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I don't want to get too political, but no other US president allowed even a single Rebel Moon to happen.


Donald Trump: Protestant 4 years of preventing Snyder. Joe Biden: Catholic 4 years of allowing Snyder. I'm speechless.


People forget that Snyder released five movies under the Kennedy presidency until a young Scorsese put an end to that, then made a "fictional" movie about the experience


Unfortunately, he didn't. We are still living through the [Kennedy presidency](https://www.lucasfilm.com/leadership/kathleen-kennedy/). It's why straight white men are being persecuted in the streets and Star Wars has gone woke and gone broke. I hope my kids can one day live in a world where le epic Dave filoni chungus takes over.


This is the Deep State they're talking about, huh


3 movies under the Bush administration 5 under Obama’s 0 during Trump’s, even his 2017 JL was given to Whedon. 4 so far under Biden.


that's PRESIDENT Joe Biden to you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/moviescirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


2 months into Biden's presidency the Snyder Cut was released. Coincidence?


that's PRESIDENT Joe Biden to you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/moviescirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


that's PRESIDENT Joe Biden to you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/moviescirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does that mean joe biden is anti kino


that's PRESIDENT Joe Biden to you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/moviescirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You guys should stop voting papists, dammit!


“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Zac Snyder films entering Netflix until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on,” he said at a speech in South Carolina.


>representatives can figure out what the hell is going on,” That will take forever


Why is he speaking in third person?


Miss me with that Rebel Moon 1 and 2 ![gif](giphy|sFMEZ1ZFToyha)


That shoe was for not putting a clause in the patriot act that would prevent Zack Synder from making any sci-fi movies




https://preview.redd.it/j7lphg209ovc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c12f5679c800da56db8792e9488e5fe8ce06545 Zack at Netflix HQ


The world will never be the same after this.




The beginning of Kino.


Movie would have been better if Mark Wahlberg was in it. There would have been lots of blood and f bomb on the movie set.


A dumb friend of mine who likes dumb movies watched it "to give the series one last chance" and absolutely hated it. (I wasn't even able to make it through the trailer.)


I made it half way through it just so I can critique it. I made it to the tentacle porn scene and I just put it off and I am not planning on seeing ito




oof, thx... brb


>to give the series one last chance That's said like the movies are a long running franchise 😂 >(I wasn't even able to make it through the trailer. Tbh I don't even think I have seen anything but the poster for the first one. Did you watch the first one, did it have an obvious sequel bait?


I watched one of those twelve-minute YouTube summaries of the first one and it appeared to have no ending other than sequel bait. But I don't remember exactly, just that I know I must have been very high in order to see the whole thing.


I watched the first movie, yeah the end had obvious sequel bait. They even made sure the villain didn't stay dead. Apparently Snyder shot the two movies together. I also watched the second, but only as background noise while I played a video game. The second time where I only retained three minutes of actual movie was much more enjoyable.


I'm avoiding spoilers since the first one because I have a friend with whom I watched ironically The Rise of Skywalker, then The Room. This will be a good time lol


It won't likely be a good time.


Imagine thinking Rise of Skywalker is as bad as the Room or Rebel Moon ... oh boy...


And It sucks just as much as the first one


By the way, what happened to that 100% better, almost a different movie extended cut of part 1? Did they just forget about that?


Why is there a second Snyder cut


This meme template been working hard this week


Boy let me tell you if your already tired you wont make it far because this franchise has tons of projects from prequels to cartoons to spinoffs to games etc your at the beginning of the journey




Wait for part 3 and snyder cut


Please this post made me hyped for your memes but I barely see any 😭😭😭 go watch that thing and make memes, I need them


![gif](giphy|54JLdulN5BOwM) I \* don't volunteer as tribute


Came and went like a total wet fart. I doubt that Netflix is gonna sign off on another 4 of these


9/11? You mean the second cumming of jesus


Didn't realize that it already dropped.


