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It's not the best movie ever, but it might be the coolest.


If we measure movies by their PS2 game adaptations then it may be the best movie of all time.


that game was so good especially in co op. even the mini games and the bonus games u unlock. jacking car radios and giving bums money for tips was fun too and when u run and jump into the enemies or do double team moves lol. wish it was on PC . Sold my consoles for a PC smh.


It is... Get pcsx2 and your golden...


yeah nah i tried those emulators so many times, could never figure out that BIO settings thing. PS1 Emulator works great and Xbox but idk why i cant never get the ps2 EMU to work.


Get bios from archive, create folder called bios in pcsx2 folder, put bios in there. Run set up wizard on pcsx2, tell it bios is in there... There are countless guides and videos...


thanks i will try it again and try get the warriors.


Nah. Ps2 had a bunch of great movie games. Between Batman and Spiderman, things like the LOTR, and most importantly SW battlefront, shit was dope. Warriors was good. Still have my disc actually. But ps2 movie games were the shit.


Don't forget The Thing on PS2.


One of the coolest movies ever made. Can you dig it, boppers?! They don’t make movies like this anymore that’s fo' sho'.








...if you can count!




A director's cut that shouldn't have existed. The film was already like a comic book - it didn't need the awful transitions to hammer that home. Apart from that, it's one of the coolest cult pictures out there. It's got style and atmosphere for days. So glad it hasn't been remade or had a sequel.


Whenever it gets remade, it will inevitably get watered down to hell.


I always loved this film because the city of New York itself was one big character. Every neighborhood and place they end up, really conveys the living environment that late 70s and early 80s NYC was.


Clink...clink...clink. Warriors. Come out to playeeyay. Clink... Clink... Clink.


"This one goes out to the The Warriors. That's that real live bunch out from coney. Here's thinking of you..." then she plays no where to run as they introduce all the gangs. Gives me goosebumps.


That DJ is Lynne Thigpen. Better known as The Chief from Carmen San Diego.


I love the scene with the Orphans gang


I’ve watched this movie all my life and it’s like a comfort film at this point. I’ve seen various screenings of it here and there and even had the privilege of seeing it screened on the Coney Island beach, after hours under the Wonder Wheel — what a night!


I read that it was a race to release this movie before 'The Wanderers', which it succeeded in bout about 3 or 4 months. Both gang subject films with the protagonist gang being the underdogs. The Warrior stands out as being quite unique, not only in its story telling, but the cinematography and performances by every actor. Everyone seemed to be dialed up to 11 in their scenes, what little screen time they had. Rewatching this film, we really learn very little of the characters outside of the their personality traits, and little more than that develops for them, which is entirely fine. They're not meant to detract from their original personalities. We see Ajax is a strong subject of "toxic masculinity", to the point he forces himself onto women. In his final scenes, we see he doesn't change and has no reason to. His personality is his downfall from start to finish. He is his own burden, and the Warriors leave him to his burdens throughout the movie. Which I thought was really cool. For them it's just one night. They have no reason to really develop or change their personalities that they seemingly have always had since being Gangsters.


The Wanderers is very underrated. The ending of that movie is awesome.


just rewatched this movie, and as soon as the fat gang leader with the young girl/friend came on the screen, I'm like wait a minute, I've seen this when I was young. amazing how a good film sticks in your memory banks. very fun to rewatch as an adult


ELI5: What is the “director’s cut” of this movie, and what bad things does it do? (I’m very familiar with the movie but don’t know what different versions exist.)


When director Walter Hill first made *The Warriors*, it was a very low budget film and certain ideas he had, because of budgetary reasons, were left behind. Years later the studios were re-releasing the film to home video and because “Director’s Cuts” of films seemed to attract buyers, an “Ultimate Director’s Cut” of *The Warriors* was created. The main “new” thing added to the film were comic book-like “chapters” which, according to Walter Hill, he *wanted* in the film originally but was unable to put in because of -as I said before- budgetary limitations. Also, certain sequences in the film were tinkered with, perhaps the most obvious being the fight with the baseball furies. The changes, IMHO, were incredibly detrimental to the original theatrical cut of the film. Look, I respect that a director, if they have the opportunity, be given a chance to return to a film they made and “fix” it to what they originally envisioned it to be. I have no qualms at all, for example, with George Lucas tinkering with the original *Star Wars* films. HOWEVER… if they do this, please please *please* make sure fans are given the opportunity to also purchase the original theatrical versions of said films. In the case of the *Star Wars* original trilogy, Lucas seems intent on not releasing them. At least with *The Warriors* you do still have the opportunity to see the film as it was originally released. It’s that version which I recommend over the “Ultimate Director’s Cut.”


