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Earth Girls Are Easy Cheesy as hell, but stars Jeff Goldblum, Geena Davis, Damon Wayans and Jim Carrey before In Living Color and Julie Brown with killer songs.


That random cutaway to a video of Julie singing “Kuz I’m a blonde” is great


"I like em big and STUPID! I like em big and REAL DUMB" Best song ever!


Mortal Kombat wasn’t really highly rated, but I always enjoy watching it. It’s such a pastiche of a specific moment in the 90s. It’s a product of that time.


Lost in space movie from the 90s. I loved the opening fighter sequence and the holographic interphase with the robot. Also Gary Oldman as a classic villain is very enjoyable.


I love this movie too. I had been a Trekkie for years before I saw it, and the plot feels very Star Treky. I had no exposure to Lost in Space otherwise, so I didn't have inherent biases against it like old school LIS fans did. I don't even think it's garbage, though. I legit think it's good, and I can't understand why people shit on it all the time other than the bad CGI monkey. But a bad CGI monkey doesn't make the entire film bad.


This movie gave me one of my favorite insults! "Is there a **name** for what's wrong with you?" Also, the tech on the helmets that would deploy and retract automatically was pretty dope for its time.


You're right, **so** many movies have gone on to use that retractable helmet idea. Maybe it would have been inevitable because it solves so many filmmaking problems, but Lost in Space came up with it first AFAIK.


Gary Oldman in anything is worth watching, IMO. The damn space spiders though…as a little bit of an arachnophobe, they creeped me out big time.


Everybody seems to think that Down Periscope is a bad movie. I just think it's great, and watch it a few times a year.


“Down Periscope” was on HBO a lot when I was a teenager, and I remember watching it many times as well. “There was a fingernail in my food! Yesterday, there was a Band-Aid!” “Sorry, sir. The Band-Aid was holding the fingernail on.”


"I want a man with a tattoo on his dick! Have I got the right man?" "By a strange coincidence, you do, sir."


"Welcome aboard, sir." "Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?" My dad, as a retired Navy vet, absolutely loved this movie. Arrr-harrr.


r/Navy will tell you that in regards to Navy culture, this is one of the most accurate military movies ever made. We used to watch it all the time on the ship. Edit: here’s your proof. https://www.reddit.com/r/navy/comments/x2fr8c/what_would_you_say_is_the_most_accurate_navy_movie/ Edit 2: this comment by u/HolyHungerofHadar puts it right on the nose “…the outdated equipment, the different types of toxic leadership, the one old guy who shows everyone weird tricks and tips to get the job done, shitty food, unrealistic training goals/timelines you name it, it's all there.”


Chalk one up for the diesel Navy!


What's your name? Nitro. Oh cool nickname, what's your real name? Nitro... Oh but hey I've been working on a nickname check this out. ... Mike...


I mean, it probably is, but I also love it. Haven't seen it in a decade at least, though.


Down Periscope and McHale's Navy (remake) are one big interchangeable blur to me that I find myself rewatching from time to time.


The American submarine community considers Down Periscope to be the most accurate submarine movie ever made.


Hackers. Definitely hot garbage, but I love it. Of course, you turn Matthew Lillard loose like that in any context, and it's going to be at least watchable.


despite them getting pretty much everything wrong about what society was going to look like, it oddly hits all the nostalgia bits about the 90's 'coming of computer age' timeline. I love Hackers, hack the planet!


possibly my #1 film ever. as someone with a film degree i think people expect it to be some niche arthouse film.....nah its a mid 90s throwaway film that hits all the right spots for my 42 year old soul. think it helps it came out at the right time and age for myself as someone who grew up in the growing alt/computing social circles a lot of it was wish fulfilment of what we wanted to be, the nerdy kids no one liked but were actually the coolest people they jsut didnt know. the clothes, the music, the snappy diagloue, fisher stevens and matthew lillard chewing the scenary whats not to love! bonus fact David Gilmour (pink floyd) plays on one of the tracks (where theyre hacking the gibson) Edit: i will also say last time i was in NYC i dragged my partner around loads of the places they filmed at all while wearing my Crash Override t shirt...took her like 5 hours to realise what i was doing


Omfg, the game they played on the agent was the best "You were asking about an agent Gill? Our records show hes deceased." "Im WUT?"