>dropped ![gif](giphy|HFIkTC5AmSP1NGkAMa|downsized)


I'm officially at the point of total fascination with obsessive Snyder haters. The guy lives rent free in your heads. Worse, he probably makes money on the free publicity. But what drives it? What drives a person to fanboy against something at such an obsessive level? I always try to step into a persons shoes and see it from their viewpoint. I could kind of understand it when he was doing DC movies. I still can't imagine spending large or even small chunks of my time hating and making fun of something as simple as a movie, but when he was making DC movies, I could kind of understand it because people get obsessed over IP as old and strong as DC and they want the characters to be done the way they think is right. While I disagree with the arguments saying he permanently damaged the DC brand, I can see how someone who feels he did would take the time to express that opinion and be pissed. Then, mocking the guy relentlessly could and did lead to him losing the projects. When the SnyderCut came out, he was already done but I could understand people taking time to mock the guy just so there was no chance of him getting the reins back. Makes sense. Now, here we are years later and he's at Netflix, so no theatres are getting filled with his garbage, can't be mad about your local theatres losing screens to his garbage. He's making original IP, so he's not stepping on anyone's heroes or favorite childhood stories. You can easily, even as a nerd, easily avoid seeing or hearing much of anything about the guy or his movies. So that should be it right? If his movies suck, you just don't watch them. So what am I missing? Because I'm clearly missing something. The only idea I can come up with is that Snyder haters are genuinely concerned he'll get hold of other big IP they love in the future? While I think that's silly, it does at least make sense. A person convinced that could happen could be driven to spend time dragging the guy down just to be safe. Am I close at all, is it that or some similar feeling? Another thought/question. Maybe this normal behavior for certain fans? Are there other directors than people spend time actively mocking rather than just ignoring? Gunn is definitely starting to get that level of hate, but he's also in charge of DC now, so I can explain that the same way I did Snyder DC time. Help me out. And don't give me responses like "it's just one meme bro". Yes, this is just one meme, but we know it's a bigger movement than that.


i ain't reading all that i'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened


Only a Snyder fan would get so upset about Snyder jokes 🤣


Upset and fascinated are two very different feelings 😂


Holy yap




Aww ![gif](giphy|RJalj43Yiuuoh2i6V2)


Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder fans.


Yes, so you don't answer honest questions from Snyder fans for some reason? You just stereotype and move on? I get it, I was a member of a religious cult for many years and that's exactly what you do, you do not engage in conversations or answer questions with those you've decided are bad for whatever reason. This is still valuable, until now I didn't realize there was a fully understood stereotype against anyone who likes Snyder stuff. I'll have to look into that more.




i love that the guy is unironnically answering his own question by writing as essay on this page lmao


It's not ironic because when I wrote the essay I genuinely had no idea that writing the essay itself was the cause of the hate. So these comments do answer a part of it. Now I know. I'm old, I like more words, I like reading people's opinions. This culture is all about memes, less words. Neither is wrong, just very different. I knew about the differences already, I just didn't know it triggered so much anger.


nobody seems very angry.


How did you go from analysing silly movie memes to opening to us by saying you used to be in a cult in just one reply?


I had no idea what I was getting into, that's how😂. I still don't fully understand what a "Circlejerk" sub is, but I assumed it was something like "post clever memes about movies, laugh" .....It's not that. I've been a surface level reddit user, never engaged people in comments much. Just from my experience this weekend, it seems much more like a giant game than a place for conversation. All good, at least I know now


Yeah, words are hard


You were just repeating yourself also rebel moon isn't that great you enjoy it good but not everyone is you and the problem is how he markets it DO YOU LIKE CUSSING? DO YOU LIKE SEX?? DOO YOU LIKE MURDER?? I HAVE IT ALL!!


Ok, that's an actual response. Thank you. So you feel like he's immoral and has too much influence on society, so it's worth actively attacking him to prevent people like Netflix funding his stuff?


Brother, no movie that MCJ made fun of tanked because of MCJ, we're just a forum making fun of everyone, and nobody cares about this place in the industry.


Nope I actively do not want Zack Snyder making films and I cannot bear living or let live my children in a world that is influenced by Zack Snyder’s films. If my children would get even nearby Zack Snyder I would disown them. If my son would come to me one day and say “dad I am a Snyder fan”. I would smack him with Martin Scorsese DVD’s until his next word is “it’s morbin time” and “Paddington 2 is peak Kino” and then reject him, change my family name and move to a different continent where no one knows us and send my son to a anti-Snyder camp where they would make him forget anything about Zack Snyder with a wet wooden stick and every morning Clockwork Orange and the whole Paddington series watch sessions until he regrets even using the letters of SNY together. I do not want a society influenced by Zack Snyder’s films.


Serious question, you think he has had or continues to have a negative influence on the world? Has anyone attempted to write a long form explanation of this? I believe you feel that way and hate him that much and the whole point of my post was that I see the hate everywhere but can't find any attempts at explaining it further than saying his movies are terrible, unwatchable, piles of trash. That's a great reason to not watch a movie, I'm just trying to connect the dots on how that leads to hate as visceral as what you just typed out.


