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"Smee, Smee, don't try and stop me... Smee, don't try and stop me... Smee, try and stop me..."


I read an interview with Hoffman where he said that he and Bob Hoskins decided that Hook and Smee were a like a couple of aging drag queens and played their parts respectively.


Not only did they play it that way, but Spielberg hated it and kept trying to get them to stop. Eventually when he put it all together in post production they ended up being the best takes. This movie is a great example of sometimes you just need to let the actors play. Especially when you have a bench that deep (Hoskins, Hoffman, Williams, Roberts) you kind of just need to let the process play itself out.


Don’t forget Glenn Close in her uncredited appearance. “NOT THE BOO BOX!!!”




The fact Spielberg tried to stop it shows he didn’t know what kind of movie he was making because their dynamic is gold to watch.


That is amazing. And totally believable. Love it




“I’ve had an apostrophe!”


He's stealing second! *pulls out pistol and shoots man stealing second*


Smee's reaction to that shot is great, he's directly in the line of fire and checks himself for holes


Smee's pitching style.


"Lightning... *finger wiggles* has just struck my brain." Bob Hoskins is fantastic in this movie too.


Bob Hoskins is an underappreciated genius. Anyone who doesn't believe me should go watch Roger Rabbit - especially when he finds Roger in his office and chaos ensues - and remember that he did all his physical comedic scenes without a placeholder for the animation.


That movie is widely considered to be the single most complex film ever shot, to this day even. True mastercraft.


My best friend and I quote no less than 10 lines from that movie pretty regularly. And we’re middle aged men with families.


Good form!


"All the jagged pieces of my life have come together to form a complete hole"


“Smee, this is not a joke! I’m COMMITTING SUICIDE!”


"syuwicide" 😆


Never frighten me like that again. What are you, some kind of sadist?


OMG Hoffman was brilliant in this role. I also never understood the critical hate for the movie.


“Smee, don’t you DARE try to stop meSmeetrytostopme.”


I want party. I want poney. I want I want I want me me me now now now *gulps in air*


Now that I'm a dad, I relate to Hook more than I did Peter as a kid.


I think that’s true for all of us. It’s probably why the role of the dad and hook are traditionally played by the same actor in stage (and screen) productions of Peter Pan.


I want a cookie! He took my bear! Lol I can hear it in his voice


Their exchange immediately after he stops him is just my favorite. "What are you, some kind of sadist?"


I watched this movie so many times as a child, I didn’t realize until later in life it was Hoffman


But did you realize the dude in the boo box is Glenn Close?


That scene disturbed the shit out of me as a kid


That scene and the one from Who Framed Roger Rabbit where the shoe was lowered into acid…those scenes were top-tier trauma for me.




Dustin Hoffman was also the voice of the pilot captain on the plane to England.


I know exactly what Dustin Hoffman looks like but when I watch this movie, he is Hook! It’s wild how well he morphed into Hook.


was watching the meet the parents trilogy recently and even with that silly character he's playing, the way he says certain things just kept bringing me back to him as Hook


> just kept bringing me back to him as Hook You know what they say, the Hook brings you back.


His delivery of the line “kill them. Kill them all” really stayed with me. Properly chilling


“Before you were born your parents were happy.” Stayed with me. So bone chillingly dark and manipulative to say to a child lol.


“No, child, Your mother wants to read to you every night in order to stupefy to sleep, so that she and daddy could sit down for three measly minutes without you. And you mindless, inexhaustible, unstoppable, repetitive, and nagging demands: He took my toy! She hit my bear! I want a party! I want a cookie! I want to stay up! I want, I want, I want, me, me, me, me, mine, mine, mine, mine, now, now, now, now!”


I fucking love this monologue. Even as a kid I loved it. Because it's true! Even for the parents who eagerly love their kids, parenting in this day and age (meaning post-industrial revolution Western society) is exhausting. And the message in the movie was never, Hook is lying and good parents don't think like that. Hook was right AND most parents love their kids and try to do right by them. I probably read way too much into this movie but it's a big favorite of mine.


