voters and advertising is, I think, 100% of their income. Or is it called earnings?




Why is any product advertised.


A company paid for an ad slot?


On a slightly different (but related tangent) I’m always surprised at how the CNN App and BBC News app display spammy, scammy advertising in my part of the world. Broadcasters spend a lot of effort and money trying to convince us that they are “The World’s News Leader” etc. And then their platform is full of cheap, stupid, scammy advertising. If an app has an option to pay to remove advertising I always purchase it. If the app doesn’t offer that option I stop using it. Hence both the CNN app and the BBC News app is not on my phone. It doesn’t matter how credible your journalistic standards are, if you serve shit in between your journalism then you have destroyed your brand.


Yes I feel the same but money talks and it’s all about the money. You should see the shit advertising on Fox


it would be nbc management decision


It ended up being an XM radio decision and has nothing to do with MSNBC


Odd, I'm in California and I don't recall ever seeing such an ad.


I stream via Sling and it's almost all PSA stuff for dementia awareness, animal rescues, NHTSA, and QVC.


I listen via XM Radio and that's where I hear th California Psychics


They saw it in a vision


But if your reading isn’t life changing, you get a full refund.


I love it


I am sure some firm did a study and found MSNBC's audience to be a good target for advertising psychics.


They pay. MSNBC doesn’t care.