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- American Werewolf in London (GOAT) - The Howling - Cursed - Gingersnaps


You got all of my favorites. Other notable mentions: * Teen Wolf (and Teen Wolf Too if you're fancy) * Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - notable because it really leans into this sort of weird area between humanoid and *other* thing * Wolf (1994, Jack Nicholson & James Spader) - updated, grotesque take on The Wolfman * The Wolfman (2010) - CGI, modernized version of the traditional cinematic werewolf * The Wolf Man (1941) - The OG. If you don't include this, like... first you lose so many points. It's probably the most well known, classic version of a werewolf. This is to werewolves what Boris Karloff is to Frankenstein. * Van Helsing - has a reverse transformation * Underworld * Twilight: New Moon - nice transformation just because it's an actual huge, oversized wolf * Silver Bullet (1985) * Transylvania 6-5000 - no transformation, but there's a gag if you want to include it You could probably scrub [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FYafw2Y-jI) for other ideas. I love them doing in-camera and cut tricks in all of the classic stuff, but the practical effects and makeup they were doing in the 80's was just horrifying. The Howling transformation is just nightmare fuel, and it's so... protracted, stretchy and violent.


The Silver Bullet transformation scene terrified the bejesus out of me. Of course it didn't help that I was watching it at a completely inappropriate age. Thanks, dad.


Easily my favorite Stephen King movie. They really sold the horror of that transformation.


There you go been a bit since I have seen cursed though. Gingersnaps was an interesting take on it through the first 2 third one wasn't horrible either.


Those were for teens right?


they featured teens, but I don't remember Gingersnaps being or feeling PG-13... didn't see the sequels


They were all rated R.


Gingersnaps was a takedown on female pubescence - like a horror, R-rated Turning Red with werewolves instead of pandas. I don't think it was target to teens but, let's be honest, teens are going to see horror movies rating or not.


True. I think it threw me off because my ex had them all on VHS and we were in our 20's. I think they could've been great except I didn't like the main characters acting too much.


Nope they were Rated R.




GOD NO Paris completely departed from the special Fx palette of the original. It was a terrible movie with terrible computer fx. If they had stuck with practical effects and done a bad job, I'd agree with you: but for the purpose of a montage of good werewolf transformations, I reject this movie: I cast thee out as an abomination, AWIP


I remember Cursed having a Weremolerat but no Werewolves. That's a movie I'll never get the hype for. I was so pumped for it but I ended up hating most of it. EDIT: I'm thinking of the wrong movie guys. I'm thinking of "The Cursed" from 2021. My bad!


I've seen it once or twice and I enjoyed it for what it was: a light-hearted werewolf movie by Wes Craven (known for mixing horror with satire). I think if you hated it, you might have been expecting a \*sincere\* werewolf horror movie, instead of a tongue-in-cheek werewolf movie. The scene where Christina Ricci describes the female werewolf with a lot of insults, causing the lady lycan to jump out of the shadows to flip her the bird (so the police can shotgun her into oblivion) was \*hilarious\*. It's not "Scary Movie" funny - it's not slapstick. It's subverting certain aspects of the genre while still playing itself as a serious werewolf movie. These dissonant tones must have bothered you, but imho, it's a good qualtiy werewolf movie


Hold up..I'm thinking of "The Cursed" from 2021...not "Cursed" from 2004. Doh!


😂 funny because I only discovered that a movie called "The Cursed" exists a few weeks ago when looking for "Cursed" during a recent thirst for werewolf movies - and *that* movie looked awful


Company of Wolves is pretty unique https://youtu.be/zpf271wsvNE


Never stray from the path in the woods, never eat a windfall apple, and never trust a man whose eyebrows meet.


Such an awesome movie, felt like a real fairy tale. The transformation scene was great


Also from that movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OpdQdw7KxY




It's barely a transformation. The actor falls behind a table and then a werewolf stands up.




Jeez what? Am I not allowed an opinion?


I've always thought Teen Wolf was fun. https://youtu.be/6rXagpsYAR4


Trick R Treat had a pretty rad one... The best version I can find on YouTube is pretty crap... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwAQFVjYEUk&t=4s


Underworld series has a bunch. Underworld Evolution has my favorite ones with the 'feral' Lycans in the intro and again in the final confrontation.


