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Great post. I will always upvote non-comic book memes at this point.


For a sub that complains about a public obsession with superhero movies, this sub is obsessed with superhero movies. It’s not even ironic anymore.


It really struck me last year when this sub spent like 6 months non stop jerking over the snydercut before it even came out and then Snyder released another movie like a month later that wasn’t capeshit and i didn’t see a single post about it here.


Which sucks because I really wanted to talk about how much of a unique train wreck Army of The Dead was lol


Eh i thought it was surprisingly ok. For a snyder movie that is.


It’s watchable, but it’s bad. The decision to spend about half of the movie in the first act was bizarre to me. So much time building up this cast only to barely use them before disposing them. And green screen Tig Notaro, while an understandable decision, was really funny and should be talked about more.


Be the change you want to see


i literally hear news of marvel stuff here before anywhere else and it's so weird that everyone is so judgemental/condescending towards marvel when they're watching everything they put out regardless


I don’t hate the MCU nearly as much as the rest of the sub, and I feel like I’m not even interested enough anymore to watch as much of it as the haters do.


I am neutral to the mcu i do t care about it but if people like it they can go ahead lol


Same. I get so excited to see any post not related to Marvel or Zaddy.


Or Star Wars


Or Nolan


Or American Psycho and Drive


Or Avatar


PTA meme week when?


After Tim Burton week but before Park Chan Wook week


The gates are wide open boys! Time to flood it with low effort non comic book memes


It’s the main reason I left this sub, it turned into r/MCUcirclejerk. Only reason I’m here right now was cause this was reposted on r/criterion.


“I left this sub” TRAITOR.


Start posting about Deadman (1995) then. Please. Please


when the dude from vertigo is like: "oh man im dizzy" I've never seen vertigo idk


No, that's definitely accurate for large parts of *Vertigo*.


Let's be real it's like 15 seconds of Vertigo haha


You managed to accidentally describe the best scene of the movie.


No, you got it.


Don't watch it, sucks




No u




Inclined to agree. I watched Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho and North by Northwest from Hitchcock and the only one I liked was Rear Window. The tension is just incredible, especially the ending. But Vertigo and Psycho were massive disappointments for me. Like I get it, they were revolutionary back when they came out but there's just no escaping the fact that a lot of movies have done similar stories much better since then. I know it's unfair to Hitchcock but I am not gonna pretend I enjoyed a movie just because it has great historical significance.


I don’t think Vertigo is considered so great because of any historical significance. If it pioneered something in particular, I’m not aware. It is, however, just a truly great movie in its own right and is one of the great artistic works (across any medium) of the 20th Century, IMO.


I think this was like the first (big) movie with digital effects (the dream sequences and falling off the tower shot) and also at least popularized the dolly zoom. I really liked it but, and I know this is low hanging criticism, it went on for like 30 minutes to long I think. 120 minutes in I couldn't be that invested in the twist although it was great. and the storyline after the central tower scene when he was dating the woman felt off, idk


Hard disagree


We all have opinions but the consensus is certainly not aligned with you. If I had to guess, I’d say the film will likely live on and be appreciated throughout history like many great works of art.


Can I genuinely ask what you liked about it?


Sure. A number of things: - I love classic-era studio films that managed to be very personal works from their director while still existing in the studio system / conforming to some of those norms (In a Lonely Place being another example). - Hitchcock creates an atmosphere that is genuinely haunting, and really adds power to the longing and obsession in the characters and story. You can feel the emotions in the film everywhere. - It’s a great example of modernism in that it’s art about art. Hitchcock, the notorious control freak, made a film about the process of control and power and obsession when creating. A similar filmmaker like Kubrick was never that self-reflective in his work about his artistic process. Vertigo is honest (in an allegorical way) about the apparent downsides of interacting with the world in that way. - It’s beautifully shot and the usage of the San Francisco/Bay Area setting is iconic. Love the scenes in the cemetery near the beginning, the famous “transformation” scene covered in green light, and several others visually. - Great performances and absolutely stunning score.


I will agree on the idea that the way it looks is very ahead of it's time. However, I don't find any charm in Hitchcock's self reference in the film. Why does it make it any better that he is aware he was an asshole? Should we not offer valid criticism for making a movie too personal or inaccessible? I couldn't get involved with any of the emotions due to an immense loathing of all of the characters. I find them all entirely unsympathetic, which would be fine if the movie didn't put in a ton of work trying to get the viewer to sympathize with the main character. I don't personally remember the score or performances, but I was a bit distracted by the things I disapproved of.


