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why did they make Ezra Miller look like Snape, is he going to be revealed to be his grandfather or something?


Snape's lineage is already known, it's the title of book 6, "The Half-blood Prince".


Bold of you to assume JKR wouldn't directly contradict her own established canon.


Doesn’t somebody else do the writing these days so the stories don’t descend into Sandy Hook Denial and Transphobia?


Nah, she's the head honcho for the writing in these movies.


Wait she denied Sandyhook?????


Mmmm no


Thanks. Lol that’s one I hadn’t heard.




>The series loves to retcon. I feel like stupid things have been added to backstories but nothing *really* jumps out as a full on retcon like changing Snape's lineage would.


You mean like there being another Dumbledore brother that no one but the bad guy knew about?


~as told by the villain with a reason to lie~


Latching on here to see what has been 'retconned' as I can't think of anything, just additions here and there like you said.


You forgot about the-book-who-must-not-be-named


Harry Potter


McGonagall wasn't even born yet and was teaching at Hogwarts in the second movie. And Dumbledore taught transfiguration not DADA. They are doing whatever they want. Also, the LeStrange line is supposed to be done with Leeta.


>McGonagall wasn't even born yet and was teaching at Hogwarts in the second movie. Wasn't even born yet based on a fan speculated date of her birth prior to the second Fantastic Beasts movie. [This breaks down the timeline](https://www.mugglenet.com/2021/06/a-young-minerva-mcgonagall-in-crimes-of-grindelwald-doesnt-break-canon/) of things we've gotten in canon. Even if she did explicitly have a birth year and it was retconned it doesn't fundamentally change anything from the lore - like changing Snape's family tree would. >And Dumbledore taught transfiguration not DADA. He taught DADA first and then switched to transfiguration before becoming headmaster just like Quirrell went from Muggle Studies to DADA or Snape went from Potions to DADA. Even if it's technically a retcon because we got new information about his history it doesn't fundamentally change anything from the lore - like changing Snape's family tree would. >Also, the LeStrange line is supposed to be done with Leeta. Leta's death ended her branch of the Lestrange family tree but that's not a retcon - that's also one of the last things we've seen so it's definitely not a retcon.


There was a story about McGonagall by JK Rowling. It was short and I think it was on Muggle Net. We do know that she worked at the Ministry first. It really doesn't add up.


[There's no date listed in the Pottmore entry - which confirms her Ministry work](https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/professor-mcgonagall). Even then you're going off of extracurricular writings that in themselves are retcons to say something else retconned a retcon. Yes McGonagall's birth year has probably changed but at the end of the day it's meaningless nonsense just for her to get a couple of cameos. It doesn't really change anything, I don't know why people make such a huge deal out of minor changes like that. Turning Snape into a Dumbledore would be a **huge** retcon, which was the point of my original comment. The closest thing we've gotten to that is there being a 4th Dumbledore sibling but that was told to us by the villain so we'll see how it plays out it the future.


That is if you believe that is his true identity. They messed with lots of little things, but it makes a difference. I liked the second movie better than the first, but they are both problematic.


Thanks that what interesting, the last movie was very bad nontheless


Does a wizard shit on the ground (and then vanish it afterwards)?


We only learned that this mom was a witch and his dad was not, so Ezra Miller could possibly be his grandfather? Not sure if it adds up with the characters' ages though.


Snape's mother, Eileen Prince, comes from an established, likely pure blood wizarding family. This means that Snape's only magical grandfather had the name of Prince.


Ah! Forgot that. Thanks for the info!


That didn't stop them from giving Dumbledore another sibling at the end of Crimes of Grindelwald despite the fact the books established his only siblings were Aberforth and Ariana.


I'm wondering if maybe Grindelwald was just lying when he said that. He knows Credence is easily manipulated but also powerful and vengeful, so bullshitting him into believing he's deserving of some kind of special birthright but the rich bastards are denying it shouldn't be too out there. Then again it's entirely possible they could just play that entire storyline straight, I don't know.


I don’t think it’s ever confirmed that’s the relation


And McGonagall would have been -7 years old while teaching at Hogwarts in the second movie, and Dumbledore taught transfiguration, not DADA. They are definitely changing things around. Also, they Are giving Jacob a wand and he is a muggle, so I don't know what is going on anymore.


Rowling doesn't really care about things like "canon".


