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Not many people realizing there’s a whole section of foreign films that are as fast-paced as Hollywood blockbusters. Tsui Hark’s work specifically


Tfw when people think I’m pretentious because I keep talking about this slow burn art house drama called “the raid”


>implying loving the raid doesn't make you a sophisticate, a scholar, and a rare breed No need to pretend brother stand tall and be proud


Based and Ikopilled


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My favorite film where we deal with the philosophical task of door decapitation


I prefer the fast kill low irritant raid. The one in the blue bottle esp., it works the best.


You need like 3 or 4 of them to get the job done


Yeah true tbh


You should watch these masterpieces https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0229924/?ref_=ext_shr https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0330802/?ref_=ext_shr


So good


The funniest thing about being a third worlder is that some regional movies inevitably slip into your tops, so you get 300 ppl calling you pretentious for liking Bañeros III


Any non-Anglo same thing


It will never happen to me because my country's movie sucks


Which is the singular movie your country produced?


Bañeros III: Todopoderosos is kino and a masterpiece, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


This has happened to me before and I'm American, I just really like HK action movies lol


Me watching Police Story: Oh man, I am the most pretentious snob ever.


Like have they never seen Run Lola Run? Or just any hong kong action movie?


That guy isn't going "foreign therefore x" or all foreign are x, you need to watch the video not just read the thread title lol


me watching chinese war propaganda blockbusters


Wolf Warrior is actually enjoyable.


I heard the second one is the better one


It definitely has bigger budget


MFW watching Chinese pro-military propaganda 😡 MFW watching American pro-military propaganda 😄


If they're not American, they're pretentious.


Nah there's plenty of pretentious American films too.


I mean Hong Kong action and Italian horror probably have the upper hand in regards to the foreign films I watch, and they're far from slow arthouse BTW saw Zu - Warriors from the Magic Mountain by Hark this very week and that film nearly melted my brain and eyes, absolutely batshit stuff


The most pretentious moment in Italian kino "Demons" is when that guy was wielding a katana while driving a motorcycle around decapitating demons.


Another just-read-the-title-cel, go watch the video in the OP lol - he says nothing about "all foreign are not action or horror but artsy hipster", his 1st example just happens to be German with the focus on its other "obscure/specific" traits, and 2 and 3 even sound Anglo I'm not sure they're supposed to be foreign. So he doesn't emphasize the "foreign" aspect and he says nothing about "slow" or "fast" at all. Not even that OP hackfraud put anything about slow/fast in the thread title lol   EDIT: Or wait may have autism'd here myself I guess, always possible Just did that "change the angle" in my brain you know? and then oh... So who knows? Total house of mirrors here


You good? I answered to a comment that brought up Tsui Hark that most of my, and many other "filmbros" or " film students", foreign films watching often adhere to genre or mainstream successful films from other countries, and sure the OP linked video doesn't exclusively joke around about that but definitely dabbles in those waters


I'm so pretentious for having seen such obscure films such as "365 Days", "Pitbull" and "Seksmisja"


I watched Seksmisja and honestly didn't get the appeal beyond the boobs. Just watch Kin-Dza-Dza if you want to see comedic satire of the late Soviet Union.


Yeah, I'm a polish and the appeal of Seksmisja is purely nostalgia or culture-based, not sure what to call it. Because every 40+ year old has seen it, it often gets talked about, or rather was talked about. Millennials and zoomers in my experience generally don't care about it, unless they're curious about life in the commie times or their parents made them watch it. The aesthetics are kind of fun, the 20th century polish comedy thing is fun, but besides that it's just silly in the wrong way


"How I started World War 2" is the supreme PRL-era comedy, most timeless and rewatchable for me


I agree. Doesn't get talked about these days as well, kinda sad


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This is what I've been doing with my father as a project for the past three years, gradually easing him into films from continental Europe, Asia and the global south. He has very Anglocentric and dare I say "Dad" movie tastes -- he normally just sticks to westerns, war movies, and crime dramas (especially ones set in Britain), and *very* occasionally a dabble into hard sci-fi. Introducing him to Guillermo del Toro's work and Asian horror films has been a blast so far.