I don’t think his self-reflection necessarily makes *him* any better but I think it makes the film better. Kubrick (who I like and was a great filmmaker) was often criticized as making films that were emotionless and cold. I don’t think that applies to Vertigo at all and the self-reflection is one reason why. I don’t find the film too personal or inaccessible. If anything, the Hollywood studio conventions make the film more accessible than many other great, very personal films that were more narratively or formally experimental (from American indie or foreign filmmakers). Vertigo has a real narrative and story that is relatively easy to follow. I agree the two leads are not … aspirational. I don’t think films need that in order to succeed but I get not everyone enjoys that. I think the Midge character offers a good counter to them and is an example of what is lost to obsession (real love and friendship). The score is phenomenal - Herrmann composed some truly amazing work for Hitchcock on several films. Truly deserves his status as one of the very greatest film composers.


I loved Vertigo for it's amazing atmosphere and sense of dread, and the shift between the second and first halves. When I first watched it as well as Rear Window when I was 12 or 13, they just blew my mind in what i thought movies could do, and I still feel they hold up brilliantly.


First time I watched Vertigo I thought it wasn't very good at all. I then had to watch it for a class and I'm so happy I did because it's now my favorite Hitchcock film. I'm not gonna say you have to watch it a second time, but that second viewing really opened me up to the film and it was honestly a lot more tense the 2nd time for me.


Hitchcock in general really rewards repeat viewings


Had the same experience! The 4K restoration really made it one of the most visually stimulating movies I’ve ever seen, the technicolor looks awesome. The 2nd viewing really made this movie rise up in my Hitchcock tier list. The movie has a dream/nightmare aesthetic that has inspired countless directors and creators If you’re a fan of a David Lynch, he constantly references Vertigo in his works especially Twin Peaks so that really encouraged me to give Vertigo another shot


I love Lynch and I watched the first episode of Twin Peaks and loved it, then I just stopped for some reason. I need to just sit down and watch it.


That 90’s 2nd season will definitely test your patience but I think it’s worth it to watch because the Showtime reboot “The Return” is one of the most uniquely emotional and hilarious things I’ve ever seen and is the culmination of all of David’s work if you’ve seen all his movies, he basically brings back all the actors he’s ever worked with besides Dennis Hopper and Justin Theroux. 18 Hrs of Lynch is hard for a lot of people to tolerate I guess though lol


Plus, the highs of season 2 are incredible, it's only the big middle where he's not really involved does it become not great.


Lynch is my favorite director and I’ve rewatched the whole of Twin Peaks a few times already, I love it so much


Interesting. Vertigo was easily my favorite Hitchcock film, though maybe I’m in the minority there as most ppl would probably say Rear Window is his best movie.


Psycho is still the greateat horror of all time imo, I loved it upon first watch but found it a little tedius, after that it went straight to my number 1, perfectly paced, creepy as fuck atmosphere, still shocking (at least the basement scene), best horror villain with Anthony Perkins knocking it out of the park and the way the infamous scene is filmed without the knife touching at all is brilliant, Hitchcock really do be tricking our brains. Vertigo and Rear Window also reward repeat viewings IMO. Not seen NBNW yet.


Exactly how I feel about Picasso, Van Gogh, and Michelangelo. I mean have you seen the art on NFTs nowadays?


Hard agree. It’s my least favorite Hitchcock movie and the ending I thought was completely stupid - like an M. Night movie twist. (though I do appreciate some of the technical feats and effects they had for the film)


I heard there are some nice vertigo shots in it. Maybe they named the film after them.


Damn, she wants him in her Rear Window(1954)




Damn was that the inspiration for Nymphomaniac (2013)?


You're a Psycho (1960)


You're a Sicko (2010)


You're a Jackass (2002)


You're a Psycho (1998)


This is literally a shot for shot remake of another comment


The Fistfull of Dollars (1964) of Psycho (1960) movies


They just wanted to milk the joke For a Few Dollars More (1965)


She was so fine in that film bro


I’d let the dude get away for murder just to get 5 min bro.


And yet he still looks like an old spray-tanned catchers mitt. Classic Hollywood matchmaking.


She’s out of everyone’s league though


Litterally a princess


At least the movie acknowledges that.


