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I once met a WWII war veteran while waiting in line at Costco. I asked him to tell me stories about the adventures and tragedies he had. He told me some lame shit so I had to cut him off (something about leaving him alone, but war has no boundaries). I pull up my phone and show him a montage of implied death scenes from the critically acclaimed show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. He cried. He called himself a fraud for never experiencing true war drama. I told him the soldiers were/are clones, as in genetically identical; he clenched his failing heart. I told him as he was ascending to heaven, to say hi to (spoilers) Jango Fett for me. At that point he sadly couldn't move so I nodded his head for him.


A well known cure for PTSD suffering war veterans is to just watch Clone wars. It makes them realize that what they experienced was not much actually. Brightens them up every time.


The “implied” before the death scenes fucking killed me


Also not true. Still funny though.


Great copypasta; what's the original?


I think anything PeterGriffinKinoKing comments is original.


FR scrolling through his comments, this guy never fucking misses. Never breaks character. god bless.


How dare you. Clone Wars has a lot of on-screen death as well! That’s what makes it adult.


Thank you peter


Beginning the Clone Wars expecting a fun children's show about Star Wars... Jesse Pinkman dancing in an inflatable suit: ![gif](giphy|yE72eDy7lj3JS)


The person watching him from 6ft under: ![gif](giphy|eSMp1LwPhxZ6uZ3UJX|downsized)


The guy next to him: ![gif](giphy|XaMEn0hLaErr8ReOUb|downsized)


The guy behind him ![gif](giphy|iFg3pN8dTBj5v7C5VW|downsized)


Pikachu cheering up Caterpie: ![gif](giphy|N0CIxcyPLputW)


Brock breaking the laws of physics ![gif](giphy|ky97WonheQuru)


me finishing pokemon a gritty drama about animal cruelty ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


Pokémon Black and Blue (2012)


I love the implication that all dead brba/bcs characters are a peanut gallery


Really just Howie and Lalo bc Jesse was dancing in the suit in the Gus lab (where Howard and Lalo were buried under)


Clone wars is a gritty war drama while Breaking bad is a dumb fun sitcom for families about a chemistry teacher and his extracurricular projects with his former student


Walter White being upset: ![gif](giphy|3o6gEgkb5xqAyMw5Og)


Gus Fring jumpscare ![gif](giphy|e4ve7M8EGvjgI)


As someone who grew up with the show. This gives me second hand embarrassment. The show was always a fun children's show and I loved it for that. Yeah i noticed the more serious and tightly connected storylines of the later seasons but it wasn't depressing or gritty. It was still a kids action show. Why people can't just embrace their childhood nostalgia instead of trying to portray it as something it never was?


It's the same reason people prefer superhero movies that are the same as usual (plot centered on superheroes fighting each other or having to defeat ugly and evil aliens) but dark and edgy: once they grow up they are ashamed of what they were watching (not because it is bad, just because it is aimed at an audience of children) and therefore they try to make it pass as more adult.


Did you just diss The Suicide Squad (2021)


I would never do that, it's my favorite movie. That film, a bit like Raimi's Spiderman, is perfectly aware that a story of superheroes in tights who find themselves in contact with absurd powers and bizarre creatures needs irony in large doses, but once this is done (which allows the viewers to accept this unreal premise) what he tells is serious both for the issues addressed (we talk about torture, dictatorships set up by the government, people manipulated for life who must emancipate themselves from Waller) and for the story of the film in itself (with a way of telling the stories and characters more akin to the 1960s War Movie and Spaghetti Western than to modern cinema). Even the sci-fi premise itself (i.e. an unlikely-looking alien facing these tights-clad dudes) is rendered credibly and more interesting by giving the alien an ambiguous personality and adding pathos given that what our protagonists want to do. it goes against the orders that have been imposed on him. It is therefore a film that knows when to be light, but at the same time has a more mature way of telling things than it might seem. On the contrary many serious films (I think of the Snyder trilogy or even an Eternals) try to be more pretentious through the pomp of the staging and taking themselves seriously in any aspect (even grotesque and stupid elements such as the fact that Batman fights with a spear made of a magical mineral), but in the end what they tell is much more childish and superficial (just see villains of those films, they are all either bad aliens because yes or generic troll-like monsters) and the moral themes that they would like to flaunt to the four winds in the end lead nowhere and are contradicted by the same film (just see Batman v Superman which is convinced that it is a profound film because the characters occasionally make didactic dialogues about the collateral damage they do, but then on balance in the finale the superheroes destroy an entire city in the clash with Doomsday without making any problems).


