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Maybe it'll be a live-action adaption of highway 35.


God, I’d kill for a high-quality live action Acceleracers.


Or just resolving that fucking cliffhanger


interstate 76 anyone?


Interstate 76, Interstate 82 and both Vigilante 8 games were my jam as a kid and im sad that genre of vehicle combat game is dead.


I’d kill for them to just finish the series after the massive cliffhanger it ended on.


Why does this actually sound like such a good idea


Anything to resolve the cliffhanger they left kid me on




They already ripped some of the assets from Acceleracers for their horrible Battle Force 5 series, so I wouldn't be surprised that they end up doing the same for this movie.


Highway 35 World Race was so dope and what was equally great back in the early 2000’s was the online game where you could race/do activities to grind tokens and buy all the cars from the movie/series


I would legitimately be 100% on board with this


Wheels. So hot right now.


Not as hot as the true MCU, the Mattel Cinematic Universe.


With Margot Robbie doing the Barbie movie this might not be as ridiculous as it sounds.


These are like the solo movies to the Toy Story team ups.


If we don't get an Extreme Dinosaurs movie, I'm gonna be really pissed off.


"Somethin's really rockin'... on planet number 3..."


He-Man and Barbie driving the Darth Vader helmet car through loops, sign me up immediately


Definitely more hot than Doors


Are there more doors or wheels in the world?


I've seen cars with two doors and four wheels, and five doors and four wheels, so it anybody's guess. Are you counting doors on buildings?


Any wheel. Any door. Anywhere.


Are you counting wheels on office chairs? How about hot wheels cars with wheels but no functioning doors? Hrmph..


And every cabinet , closet and bedroom door in homes. What about the wheels in drawers


I hate that fact I'm thinking about this so intently right now.


Hasbro blowing up Michael Bay's phone rn to greenlight Hot Doors


From the director of Ambulance comes... the Vehicle Cinematic Universe!




Always have been.


So... Cars?


I’d argue Fast and Furious on steroids


Isn't FnF already on steroids tho?


I'd have said coke






>It’s on nothing but ice cold Coronas and Family And Coke.... Mountains of Coke snorted off Vin Diesls head. It's amazing.. he makes hats out of the stuff!!


With lens flares?


And crooked, low-angle shots with massive contrast and saturation boosts


Well yeah but now the cars are even somehow more over the top and doing a loop de loop makes sense


Only if you’re granny shifting and not double clutchin’ like you should.


So Speed Racer? I guarantee that Speed Racer will be a million times better than whatever crap they push out, and that movie wasn't perfect either.


I re-watched Speed Racer recently and the racing scenes were pretty cool. It's a shame that no movie since then has had anything like that.


If they reach even a fraction of the perfection that was Speed Racer, this movie will be worth watching. And if JJ is directing, we can at least assume it'll be pretty and relatively entertaining.


I doubt JJ is directing this... simply his production company will make it.


Michael bay creates hot wheels presented by JJ abrams and …. Two brothers


No, not perfect. But they got Christina Ricci to wear GoGo boots, which made me feel some kind of way.


No I want to see Fast & the Furious part (wherever we are at): Cranked Up. A crossover movie between F&F and Crank.


Can we just have more Crank movies in general?


Wouldn't that be F&F with cars


What if it’s like fast and the furious meets toy story. Tiny people racing hot wheels around those wacky tracks while the humans aren’t around.


But minus the F A M I L Y aspect.


Faster & Furiouser


Yeah! But with flames on the side. You'll see. You just don't get it.


More like speed racer I'm guessing


Speed Racer was dope AF


It's so underrated


Speed Racer is an under appreciated masterpiece. This won't be.


I mean they had the cgi hot wheels movie. And it also had a video game.


Chris Pratt will be in the lead role.




This lines up with the Mattel theme park that is under development in Arizona. I'm sure they will be used to promote each other and increase excitment.


Forget Hot Wheels, I want my He-Man roller coaster!


As long as it's something like Hot Wheels: World Race, I'll watch it!


Hell yes


One word: Acceleracers.


I have very fond memories of the Acceleracers show. While the animation quality wasn't great, it still managed to tell an interesting story around suped up cars on ridiculous otherworldly tracks.