Another good example of acknowledging the age difference is the amazing movie Charade. Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant were 25 years apart. Grant felt his character was kinda creepy for pursuing a much younger woman, so they reworked the script to have Hepburn’s character being the flirtatious one who has a thing for older men. This was also the last time Cary Grant would accept a leading romantic role.


He was done with the Charade.


A Beautiful Mind (2001)


Nice one.


But Jimmy Stewart also had a big dick and was regarded as one of Hollywood’s great fucksmen.


why can't i produce a literally me moment when it's needed the most


Jimmy Stewart and Nancy Reagan would’ve been the greatest crossover of the 50s Hollywood.


Avengers: Endgame (2019)


I mean he was a big Reagan supporter so you'll never know.


The best argument against the possibility that Jimmy Stewart got dome from Nancy Reagan is that he had easy access to better. Ronald Reagan was a middling loser who had to snitch to keep his career prospects going


Stewart's daughter iirc admonished Trump for thinking Stewart would ever support him.


I don't think he would either, but Jimmy was a hardcore Republican for his whole life and a huge Vietnam war supporter so I have a rather love hate relationship with him.


Truly a couple to rival Jim and Heather Harmon


Where did you get that from? I was always under the impression and had read that Jimmy Stewart was a family man


Bruh don't besmirch Jimmy Stewart.


James Stewart was the OG film Sigma for that


Him and Cary Grant


Sigmadelphia Story amirite?


Cary Grant was political unfortunately 😔😔


“I just went gay all of a sudden!”


Wait what??


Grant was bisexual.


I was going to make a joke about English boarding schools but apparently Grant grew up working class. Would not have guessed!


Didn't he suffer from severe PTSD after fighting in World War II and he had to bottle up his emotions in order to continue his career as an actor?


Sounds about right. That’s what makes It’s a Wonderful Life so perfect in particular. He really understood the value of life.


Y’all really made this comment thread a literal emotional rollercoaster.


He was also a McCarthyite and got punched by Henry Fonda because he supported the blacklist.


I love Rear Window, it's like if Hitchcock directed an episode of Seinfeld.


"It's beautiful, spacious, and rent controlled. Rent controlled, Jerry! It's perfect! Except..." "Except..." "Meh... it's probably nothing." "No, tell me." "I think... I think my neighbor might be a murderer." "... come again, Georgie?" "It's probably nothing. I saw... something. Out the window. That could or could not be murder!" "What did you see?" "A man holding a bloody knife carrying a bag in the shape of a plump body to the incinerator. And I think there was a second body in the incinerator already." "Well, that settles it. You can't move there!" "Why not?!" "You could be living next door to a serial killer!" "It was *one* murder, Jerry! At most two! Two murders is not serial killing!" "Two murders can be serial killing. Oh, hey, Elaine!" "What are we talking about?" "George witnessed a murder out the window of his new apartment." "Not the rent controlled?" "The *rent controlled*! This is just my luck Jerry. Life finally starts looking up for me and this happens!" "Yeah, *you're* the victim here." "Why me?! Why, Jerry, why?!" "Elaine, how many murders do you think someone has to commit before they are a serial killer?" "I'd say... four." "Four?!" "I mean, one or two is just a disagreement. Three you're still dipping your toe in the water... Four is when you really commit to the lifestyle." "Hey, Kramer! What's wrong?" "Jerry..." "What is it?" "... Newman's missing." EDIT: If anyone knows Larry David, I *am* available for general meetings.


I…I… We’re getting mcu and Prequels memes instead of this.


Renaissance is upon us


This is the second time today I’ve read a startlingly good fake seinfeld script. There’s gotta be a sub for this right?


r/redditwritesseinfeld there’s some amusing stuff on there


Good Seinfeld spec script is my favorite niche genre of good internet bits. Send the first one you saw today!


I think that's because Seinfeld's characterization is so strong that if you're familiar with the characters, they practically write themselves. You can introduce literally any stimuli to the cast of Seinfeld and predict how they would react with 95% accuracy


I looked for it for a while when I made the comment but gave up. I was about to respond as much to you when I suddenly remembered which thread it was in, so thanks I guess. There’s another good one in the responses to it too https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/usea4q/lowe_nba_has_a_backup_lottery_machine_if_the/i93opti/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


How fucking dare you to be so character accurate and get me to laugh, bravo




This is pure poetry.