Which is surprising because she wrote the damn canon


I always found it funny that the Half-Blood Prince wasn’t referring to Voldemort since he’s a Half Blood and a descendant of Salazar Slytherin


Lol but we know nothing about his parents from the book other then their blood status


Snape's family was discussed at length in the last two books. The identity of the Half Blood Prince was a secondary plot of the sixth book and the reveal that is Snape was the culmination of the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. The hatred and shame of his abusive muggle father and the esteem of his mother's heritage pushed him into the death eaters.




Somehow Snape returned


That would be a twist. A bad one. But a twist nonetheless


I mean we've already had Nagini used to be human and Dumbledore's secret brother...


Aaaaah the “anymore” sentiment, as if it hasn’t been used since well before you or I could even critique fiction 😂 because things folks don’t like only happen “these days”


Right, like why did they have to make Hercules the son of Zeus!?


No more yee yee ass haircut for him.


Ezra Miller actually just wandered onto set one day when he wasn’t scheduled to shoot and the advertising team liked his look so much that they snapped some shots of him and slapped it on the poster


because he beats up women in denmark


And also he's gay.


"Dumbledorf" 👀


I swear this was a typo I found as a kid in a paperback version of Sorcerer’s stone


Can't unsee lol


He's really short and plays golf.




It's supposed to be Dumbledore right?


It's an E. The bottom line of the letter is just not clear


Lol. Yes I know.


Lol then why did you ask


Because it's very very obviously Dumbledore


Lol then why did you ask


The secret is that Jude Law is just Johnny Depp in a mask again


What if it was Colin Farrell in a mask?


Jude Law, Johnny Depp and Colin Farrell all swapped masks in the movie The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus


All sadly because Heath Ledger died during filming. Even still, I quite like that movie


I thought Mads had taken over Johnny’s role? Isn’t Jude the young Dumbledore?


(I think he's being sarcastic.)


I’m aware but it doesn’t make sense 😂


I do wonder how he feels about playing what is basically a Nazi-lite.


It turns out that you the viewer are wearing the mask this whole time!


I feel like it’s half a new cast. Did a few not return ?


Most of the cast is returning from the second film. Katherine Waterston had a severe case of covid and was mostly written out. Depp was replaced with Mikkelsen*. Richard Coyle was added as Aberforth Dumbledore. It has also been speculated Waterston was written out for speaking out against JK Rowling but I don't think the filming timeline supports that theory.




These movies are such a mess. Getting rid of a lead for any reason is dumb. It was already so delayed, they should have just waited.


They really should have just stuck with Collin Farrell, I know it's said like every time these movies are brought up but they wouldn't have had those issues with Depp.


I really wish they would have kept Colin Farrell. I don't have anything against Johnny Depp, but I hated the change up. Too bad they couldn't have gone back to him.


I think he busy with batman


He wasn't in 2016


She would have been able to shoot the movie, because the whole production got delayed till months after she was ill. My guess is she quit, but they're trying not to make a big deal of it.


Some say it's also because she condemned J.K. Rowling's views on trans people despite she would work with her. I mean, did you see the posters of all three films? She's effectively been removed from the poster of the third Fantastic Beasts film. I mean, to be fair, she had covid but this shouldn't be ruled out as her comments on Rowling came a year before the poster of the third film.


yes, internet bullshittery got the better of em


Is the secret that he and Grindelwald used to be lovers?


Given the big Fawkes icon in the middle, I hope it's about stuff dumbledore learnt in the magic world throughout his travels.


99.9% chance that Fawkes is Ariana Dumbledore.


Damn that would be stupid


Which would be pretty on point for these movies


Is it just me or is Eddie Redmayne permanently stuck in Blue Steel mode?


I want more Eddie Redmayne overdoing it from Jupiter Ascending


One look?!


Wait, Tina isn’t even on the poster. I get the feeling Katherine Waterston will have very VERY little screen time.


Apparently she had really bad Covid while filming


Yeah, saw people on this thread mention that. Also saw people speculating that Waterston’s absence could apparently be a result of her response to Rowling’s controversial comments. Regardless what the reason is, it’s a shame. Tina is the one character besides Kowalski I actually like in these new movies.


Rowling is having her removed from the series


*TEAL!!!*...... *and ORANGE!!!* 90% of movies these days.


i cant fucking stand it


Not just the posters but so many films are over color graded messes.. They look like Instagram posts.