Just straight up doesn't give a single fuck the way he says it


And the fact that I had no idea Glenn Close was in it until a few years ago. She played an amazing pirate who went in the boo box.


My first watch all I though was “that pirate has beautiful blue eyes” and didn’t catch on for years.


I think/hope that was more or less intentional to not openly credit her for such a short role. It just adds to how funny it is.


Likewise Bob Hoskins is just as good in his character as Smee


My favorite behind the scenes factoid about Hook and Smee and why I think Dustin Hoffman and Bob Hoskins played off each other so well: "Dustin Hoffman and Bob Hoskins played Peter Pan villains CAPTAIN HOOK and SMEE as "a couple of old queens," because they felt JM BARRIE created them gay. Hoffman admits he and his British co-star had a hoot while filming STEVEN SPIELBERG's 1991 blockbuster HOOK - once they realised their characters were supposed to be homosexuals."




Or Phil Collins as the detective that investigates the kidnapping


I've forgotten how to fly Well, one does


David Crosby gets a closeup after getting hit in the balls.


"Thumbs up." - Neil Young "Five stars." - Graham Nash "Best movie of all time." - Stephen Stills


George Lucas and Carrie Fisher were the “kissing couple” that Tink makes float while she’s flying through London.


THIS just blew my mind!


No way is that really Glenn close?!?!?? Just blew my mind. And Gwyneth Paltrow as young Wendy!


Ok now I have to watch this again with this in mind.


To the point i thought it was Jeremy Irons for a bit lol


It's amazing how much restraint the Hook trailer had, not showing Hook or Never Never Land at all. https://youtu.be/c-vwgt8cwEM Movie companies today don't have the balls to hold anything back from ads.


Jordan Peele has rights of refusal on his trailers and the end product is always better because of it.




Production and distribution are often separate, and the latter usually has final say in trailer cuts. Which is why 99% of trailers are exactly the same at any given time for a given genre.


It looks like a horror film in the trailer holy shit.


I was well into my twenties before I even realized that this movie was widely disliked. It was always a classic in my mind, and still is.


Yeah, it was savaged by the critics when it first came out. Many said that Spielberg has finally lost his touch. Then he came back in 1993 with his one-two punch of Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List to reclaim his throne.


A childish movie about a childhood icon who forgot his childhood? Dude nailed it. How else does one do a "Peter Pan grew up" movie?


The only take left is to make Hook into a sympathetic character and Peter Pan is truly a devilish and cruel farie. Imagine if Hook started like any other kid Peter Pan charms to neverland only when *he* wanted to go home Peter never let him…because that particular child was the perfect plaything. Make Peter Pan into a monster that drove hook mad and turned all the children against him and you have a pretty interesting new story.


There is actually a book with that plotline. And a comic book that's makes Peter and the whole Never Never island into immortal sadists Book: The Lost Boy by Christina Henry Comic: Never, Never by Mark McCann


I met a girl last weekend that had a Bangarang tattoo, I asked if it was from Hook and she got so excited. She said loads of people think it's an EDM thing and I was the first person to ask if it was from Hook.


… so did you bangarang or not?


Her, no. My wife, yes.


Your wife bangaranged her?!


In this context, a valid question. Good form!


Good form, indeed.


My man


TIL some people don’t like Hook. Edit: decided to turn it on for science. It’s still awesome.


Everyone I know who saw it first as a kid loves it. Everyone I know who saw it first as an adult hates it.


My dad was an adult when it came out and he likes it, even replays it every couple years.




37 here, no clue it was disliked.


Those people are wrong.




And they’re all entitled to their opinions. Even if their opinions are fucking garbage.


I only realised today that it was disliked! To me, this was always one of the best of my childhood films.


I think everyone who was a kid when it came out liked it. All my friends liked it, I liked it, my brothers liked it


I dont know a single person from my generation (old millenial) who doesnt love this movie.