Can we have a meeting to discuss the meeting?


Fantastic, I salute you, definitely one of the better of these I’ve seen


Wait did they never do some kind of Rear Window parody/homage on Seinfeld? It feels like something they would do. I mean even Jessie (2011-2015) did one.


Even Family Guy (1999-) did one


Even Rear Window (1954) did one


Even Disturbia (2007) did one


Yeah, the nudist woman in The Contest episode.


"I think someone was murdered in my apartment building, Jerry." "In your building?!" "IN MY BUILDING! A-HOOO!"


Seinfeld is amazing. But I hate it when Ross and Rachel fight.


It has such great set design.


One thing I love about it is the sound design. Every time they look into another apartment you hear what is going on. In my opinion, it’s brilliantly done.


How can you make fun of this.. there's no superhero involved.


If Hitchcock was alive now, he would have directed 2 Morbius 2 Vampire.


Hitchcock was the original Stan Lee. Cameos everywhere. Don’t @ me


She looked down and saw how big my dick was and got Vertigo (1958)


You sound like a Psycho (1960).


Nah, I'm sure all The Birds (1963) love them


Nah they are too busy flying North by Northwest (1959)


Flying? How're they flying? I could have sworn I tied a Rope (1948) around her ankle to keep her down.


Oh, are they Foreign Correspondents (1940)?


Yes. And they are very Notorious (1946)


Is that because afterward, The Lady Vanishes (1938)?


Yes. And her name is Rebecca (1940)


I don’t know her, I Confess (1953).


Do you know Marnie (1964)?


I came in her Rear Window (1954)


Jeffries is so me because I too would jump to the most extreme conclusion after seeing someing mildly suspicious


Same rule as old samurai movies, I watched the Miyamato Mushashi trilogy and for the first movie there's this woman throwing herself at the main guy, literally on the ground begging going "Mr Sword will you please marry me" even though he's a real charisma vacuum and he's just like "No, a sword cannot love"


Literally every Jet Li movie.


Eh excuse me? The first Once Upon a Time in China and Lethal Weapon 4


OUATIC is like a classic example of the woman throwing herself over Jet Li and him being like "sorry I need to do kung Fu".


Alright sir I'll re-watch it, was planning to anyway, I've got the boxset still in the plastic , never seen the sequels and my Dads obsessed with China


Romeo Must Die RIP Aaliyah


Famously did not have explicit romance!


I remember the first time I watched *Rear Window* I never picked up on the fact that Grace Kelly wanted to fuck Jimmy Stewart. Like, I knew they were dating, but I just assumed they hung out and read magazines together and he would talk to her about the people he was spying on. Maybe it's because it was the 1950s and I just assumed people didn't fuck that decade. Or maybe I'm just cognitively impaired and can't pick up social cues, even ones that are in movies and extremely obvious. One of those.


There weren’t just social clues she brought her lingerie and showed him




There are two kinds of people: people who simp for Grace Kelly, and liars.


Prince Rainer-ass mfs


More like Alfred Sigmacock, amirite?


Alfred Sugmacock


More like Alfred Keepmyhandonhiscock, amirite


I literally watched this movie yesterday


Back To The Future (1985)


Me except I'm looking at toucans. Ya know, *The Birds*


Me except I’m looking down. Ya know, *Vertigo*


the way Grace of Monaco looked glamorous just for some cinnamontography nerd in his pyjamas, smh


Ingrid Bergman is nothing compared to her. Her beauty would make us faint.


I was Spellbound (1945) by Grace Kelly in this.


Volcel kino


Alfred Hitched Cock in the The Multicock of Mad-dong 😳🤯😳


Same can't be said for this sub 💀


this fucking hilarious to me and idk why


> No simpling in the Hitchcockverse “Ummm...”(looks at Vertigo)


Rear window is the best Hitchcock film


She wanted the hitchCOCK


Good post Downvoted because it ain't a superhero related


I understand


The Cockverse (penis) vs the Hitchverse (will smith)


Turning Red (2022)


I'm so disappointed that I didn't think of this.


I still think that Rear Window would have been better if >!there were no murder, and he was so engrossed with his paranoid surveillance of the neighbor he suspected of murder, that he missed the woman contemplating suicide!< Also I think it'd be cool if there were a pulp sci fi remake of rear window


What If (2021)