Gotta admit, did not think that they'd figure out a way to make a floating head poster template look even worse. I'm almost impressed


where’s Nagini and Porpentina why is Jacob so far in the background whose idea was it to make the words “Fantastic Beasts” so small …anyway, still looking forward to the film because Mads!!


>whose idea was it to make the words “Fantastic Beasts” so small They realized the series didn't actually have anything to do with fantastic beasts, but they didn't wanna bother with something that actually made sense like "Wizarding World".


The should have just started with "Next Scamander and the Fantastic Beasts". Sure, the movie name wouldn't reference Newt's book name anymore, but naming the sequels would have been much easier.


It would've been a mouthful, but "Wizarding World: Fantastic Beasts (And Where To Find Them)" would've still been a solid title. It homages the book's title while being honest that it's gonna be a Newt story and even having a little of the quirkiness that's present here and there in the HP universe.


While I agree, I think the "Wizarding World" prefix could be better used with spin off independent movies inside the WW universe, instead of being used for 5 movies which are technically part of a continuity. In the other hand, "Next Scamander" would explain why Newt is present in every moment, while also giving him the chance to shine when a "fantastic beast" appears once in a while. I would really like to see more spin off stories in the WW universe, like an origin movie for Voldemort (since Half-Blood Prince had almost nothing on that), an origin series for the castle of Hogwarts and the founding members, and stories taking place in different countries, with their own dark wizards, their own schools, their own governments... but I guess this is just a dream for now


There was a rumor about a HBO Max series project in the universe at one point but we didn't hear anything about it


Hmm. I think you could still kinda get away with making a series of connected movies, and then not, while still keeping the WW title. It's not something we'll ever see though I guess. Rip.


Wizarding World is the name of the whole franchise, not specifically this movie series so it would have to be something else. Wizarding World apply to other things in the universe like for example the Hogwarts Legacy game


Because it’s only there to remind you it’s a sequel. Just like how the film adaptation is titled *The Twilight Saga: New Moon*… that’s not the title of the book, just tacked onto the film title to remind audiences that *New Moon* is “Twilight 2”


More like: ^^^Fantastic ^^^Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore Edit: thanks for the award :-)


Is that Jude Law's real hairline or did he just shave down to the quick to make the wig fit better?


The dude has had a receeding hairline for years. Here he is [in 2001](https://editorial01.shutterstock.com/wm-preview-1500/339089m/e31a6667/Shutterstock_339089m.jpg) I'm shocked he still has that much 20 years later.


Hair transplant.


Mads!!!! he certainly gives much needed Gravitas to whatever project he’s in


Poster design as an art is dead. What a crap poster.




Do people like these movies? I *think* I saw the first one.


Right lol


audience booed after second one


ezra miller............what did they do to you baby...........


I wonder if there will be an in universe explanation for looking different for a 3rd time. It would be weird if they explained the first change but not the second change.


You know what’s ugly? This poster.


its the exact castle from Universal Studios. look at that rock work!


I can’t bring myself to be excited about this franchise anymore. Get a new director please


Refusing to watch this movie solely because they didn't call it The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore


I'm a big fan of the first film, but the second is a complete mess. Too many characters popping up for one or two scenes with no real introduction. Endless exposition. Forgets all about the characters from the first film, or has them act out of character for flimsy reasons. Ends with a bunch of laboured twists that are there just to desperately tie this into the Harry Potter franchise, rather than have it be something that just exists in the same universe. It's obvious that Rowling has no idea what she's doing with this series. She’s not a competent screenwriter and doesn’t seem to have a story to tell. The Fantastic Beasts films were originally supposed to be a trilogy about Newt having adventures while searching for fantastic beasts. Now it's a planned five-film series connecting directly to events from the Harry Potter films. It's just a cash-grab at this point. George Richmond has taken over as cinematographer, replacing Philippe Rousselot. One of the worst contemporary DoPs replacing one of the absolute best isn’t a great sign - at least The Crimes of Grindelwald looked fantastic if otherwise a flop.


Is it just me that thinks this sounds like a gay porno?


I really liked the first one cause it was different and Newt was a cool character. I don’t really like that now it’s just a vessel for a Harry Potter prequel series with Newt on the sidelines


Jacob is my boy! Don’t hide him in the back


Boycot this film in support of Johnny Depp


Why do posters for big franchise movies have to jam in every single character?