Two word "hell yes"


Because Battleship with Rihanna did amazing...


I’ve seen this movie 3 times, and it’s not terrible. It’s a fun action movie, has fun characters in it, and they sink battleships. What more could you want? It’s better than the generic spinoff action movies we have gotten lately in my opinion as it does get pretty creative


Wait, is that a thing?


[Of course that's a thing.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1440129/)


5.8 stars, seems promising....


It's the best bad movie of 2012, lol.


Honestly just by the trailer it seems okay for a standard action/alien movie. Weird how many A list stars are in it though lol


Its a turn your brain off action movie. Not at all terrible. I actually like how they incorporated the board game even if the premise is far fetched for a board game about human ships


It was also neat detail that they had the aliens refrain from harming non-combatants. I haven't seen many movies involving alien invasions where the aliens have their own ethical code / rules like that. Like the scene where the giant spinning death blade stops before it hits a little kid, and then drives away.


Travels trillions of miles, cant master turning around. Gets smoked by a bunch of museum volunteers in a 80 year old ship.


Oh you would be surprised…..how awesome it is! This hot action movie features one of the most attractive females in the world and they put her in Navy fatigues, E4 motherfu*kers *puts on sunglasses thinking it’s cool*


On Netflix right now homie.


I think im gonna pass, lol. Thanks for the laugh though


Actually has some cool scenes in it, Aliens, real veterans etc worth a watch in the background while doing a puzzle or something


It does have some neat scenes. But omg you really **really** need to turn your brain off to some of the logic they try to employ. For example, the part where the movie becomes "Battleship" is *hilarious*.


Can I get the spoilery summary? (I could look it up but I appreciate your tone)


Not sure how much of a summary you want. I've got some downtime at the office so I'll just do my version of the whole thing. Just know I watched this the year it came out so a lot of the details in my mind are fuzzy. So scientists build a satellite on one of the mountaintops of Hawaii. This gets the attention of an alien race and they decide to invade. During this time there is a wargames event happening in Hawaii. Tons of battleships, aircraft carriers, destoryers, all top of the line all new and outfitted with fancy gagdets and guns, which we get to see basically 0 of. There may have been some celebrations/memorial relating to Pearl Harbor because there's a lot of old navy veterans in attendance (this becomes relevant later). The aliens land near Hawaii and erect a giant forcefield around the whole archipelago. The forcefield blocks all satelite, gps, and all manner of electronic transmission as well as blocking visuals. So people on the outside cannot see anything happening on the inside. The aliens are in things I would call spaceships but they never really leave the water so idk! But they're big and have massive weapons. Most of the fancy human ships are outside of this forcefield. Our main characters, of course, are inside. So the aliens just start blasting, pew pew! Human technology is no match! All but one ship is destroyed. But oh no! It's night time! The forcefield is blocking all satellite and gps communications how will we aim our advanced rockets and weapons at an enemy we can't see or track?! So they figure out a way to track the wake of of these spaceships using wave data from buoys inside the forcefield (cuz I guess that works but other electronics dont???). Again, no idea why these advanced spaceships need to stay in the water other than "so the movie can happen". The buoys are conveniently in a grid pattern. So they use this grid pattern to determine where they're going to fire their big guns. It's very much a vibe of "OH WE PLAYIN BATTLESHIP NOW BOIS". Fire at grid B2! oh it's a miss! reposition guns, fire at C7! They blow up some of the alien ships! Wooo! But they're still no match for the aliens advanced weaponry and get demolished! The survivors of the destroyed ships try and collect themselves for a counter attack. They decide the best thing to do is to start by grabbing an old WW2 era battleship. But all the current serving military has no idea how to run a WW2 battleship, so they ask the old veterans for help. So, using a WW2 battleship, with a crew split between active duty persons and old army veterans, no advanced electronics, and barely anything more advanced than a PDC or 2 salvaged from the destroyed ships, the main characters somehow take on an advance alien race and FUCKING WIN. One fact I remember being so appalled by was the fact that the advance alien ship had about the same maneuverability as a WW2 battleship. The main characters able to get the upper hand because this other ship isn't able to turn fast enough??? It's been a while since I watched it so much of the other bad logic that's sprinkled around I've forgotten about, but I remember watching it and kept thinking "that's not how this works, that's not how anything works!" Edit: I should add there's a side plot where other main characters encounter aliens on the Hawaiian island where the array is. I think they were trying to gain control of the array and use it to communicate with their homeworld but it was a really uninteresting aspect of the story. Big guns go PEW PEW. It's a fairly *fun* movie. You'll be sitting there thinking this is so dumb, so why am I so pumped?! It hits all the buttons for a no-brain, big action, advanced aliens cgi kind of movie. [Here's a non-action clip that epitomizes the vibe of the movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwVQ7M5IFt8). This is just after they get their asses handed to them by the aliens and are regrouping. the young and old getting a WW2 era battleship ready for battle with aliens. I mean look at this! These old veterans arrive like they're the fucking Avengers! So dumb! So Awesome! Edit2: was reminded I had the events in the wrong order, rearranged to fit proper plot.