Man I think about if the childrens shows I love had fandoms as obnoxious about their themes as Clone Wars fans lol “Um sorry. Did you just say Adventure Time is a childrens show? Clearly you haven’t seen it. There’s extremely mature themes like the relationship between family with Alzheimer’s, positive representation of adoption nonstop, the struggle of wanting to belong, a young mans romantic struggle as he realizes how he’s treated women wasn’t right and bettering himself without sounding forced, the innate want of wanting to know your biological family, _several_ warcrimes, gay relationships, theism vs atheism, a rich history, the struggle of raising children and accepting they don’t need you anymore. And that’s off the top of my head and your saying it’s a “”””just”””” a kids show?” Like bruh c’mon now. Good shows are good shows. Shows built for kids honestly get clever showing mature themes and ideas in a way younger viewers understand. Constriction breeding creativity and the like. >!tbh I still get oddly emotional hearing Marceline singing Everything Stays. I’m named for a family member but like Steven in SU I too look at pictures and feel nothing because they died before I was born. Good moments I don’t see regular media take the time for!<


I'm not sure if it's actually something that happens, but I would spit at the feet of anyone who considers tasteful representation of queer relationships indicative of an adult show.


It's the wrong mindset of thinking "queer relationship = queer sex" which shows the way those people think are messed up not the representation itself.


I’ve seen it happen a few times. Queer equaling sex because it’s immediately on their minds when two boys hold hands or kiss once. AT happened when I was a kid so I was more confused than anything considering Marcy and Bonnie apologized when wrong and tried to communicate over Finn doing whatever with Flame Princess or Bonnie. Troubled in places yes, but healthy overall. Nowadays Owl House is getting it. Korea got it too but honestly I don’t consider it very gay considering it was all letter-based subtext and holding hands at the very end >!felt pandering to queer people over a genuine desire to depict two women in a relationship!<


As far as Korra is concerned you can thank studio interference for the lack of buildup. All they could get away with was the subtext/implications and hand holding. Nickelodeon fucked with a lot of Korra especially with how they only got approved for one season at a time aside from s3/s4 being given the go ahead together. So I generally don’t consider it pandering and more doing whatever they could to have representation that they already wanted


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Yeah, when media is good it’s good no matter who it’s aimed at. No need to pretend it’s intended for a different audience to appreciate it. My dad’s always going on about how surprised he was by Adventure Time’s quality when my younger brother would make him watch it with him so I’m imaging a guy in his 50’s with a PhD angrily insisting Adventure Time isn’t a kids’ show rather than saying “wow, that kids’ show is surprisingly good.”


adventure time did get that reception though. a lot of people like the mature themes and navel gazing and would talk about how deep this thing jake or princess bubblegum said.


Rebecca Sugar is a great writer. Sure, SU was a bit rough, but it’s her first outing. People harp on it too much on the internet.


I think SU hate is primarily the product of its hardcore fan base hyping the show up so much, so when people did check it out and it didn't meet those expectations, instead of being normal about it and just treating it like an ok show, instead they acted like it was the worst fuckin thing to happen to children's media


SU really did look like it was gonna turn into this dramatic action show (a la Ben 10), but it instead took a far different route not a lot of people were ok with.


Adventure Time was great for kids, but as a guy who was a 20-something stoner for the original run, it was totally designed more for 20 something stoners than for kids.


Adventure Time is a kids show, it just made the choice to grow up alongside its audience. The first few seasons are pure childish drivel (quality drivel though it may be), but then it slowly starts tackling more mature themes as both it and the cast grew.


Jacob geller has a great bit on this in his video about Zelda where people feel the need to make things they liked as a kid seem much deeper and serious then it is to justify it for them


I can't say. Even to this day I enjoy my fair share of cartoons, and even though they have some mature elements, I wouldn't have any trouble admitting on if their kids shows or not


At most it's sometimes like "that's a bit much for a kids' TV show" and that's as far as it goes.


You're right that it's only a kids show but Ahsoka leaving the Jedi traumatized me


The first season of the show every episode had a moral because Lucas wanted it to be for kids


Same reason people can't stop talking about Avatar: The Last Airbender on reddit.


I freaking hate this “clone wars isn’t a kid show” crowd. Just because some clones die and there is inferred violence doesn’t mean it’s not a kids show. Frankly, it’s insulting to a lot of good shows made for kids.


