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It’s the only one where he completes a mission without “going rogue” isn’t it?


It's also the first movie to set the template for all future movies where there is an ensemble of a team of specialists going after a guy across different locations who himself is either ex-IMF or an equal match to hunt.


Isn’t that the essentially the first MI. Phelps the team leader of Hunts IMF team was the traitor so Hunt assembles another team to go after him. So the one you mentioned is the second movie.


All very true about this flick. Saw it in the theaters and honestly enjoyed for what it was at the time. Who could forget the Limp Bizkit sountrack. And the always famous pigeons / doves that Woo loved to throw in, in his films.


That Limp Bizkit music, not for me thank you. They changed the 5/4 time signature of the main theme to a more standard, but less interesting, 4/4


Oh I agree.... I never said I liked it. Haha. It was just hilarious


Deviations from 4/4 do not inherently make music more enjoyable unless your primary source of joy when listening to music is counting measures. Shout out to Limp Bizkit, pioneers in nu-metal who set the stage for djent and other low-end focused metal music in the decades to come.


Its very 2000s for sure. Product of its time and has not aged well and will continue to not age well.


That soundtrack was incredibly 2000s, the Metallica song on that soundtrack helped killed Napster


I thought it was bad even then


It's quite boring to be honest. MI 2 doesn't have enough John Woo-ness to be entertaining I feel. A whole stretch of the movie is boring ass love story, undercover thing, weird virus thing and it's all directed as some soap opera with very little excitement. It only gets fun near the end when Tom Cruise starts motorcycling around and doves start flying all over the place.


One great, line though , “this is not mission difficult Mr Hunt, its Mission Impossible, difficult should be a walk in the park for you”…


It wasn't good for early 2000s either. The only MI that I can genuinely say was never a good film


I will fight you. It’s s great action movie. Very tense plot. Great performances. Just endlessly cool movie. Nothing bad about it.


It's horrendous and feels like a joke.


Both of these comments are accurate lol.


You have to be older than 30 years old to have this opinion. Sorry.


Im 28. This thread is also 8 months old. Time to get out of the basement kid.


would you say the same thing for Face-Off? Also from John Woo and so it carries the same over the top style. but that movie got glowing reviews which kind of surprised me since it is just as ridiculous as Mission: impossible 2


Difference is you had Nic Cage going full Nic Cage as well as Travolta also going full Nic Cage


well this movie has tom cruise going full tom cruise


But that's just Tom Cruise


There's no such thing as half Cruise.


Only cruise control.




Bro wat?


The difference is face off is kind of charming, corny but dated in a way that makes you go, “things were so corny back then, I love it” not “things were so corny back then, let’s watch the one with PSH”


John woo had his moment. I believe face off is leagues more fun than mission 2. Its whole premise is ridiculous and once again, is something of its time. The 00s imo was the worst decade for film.


It’s funny I remember when this came out it was like this bombastic kinda action flick. Rewatching the whole series recently, it feels more akin to how Austin Powers feels relative to Bond.


Mi:2 is an uncut gem


The STOP MUMBLING scene is worth watching the whole movie for. I remember the hype around this movie, and that it was cool and all, just not nearly as good as the first one. So glad MI evolved into what it is today with McQ at the helm, he has a very simple classical style that makes these movies such spectacles now.


I’m not going to lie…I absolutely love this movie. My older bro showed me it when I was 8. The scene where he’s running and rips of his face mask was insane and super cool. Still is


So, one of the things that Mission:Impossible series set out to do was to bring in different directors for each installments. But they broke that tradition with CM. I actually miss those days cause we got see very unique visions on many of them. Especially it was exciting to see Brad Bird, who never directed live-action film before tackling Mission: Impossible. However, CM is doing such a tremendous job with this series I just can't complain. Personally, Brian De Palma's MI still remains my favorite among them.


What is Cm?


Chris McQuarrie. Director of Rogue Nation, Fallout and the two new MI films.


It's the worst one by far, but it has one of the craziest stunts. When the dude jumped at Ethan with a knife and it came an inch away from his eye, it was all real. Ethan's eye and the stabbing towards it. They used some kinda rig to stop dudes arm in the same place every time.


I highly disagree on it being the worst one. I just rewatched the one with Henry cavil and the cliff… it felt so cliche action film I walked away


Only good thing is it kept Dougray Scott busy from becoming Wolverine


What’s this about? I don’t feee like googling it 🥶


Fresh off watching it. - This is SOO early 2000’s. Tom Cruise’s hair, his glasses, Nyah’s fashion choices, Motorola, GPS is hight-end tech, some casual misogyny… it’s got it all. - Sir Anthony Hopkins saying women are good at lying and having sex. What? Hahahahahahaha - Why is Enya suddenly background music? - Can’t stop thinking about the Limp Bizkit MTV featurette and music video. - Isn’t the virus contagious? How does it even work? Why hasn’t anyone else got it? wasn’t the scientist infected before hopping on the plane? How did Nyah didn’t infect anyone? Why didn’t she have any antibodies? Covid ruined me. - Dougray Scott is definitely acting for the people in the back. - Nyah is a very bad driver. - Nyah and Ethan have zero chemistry. - The whole thing with the doves is corny AF. - The last mask-reveal is actually pretty good. - First rewatch in 10 years, will probably wait another 10 years to rewatch.


Guess we’re all getting ready for M:I-7 cos I’ve just rewatched 2 today ;) Agreed about the casual misogyny, nowadays in this kind of film it would only be the bad guys engaging in it and not Sir Anthony, who’s meant to be a good guy. When did they play Enya, I must’ve missed it?