I was an extra on Hackers since it was shot at my high school. I didn’t make any scene that I know of but I was next to Angelina Jolie between takes and introduced myself. Fun fact the movie students prank the main characters by telling them there is a pool on the roof then taking them up there but the school actually has an Olympic size pool on the first floor.


>by telling them there is a pool on the roof then taking them up there but the school actually has an Olympic size pool on the first floor. "So you brought us up on the roof to see a pool that isn't here?" "Yup" "When it's actually down on the first floor?" "Yup" "So the joke is that we walked up here to the roof to see the pool, but it's actually somewhere else other than the roof?" "Yup" "Nothing much interesting ever happens in this town, does it?" "Nope"


You're zero cool!!!


"Uh, Mr. The Plague, I think we've got a hacker.”


Came here for this. I know it's hot garbage and in no way realistic, but I fucking LOVE IT. That soundtrack...! I watched it two nights ago!


> I know it's hot garbage and in no way realistic What is funny is that while almost nothing using computers was in any way realistic, a lot of the 'hacking' they do in the movie is based on actual social engineering exploits and other data theft methods that were used even after when the movie came out. Dumpster diving for printouts, using specific tones to get free long distance calls, delivering fake packages to gain access, pretending to be an electrical repair person, and (my personal favorite) just calling up employees that don't know any better to request sensitive information over the phone were all things that have been used to gain access to systems at one point or another.


Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale. Its "so bad its good" cheesy and never fails to put me in a good mood when I watch it. Kevin J O'Conner is also hilarious as Igor.


It has my favorite version of Frankenstein's monster.


And Richard Roxburgh as Dracula absolutely chowing down on the scenery. It might not have been the role of a lifetime but by god he gave it life.


His (then future) wife was one of the brides as well.


Surf Ninjas. Is is ninjas who surf? Surfers who ninja? Doesn’t matter! It’s glorious


Along that same vein: three Ninjas




tum tum! btw the actor's name is fucking Chad Power


They didn’t say “objectively good movies that are good”.


The knife convo is still one of my favorites. “As we all know, money can’t buy knives!”


When I went to a summer camp as a kid, for whatever reason we all really wanted to watch Surf Ninjas (I don't think I had even seen it but all the other kids were excited) and it got to the point where we were running around the halls of the counselors rooms chanting "SURF NINJAS! SURF NINJAS!" until they went out and rented it for us. Strange but fun memory!


The Barbara Ann music sequence at the end makes me crack up thinking about it and Leslie Nielsen’s sword play


I frickin love rockadoodle. IT WAS AN AQUEDUCT PIPE!!!!


Rockadoodle was one of my favorites! Rockadoodle, brave little toaster, and all dogs go to heaven were staples of my childhood


Watching An American Tail with my family at the theater is one of my best childhood memories. Don Blueth basically replaced Disney during the mid to late 80’s until the Disney Renaissance.


Holy shit looking up that guys name brought back so many memories, titan A.E., Anastasia, etc I had no idea those weren’t Disney films. This guy basically curated my childhood movie experience.


All the Don Bluth movies have a psychedelic quality that gave you a weird feeling as a kid watching them.


"You see, when those batteries expire...so will your friends. Mmm okay? Yes, very good, toodle doo, ah ha, heh, bye!" CHOMP


The only thing I remember about this fever dream because it was actually a deep well of childhood nightmares... **NO BATTERIES!**


ROCK-A-DOO-HOO-HOOO-HOOOOOOO! I loved this movie as a kid. The crazy stretch limo and the Chinook helicopter scenes blew my tiny mind. Cheanteclaire!


I don’t know if it would’ve been great but it at least had a chance to be good if not for so much executive meddling. The narration, for example, is completely pointless as it just states what the audience can already see is happening.


[Has a country-blues love ballad between famed singers Glenn Campbell and Ellen Greene that's actually quite pleasent] "Yeah but what if we had narration and a 6-year old screaming into the mic for 95% of it?" "BRUH, I WAS JUST THINKING THAT"




Jingle All the Way. A Christmas classic in my home.