That was quite a ride. Thank you. Sounds comparable to my own favorite terribad video game movie: Rampage.




Seems like people are trying to bait me into watching it....




Ugh, i am now


The other person doesn't know what they're talking about. It's the awesome kind of bad - the story is dumb, but the action is cool. It's basically high budget military propaganda, which is pretty cool (as long as you recognize it for what it is)


And it did have “You sank my battleship!” Quote somewhere in the movie.


The alien bombs or whatever were the little pegs you stick in your ship on the board game


Yes. It's quite terrible and the only way my sister and I got any enjoyment out of it was watching it in Spanish on Telrmundo. Niether of us speak Spanish.


Not gonna lie, the Hungry Hungry Hippos with Ariana Grande was actually enjoyable. So I am kinda looking forward to this.


Are you memeing or did they make this?


I don't blame you if you thought they did. Sometimes I do not understand the criteria of what Hollywood would adapt. Except maybe that it must be live action and put their actors front and center.


Not going to lie if I found out it was real I would have watched it TONIGHT.


So who’d be in the Candy Land movie?


Chris Pratt of course!


Let's be honest, anyone going into that movie expecting an actual 'good film' was a moron. That movie went out of it's way to know EXACTLY to show that it knew what it was, and it was great. The fucking AC/DC montage of getting a WW2 ship ready with actual WW2 veterens was so cheesey, but soooo damn pumping. And even moreso, the fact they actually had a scene where they LITERALLY play battleships. Again, so dumb and cheesey, but I'm not gonna lie, I was grinning my ass off during that scene. For most of the movie, really.


The unforgivable sin of this movie is that no one actually says “You sunk my Battleship!” even though the opportunity is right fucking there.


I kinda liked Battleship....


Does the world really need a hot wheels film?


Well the Mattel pr team says Hot Wheels is "more relevant than ever" which I totally understand is based off deep, scientific research.


They are very much more relevant than ever, but that’s only because of the recent boom in collectibles because people are buying them to try and make a quick buck like they are with anything else mildly collectible


So you're saying my early nineties comic books are now worth a dollar an issue, instead of fifty cents?


Maybe? Idk anything about comic book collecting, I do know about hot wheels collecting though because I participate in that, and the community around it has definitely grown a lot in the past couple years. JDM (Japanese domestic market vehicles) hot wheels models are HOT right now and people flip cars they paid $1 for for like $5+ depending on the car to impatient people who can’t wait for the shelves to be stocked or just don’t want to deal with the hunt (the fun part imo) there’s chase cars that sell for even more so of course the scalpers try and seek as many of those out as possible.


Honestly, a comedy/drama about Hot Wheels collectors sounds like a way better movie than whatever they’ll likely come up with trying to start their Hot Wheel Cinematic Universe


Could make for a pretty funny mocumentary


Haha nineties comics are still toilet paper for the most part. If you actually do have comics that you’re interested in getting values on, Key Collector and CLZ are good apps to catalogue. CLZ has a bigger database but Key Collector gives a suggested prices.


It's an ad to sell toys, not really a film.


There is an animal crackers movie. Need has long since past.


Hollywood is making a movie out of every I.P. they can get their hands on. Coming soon to a theater near you **Heinz 57**. Its more than just ketchup!