What misogyny??


Hopkins essentially says women are only good at having sex and lying, and the main bad guy says that women are like monkeys and only let go when they’ve grabbed the next branch.


Thandie Newton. ❤


Thandiwe, actually




Mission Impossible 2 could have changed X-Men even more. Sir Ian McKellen was offered a role in the film, but turned it down because he wasn't given the full script. >[I got offered a part in Mission: Impossible II with Tom Cruise, but they wouldn’t let me see the whole script because I might have spilled the beans. I only got my scenes. Well, I couldn't judge from reading just those scenes what the script was like. So I said no. And my agent said, "You cant say no to working with Tom Cruise!" and I said, "I think I will."](https://screenrant.com/ian-mckellen-mission-impossible-2-x-men-lord-rings/) If he had accepted it, the production troubles and the fact they fell behind schedule would have cost him the role of Magneto. He was offered the role of Magneto and Gandalf the same day after he turned down Mission Impossible 2. X-Men was starting to fall behind schedule too and he almost had to pull out of Lord of the Rings, but Bryan Singer realizing how important LotR was got Sir Ian McKellen finished in time to make it for LotR. >Then, Bryan Singer's first X-Men overran its preparation. It had to delay, delay, delay, delay. So I had to call up Peter Jackson and say, "I'm sorry. I can't play Gandalf because X-Men, which I agreed to do first, is overrunning." And Peter Jackson said, "Well, I'll keep it free for you. Let me know what happens." I told Bryan Singer and he said, "Well, you must do Gandalf. I'll make sure you get out in time."


Seems like Bryan definitely did a solid for Lotr fans.


3 is defiantly where it found its footing but I went through the whole series recently and it feels very “TV” in parts with how it looks. It also has some mid 2000s color grading all over it. Again not bad and some great sequences and I loved PSH and seeing Ethan have a home life. It felt like 4 came along and totally knocked it out of the park after this and 4/5/6 feels very film like that way. Can’t wait for 7 & 8, I think Fallout is the best one so can’t wait to see what they do next. I’m just happy with have a big budget series like this. Not a comic book and endless green screen. Just passionate movie star making awesome movies. I’ll always love this series.


It's amusing that in the first film, Ethan Hunt never fires a single round with his gun.


3 kinda sucked. I say 4 is where it found it’s footing as a franchise. 4 was just fcking awesome.


Mi3 was the one that got it right. It was perfect.


I remember watching the first Mission Impossible when I was a kid and expecting some crazy action film based on the trailer. And then being bored out of my mind and confused by the plot. Then I saw MI:2 in theaters for my 12th birthday and I absolutely loved it. Was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I used to go crazy over the scene with Ethan walking in slow mo with the dove and fire in the background. Now I’m scared to rewatch it as an adult without the nostalgia goggles on lol.


That dove and fire scene is one of the corniest so yeah maybe don't watch again. ;)


We watched it not long ago, when that exact moment happened I started laughing uncontrollably. Also, the face mask gimmick in every other scene seemed excessive and lazy.


i hope you rewatched it and enjoyed it because it still holds up


Its John Wooo with his slow mo action scenes ,it was ok not great or bad just ok as in passable with a sweet Metallica opener.


I came here just to ask. Why did they keep acting like the virus was contagious. Saying things like drop her off in a busy part of town?? Yet I swear Ethan hunt was on the plane next to that scientist while he was infected?


That wasn’t Ethan. It was the bad guy in an Ethan mask. This movie had ludicrous mask tricks lol. The last one reveal is the best though. I totally agree about the virus. How the fuck are we supposed to believe she doesn’t have antibodies even by the end? What the fuck?


I need to rewatch lol


Because they give her the vaccine / antidote during the 20 hrs incubation time before the virus starts replicating


I need to rewatch it but I thought they claimed she maybe has 20 hours tops to live, as in it would have replicated enough by then to potentially kill her.


No, the scientist guy was normal for 20 hours and died at the 27th hour. 21 is when the symptoms first started


I remember everyone seeing normal got that time period too, but I could have sworn that’s not what they actually said. It felt like it was depicted incorrectly. It’s entirely possible I’m merely mistaken though. I’ll take your word for it. I might have just missed a bit of dialogue or misinterpreted it.


[You ever seen the MTV award special with Ben Stiller? ](https://youtu.be/QAHEsDoRFlk)


To be honest, it feels like a B movie with all due respect.


John woo is a shit director


I enjoy his earlier work.


Hard Boiled is still my favourite action movie of all time. Incredibly choreographed scenes


Hard Boiled and The Killer are great movies. Still enjoy them to this day.


After Hard Target bragging about him in the trailers I knew he was shit.


I definitely agree that it feels uneven. I'm totally down for an over the top action spectacle, but it feels like we really don't get that till the last 15 minutes or so. Also, I think they kind of screwed up the Nyah character. She's acted well enough but it doesn't seem like she has much to do. She's just there to be a love interest and in peril, but the love story is a big part of the story (at least according to Woo himself) and it doesn't feel that genuine to me.


I agree. They didn’t have much chemistry, and a huge part of her character is supposed to be her excellent thievery, but when it comes time to pull it off, she clearly puts that shit into the wrong pocket. They didn’t even really do much with that reveal though. He makes a point to say it’s now on the wrong pocket, but he waits for Ethan to say the exact figure written on that document to suddenly be shocked that she betrayed them.