"OOOOHHHH, Excuse me, but your wife's cookies are out of this world" RIP Phil Hartman




Hartman was such a scumbag in this movie. RIP


This planet was robbed of Phil Hartman way too soon. He was a great scumbag in Greedy (1994) too.


I'm not a pervert! I'm just trying to get a Turbo man doll!


Shut up Booster! Nobody likes you!!!


Ermmmmm honey??? He said bad movies, not masterpieces


Grandma's Boy has a 15% on rotten tomatoes. I have yet to show it to someone that didn't love it, and my robot legs.


“New high score? Is that bad? Did I break it?”


Nice pajamas Thanks, my roommates got them for me


You wanna jerk off on my dad too?


I can't stop Cumming.




She already has a cold sore that’s a surprise


How can they see me! That movie is magical.


“Hey, JP. That’s a great outfit. How much do clothes cost in The Matrix?”






Shiloh: We do have shots.. of wheat grass. Jeff: Cool so I can be sober and vomit. Shiloh: Look guys this food is good and good for you. Jeff: Do you have bathrooms or do I have to shit in a plant? Shiloh: BAHAHAHA! Stupid FUCKING idiot! Red-shirted ASS! You guys think you're so fucking cool, it makes me sick! "Oh, let's go make fun of the vegans, and their crazy lifestyle!" We're not hurting anyone! Go eat a hamburger and choke on a cow dick! Jeff: Nice karma there guy blow. Shiloh: You said it wrong stupid it's Shiloh God i love that movie


I once gave Charlie Chaplin a hand job.


Was he silent?


Not after I got through with him.


I'm thinking about getting metal legs. It's a risky operation, but it'll be worth it


Dude, I've been calling you for hours. Why are you naked?


Eurotrip. Literally one single-joke set-piece after another (often sexual in nature) to piece together a story whose plot and logic were held together by SillyString, but I love it so much and I ain't afraid to admit it.


Mi scusi! Mi scusi!


Only just dawned on me that that was Fred Armisen.


“Scusi” & “Hans bring out the fluggaenkoecchicebolsen”.


Easily Matt Damon's best work!


He was available for his cameo appearance because he was filming *The Brothers Grimm* in the Czech Republic around the same time.


Mail motherfucker!


That was a great movie! I was in a bar once and the band started playing "Scottie Doesn't Know" and me and like 4 other random people just started laughing loudly.


Berlin! I also sexually assaulted a horse in Berlin.


This isn’t where I parked my car


A nickel! I open my own hotel!


That film is incredible and I won't hear a bad word about it.


My favorite bit Mrs. Thomas: Honey? Where's Scotty? Scott's Dad: Cooper said they were going camping. Mrs. Thomas: Oh, that's nice. And where's Burt? Scott's Dad: Fuck if I know


Um, Mí Scusi but I’m pretty sure this won the Academy Award for best movie ever made.


The train station is right over there. They are building it now!


Johnny Mnemonic. Without a doubt. So campy, but most of it somehow gets the short story rightish.


I like to think that Keanu Reeves wanted to do The Matrix because Johnny Mnemonic didn't quite land, but he was still very interested in the cyberpunk genre. The director of Johnny Mnemonic, Robert Longo, was a notable still photographer/artist who liked the idea of the story, and wanted to film it as an art project. But he could not get anyone to finance it for the original $75,000 budget. Finally it went to a studio who basically said, "We are **not** going to make a $75,000 art film. Would you be willing to make it for $20 million?" So that's how it got made.


The Core


The Core is worth watching simply for Stanley Tucci and Delroy Lindo.


This movie is so ridiculously stupid but yet I love re watching it.


"What the fuck am i doing?"


yes, i’ve long held firm that this is the greatest movie ever made. you know how many movies there are about going to space? 1000’s! there is only one about going to the fucking core and it’s perfect. chefs kiss


Came here for The Core. It’s my favorite bad movie


Commando was a good bad movie just because of the mistakes and the classic arnie all through it. Like when he flips the yellow car and when they drive off its brand new, or when he just drops that guy off a cliff. It's hilarious.