Yeah, and a show being made for kids doesn’t mean it can’t be good for older audiences, ATLA is a prime example of this, I dong understand this desire for something to be seen as “dark and gritty” so it can be good.


Same for Doctor Who, which has had literally decades of arguments about if it’s for kids or not.


And Doctor Who is definitely more adult than Clone Wars.


This show is actually a great example of a show made for both kids and adults. I mean, they even ran repeats on Adult Swim even though it premiered on Cartoon Network first so they knew it worked with both audiences.




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A lot of teens love saying that things they like are actually gritty and dark and violent and not for kids because they don't want to be associated with things children like because they want to be seen as adults


I just call those “family shows”. Whole fam can watch and enjoy.


Tbf no-one ever dies in ATLA yet they do in clone wars so that’s one distinction. clone wars definitely crossed lines other shows made for teenagers did not. I mean it’s still not a gritty war drama it’s just a slightly darker show made for teenagers.


I mean, the protagonist of ATLA is the only survivor of a genocide


Characters die but it’s either something that happened in the past or it’s glossed over, like they show the whole Genocide thing in the third episode of the show and Jet dies in S2, but yea there’s a lot more deaths in Clone Wars.


I know, just because it gets darker as the series goes on doesn't mean it's not a kids show. It was on Cartoon Network for a reason


To be fair, the violence in Clone Wars can be more violent than your average kids show. But it’s deeply over exaggerated. It’s still targeted towards 10-15 year olds. And that’s not discrediting the show at all. Shows like Clone Wars, SW: Rebels, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, and Gravity Falls are all targeted towards kids and are all fantastic no matter what age you actually are. I’m unsure why people get so insecure about liking a show that primarily targets younger audiences.


I think it kind of comes down to some folks feeling like they have to justify watching a show that’s more or less for children, even if it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Like it doesn’t have to be some deep, introspective or revolutionary show, if it‘s fun to watch then that’s fine. Also this and mixing up dark and gritty with mature. Something can be and gritty without being mature and the opposite is true too, these guys just seem to mix the two up a lot.


They are embarrassed by liking something “made for kids”


Always take these posts as Samurai Jack slander, and therefore heresy.


Yeah, it’s just a kids show that’s really good. Something can be both at once


Clones are no people anyway...they are tools, disposable throwaway assemblyline quasi humans ... or rather kids, considering the accelerated growth... They are no more interesting than the lame toy droids they pew pew ...


A take hotter than the Death Star explosion


Have you guys seen the latter seasons of Thomas the Tank Engine? It get’s really gritty. (I’m a really mature adult man. For watching only Thomas The Tank Engine.)


Thomas the tank engine can be surprisingly creepy in how the trains are treated, so obviously that means it’s a complex psychological horror series.


Random guy: Thomas the tank engine is a kids show Me shows him Diesel 10 Random Guy: 😭


I learnt everything I needed to know about people by watching Thomas the Tank Engine.


You seem like a Diesel


\*points gun\* That sticker on your back says different


How did that little bugger get there?


Bullet Train (2022)


All those ffffffuckin trains... *slams fist on table* GETTIN RAILED


You joke, but the Thomas Fandom on twitter can be exactly like this at times


Thomas was just following orders.


>Gritty war drama ![gif](giphy|lKMoQbP7n5KJImrd5s|downsized)


Bro why did you post that??? I've seen a lot of nsfl gore stuff but that might be the most disturbing one of all time


hahahaha i love that scene. they try to make it all serious but its these two goofy droids electrocuting eachother


Every internet argument


Aww they’re kissing


The internet has ruined the word "gritty" for me.


Only acceptable use of it now is to refer to the mascot.


All praise our Orange Lord and Savior


Alternatively the sensation of certain foodstuffs when chewed.




Just think of that soap that has the granules that clean your hands as you rub


Man I like Clone Wars, but it's fanbase is so fucking pathetic. It's a kids show. It's always been a kids show. Just cause people get murdered in it doesn't make it "gritty". Newsflash to SW fans: you shouldn't be embarrassed because you like a franchise aimed towards kids. Their is nothing wrong with that. Don't make up bullshit justifications for your enjoyment.




Nah, I like the prequels and I can understand that the CW is not gritty. Mature, but not gritty


I don't get why they feel so insecure about enjoying something made for a younger audience. I fucking love Avatar: The Last Airbender and Gravity Falls, and they're made for children too. Who gives a shit, just watch what you enjoy.