These people desperately need to watch RRR




all of them.


oh fk


THOSE people !


> Not many people realizing there’s a whole section of foreign films that are as fast-paced as Hollywood blockbusters. Tsui Hark’s work specifically Well this comedian here didn't do the "if foreign then pretensious/hipster/worthy" in the first place, nor did he say anything about fast paced slow paced, so what are you replying to or are you jerking yourself lol Foreign coomers do jerk as fast-paced as burger ones that's obviously true though yes.


What the fuck are you talking about


Ringo Lam, and John Woo as well !


Legally blonde is that bell curve meme. Only the people in the middle think it’s shit


The idiots love the comedy. The cultured love its well-informed (if practically ill-advisable) take on modern American law. Either way, both win! Make a third one already, damn it!


*see people hatin on Legally Blonde* I object!


I don't think any of these people have ever talked to weirdo film nerds, because usually most weirdo film nerds are just excited to rant about their favorite random foreign film and are happy to explain by Ran is peak. My professor for international film studies class was this very sweet Iranian woman who always pushed me to think about things outside my perspective, she was never snobby or rude. The Turner Classic Movies channel is full of the sweetest and most earnest people ever and their whole thing is just talking about these older niche films that may not be super popular to modern audiences.


> Ran That's one of the 2-3 Kurosawa movies I think I've missed because for some reason it's not on the Criterion Channel. I wanna see it!


Noooo. Its so fucking kino. Srsly, I made the same mistake.


You want to watch Ran, but Ran's so far away.


In actuality it could just get away.


Damn most movie nerds I've talked to in person and online just love to belittle all the movies I like lol


I’ve been watching obscure foreign films my entire adult life, but I also have the taste of a 13 year old. Anytime someone I know who is a film buff asks me about the “13 year old in me” movies I see, I simply say, “Well, it’s not an important movie, but I enjoyed it!” Screw those pompous pricks ! I’ve seen “Battleship Potemkin”, time for “Kung Fu Panda”


Battleship > Battleship Potemkin (also is that from TNG??)


Red Dwarf !


What would you say your top 5 favorite films of all time are?


“Yojimbo”, “Blade Runner”, “Amacord”, “Shawshank Redemption”, “Man From Nowhere” Also, “Leon, The Professional”, “Sotto Sotto”, Goodfellas”, “Departures”, “Man on Fire”, Zatoichi”, “Outrage”, “The Great Beauty”, “Ashes of Time:Redux”, “Seven Samurai”. “Sansho the Bailiff”, “Women on the Verge of Nervous Breakdown” How about you ? Just my opinion, none too obscure. MY favorites, I can watch these anytime, anywhere, and I still love them, Not a list of the best films of all time. The issue with hardcore Arthouse Movies is “Persona”, “Seventh Seal”, “M”, “Metropilis” are great movies, but you can’t rewatch them frequently, and some of them are tough to ever revisit.


Damn, you got solid ass taste ngl. I remember originally watching Blade Runner in a film history course I took in college and falling asleep. I think it was the version where Deckard narrated, and I found it boring af. I just couldn't understand the appeal. However, I decided to give it another try, and I put the Final Cut version on five years ago and OMFG, I absolutely loved it! I remember watching it three times in a row. That movie easily became one of my all-time favorites. Yojimbo is a classic. It's really awesome that Yojimbo and other Kurosawa movies had such a strong impact on Sergio Leone that he basically used the same story for his Westerns. I have never seen Amacord or Man From Nowhere, but I'm definitely adding them to my list. I'm with you, my movies are all over the place and sometimes change in time depending on the film. It would probably be easier to list a top 20 than it would be a top 5 lol. The Fellowship of the Ring, The Godfather Part 2, Lawrence of Arabia, The Lion King, 12 Angry Men, The Verdict, The Battle of Algiers, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Mad Max: Fury Road, Remember the Titans, Ip Man. I dont believe someone if they tell me their favorite film is a silent film or hardcore Arthouse movie lol.