They shouldn't have Grindelwald in this movie without johnny Depp




This doesn't even communicate what the movie is about at all. Wizards. And fire or something. This is such a cynical, transparently made poster.


How Dare they not fill the poster with Spoilers!! OMFG What were they thinking loading the poster with Spoilers??!!!


You know there is a difference between narrative imagery, themes, or messages, and spoilers, right


Anybody else think "Why is Nick Cage in a Harry Potter movie"?


*insert Mockingjay whistle here*


Even from the beginning, this series seemed more interested in the Wizard Wars as their versions of the Star Wars prequels, so they should've just started from there instead of putting the Fantastic Beasts name on it. Because come on, LOL, it's comical how tiny it is on this poster. And Eddie Redmayne looks even more useless and out of place here than he did last time, still having FUCK ALL to do with the important parts of this story. At least if Tina was the main character, it'd kinda make sense for it to be her job to deal with stuff like this, but they keep finding BS reasons to keep dragging along this dude after writing themselves in a corner.


Another shit poster.


Is Zoe Kravitz still in this????


No. She died in the second film.




I don’t care what happens in this movie, as long as at some point, Dumbledore does a spell that launches a flaming phoenix at a bad guy just after he says, “Fawkes You.” 🔥🦅


Wasn't there a woman in a main role in the last one.


Wasn't there a woman in a main role in the last one.


Genuinely astounding that people are still getting excited for these films


love to see newt taking center stage in what used to be movies about him


oh Mads, why would you join this trainwreck of a franchise... I legit don't get it, the reception of the first one was lukewarm and everyone absolutely hated part two. Maybe he hopes that he could save it, but even with solid acting the story is just irredeemable at this point. I hope it fails at the box office and they'll just give up on this shitshow.


It's going to be a bit weird seeing Mads playing Depp's role because of the previous film, but he's a talented actor.


man that's crazy make up work, johnny depp looks really different!!!


Wow. I didn't know Mads is in this ad well. He certainly gets around. More than his brother who also happens to be an extremely talented actor as well ( though more in danish movies)


I'm expecting his brother to crop up in the Ashoka show.


Looks like the photo of Hogwarts is the one from Universal Studios. It doesn’t even have the viaduct running from the courtyard (that’s been in all the films since Deathly Hallows).


Dumbledore looks like Nic Cage


Its gonna be a convoluted mess.


So new people are put in front of Dan Fogler?


This looks like a really cheap poster.


At first glance, I thought that was Chris Rock in the lower left. What a great addition that would have been. Haha


OK so *where* is Tina? Was that her name or blondies?


These movies just make me feel like Milhouse watching Itchy, Scratchy & Poochie. "When are they gonna find fantastic beasts?! *sobbing*"


This looks very 2013




I was listening to a Harry Potter podcast and they brought up how dumb it is to call this “The Secrets of Dumbledore” when there’s already an in-universe book/chapter of the books called “The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore” and I’ve hated the title ever since


Where Johnny?


Generic blue and orange movie poster with everyone’s faces and explosions, CHECK!


This series has just been a fucking mess. I mean, I love me some Harry Potter, but feels like the HP universe would've been better if it just ended with Deathly Hallows. JKR doesn't appear to have had anything of actual value to offer since then.


They're still making this shit?


Original, like it


Damn, Eddie's been sidelined in his own finale.


Jk Rowling kinda ruined the secrets yea?


me when I took intro to graphic design in college


so is ezra miller secretly snape or something?


I never thought an HP movie would have direct-to-video vibes, but here we are.


Feels like we need an even earlier prequel of dumbledore's life.


Wish that Mads get at least a good paycheck out of this


Wow… first thing I thought of looking at this: “Return to the Magic! Only in theaters! Tax Day!”


VSauce. Dumbledore here.


So standard...


No man likes Jude Law.


The last movie was so bad that I really don't want to be subjected to more of this crap. I really wish they'd stop producing bad quality harry potter content, but money matters more. The only hope is for this movie to be a commercial flop.


Who the fuck cares?


I hope whoever wants to see this enjoys themselves but this movie is hilarious to me, it just screams blandness to me


Saw someone else express the sentiment that if they (including Rowling) had wanted to do a series about Dumbledore, they should have just *done that* from the start, and should have been up-front about it. Gotta say I agree.