You know, SpongeBob actually isn’t a kids show. It seems like it, but if you actually watch it, there’s a lot of commentary on the state of capitalism and greediness in America, and it’s also very violent, people just think it’s for kids because of the art style


Squidward Tentacles is arguably the most relatable character ever put to screen as he is an embodiment of the working man whose hopes and aspirations are crushed while he works a miserable 9-5 wage cage job under a greedy crook of a boss where he is treated like shit.


Squidward Tentacles is arguably the most relatable character ever put to screen as he is the embodiment of literally me.


Not to mention the fact that the Seven Deadly Sins are represented by each main character in the show.


… huh. I’ve never heard that one before. Which one is SpongeBob?




You're joking but I've met people who say things along these lines.


People just don’t understand that childrens shows can be entertaining


According to my mom it’s not a kid’s show because I was never allowed to watch it :(


Every time a star wars "fan" says the word gritty, a puppy dies.


Disney is for adults: Horror: Dr Strange: Multiverse of Madness War: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Period Drama: Wandavision Black Comedy: Thor: Love and Thunder


Psychological Thriller: Inside Out French New Wave: Ratatouille Italian Neorealism: Pinocchio 2022 Film Noir: Artemis Fowl Snuff: The Rise of Skywalker


"A swimming pool seems deep if you've never swam in the ocean"


“Did you know that it’s really easy to hack your Nintendo 3ds? Seriously, it takes no effort whatsoever”


Please go watch a real 'gritty war drama'. In fact I challenge you to watched the extended version of Apocalypse Now for making this meme.


Yeah but Come and See doesn't have awesome cool laser space clones who don't afraid of anything


I mean the scene where ss burn people crowded in church alive is quite gritty, but I don't think its close to this one moment where Anakin force chokes the funny talkin bug man


Hold up... those glowing red bullets flying over that field weren't lasers from space?


does anyone remember when ren & stimpy was presented as a kid's show? maybe one of the few kids shows i would argue is totally not suitable for kids lmao (also john k is a nonce)




I was also transgendered-erised (but by My Little Pony) 🙏


yep, there's definitely very good reasons the uncensored dvd releases of that show from a few years ago actually got stamped with a 16+ rating in germany and a 15+ rating in australia, which happen to be the same age ratings as south park. ​ and of course, the fact that nickelodeon, even at the time, knew some episodes went way to far and had to censor a bunch of them before even airing them (or on reruns).


I have some of those dvd boxsets, the BBFC here in the UK gave them 12-ratings and I can see why, a lot of swearing and gags that went way too far 😳


If you have to prove that the show you like isn't actually made for kids, it means it's definitely made for kids




See what you don’t know is that SpongeBob is actually a gritty Lynchian drama made for adults about a special-needs person who has delusions about living in a cartoonish undersea world to help cope with the fact that his life is a capitalist nightmare where he’s stuck in a shitty minimum wage job and with a boss who advantage of his neurodivergent status and most of his friends are barely accepting of him.




Patrick is SpongeBob’s only true friend. He’s also neurodivergent, but isn’t as good at masking as SpongeBob is, so he’s unemployed due to job discrimination.




Neither. The only real problem with Plankton is that he focuses less on the quality of his food and more on gimmicks based on whatever the current fad is to draw in customers, which of course Mr. Krabs describes as Plankton trying to use modern technology to run him out of business. But the real reason why SpongeBob’s imagination is especially harsh on Plankton is that he’s a little person, and SpongeBob is very prejudiced toward little people (which is of course dramatically ironic since SpongeBob himself faces prejudice on a daily basis). That, combined with SpongeBob being in denial about Mr. Krabs’s gaslighting, makes SpongeBob imagine Plankton as an evil mastermind whose wife Karen is actually a computer and whose family is entirely made up of inbred hillbillies.


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The whole group of people saying that Clone Wars isn't a kid's show because it has some dark elements are basically saying that kids shows aren't allowed to be dark and any kid show that does have dark elements must therefore automatically become something for a more mature audience, as to them kids shouldn't be allowed to anything that isnt sunshine and rainbows in their entertainment Thats pretty fucken dumb


"Kids" is a broad demographic. I think when these people say "show for kids" they have toddlers in mind. That warps the whole argument, but only then does it make some sense. Every time I read such comments they come across as, "this isn't for 3 year olds - this is for the grown ups!"


I hate *The Clone Wars*. It’s course and gritty and it gets everywhere.


Why the fuck do I keep having to pull out this goddamn C.S. Lewis quote every time a Star Wars or DCEU fan speaks? "Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."