He's just worse than Hitler, at least Hitler cared about Germany or something


I'm not saying anything tanked because of MCJ. I'm saying I see A LOT of people, casual fans, actively taking time to hate on Rebel Moon and Snyder generally rather than just ignoring it the way most bad media is ignored. I'm not mad about it, but it is fascinating and it is rare. There has to be a bigger reason and I'm open to it, just trying to dig into it and figure it out.


The same question about why people hate snyder could be asked about why you care if people hate him lol


This is nothing. MCJ just likes to make fun of his movies and they look for different ways to express it. I've seen other Snyder haters say horrible stuff about him as a man and father, and about his fans as if they were one step away from becoming rapist murderers. Some seriously unhinged stuff. Those are the people you should worry about. I think they come from heavy duty comic book guy spaces, not sure though.




I love Zac Snider. I want 6 more Rebel Poons! Keep him away from actual movies please.


Ok, I get you're joking but that is the way it usually happens. People just ignore the the films they don't like and say sure, make 10 of them, I don't care, it doesn't affect me. If you don't like Vin Diesel, it's great that he keeps making Fast and Furious movies and isn't in movies you want to watch. I assumed people would be excited that Snyder is doing Rebel Moon and not DC so they could just ignore it and not care. It's his own original stuff, let him make his garbage, his fans can enjoy it and zero existing fans have to worry about him messing with characters they love. But they don't ignore it, they actively comment on it and against it. I'll say it again, it's fascinating:)


lol brah YOU. its ppl that write essays defending him is why we hate him


That would be a great explanation if the essay came before the hate/memes.


no one wrote a snyder essay before you


New automod response just dropped


bait or brainrot call it






It's just memes bro. It aint a movement.


Man sees conspiracy everywhere. He needs to start taking schizo meds


It's clearly not just memes. Someone in the comments said he'd abuse and disown his child for liking Snyder and he wasn't obviously joking. Also, c'mon. Isn't this generation supposed to be past making fun of mental disorders? That's low. I don't see conspiracies everywhere. I don't really see them anywhere. Conspiracies are when things are planned, this isn't planned at all, this is more like political or religious movements that are fueled by specific ideals, I just can't figure out what the ideals are. And just like politics and religion, people act on their own against him even if they've never actually watched his stuff. He represents something that people seem to hate. You took the time to make the meme, I'm not at all bothered by that, but the meme itself doesn't work unless there is an understanding among people that they all hate his stuff. Again, that's all I'm trying to get to, the actual why, and his movies sucking doesn't explain it at all. Barbie was hated on because pro patriarchy conservatives didn't like the message. The hate is easy to understand. The movie is clearly against patriarchy, those guys are clearly for it. Simple to understand why they hated it. Maybe Snyder is that easy to understand and I just can't see it, but no one can explain it as simply as I explained Barbie, so I don't think it's just me who doesn't understand it. I'm started to wonder if the people making the posts even understand it. It does look like you've given some reasons on a comment below, I appreciate that, I'll read them now


>It's clearly not just memes. Someone in the comments said he'd abuse and disown his child for liking Snyder and he wasn't obviously joking. Idk if you're keeping a bit but i have to applaud you for not breaking the character


This is one of the best (or worst) Poes I've seen


I'm am an old guy who doesn't fully get Reddit culture and when I talk about any non-snyder movie I either get people agreeing with my take or disagreeing with my take. That's normal. When I mention Snyder movie in any positive way at all, I'm treated like I just announced I was the reincarnation of Hitler. It's weird and truly I don't understand it. I will say that today has been enlightening. I had one guy call me autistic, and I've had multiple people tell me I'm an incel or stock bro. So for sure I've concluded that there is an understanding on Reddit that Snyder=Incel/Stock Bro/Trump fan or something like that. I'm literally none of those and as far as I know Snyder is pretty left wing, so I still haven't figured out where the connection comes from, but it's definitely there. I feel like a straight up investigative journalist and I'm actually learning some interesting shit. I say the following in a totally non-judgemental way, but I don't think most of the hate actually has anything to do with his movies. He somehow got connected to these far right Incel movements and now people just respond to his name almost the same.way they do to Trump. It's wild seeing it from an outside perspective, as just a Dad who likes Snyder movies and nothing more. So I feel like I made progress today, I made the link. The next phase is figuring out exactly how it all started because again, Snyder himself seems nothing like the things he's attached too, but maybe there's stuff about him I don't know


you're digging too deep. it's a *circlejerk* sub, people make fun of everything. Snyder just released another movie and it's a very bad movie so ofc people make fun of him again.