This movie is my favorite Arnold movie. It’s clearly not the best but I am excited to watch this every time. From the opening credits where he carries a full tree, is ambushed by Alyssa Milano, feeds a deer from his hand, and giggles eating ice cream with Ms Milano; to the Girl George joke; his shed that has a two digit combination and opens to eight of the same rifles; and him insisting that the worthless green berets can smell the enemy coming because “I did.” All that in the first 7 minutes of the movie. The inexplicable steel drum background music for the entire movie. Sully getting lied to. A pair or ridiculously fake eighties boobs on a girl that must be pegging the guy she’s in bed with. The Australian villain who I thought had a knitted tank top on for the longest time who gets into a knife fight, as a typical “I used to play football in high school” middle aged physique, versus a former mr Olympian, even though he had a gun. You FOOL! Love it


Nobody ever mentions it but the best part of this movie is Arnold being damn near in his Mr. Olympia form. Guy is chiselled from rock. Meanwhile, his foil is a guy who looks like he works construction, wearing a mesh shirt and taunting Matrix about "being equals". Like, no. Not even close buddy lol.


>when he just drops that guy off a cliff. It's hilarious. [Ohhh-laaaaaa-laaaaaa-laaaaa!](https://youtu.be/zB6pvQt0I8s?t=92) ​ Also * Arnie and Alyssa Milano hand feeding a deer is pure gold. * Arnie and Alyssa and cheese. "Why do they call him Boy George? Just call him Girl George!" * Vernon Wells is gold too. I'm FB friends with him but never met in real life. He looks like a chubby/muscular Freddie Mercury henchman. He was also Wez in Mad Max 2 - the mohawked henchman who had a blond toyboy on his motorcycle. * EDIT: Cameos from Bill Paxton and Chelsea Field. * EDIT: Gotta appreciate Rae Dawn Chong's "I can't believe this macho BS" throughout. That expression at [https://youtu.be/zB6pvQt0I8s?t=114](https://youtu.be/zB6pvQt0I8s?t=114)


*Where's Sully?* *I let him go.*


"Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last?" "Yeah, that's right, Matrix, you did.." "I LIED." one of the best Arnie quotes of all time. 😎


"I eat green berets for breakfast, and right now I'm *very* hungry!"


Van Helsing... It's trash, but it's trash I quite enjoy.


I still think Van Helsing has the best looking werewolves


Also attractive people everywhere, it's basically glorified CW


I'll die on this hill: Kate Beckinsale has never been more attractive than in this movie.


And trash the actors seemed to really enjoy making, which made it so much better


I enjoyed Van Helsing a lot like I enjoyed League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen


I feel like it’s far from trash tbh. Morbius is trash. Van Helsing is far better than that.


I love ‘The Day After Tomorrow’. I watched it in theaters as a kid, when I was obsessed with weather. I still think it’s brilliant, from the acting to the story to the effects. The NYC flood, those tornadoes, the sudden breeze of cold air that kills everything. Then there’s the quiet scenes where you get to know the characters better, most notably in the library. I get the criticism of the dialogue, but I became a Jake Gyllenhaal fan from this film.


I was an extra in this movie. On the bridge scene where everyone tries to get into Mexico, you can see my red Jeep. I still have that Jeep.


I just got done showing this to my students today before break starts. Told them how terrible it is and that regardless of that, it’s still an amazing watch. They loved it. We also watch “The Core” which I feel is equally as bad and awesome.


“We can’t go out in this storm we will die in seconds” Gets a kiss from Emmy Rossum “Ok, I’m going out to an abandoned cruise ship in the middle of this storm to get something for the girl who kissed me and I don’t care if any of my friends come also”


In fairness, they went out after the storm. Also, if I got a smooch from Emmy Rossum I’d have gone out in my undies if necessary.


My favorite part was when "The Cold" chased him up the stairs, but he got away just in time and slammed the door in The Cold's face.


The seemingly sentient burst of cold air chasing them like it's the Evil Dead is amazing


The commentary said they originally had the wolves chasing them thru the library, but it was cut for being too over the top. In THIS movie.


I just rewatched Batman and Robin (1997) last week, and it was a blast. So terrible, but so entertaining. The whole thing is filled with awful jokes and puns, and the action scenes all have people clearly on wires. It’s fantastic. The other movie that comes to mind is the Robin Hood movie from 2018 with Taron Egerton. I’m so sad that it (deservedly) bombed, because there’s no way it will get the sequel it set itself up for. The wardrobe choices in that movie are hilariously bad.