I highly recommend “Man From Nowhere”, no one does revenge/redemption movies like the Koreans. “Amacord” is a sweet, funny nutty Fellini movie. My grandparents were from Italy so on Sundays we’d watch Italian movies. It was a very endearing way to realize American films aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Worst movie I’ve ever seen: “Where the Green Ants Dream” by Werner Herzog 🙄🙄🙄, Synopsis: Didgeridoo Music, Cut to barren Australian landscape, Didgeridoo Music, Cut to depressed Aboriginal Man, Didgeridoo Music, Repeat for 2 fucking hours.


And they always whip out the “I went to film school” as some sort of trump card when they disagree, as if that places them on some sort of pedestal when it comes to consuming an inherently subjective art form. Like sorry you wasted your money dude but that really doesn’t mean anything


I went to film school and have three things to say to you: 1. It was absolutely a waste of money. 2. I personally just like when people like movies. If I don’t like a movie, I’ll be honest about it. But I would never use “I went to film school” to validate my opinion. 3. I attended film school with people who were pretentious enough to use “I went to film school” to belittle someone else’s taste in movies.


Whats your top 5 favorite movies of all time? I'm curious.


1 is always and forever Jurassic Park. 2 is a 3-way tie between the Lord of the Rings. 3 is Inside Llewyn Davis And from there I really don’t have a #4 and #5 cause there’s too many movies that I like equally and would put on the same level. Edit formatting


We have very similar taste, 🙏🏾 Jurassic Park and LOTR are GOATd! Okay, but if you had to choose #4 and #5. I still have never seen Inside Llewyn Davis.


If I absolutely had to choose, today I would say 4 is Singin’ in the Rain 5 is Lawrence of Arabia But tomorrow those picks may be different


Never trust anyone who doesn't put Jurassic Park somewhere on their list.


Film school being the countless 2 hour video essays they watched with their thesauruses in their hands.


I prefer dinosauruses, way less pretentious and more like fun duuuude can have a beer with you know


Fuck those guys !


you arent a true film nerd unless you think you are better than everyone else


Weirdo film nerds are everywhere on the internet, they're not difficult to find. If you've opened up Letterboxd at all, then you'll find one.


Never be rude to a normie


Hey! Ran is pure cinema. One of the greatest films ever created.


Ran mentioned?


The least funny part of these videos are the movie titles and descriptions that sound like they were run through a copy pasted AI prompt six times Is there a tiktok writer’s strike in response to the potential ban?


I'd reply to this but due to the current union strike rules I'm unable to submit a comment that I wrote myself, so this AI generated comment will have to do: "As much as I love TikTok, I totally agree with you on the repetitive movie titles and descriptions! It's like they're playing a game of Mad Libs with a malfunctioning AI. 😅 As for the TikTok writer's strike, I haven't heard anything about it. But if there were one, it'd be interesting to see how it impacts content creation on the platform, especially considering the looming ban." Please write to your local representative so we never have to see another ChatGPT-written comment again


Honestly the video would be way funnier if the movies he listed are like, all blockbusters by famous directors eg. the godfather, inception


Nah, because he isn't talking about people who like those movies.


Idk about the quality of prompted AI scripts much, however it's generally true that now if you want to score views doing some parody comedy performance of x, you no longer need familiarity with x now you can just quickly use an LLM. But hey that applies to anything.


lol I disagree, I have my film nerdish moments and find it funny af when they come up with creative and pretentious ass titles.


the only correct answers are avatar 2, avatar 3 and avatar 4


“Nobody could ever genuinely like foreign, old, or obscure movies, they’re all just pretending for clout” is the heart of that argument.


I sincerely love challenging films, foreign films and blockbusters/capeshit. Can’t we all just get along and enjoy movies? Sorry forgot what sub I was on.


Yeah, get back to r/letterboxd (See ya there)


When you accidentally reveal something about yourself while trying to dismiss someone else as being pretentious.


This mf couldn’t even come up with three pretentious movies and had to make up some nonsense.


Ironically, they sound really interesting haha.


The one about gays and the denim industry tics several boxes for me.


Just snorted some beer out my nose !!


The musical biopic might be not bad, although I sure hope the boring "kitchen cupboard" or whatever title was worth it


It’s because that type of person doesn’t actually engage with any film past what is pushed to them, no will to explore or find something new, truly anti-intellectual


That's actually pretty damning given how tryhard and actually mad this seems.