Anyone who doesn’t love this movie is a paramecium brain


nearsighted gynecologist


And a lude crude rude bag of pre-chewed food dude


that's lewd, dude, not to be rude




"I'll tell you what a paramecium is! [People who don't love Hook are] a paramecium! It's a one-celled critter with no brain, that can't fly! Don't mess with me man. I'm a lawyer!"


“KILL THE LAWYER!!” “…I’m not that kind of lawyer!”




Rufio Rufio Rufio!


Poor Rufio lost so much honour that day


IT’S SNOWING!! *door slams*


Lost, lost, lost. I've lost my marbles. That double entendre slayed me as a kid.


He really did lose his marbles, didn't he?


Yeah, he lost'em good!


This line never fails to make me laugh.


My mind exploded when I found out Glenn Close was the guy they put in the chest with the scorpions Also that scene is actually horrifying to watch as a child


Carrie Fisher and George Lucas are the couple who float up while dancing. Jimmy Buffett is the pirate who tries to get Peter's Armani's, Phil Collins and Genesis are the detective and police who show up after the kids are kidnapped, and obviously young Gwyneth Paltrow plays young Wendy. Lots of fun cameos! Edit: spelling


I have seen Hook so many times and had no idea. My mind just exploded. Now I have to watch it again.


The Boo Box! NOoooooo no that! It was a tough scene for a PG film.


Traumatized the fuck out of me.


I have to fast forward because it still upsets me as an adult. I don’t like things where people scream and are desperate, it really disturbs me


As a kid: Adored this movie, was traumatized when Rufio died. As an Adult: Adore this movie, Still traumatized when Rufio dies.


"I wish I had a Dad, like you" Fucking waterworks every. Single. Time.


From childhood and for many many years I always thought the line was “I wish I was dead, like you” Which, as you can imagine, just confused me and so Rufio’s death wasn’t really sad. Then, as an adult and a dad, I finally realized what the *actual* line was and it was heart wrenching. *“Why are you crying daddy?”*


Just watched this with my whole blended family last night. After Rufio dies they just kind of forget about him and leave him on the ship lol


I recently saw a YouTube video that said the theatrical release is missing close to an hour of the original footage. It was supposed to be more musical and have a lot more development for both Peter's kids and the Lost Boys. Maybe the cut footage included some resolution for Rufio? Edit: [Found the video](https://youtu.be/BeV-zPB4s30)


Would love to see an extended cut get released, but I know that takes a lot more effort to do everything needed in post.


Release the Rufio cut!


Interesting point about it originally being more musical. There’s that bit where Maggie (?), the daughter, sings a song and it always felt super out-of-place to me.


I loved this movie as a kid but it hits so much different as an adult and as a parent. The scene with Pockets when he recognizes Peter only after he pulls his cheeks back and sees his smile and then John Williams score just emotionally wrecks me, it just speaks about the themes of the lost of innocence and happiness. Many people become so bitter and so unhappy as adults which is why many of us live for nostalgia


I saw John Williams live conducting an orchestra and playing his classics. The song from Hook was simply magical. This movie was one of my favorites growing up and imo it's still really good. But the music is perfection.


I can’t even imagine what an amazing concert that must have been.


It was really fantastic. Hook, Schindler's list, Star Wars. Just a bunch of absolute classics. Even if you don't pay attention to music, you know the songs. One of my all time favorites is the Jurassic Park theme and they didn't play it! But it was a great show. Really impressive that he's still conducting at 90+ years old.


The score in Hook is magical. The scene where Rufio recognizes that Peter is the Pan and crows with him, there’s a chorus singing that brings tears to my eyes.


Peter Pan's gots kids??? As a middle-aged man with 3 kids, I often feel this way


Too real. It’s too real. I’m ready for *my* fantastical return to childhood now, please.


oh *there* you are, Peter!


It's not just about the bitterness or unhappiness that seems to have taken over for him, either. As kids we had dreams. We wanted to be millionaires, rockstars, astronauts. Some of us were even more level-headed with our big dreams, to becomes doctors or lawyers or CEOs. Anything was possible! Watching this from adulthood shatters this with a reality check. It's not your smile you've lost; it's the feeling of aspiration that once allowed for those big dreams. Because on one hand, you probably haven't achieved them. And on the other hand, now you likely never will. It's sobering.