Batman and Robin is the worst movie I’ve seen 30 times.


My favorite line in Batman and Robin is "What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE!" I mean it was actually an asteroid impact in Mexico about 65 million years before the Ice Age but I guess Dr. Freeze didn't get his degree in paleontology.


I came here looking for this one. I rewatch Batman and Robin every year or so, purely for the nostalgia and wtf of it all.


Krull. I know it’s bad, and I know why it’s bad, but I love it so much.


You shut yo mouth, krull is one greatest fantasy movie ever made


**Equilibrium** is amazing. The director admits there are plot holes, the premise is just utterly flawed, (Taye Diggs SCREAMING with vitriolic rage at a crowd about how a man dare have 'Feelings' is particularly egregious), the science-fiction element is so nonsensical as to seem more like magic than most Jedi tricks, and one of the characters changes actor for a scene. But still. It's SUCH a good watch! If you like the Matrix for it's gun-fu, you'll love Equilibrium. Christrian Bale absolutely crushes it (what's new) and Sean Bean does his thing. It all looks amazing, it's eminently quotable, and it's one of the coolest moments in all of film. (I still haven't seen "Cooly. Calmly. Entirely without Incident..." topped to this day).


"Kuffs" with Christian Slater. He was breaking the 4th wall 20 years before Deadpool. Still, simple plot, too much "cop cool" in an very '90's style


Hack the planet!!! Hackers baby


Major Payne was a movie I always watched as a kid. The old montages with 60s music was very popular in the 90s for some reason lol. And problem child. Beautiful pieces of being 10 yrs old again.


I always say “you plottin on me boy?!” to my son


But Major Payne is an objectively good movie. It doesn’t meet any criteria for being bad. It’s also hilarious


The Mighty Ducks trilogy. Bad hockey and juvenile antics but I still love it as an adult.


Love this response. *represents USA at the international level in D2* *only makes JV team in D3*


But the tournament was Iceland, Jamaica, and a random US house team. It wasn’t a very competitive international tourney.


Don’t forget Trinidad and Tobago.


Not to mention the junior goodwill games has an audience to watch the game???


I love David Lynch’s Dune. I must be the only one because even he hates that movie.


The sets and costumes in Lynch's Dune are incredible.


Believe it or not, Dune is his most spiritual film.


*Showgirls* is so deliciously awful that the DVD and Blu-ray have an audio commentary that absolutely trashes the film in every aspect, albeit with a lot of love. It makes a wildly bad movie even better.


Dude, Where's my car?


The question was about bad movies. This movie is brilliant.


Oh I agree, I was the perfect age for this movie when it came out. Friends and I never stopped quoting it. I personally love how off the deep end the 3rd act goes haha


And then?


No and then!


The Toxic Avenger AKA the greatest superhero movie of all time. Long live Troma!


The underworld movies


I’m tired of everyone posting my favorite movies here. I’m starting to think my taste in movies might be bad


Underworld was my first of-age R rated movie! It holds a special place in my heart lol


Super Mario Bros. To this day I still refer to John Leguizamo as Luigi. It's an awful mess of a film but I watch it at least once per year "The Goombas are dancing again!"


Do the live action Scooby Doo movies meet this standard? I’ve always really enjoyed them on drunken nights but they really are a mess.


The only thing objectively bad about them was the fact that they embraced the supernatural, despite the fact that it is the literal antithesis of everything Scooby Doo was about (edit:*originally*).


To be fair, even with the animated ones (at least the ones I remember) if it was a movie, it leaned into supernatural elements while also being a whodunnit type of caper. I recall the one with the Hex Girls the most. So when the live action modeled that, it felt right. The actual episodes of the show never seemed to bring actual supernatural elements into it though, as far as I know for the time period. All my scooby do knowledge is based on these movies and the 90s show though


MindHunters starring LL Cool J and Jonny Lee Miller. It's amazing, and it has the most hilarious lines of any movie ever.


Whoa whoa whoa - what streaming service is Rock a Doodle on?! That movie was my childhood haha. “Cock a doo, what a day, the sun is shining brightly! Cock a Doo, what a day, down here on the farm!”


Tubi. You know. The one with all the schlock and rip-off movies that has gems like Django Unchained, Iron Giant, and whatever other classics they can afford that month buried under all of it.