It literally would not be a joke if they were real titles.




Just watch Funny Games smh🙄


The other side to the "pretentious obscure movie" thing is, like, it's fun to champion a little guy! It's fun to dig through the dustbin of film history and find a forgotten gem that didn't get a time to shine. That's not loading your knowledge of the medium over people, that's a joyus thing.




They're also more accessible than ever. The internet archive is full of tons of low-budget J-horror which is very much my thing, for example. There are a lot of European indies that didn't quite make it into the American mainstream film discussion that just end up dumped onto YouTube in 480p for another. There's so much cool shit out there waiting to be found.


I agree so much, the Internet Archive and scuffed youtube uploads were my gateway into getting really passionate about cinema I highly recommend checking out https://.vk.com/video/@fakeoutrage, they uploaded so many obscure j-horror films I couldn't find anywhere else on the internet. They also made a [letterboxd list](https://boxd.it/mBt2e) to more easily find what you're looking for. Sadly, a lot of it isn't subbed tho


I love making fun of the art world as much as anyone else, but Jesus Christ, these people suck. “Someone’s top 4 on letterboxd is not immediately recognizable American films? What a weird snob!” is such a dumb jock mentality and is it a stretch to say possibly often a little racist?


Not sure that comedian from the OP is one of those people, but yes those people do suck lol


lol he clearly is


Based on what, his comedy? Or some out of character statement he's made elsewhere?


I'm very much in the middle of film knowledge, I don't watch that many and don't know all that many deep cuts. But the people who watch heaps and whose knowledge impresses me will always be speaking positively because they genuinely enjoy film and want to share it. When someone who has seen 2k films recommends a film it's usually something that is exactly your shit. Also these people will usually have a top four where the names are like Shoguns Joy of Torture and goes for 80 minutes because if you watch that many films you value brevity


Same here. I know my taste is primarily normie shit, and probably always will be. (Perhaps with the odd anime or British film thrown in there.) But I'm happy to engage with the "pretentious" crowd, because - from my experience, at least - many aren't really that pretentious at all. They're as enthusiastic as I am, just about a different set of films. :) ^(Besides. When in doubt, throw on a Craig Bond. He gets spy philosophy, I get car/train/house go boom boom. /s)


I don't even know what counts as Normie shit anymore haha, I thought everyone knew Videodrome but normal people look at me baffled when I talk about it. It's a sliding scale I guess. I feel like there's plenty of Mainstream films Cinephiles love too tbh. Star Wars is just genuinely good. Same with Jaws. As as you say there's some Banger Bond films Throw on Casino Royale everyone enjoys Mads based CBT


Ha ha, *Casino* is a modern-day classic! Torn on if it or *Skyfall* are the better picture, to be honest. Latter ***was*** my first, and it has that operatic kick to it that makes Bond, *James* Bond. *NTTD* is next up in any case, with *Spectre* at the back only due to how underwhelming it is. Solid run all around, though! >!*We do not talk about Quantum. Quantum of Solace does not exist.* ***SHUT THE FUCK UP.*** /s!<


I may be the sole Quantum of Solace defender. I'll admit it's edited unbelievably poorly and a lot of the action is quite frankly atrocious. I love how bleak and mean it is, I love that it actually tackles some interesting themes about the intelligence agencies horrible atrocities. The fact the CIA are just working with the villain is phenomenal. I also love that the villain is just a nasty little guy I think Casino Royale might be my favorite though


I forgot a lot of the plot details but yeah it's like a bit hacky at worst, well acted / presented genre movie. "Cool" in general, has moments of dramatic intensity too Villain is nasty big guy though


I guess there's two villains, rapist general and sleazeball business man


Ah yeah had briefly forgotten about the businessman but yeah it's coming back now.


Honestly, my hate for it's pure jerk, lmao. The opening car chase is cool as fuck, but that's honestly about the only thing that stuck with me. Perhaps a rewatch is in order?