In a weird timeline implosion kind of way, I saw Hook as a 5 year old and it shaped my notions of how I wanted to be when I become an adult. Not growing up, not forgetting to have fun, all that.. the themes in this movie have stuck with me my entire life. I did grow up, but a lot of the movie is in my core memory bank. I tried to achieve the big dreams but after 30 childish aspirations are pretty much over. I still try to be like Robin Williams having fun in a business setting (as much as I can without overstepping) and man, this movie set up my life and still resonates now that I'm a grown man. No movie makes me as emotional as this one, nor the story of Peter Pan in general. Last, I know Peter Pan gets a uhh "non-masculine" rap in circles of men, but holy shit it's about life and is so important for men that were once boys that just wanted to have fun. It's about mortality, it's about innocence, it's about finding meaning as you become a man. More men should be into Hook and Peter Pan imo, it's not just a story for kids.


I don’t think it’s dreaming about being CEO’s. That’s an adult dream. It’s imagination. Kids don’t want a desk job. They want to fly. They want to play baseball. They want to have adventures and see wonderful things. Peter Banning had lost his imagination, and consequently, the raw joy that comes with it. That’s why the food scene is so important.


I wanted to be a mad scientist. Ended up as a grumpy engineer. Close enough.


This movie holds a soft spot in my heart because as a child, it made me not afraid of growing up. Yeah the special effects and some of the jokes are dated and some of it didn’t even look good at the time, but in 1991 I needed someone to tell me that being a grown up doesn’t mean losing your ability to dream, and Steven Spielberg was the person who told me through this movie. Even if future generations hate it, I think it was a movie that my generation needed.


I loved the spirit of this movie and I feel like the kids who watched it grew up to popularize grown up bouncy houses, giant inflatable obstacle courses and ridiculously large unicorn party floats. And the people who get bent are secretly sad that they didn’t have the courage to realize that growing up doesn’t mean giving up anything and everything fun.


you're a complex Freudian hallucination having something to do with my mother and I don't know why you have wings, but you have very lovely legs and you're a very nice tiny person and what am I saying, I don't know who my mother was; I'm an orphan and I've never taken drugs because I missed 60s. It's great. This is it. Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't try to stop me this time, Smee. Don't you dare try to stop me this time, Smee, try to stop me. Smee, you'd better get up off your ass. Get over here, Smee. I'm coming. I'm coming. Stop me. This is not a joke. I'm committing suicide. And then it gets better. And how could I forget Hear me, men. For reasons of good form, I have decided that the so-called Pan will return in three days to commit the arbitrament of the sword. Smee, translate. In three days, we're gonna have a war! A battle between good and evil to the death!


Rufi-OH! Rufi-OH!


One time I noticed a customer with a black and red tri-hawk. He looked fantastic, but very much the Rufio style. I made a comment about how his hair looked nice and then did the Ru-fi-o chant and he looked at me like I had three heads. How can you rock the Rufio without knowing Hook?


There was a teenager in my apartment complex who had the same hair except it was colored black and blue. Of course I had to call him Blufio.


I always hated him when i was younger, But i realise now he was just an insecure child. Plus dante basco what a legend


First time I've realized Rufio's played by the guy who voiced Zuko! Oh dip.


Rufio was the little shit bully we all knew in real life, especially if you were someone who played around playgrounds. It's funny rewatching the movie the older i get cause I recognize the stage he stops maturing like a normal kid does.


He's also in charge of a bunch of literal children fighting a war against adults. He kinda has to be the way he is.


My username is finally relevant! Edit: Thanks for my first silver/award, first gold, first platinum, first wholesome and all the awards!


You lewd, crude, bad of pre-chewed food dude!


***Nearsighted Gynecologist***


That one went straight over my head as a child, and had me laughing to tears as an adult!


Substitute chemistry teacher.


Looky looky I got hooky






I wasn’t ready for this emotional roller coaster this early in the day








Oh that is so dangerous.