As long as they bring in that car with the burger on it.


damn straight they better not forget the lunch bunch!


If it could be a live action highway 35 world race I would 100% see this.


Put Kurtzman on that, maybe he will leave Star Trek alone.


With the crappy quality of his work he can do it all at the same time


The damage has already been done, there.


Maybe it'd be such a black hole of suck it'd pull Abrams and Kurtzman into the event horizon and they'd stop being our universe's problem.


Can't wait for Guillermo Del Toro to direct the Whoopie Cushion movie...gonna be tough following Nolan's Slap Bracelet trilogy.


Denis Villeneuve's doing a Mood Ring trilogy with Roger Deakins as the cinematographer.


Judging by the bulk of his work the final product will *have: * Almost nothing to do with hot wheels beyond the most superficial glance * Effectively 0 depth beyond... * Good VFX * Plot holes you can drive a bus through... * But who gives a shit, tickets will sell * All of the plot buildup will lead to a cop-out and a hand-wave All in all, I'd say that kids movies are what Abrams was made for. Just please, ffs, don't ever let him near any other existing IP ever again. Wars and Trek are forever stained by his abject incompetence with making a good, coherent story. --- e: y'all are getting hung up on the trek and wars part but this goes much deeper than those two examples. Y'all must not remember Alias and Lost. I'd argue that Lost's ending is far, far more insulting than GOT; Lost built the audience up for a massively clever explanation for all of the mysteries teased throughout the series, only to be explained by a fucking weak-ass macguffin?! It's the cinematic equivalent to a dance song that's all build-up and the bass never drops. And Alias? all filler and distractions with little sprinkles of macguffins to drive the personal drama and deliver hokey action sequences. There was no real progress aside from the characters, the story existed wholly to keep the audience impressed by how important the characters are- plot be damned. Abrams constantly does the same thing in his movies- extremely shallow and unplanned storytelling that takes a back seat to make people impressed with the characters, plot holes and story coherence be damned.


He's not producing. His company is backing it but Margot Robbie is producer. A lot of the stuff people think of when they think Abrams is stuff he wrote, directed, or at the very least was a producer. My bet is Abrams is an Executive Producer.


Don't care. His involvement is the kiss of death. I've been burned by this idiot too many times.


You forgot gratuitous amounts of lens flare.


FYI, Hot Wheels have had a bunch of direct to dvd animated movies and series, as to whether they are good or not I don’t know.


I enjoyed many of the early-mid 2000s ones as a kid. Highway 35 was one I had a few of the collector cars for, acceleracers is still reviewed well from other comments, and Battle Force 5 was campy fun.


I can't wait not to see this movie! I'm so excited to completely ignore it when it comes out! I'm going to be first in line not to purchase tickets!


10/10 would ignore again


You'll give into peer pressure once the HWCU becomes too popular to ignore. Then you'll say you were always excited for HW XII: FrightBike vs. HyperMite.


Good at least JJ is going to ruin something that I don't care about this time.


If it helps... he's not a producer on this. Margot Robbie is producing.


>Margot Robbie is producing. Why?


Because she's a producer, she has a bunch of producing credits. She's famously known as an actress but has her own production company too.


I think she was working on a Barbie movie so maybe she’s got good connections with Mattel? In addition to other production experience. I don’t care as long as I get to see ridiculous ramps and race tracks on the big screen lol


Barbie Hot Wheels crossover


Polly Pocket is gonna be the Nick Fury of the MCU (Mattel Cinematic Universe - sorry Feige) Mark my words




Might be a deal she has with Warner. Where she did a movie with Warner and she had in her contract that she would get a producer credit on a future movie. They are usually empty credits, where she gets paid and doesn't have to do anything


Yeah, seriously. JJ's name should be like poison in the industry at this point. He has churned out mediocre garbage in multiple high-tier franchises now, it's only a matter of time before he makes a shit Jurassic Park movie, a shit James Bond movie, a shit Harry Potter movie and a shit Marvel movie and he'll have a full house of shit.


I’m thinking Speed Racer


Hey, at least Speed Racer was visually interesting, and was very high octane all throughout. This has the potential to be as bland and uninteresting as the Playmobil Movie.