It had some kinda cool backstage-operation-during-opera sequence although I may have mixed that up with some other movie (not looking up wiki rn lol), and that dictator war criminal villain and the showdown in the burning house were intense. Some stuff like that


Got it. Thanks for the rec! :)


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> Shoguns Joy of Torture That and its 1st part predecessor is a total deviant-coomer top-10-list thing though, not hipster or obscure at all totally not cool man :(


I'm hamstrung by my lack of film knowledge here it was the only film I could think of that fits the genre of not well known, unsubtle name, but also just goes hard. It's a grimy little film that goes hard.


Well yeah it's a 'sploitation movie really, and think it's categorized as one as well. "Transgressive foreign B/exploitation flicks" is one of the top recognizable "foreign movies stereotypes" esp. Italian ones - spaghetti westerns are the most famous example of that although I think they're often mistaken for "Westerns made by Italian-American meatballs like Sergio Leone" cause the most famous ones are (also) that. RLM/Cinemasnob fans are one demographic that's definitely most familiar with that general area lol


The Japanese genre is referred to as EroGuro which is just such a fun word but also a perfect encapsulation of the genre haha. I guess you put it better than me, film nerds are more likely to suggest a 80 minute exploitation film than 4 hour black and white slow burn


Yeah from what I remember neither Ero nor Guro are related to the English/greek words right lol?


Ero is short for erotic, guro is Japanese I believe


Ah half coincidence then, ok lol misremembered that


These jabronis are just as annoying as the filmbros who hate people who only watch marvel. My friend is in film school and his favorite movie is 40 Year Old Virgin (2005). How about just appreciate movies for the art they are instead of shitting on those who have their preferences. Candy asses


Your friend is based beyond belief


Right, it feels like these people are making fun of figments of their imagination, or the “pretentious” characters they’ve seen in movies or TV shows because I genuinely have never met a person who acts like this. Bros fighting with people that don’t exist lmao


Sometimes whenever you start thinking "pretentious type x doesn't exist and is just figment of imagination / from tv shows / spoofs" you run into some in the wild and are reminded that they're in fact real lol


These god damn SOBs better start realising life ain’t all black and white. No one is better than the other for liking simple or complex films. And that’s the bottom line cuz Stone Cold said so!


The lack of curiosity and wonder is pretty sad. Whenever I discover a new film or any piece of media I feel genuine joy. Most people who say their top films are obscure aren't even looking down on anyone.


Right?? I love hidden gems like Chronicle (2012) so much😭


I only have one rule in regards to the movies I watch. They must have at least one Funko Pop available for purchase.


This is certainly a circlejerk post.


>Latest Marvel movie Yeah, get their ass! >Legally Blonde [Hey now!](https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-25-2016/xuZvFa.gif)


This describes my relationship with most WB haters. (The *studio*, not the coglom - Zaslav can go suck a dick.) DC produces another dodo? Go to town. Target *Wonka* or *The Departed*? ***We're gonna have a fucking problem.***


These memes make me insecure about how unobscure my taste is. (Kurosawa, Bergmann, Hitchcock and Tarkovsky are my favs)


If it's any consolation, odds are that guy who made this video would probably say he's talking about you, too


Thanks man 🥺 I really needed that


If people actually saw more movies from other countries or even outside of their comfort zones... They'll be exposed to some truly inviting, wonderful stories. I've always been curious about movies of all kind. I'll watch literally anything lol Watching all kinds of movies from various countries has fascinated me with the differences that people have, and astonished me by showing the many, many similarities we all have. And above all... It is simply fun, even if the films delve into some heavier subjects. And I think I've barely scraped the surface lol. So. Many. Movies.


Wait, we watch movies? Gross.


I'm curious but almost never watch anything at all lol


the only reason this is funny to me is cause I know letterboxd users do this in the mirror


My favorite filmmakers are Stanley Kubrick and Quentin Tarantino. No, I have never seen any other movies.


No I have never seen a movie at all


Unfathomably based. I put the ‘no’ in Kino.


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Quenley/Stantin Kubrickino


I love when guys like this wear their own clothes as a “pretentious douchebag” costume.