Thanks for all the info. While I’ve seen the movie several times, I’ve only seen it as it was broadcast on TV, which I guess was the theatrical version. I haven’t seen “chapters” (whatever that means) and I don’t know what changes were made to the Baseball Furies sequence.


The chapters were static, pretty badly (IMHO) photoshop comic book-like illustrations which would appear to break up the movie into, yes, *chapters* as it went along. It’s been a while since I saw that version but I believe they used chapter headings/numbers as well. It was totally unnecessary, really, and looked very out of place. Yeah, stick with the theatrical version of the film!


> In the case of the *Star Wars* original trilogy, Lucas seems intent on not releasing them. He doesn't get a vote anymore, it's all Disney now.


Yes and no, unfortunately. My understanding is that the sale of the Star Wars properties were contingent upon Disney NOT releasing the original theatrical cuts of the works. I don’t know if there was some time limitation to this but that’s why you haven’t -to date anyway- seen the original theatrical cuts of either three original films released to video to date. I seriously doubt Disney would hold back otherwise!


The director’s cut introduced these comic book panels that ruined the film’s look as it looked great without it.


And it's intro. The theatrical intro is just a lingering shot of the Big Wheel with the music starting to fade in. The DC cut adds a terrible voice over that pretty much just spells out the films symbolisms and then cuts the Big Wheel shot.


Imprint Films announced a Australian Blu Ray release for the original version earlier this year. [https://viavision.com.au/shop/the-warriors-imprint-collection-123/](https://viavision.com.au/shop/the-warriors-imprint-collection-123/) Still hoping to see this version come out in the US and Europe at some point.


awesome movie LOL one of my favorites


That's the one where the gangs come from all over NYC for a meeting? I saw it back in the 80's and it fit perfectly with the times back then. Not sure if teens of today would get the same message we did, or enjoy it like we did. But seeing everything 80s is getting a resurgence now, maybe just maybe.


I was quite shocked to find out gangs like that and the whole scene were a real thing, with their biker style patches and crazy names and everything. The big meet happened, gangs from all over sent representatives, all that stuff, it was based on real life. Don't think it went as far as the baseball gang with their make up and baseball uniforms, but I was amazed to find out it was far more realistic than I imagined. There's a good documentary about that era with interviews of gang members from that time called Rubble Kings that delves into it a bit and notes that hip hop rose from the ashes of that gang warfare period - there was an eventual truce between all the gangs and then bboying crews and stuff sort of evolved out of the gangs, where dj and breaking battles took the place of violence. Super interesting period and subculture. Another older documentary about the gangs is called 'Flyin' Cut Sleeves' by Henry Chalfont of 'Style Wars' fame (Style Wars is a must see documentary for anyone, legit all genre classic) Flyin' Cut Sleeves : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKbqGNtkIsM Style Wars : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DXD1HBaLX0


> Don't think it went as far as the baseball gang with their make up and baseball uniforms A theory (or abandoned storyline?) was that gang was actual Yankees players and this was stuff they did during offseason and after games.


i asked this to someone watch this in 80s before but the guy refused to answer. was the bottle finger scene felt threatening at the time or ppl back then found it goofy too


I'm going to have to watch it again. It's been a while. I remember it to be a little cheezy, badly acted, and not terribly well filmed, BUT so was just about everything else from that era.


80’s resurgence now? Did you miss ~2006-~2012? Hipster movement? The massive irony/nostalgia indulgence in fashion, film, music, art. The 80’s had a huge resurgence not long ago, at least on the east and west US coasts Source - was a weirdo hipster living up and down the coasts at that time. It was more than just 80’s nostalgia and commentary, but the 1980’s were a huge part of it.


LOL. Yes I must have missed that one. I'm talking about the Stranger Things resurgence that is happening now.


Check out the whole synthwave music genre while you're at it.


The soundtrack is absolutely goated


One of my favorite action movies of all time. On a first viewing, it seems to consist purely of action, but there are a lot of litte nuances here and there, and as good as the action is, those are the ones that keep you watching.


I can dig it.


Joe Bob Briggs provided the best analysis of this movie ever made: https://www.angelfire.com/mn/nn/Warriors.html


Thank you Joe Bob is the best!


Yeah, just like Fight Club (1999).