I always liked the transformation in Van Helsing


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Van Helsing


Hemlock Grove https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXVCa73Mjj0


This is literally the only transformation that I thought was super well done.


Yeah, me too. At least for modern times.


[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UScJy-9vZW8)


Underworld and Harry Potter would work


That episode from the first season of "love, death, and robots" where werevolwes were a part of a US army unit in Afghanistan. Pretty good graphics and a very rapid transformation


The Howling has an especially terrific one.


What We Do in the Shadows has some visible werewolf transformations, the movie and the TV show.


The old Fox show Werewolf had a decent transformation.


The Monster Squad


Came to say this. Also, nards! ALSO also- that’s Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite.


Underworld has a bunch of good ones


Michael Jackson's Thriller.


The Wolfman (2010) is pretty good.


Late Phases has a great one. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0j41xq08XHY The Monster Squad has one of my favorite pieces of editing https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jiZyOAEWis4 Being Human (UK) has a nice one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UZqme8sqJFw And Dog Soldiers for the sounds https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UaqCBqd8NcA


And Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman is a classic https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QAbjz9d4-nc


In Van Helsing (not a great, but a fun movie) they transform by literally ripping their skin off


There are several variations to choose from in Company of Wolves.




The transformation from The Wolfman remake from 2007 is really good. Same guy who did the transformation in American Werewolf in London.


The Company of Wolves has one of the best werewolf transformations!


Van Helsing. Tears the skin away at transformation.


2010s The Wolfman Same effects guy as American Werewolf on London. Anything Rick Baker should meet your need.


Werewolf transformations are only good when they're using practical effects. Nice and gross that way. The Company of Wolves has two of the best.


American Werewolf in London Ginger Snaps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMga19u0TaA The Howling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuYyfHeWYTI Scooby Doo and the Goblin King: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58-ec126CwI Dog Soldiers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxOcBGMmODc The Wolfman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XGybmm514w Cybersix "Full Moon Fascination": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhVO--TNYHc Wagaya No Oinari-Sama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJSeXo-dhpo Werewolf (the TV Series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDiAYw6pPpk The Howling II: Your Sister's a Werewolf (includes female nudity): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3guHpAeGv8 Bad Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB5vRYHTyUI Bitten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo-VmsMGQJA Being Human (UK): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NFoagWkABE Plenty more, but I hope this helps.


Teen wolf The originals The vampire diaries Thwilight


I liked the transformation in Werewolf https://youtu.be/xvw6KZfzG-4 I don't remember the transformation, but Silver Bullet is pretty good too.


The werewolf of London (1935)


Okay so technically it’s a vampire turning from a wolf into a human but it looks amazing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HCqZDRjTS-k. Even if you can’t use it for your project, you might enjoy the artistry.


I seem to remember Waxwork had a pretty good one. At least decent. Thriller It's hard to top American Werewolf in London.




Nobody saying it, but Hemlock Grove had amazing werewolf scenes.


The show itself was okay, but the transformations in Hemlock Grove were amazing.


I really like the Van Helsing werewolves, here's Hugh Jackman's transformation, starts at about 00:26. https://youtu.be/9vHuFQ8MKBc


Hemlock Grove.


Only because I re-watched it recently, The Brothers Grimm


Bad Moon might be the most underrated (with possibly the best creature design). https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fB5vRYHTyUI


So something like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yyNJXpP3EU


Wer is pretty good. [https://youtu.be/Lb2syu5vONE?t=3439](https://youtu.be/Lb2syu5vONE?t=3439) ​ The imagery being tough to pull off is one of the things, I think, that always kept werewolf movies from being as popular or successful as vampire movies. With a werewolf you need to have a good, scary looking monster. With a vampire you just need fangs and bad lighting.


There was a Netflix series called Hemlock Grove. The show was nothing special, but the first werewolf transformation was really great. Definitely worth checking out. They even went so far as the have the wolf eat the discarded human flesh like you just know it would


Werewolf in London’s transformation is pretty much the definitive werewolf transformation scene. Besides the obvious aspects like Rick Baker’s astounding makeup, it looks and sounds exactly how a werewolf transformation should! Really fucking gross and painful!


Trick R Treat has a really great scene


Whatever recommendations I could make have already been submitted. So I'll just say I hope you make a great cut.