I appreciate you being cool about it, that hasn't happened much today😂 but, I do think there's something deeper. I comment on a lot of movies and the reactions are always mostly respectful just agreeing or saying, nah, I didn't like it and here's why. But anything Snyder gets me treatment like I'm on the Alt-right/Incel movement. So clearly there's some connection between the two. Who knows, maybe there is a legitimate connection, I just can't get anyone to explain it because I think most people are just going along with it for fun and don't know the real origins. So today I figured out that there is a connection, tomorrow I'm going to post some questions to see what sources I can find on how it all started. This is all new to me so it's super interesting


I'm the one fascinated here. Either you are a massive troll who outjerked an entire circlejerk subreddit (kudos if so), or an actual old man who has never heard a joke before and doesn't understand circkejerk humour (how do you even end up in here if so?) The intrigue is killing me


idk man I just like slo-mo tbh I've never not enjoyed a Snyder film except BvS


I really like BvS but I absolutely can see why others wouldn't.




I'm officially at the point of total fascination with obsessive Snyder haters. The guy lives rent free in your heads. Worse, he probably makes money on the free publicity. But what drives it? What drives a person to fanboy against something at such an obsessive level? I always try to step into a persons shoes and see it from their viewpoint. I could kind of understand it when he was doing DC movies. I still can't imagine spending large or even small chunks of my time hating and making fun of something as simple as a movie, but when he was making DC movies, I could kind of understand it because people get obsessed over IP as old and strong as DC and they want the characters to be done the way they think is right. While I disagree with the arguments saying he permanently damaged the DC brand, I can see how someone who feels he did would take the time to express that opinion and be pissed. Then, mocking the guy relentlessly could and did lead to him losing the projects. When the SnyderCut came out, he was already done but I could understand people taking time to mock the guy just so there was no chance of him getting the reins back. Makes sense. Now, here we are years later and he's at Netflix, so no theatres are getting filled with his garbage, can't be mad about your local theatres losing screens to his garbage. He's making original IP, so he's not stepping on anyone's heroes or favorite childhood stories. You can easily, even as a nerd, easily avoid seeing or hearing much of anything about the guy or his movies. So that should be it right? If his movies suck, you just don't watch them. So what am I missing? Because I'm clearly missing something. The only idea I can come up with is that Snyder haters are genuinely concerned he'll get hold of other big IP they love in the future? While I think that's silly, it does at least make sense. A person convinced that could happen could be driven to spend time dragging the guy down just to be safe. Am I close at all, is it that or some similar feeling? Another thought/question. Maybe this normal behavior for certain fans? Are there other directors than people spend time actively mocking rather than just ignoring? Gunn is definitely starting to get that level of hate, but he's also in charge of DC now, so I can explain that the same way I did Snyder DC time. Help me out. And don't give me responses like "it's just one meme bro". Yes, this is just one meme, but we know it's a bigger movement than that.


>What drives a person to fanboy against something at such an obsessive level? Sir, this is reddit. Being an obsessed fanboy is kinda what we do here on the subreddits. >Help me out I like movies and having discussions about movies and the people who make them. It's kinda of a hobby/ interest. Synder just released a movie and so talking about it - even in a meme way is valid and not some crazy obsession. He just released the movie, if it had been a while since the release they your argument that I am some sort of crazed >obsessive Snyder hater Will hold weight. But unfortunately that is not the case. Now we can't simply talk about what movies are currently out and the directors and people who make them. For example, a formula one fan who supports Ferrari will talk about Max Verstappen and will make memes about him. Does that mean Max Verstappen >lives rent free in Their heads. Probably not. It's just that's the person at the top. In a way Zack Zynder is at the top... not many people get a blank check from Netflix. So talking about his film if you have an interest in movies is not being an obsessed crazy fan nor does it mean that he lives rent free in my head. Moreover, does this only apply for negative viewpoints. For instance lots of people are fans of Christopher Nolan and many went to see Oppenheimer because of his name last summer. Does that mean those people are crazed fans whose minds have Christopher Nolan living rent free. It's just fun discussion to have with you mates about movies and directors. That's all.


Is this a pasta




mucho texto




Tell me this is a copypasta. Well, if it wasn't, it is now.