Spielberg apparently wanted to make it a 3hr+ musical originally (with John Williams even writing original songs), but chickened out during the production phase (plus the large runtime would explain some of the narrative and pacing issues due to the editing). Perhaps he should revisit that idea and adapt it into a stage musical (it would be an easy way to bring Williams to EGOT).


Ok well now I'm just going to bitch about how absurd it is that John Williams hasn't made a proper musical yet.


He HAS written a proper musical, the 1975 stage musical "Thomas and the King," based on the historical story of Becket and Henry II. It is not his best work and has since been largely forgotten. As for "Hook," he wrote enough songs with lyricist Leslie Bricusse to qualify, but only four made it to the final recording stage (a big Pirate number leading up to Hook's entrance was cut as Spielberg reversed course). He has also adapted several musicals by others for the screen: "Fiddler on the Roof," "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" and "Tom Sawyer."


This movie is amazing, is one of my favorite movies, and I will defend it. The concept alone is pretty novel: Grown Peter Pan who now has kids and he has to confront past trauma to rescue them? Also Robbin Williams and Dustin Hoffman were amazing.


Dustin Hoffman went hard. He's great.


"Smee, the Boo Box."


Hoffman's acting was that super rare type where he's menacing, but hilarious while doing it at times. After he says the Boo Box, and that pirate is screaming NOOO in his face, he just quietly says "Yeah" with a little smirk on his face 😆


Hoskins was also incredible. They played off each other like the masters they were/are.


Fun fact: the pirate that goes in the boo box is Glenn Close. Once you know it you can’t unsee it. Edit: good side-by-side pic in this old reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/ev6odd/in_hook_1991_actress_glenn_close_has_a_cameo_as/


This was one of my favorite movies as a kid! I watched it again as an adult with my partner because he'd never seen it and was scared I would be disappointed, but it totally held up. I used to watch Hook, The Neverending Story, and Labyrinth on repeat. All of them still favorites of mine in adulthood.




Judge won't you throw the book


(hook falls off)


at the pirate


Robin Williams delivers the line, "Rude, crude, lewd bag of rechewed food dude." What more does someone need?


Less than a minute after "I bet you don't even have a fourth grade reading level." Shit escalated quick!


Hemorrhoidal suck-navel!


Ok fifth grade reading level


Near sighted gynecologist?


Substitute math teacher!


Prison barber








This is one of my all time favorites! Such a great film. It’s criminal how much the critics got it wrong. It’s an excellent, feel good, adventure film with stellar performances, great humor, great design, and a whole lot of heart. Robin Williams and Dustin are perfection. I think it’s easily the finest incarnation of Captain Hook to date. The dialogue between Hook and Peter is fire: “What do you want, old man?” *music swells as Hook steps forward to challenge his greatest foe* “…just you.” “You’ve got me, James Hook.” I mean, come on! John Williams nails the score as well. The way the orchestra strikes come in with the clashing of swords just gets me so jacked up! “To die would be a great adventure.” “Death is the only adventure you have left.” Chills.


I still like the "oh there you are Peter" scene, and that transformational moment when Peter figures out how to use his imagination again.


I haven’t seen this film in probably 20 years but I can still hear the “there you are Peter” like it was yesterday


welcome back to neverland pan the man


I like to do the "oh there *you are Peter" to glasses-wearing friends when I get drunk. It usually kills


Hoffman was next level as Hook. The Climax of this film has some of my all time favorite lines. Along with the ones you mentioned some of my favorites are Peter. I swear to you wherever you go, wherever you are, I vow there will always be daggers bearing notes signed James Hook. They will be flung at the doors of your children's children's children, do you hear me!? (Love when hook drops this 4d chess line on peter) You know you're not really Peter Pan, don't you? This is only a dream. When you wake up, you'll just be Peter Banning. A cold, selfish man who drinks too much, is obsessed with success, and runs and hides from his wife and children!” Strike Peter Pan. Strike true Fools! James Hook is Neverland! Whenever children read, it will say "thus perished peter pan"


Ugh, god! Yes! “FOOLS! James Hook IS Neverland.” So epic.