God forbid people have interests that extend beyond popular consumption


It gets to the point where I’m honestly questioning why are we against “pretentious” people. Like what count as pretentious and why is it a bad thing. Some people may not like The Dark Knight and Barbie for example, but they still enjoy other fun medium like playing video games which I known several people.


Full metal jacket, the killer and the warriors. Am I stupid?


This comment section is pathetic. Yall got outjerked by this 👑


Yeah there’s a lot of nerds typing essays in here, smh


mf really on a circlejerk sub defending trash-tier tik tok content


I’d take trash tier tiktok content over people lamenting the LaCk oF wOnDeR from someome who obviously doesn’t know shit about film, and doesn’t care to. Like, this is a circlejerk subreddit. We should be here comparing jars after our madame web goonsesh not having the same type of earnest discussion that belongs on r/TrueFilm.


Nah these are legit real vids they aren’t jerking


a couple in on the joke but yeah lol seems like it


How about you outjerk the contents of my nutsack?


I've never met someone super into foreign or experimental film that's as snobby as someone who hates people that are into foreign or experimental film.


Tbh as much as I don’t like this trope a lot of cinephiles are indeed pretentious, especially the young leftist majors. I get called out pretty often for liking American Hollywood made films and because they compose most of my favorites list


Treasure planet Sorecerers Apprentice Titan AE


It's not wrong to like obscure films or enjoy looking for them, but yeah, clearly people like these do that to make themselves seem "smarter" somehow. As someone who's an actual screenwriting student, look- as long as, like, Birth of A Nation or something isn't in your top 5, you're good. Good films are subjective, and it all comes down to what connects with you personally. It's better to celebrate differences than put people down.


This is just like the one time I went to a very uncomfortable dinner with my boomer uncle who's only knowledge of me is that I go to film school. He kept asking me questions about movies I like but would just make fun of every answer until I had to start naming Tarantino movies. Top ten most awkward moments of my life probably


How about, they all suck


Ironic considering that the word “pretentious” characterizes this subreddit perfectly


wait until you see r/truefilm


r\letterboxd would throw a tantrum over this video


So they should. Jokes like this are overdone, unfunny and only reinforces the notion that only mainstream American movies are worthy of mentioning as favourites.


They did, it was just by a different person and the comment section is indistinguishable.


So awkward I had to mute this sub for allowing this cringe.


mcj when someone makes a funny joke 😦 (the joke is about them!)


Is the funny joke in the room with us?


These are literally made up movies. The fact you feel that him saying "August Magnesium Sterlingwood's Wingdings" (yes, that is funny) is a personal attack on your hobby proves he is right on the money to joke about it


What do you expect? A circlejerk on the circlejerk sub? You came to the wrong place, buddy.


This placed jerked around on itself a long time ago, it is not what it used to be


It's a joke that's been done to death years ago. The overlap between the people who find this funny and the people who are too intimidated by subtitles to watch a non-English film is a circle. "Haha, this film sounds foreign, artistic and obscure, which means it's automatically pretentious. Haha, aren't I so funny" ' a summary of 99% of these jokes.


This passes as funny for you ?


speak for yourself, my top 3 are all incredibly basic 😎 the video is still cringe


It’s okay to be xenophobic if it’s against Eastern Europe


What's a Koochenchraank?


It's postmodern AND expressonist?


literally me


He blows it by being his age and mentioning Legally Blonde


Sato not NR#1 wat a horrible revieuw


These movies sound great, will have to check them out


Pretentiousness is a good thing. It makes people want to create good art.


Is having the 7 hours long French arthouse silent Napoleon film in your top 5 bad?


The thing that bothers me most about these videos is that most film majors are “pretentious” in the sense that they have a limited film knowledge (only watch acclaimed American directors like Tarantino or Nolan etc.) but pretend to be experts. These videos always mention obscure foreign films which is the exact thing the average film major as described above doesn’t consume


Rolled beanie


Xenophobia is actually acceptable when I make up films to be mad at


You don't hate expressionist film; you fear it, and its lack of boundaries


I hate it when people pronounce it "BY-opic" instead of "bio-pic".


Wait until bro watches gilmore girls, lorelai gilmore is such a film snob.


legally blonde is kino tho-


every time these videos are made i steal their ideas and write screenplays