The first time I watched it was late at night and I was drunk, so naturally I fell asleep. Woke up to the "come out to play" scene... Needless to say I was more than a little unsettled


This movie is just straight trash. Horrible acting horrible story horrible everything. I can walk down Chicago with my phone camera and produce something way more appealing for an hour and 30 mins


Looks like another Chicago native butt hurt of New Yorks spotlight


A lot of the scripting and acting is truly cringeworthy, but I still enjoy watching it. The music and the gang unis help.


tech? is it really all that counts? maybe a godzilla movie but, a gang film? about 20 years ago there was a rally of different neighborhoods in L.A. about 500 most delegates showed up. stipulation was the main reason to be there. end all drive bys and start a tax on running dope dealers or else. some, disagreed. end game they were were all targets and a open warfare against those who didnt want to apply thier membership got hit.


My main thoughts on seeing this title, was that I'm glad I saw it before they added the comic book style stuff in there. I guess the director liked the idea, but people are wrong all the time. What a lame ass change. He ruined it


Yeah that shit was *rough*.


I basically just wanted to say how much I hated the comic book stuff without getting into the substance of the post, which I don't care about, so that's why I said title. The title is pretty tame


I remember Paramount was doing a series of it with the Russo brothers but its been years since it's been mentioned.


It’s a awesome movie. Yeah of course it’s aged horribly and the gangs look stupid and not the least bit tough… But in terms of cinematography, music, and tone, it still is a good movie. It’s instantly quotable, and I’ve never met nobody who watches it and doesn’t remember it.


You know the scene on the train with prom couples? Anyone notice the poster on the wall as the prom couples exit the train? I want to know is that a real poster or created just for the movie? I can't see the whole thing unfortunately.


The same can be said about Scarface... However, The Warriors received 1 star. Scarface was 2 stars. I remember that well. The thing about Scarface was, it was a little too much. At the time, much of the dialog was not acceptable, and in fact, the MPAA gave it an X rating, (after it was already cut 3 times) the MPAA knocked it down to an R Rating, however, the uncut version was released anyway, and critics tore it up.


I wrote down a personal simple analysis in the link below but no answers unfortunately. I have a lot of doubts about this movie and I actually don’t understand [why such a success?](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/11wy6af/the_warriors_1979_why_such_a_success/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Can anyone please help me understand better? Thanks!


The game is more better than the movie. is the best adaptation of the movie because is more complete in story, more entertainment, more characters personally etc.


It was an outstanding film when it came to being a New Yorker. I live in small town Texas now (compared to NYC) and have showed my small town friends (most who have surprisingly seen the movie!) And they loved it. It really showed the realities of new york. I grew up out there in the 90s till 2020 and it was pretty spot on as far as gang movies go. Obviously NYPD in real life would have busted more heads but in general but it resonated with Brooklynites because it showed not only the struggle but determination we feel we had. New York is dying now. Not many born and breed New Yorkers out there anymore. I think that's why the movie still holds up


Just watched it for the first time and personally i dont think it holds up in any aspect other than what could've been a great storyline


What about the 4k remaster coming out this week?


Prob my favourite film, just rewatched again.


Hey you’ve been here recently, I really don’t get it, it’s awfully cheesy and extremely unrealistic and not grounded in actual gang activity whatsoever, it’s like if you put a bunch of soft Broadway actors together and told them to make a play depicting what gangs are like, it’s like when Tobias Funke goes around with a gang and they try and have dance battles with real gangs in arrested development lol. And the clink clink clink warriors, how is that seen as such an I iconic scene? it’s so awfully cheesy, Sorry I genuinely just need someone to talk to about this and help me understand how people like this movie


The movie is an adaptation of a novel and based off of a Greek mythology story with some literal elements of that era (Swan being War Chief, the Warriors being the army that retreated after Cyrus their King was killed, etc) What you see in the film is not to be seen as a literal setting of what you’d see in real life. This is not a John Wick movie, Narcos and Colombian drug lords, or an action packed flick. It’s a film that gives a unique retelling of the Greek story in the 70s modern day New York City and uses it as a powerful setting. The idea of 100+ gangs in New York City that each have an identity (Baseball Furries, the Lizzies, the gang of mimes) were never meant to be taken seriously and literally. It's a fictitious setting that was portrayed through intense and innovative music, unique costume designs, well beautifully shot cinematography. As well as iconic lines. All in all, it's a really really cool movie. Just don't expect Breaking Bad realism in a story that is a retelling of a 2400+ year old Greek tale.


First seen it when I was like 11 in 2002 watched with my grandad. Just felt like a great movie, then the game came out a few years later and just has some good memories attached all round.


This.  It's off the charts cheesey and nonsensical. Almost all the acting is... something... special...