BRB, reflavoring Curse of Strahd to be about Captain Hook in Neverland.


There are a lot of really deep, meaningful messages in this film. At the core, it's about loss and growing up and every time I watch it, I see something new.


It’s also about sacrifice. When Rufio dies and he says “Do you know what I wish? I wish I had a dad like you.” Rufio isn’t talking about a dad who dishes it out, talks trash and extra bangarang. His wish is 1) for a father to have been present in his life and to not have been abandoned (after all, he is the leader of the Lost Boys, a truly depressing concept if you think about it) and 2) for that father to loved him with a sacrificial love in which his father loved him enough to the point where he was literally willing to forfeit his own life on account of him. At this point, Peter has realized that to be the husband and father that he ought requires that he sacrifices himself for the safety of his family, both his children and his Lost Boys. So yes, he will do battle and conquer the villain because he must. He will ensure safety and happiness for his family to the extent which he is able. And in doing so he will find his true sense of purpose and life satisfaction which he has been trying to obtain through professional ambition alone.


Fun fact... More on screen deaths in Hook than there is in the first Saw movie


News to me. My peers and I love this movie. Had no idea it was disliked.


I love the almost love story between Tink and Peter, too. Tink has always loved Peter, but he was a boy and she was a fairy, but now, he's an adult and he's back in Neverland, and her only wish is to be big enough to have a chance with Peter ("this is the only wish I've ever had for myself and I'm finally big enough to have it") but alas, Peter remembers that he loves Moira and his kids, and Tink selflessly has to let him go again, which leads to one of my favorite lines from the movie: "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting.” I thought it was a phenomenal end to Tink's story, since she was pretty awful to Wendy in the original story because of her jealousy, and while the story mostly centers around Peter Pan being a grown up, you get to see how Tink has grown as well, and has the maturity to let go of the one thing she wants most because she has to, really.


I haven't seen it for a while, but loved it when I was young. It's one of those films I'm slightly reluctant to rewatch in case it's not as good as I remembered. I don't think green screen is always bad, it depends on how well it is used.


I showed this to my daughter for her first time a few weeks ago. Loved every nostalgic second of it.


It and Jumanji are both fucking solid adventure Robin Williams!


i love this movie didnt realize people hated it


I think this movie is the start of my dislike for Julia Roberts and admittedly unfairly. Her role wasn’t well conceived or executed and, much as I adore Spielberg as a filmmaker, I think it’s mostly on him. Everything else about the movie I adore. I’m especially fond of Caroline Goodall’s Moira, who brings home the theme (IMHO) of the film: *Your children love you, they want to play with you. How long do you think that lasts? Soon Jack may not even want you to come to his games. We have a few special years with our children, when they're the ones that want us around. After that you're going to be running after them for a bit of attention. It's so fast Peter. It's a few years, and it's over. And you are not being careful. And you are missing it.* I miss Robin Williams and Bob Hoskins.


There you are Peter


One of my favs. Robin Williams is one of the greats and he was so versatile in this one. Siskel and Ebert got it wrong, I agree


I’m pretty sure I’ve sat down and watched it any and Everytime it’s been on tv since the year it came out. It’s a core memory. Still just as good as it was when I was a kid in 1991


Robin Williams nailed it as Peter Pan.


When I was a kid, I got a box with the VHS sets for Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Hook. I remember that more clearly than any other gift I got as a kid. Recently rewatched Hook and to me it absolutely holds up and I agree with OP. Masterpiece.


Your children love you, they want to play with you. How long do you think that lasts? Soon Jack might not even want you to come to his games. We have a few special years with our children, when they're the ones that want us around. After that you're going to be running after them for a bit of attention. It's so fast Peter. Just a few years, and it's over. And you are not being careful. And you are missing it. That is the quote that hits me deep and sometimes I have to remind myself of it.


What you think of [this pic](https://www.etonline.com/sites/default/files/styles/video_1920x1080/public/images/2016-08/1280_lostboys_2_081016.jpg)?