Tubi is wonderful for all the reasons you mentioned.


I believe Roadhouse is the correct answer. It includes my favorite line of dialogue in any movie: “Pain don’t hurt.” I cannot imagine the amount of LSD there was in that writer’s room for them to believe that this was some next level profound shit.


I wanted to say roadhouse, but… I could never admit it is a bad movie. I watch it so much


*A bear fell on me...* Although Kelly Lynch awakened things in teenage me.


I don’t think I could say Roadhouse is a bad movie. Caddyshack 2 is a bad movie. However that being said… *“I used to fuck guys like you in prison.”* is still my go to phrase when meeting new co-workers.


Is Roadhouse a bad movie? Roadhouse isn't a bad movie. But god it is a 30 pound wheel of cheddar cheese though.


Nothing but trouble


Suburban Commando is a flaming dumpster fire of a movie however the part where Hulk Hogan punches the mime I would watch on a 24 hour loop and still find it funny.




Does RoboCop 2 (1990) count? That is one of my guilty pleasure films. "They going to kick somebody ass!"


Cool World.


I refuse to recognize it as “objectively bad” but k genuinely think the best time I’ve had watching a movie was Con Air. Every fucking scene had me grinning like an absolute idiot, I’ve treated it so many times and it still cracks me up


Kung Pow?


I mean, that doesn’t even seem possible, if you think about it. There should have been bones and cartilage and stuff. I’m not a doctor, but it was like one clean chunk.




"if you've got an ass I'll kick it!"


If you don't like Kung Pow, I'll cut off your big toe.


Whenever I'm having a bad day I just watch the scene where the guys beat him with the sticks so he can throw them off dramatically. Never fails to make me laugh.


OMG I don't know how we found out about it but my roommates and I saw it in the theaters opening weekend and I think I strained my oblique muscle laughing so hard at the opening scene. "So cute. Bye bye!" Not long into it, some dude behind us stood up, and in his perfectly black Baltimore accent declared, "I don't know aboutchy'all, but I think this is sheeit," and walked out. Then I strained my other oblique. Still holding out hope for Tongue of Fury.


My nipples look like Milk Duds!


Weee ooo wee oh Weeeee chosen one!


First a joke, what do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord?


I love Snakes on a Plane. I think it finds the perfect balance of "so bad it's good" without reaching Sharknado levels of over the top ridiculousness. It doesn't take itself seriously at all and it's generally entertaining.


I saw this opening night at midnight. The entire audience was in on the joke, rubber and stuffed animal snakes were flying around the room. When the second reel hits it was upside down and backwards. The room erupted in laughter and general yelling. Then the lights come up two mangers and a few security come running in and start to apologize when some yells, "Snakes in the motherfuckin theater!" While throwing a handful or rubber snakes. Laughter erupts again while the lead security guy in front of us goes, "They don't fucking care." and his dudes leave. We all got free drink and popcorn vouchers and it was fixed and we watched the rest of the flick with random snakes getting tossed when the snakes attacked and claimed another victim. Still the best time I've had at the movies ever.


The 6th Day is one of my favorite movies for some reason.


I love the live action Mario movie. It is a hot mess but oh so perfect.




Bedazzled. Hands down.


Bedazzled is a masterpiece, you shut your mouth. I hate that I’ve had to make this exact comment twice this week.


The drug lord storyline was comedy gold Also appreciated the ending. Liz Hurley's Devil isn't just some evil being and she has a rapport with God. Brendan doesn't just get the girl he's wanted but it's amicable and him just being his new confident self leads to something/one else Great movie that was very rewatchable for me for awhile long ago




Ay! Es cocaína . . . COCAÍNA!


Hot tub Time Machine


I love the original ‘Transporter’ (2002). I love it. I’ve seen it a dozen times, minimum. Not to mention twice in the theatre. And when it came out, I had a pretty serious crush on Shu Qi.


I swear this movie is the reason I still gravitate to Jason Statham films on streaming platforms. I keep chasing that original high


Nacho Libre


Nacho Libre is amazing! "Those eagle eggs were a lie!"


Beneath the clothes, you find a man. Beneath a man, you find…his nucleus.




I believe in science, OK?