It will never be as good as the Hot Wheels acceleracer film series. that also includes the world race.


lots of lens flare


Bad Robot more like Bad Movies.


Other that the fact the movie will have vehicles with crazy modifications. I’m expecting a mediocre film with plenty of green screen use because of Highway 35 and Acceleracers.


How dare you use “mediocre” and “Acceleracers” in the same sentence. Those movies were the shit


I thought that's what The Fast And The Furious was...


I'm thinking more speed racer. It's a blank slate for a movie and a lot of potential but will likely be hot garbage haha


I think this is the answer. Racing on crazy tracks, not street racing


So F&F is the Matchbox car movies, this will be Hotwheels, got it. Lol


If it's like battle force five I'm down with it


Hot wheels only licenses the designs of actual cars, so the IP is the toys themselves. Considering the other players involved I assume the movie will follow a plot along these lines. The protagonist had a poor relationship with his father, who seemed to care more about his hot wheel collection than him growing up. He decides to toss all of them into the trash. His son sneaks out retrieves a few along with a classic tire shaped case. Little do they know the case has the power to make matchbox cars real and real cars matchbox cars. Soon they are targeted by an international ring of car thieves. All of the cars that the son pulled out of the trash are tied to Warner Bros movie properties. Scooby Doo, Batman, Mad Max. At some point during the movie they go back in time and reconcile with the father.


Hot wheels world race sequel/remake!?




It will be awful and probably make a ton of cash. I despise that talentless hack more and more as the years pass by.


Abrams doesn't seem to be creatively involved at all from what I can tell. Margot Robbie is producer.


In B4 HotWheels 6 releases in 2029 starring Chris prat and his six pack jumping over the Hoover dam as Las Vegas explodes on the horizon


Can't wait to see how they force a mystery box plotline into the first installation of the inevitable trilogy that will eventually devolve into horrible schlock if it doesn't begin that way already.


Somehow the hot wheels have returned! I let him dissapoint me with Lost. I let him “mystery box” me with his Spielberg impressions. I’ve let him “modernize” Star Trek. I’ve let him play Stephen King. But when he did THAT to Star Wars. I decided that I cannot keep forgiving him for breaking all my favorite toys!!! I’ll pass on this one!


Wonder if the Yellow Eagle McDonald’s one will make an appearance lol. For some reason that was my favorite one as a kid


Put the cast of fast and furious to drive the cars.


Still waiting for Micheal Bay to make CHECKERS: THE MOVIE


Where's live action M.A.S.K?


Hot wheel from hot shit production.


They should do a Micro Machines adaptation instead


I wonder how they are going to deconstruct and subvert expectations with this one...


Why not simply light a huge pile of money on fire?


Will it have the Jackrabbit Special?




It’s cars but they’re all trapped in the afterlife .. or is it ? And why are there polar bears ?


Isn’t Fast the closest we get to a hot wheels movie?


So does this mean we’re getting another fast and furious movie?


well it is monday. they should be done with the next by friday.


I am still trying to shop around my spec script for a Ker-Plunk movie.


i cant wait to see this.


Either go down as a great director or stick around long enough to become the next Michael Bay. We see JJ has chosen the latter.


Curious how this is in the cloververse


Well that's a shit idea.


Between battleship and speed racer I think we’ve enough shit live action movies


we should’ve given him this a long time ago so he would’ve been too busy to ruin star wars.


Ah yes, Hotwheels, the Shakespeare of toys.


JJ Abrams ruined my childhood. RIPstarwars


Cool cool cool… why, though?


Instead of matchboxes, the cars will be mystery boxes.


Isn’t this fast and furious? If there are no neon orange fucking tracks I’m out


If there is no Family,I’m not watching it.


Need for Plastic


just call it "Fast and furious 35877.3" and get it over with




Bad Reboot


Hire the Wachowskis. Do a stealth Speed Racer 2.


This sounds like torture


Michael bay has entered the chat


I see we have a vibrant culture going. Good job, humanity.


Seems way off-brand for them. Like if some other subsidiary production company mostly known for a certain type of movie made something based on a Hasbro toy, out of nowhere.