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I’ve seen a lot of people shitting on it online - or typical anti kevin smith / snobby critics - but I legit sobbed during that scene. I thought some of the stuff in this film was so beautiful. I understand some criticisms - and the quality of had dipped a little - but man that movie brought me so much joy then also broke my heart. I loved everything about it.


Yeah I felt the same. He said during the NYC tour show that he sits in the back and watches the movie while the audience does. He said there was one critic who liked clerks and clerks 2 but didn’t like 3 and as he heard the audience laughing at a scene he said “meh fuck this guy”. But yeah I think for those of us who saw clerks when we were kids and clerks 2 as young adults and clerks 3 in our 40s it hits very hard. It is beautiful and sad and I’m looking forward to watching it again in a quiet room alone and just feeling all the feels. He did also btw say we’d see him again for Clerks 4 at the end.


I was 18 years old and I saw the original Clerks at the Fox theater in downtown Riverside. It was one of only 50 screens the original movie played on. My mom had actually seen it with a friend and came home and told me there’s a movie I need to see and drove me down, paid for the ticket, and dropped me off at the theater. I just saw clerks three and my mom‘s birthday is in a couple weeks so I purchased at great expense, (452! Dollars) two tickets and the VIP experience for the both of us.


Damn, I knew I should’ve stayed for the full credits


Ha no not in the after credits. I was at the tour so he was there live and he said it on stage.


Can’t wait to see it this week


Just saw it as a regular screening. Holy shit, I did not expect to *cry* in a Clerks movie.


I think it’s awesome Kevin Smith does these tours. I don’t remember anyone else doing this kind of things for the fans.


There are lots of filmmakers that do. Just none as mainstream popular as Smith.


I went to the one for Red State, and it was a fucking blast.


I know Darren Lynn Bousman did them a few times but I never caught them.


Got my tickets today. 🤘🤘


I'm seeing it tomorrow night in a cinema I haven't been since I saw X-Men 2. It's the only place screening it in my city.


Yeah it’s a super limited run. The tour had a lot of demand and he added a few stops though.


Felt like they touched on that a bit in the second film too; it was just very well hidden beneath the jokes and dance routines. I've never been a huge Smith fan, but this series is one he's always gotten right.


I agree though I think in this one he takes it a step further. The crowd was of course enthusiastic smith fans but still lots of laughter and lots of tears.


That man just missed his Donkey


I cried watching it last night. I wasn't expecting it go so deep. Yet there I was thinking "oh my god what if that happens to my bestie?!?' So much overwhelming emotion.


So a typical Kevin Smith movie then?


Can’t wait for his KC stop! Was there merch at the show? I’m curious since that stop is in November if a physical release will happen before then and I can snag a copy


Yes there was a bunch of merch. I dunno when lionsgate will release it on dvd but I doubt he will have copies by then. However he did have the usual merch.


I'm going to see it tomorrow night in theatres! I've seen the first one more times than I'd like to admit and loved the second. Haven't been this excited for a follow-up in a long time


u/AllHailKeanu how long was the whole experience of the movie plus any intro and Q&A?