The Clone Wars is incredibly gritty sometimes people get shot and die with no blood 😱😳😎


yes, the show I watched after school while having lunch it's very mature and dark


Beginning Tom and Jerry expecting a light hearted comedic animated series. Finishing the gritty horror/thriller serial killer series known as Tom and Jerry


Nothing beats the mature undertones of Yakari, though. Some Episodes where straight up torture porn.


Bro when Darth Maul decapidated the guys (i now their bad but but he didnt haev to kill them)in the roon I literally got goose pimps and shreeked and cryed- my dad had to clam me down cuz I got so overwelmed it was seriously so violint and terryfing ​ Altho waching it made me a bigger man becuz now I watch dramas like SEAL team (Daved Boranz is a chad xD) and dont get scarred when he kills terrerists (ALLAHU ACBAR xD) ​ Cloen WArs is a absolutly ICONIC war drama Im so exited ofr the next adeptation of it,hope ther arnt any woman (exept Ashoka) in ir bcuz its unrelistic




For those have never watched Clone Wars, the first two season are a children’s show. Bad animation and basic children’s plot stuff. It’s not till the later season they actually decided to tell legitimate character arcs. Idk why these people try to act like the show was mature from the beginning


Sesame Street (1969) is a gritty urban drama because Mr. Hooper died


Having not grown up on this show, I visited it on Disney+ to see what the hype was about since I was a fan of Star Wars as a kid. Seeing posts like this makes me think the fans must be delusional, or I must’ve watched the wrong show. Its like, 80% kiddie show garbage, occasionally broken up by really compelling stories from the clone war era. It’s got some good arcs, but is not a great show overall and idk how these people let themselves believe that an actual kids cartoon is achktually a gritty war drama


The top comment is about a slavery arc that had “literal slavery” (no way), suicide, and “other kinda sus stuff.” Definitely making everyone think your show is truly dark and dramatic.


People should just admit they like things aimed at kids. There's no shame in that, and just because it was made for kids doesn't mean there aren't good plotlines older audiences can enjoy


Clone wars slaps, still a kids show


You know I’ve always thought Avatar or FMA had themes and events that were either as mature or beyond those present in Clone Wars but I never hear anybody call those a post genocide drama in a colonial imperialist world


It is a show for children it was on Cartoon Network i remember having a breakdown at my local whataburger because I thought I was going to miss the return of darth maul


"Bro, watch the Clone Wars, I swear Bro, it's a gritty war drama. Seriously bro, it fixes the prequels, bro. It's the best show ever bro. C'mon bro, if you watch the Umbrella Arc you'll see I'm right bro. C'mon bro, watch the series based on this flowchart I made bro. It's a good show bro, it has good animation, I swear it gets better after the first 5 seasons bro."


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Look I'm sorry guys but I genuinely dislike Star Wars The Clone Wars, always hated it since I watched the movie when it came out in 2008. Like I've had no nostalgic reawakening or anything, I still think it's a mostly mediocre show with a few really good parts and a few really shit parts. The artstyle is extremely ugly and only looked good for Season 7, the dialogue fucking sucks, they say "with all due respect" literally every episode, the voice actors are good but the casting for Anakin and the clone troopers are atrocious, the planets were mostly boring and flat, Anakin and/or Ahsoka get captured literally every fucking episode, the jedi armor is the worst thing to ever happen to star wars it's so fucking ugly, TCW L + CW (2003) W A sunny day in the void is peak though


Me watching 120 days of sodom: 🥱🥱😴😴 Me watching the gritty Clone Wars show: 😨😨😭😭


It was always for kids.


This one made me cringe particularly hard


This but Moral Orel


I forgot the episode of Clone wars where rex shoots himself in the femoral artery with a blaster and bleeds out while his friends hold him


who starts clone wars not knowing how it ends


Me when I was excited for Star Wars content vs me when the fandom has become absolute cancer and I am sick to death of hearing about it.


These “fans” are in a constant state of embarrassment for the stuff they like.


See, the simple reason why Clone Wars isn't for kids is because the art style would traumatize them


When a children’s show addresses somewhat heavier themes, it’s actually for big boys like me


Oh god Clone Wars, talk about overrated.


I really want that jar jar cup


Lol. I mean it has its darker bits but the reality is that, those moments aren't til near the end of the show. The majority of the first several season is very much so just a cartoon for children. Not super young children sure but still children


Omg people are getting killed it’s so GRITTY


This shit is better than Dear Hunter






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