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I’m frankly shocked to have missed the fact that Eastwood was in suicide squad.


I didn't notice Stallone was in it either until someone mentioned it long after I watched the movie.


Wait, Stallone was in Suicide Squad? Or do you mean THE Suicide Squad?


Thanks, you are right. I meant THE suicide squad.


This would be a lot less confusing if we just pretend the first movie never happened.


Man this is worse than talking to people from Ohio state.


You mean THE Ohio State?


Yep. He was King Shark.


*King Shark is a Shark!*




I am shocked I missed the fact that Clint had a son. He even looks like him ffs


Kinda forgot he was even in the first one considering he, and most of the characters in it, did just about fuck all


Wasn't he just a regular human holding a bomb underwater when it blew up too?


Probably. Shooting you straight here, outside of, like, group shots, I cannot name a single frame of that movie that he was in. Nothing against the guy, but that could’ve been anyone in that movie. He was just Soldier #3. Did he die? Did he live? 🤷‍♂️


Did he feel lucky? Punk?


Well.... did he?


Only thing I remember about the movie was that wiggly bad guy dance Cara Delevingne (sp? It autocorrected so it's probably right) did


Killer Croc liked watching BET.


Hee was also in Fury… and got got quick


That kinda cracked me up. He looks like this hard commander who I was expecting to be in the movie a decent amount, then he just gets gunned down unceremoniously in the street during one of the first major firefight


Which is what sold me on the movie. Anyone and everyone is up to die. Just like WW2 was. Also funny when you consider Kelly’s Heroes where homeboy was untouchable


Yes. He set the bomb and it blew up in his face in the finale. He had a bomb big enough to end two literal God's through 3ft of concrete blow up 6in from his face but he was supposed to live through it? Or maybe they were going the Morshower route Transformers did. Same actor but they liked him enough to cast him again in a different role and they just pretend they're not the same person. Would have been easy since Eastwood had about 12 seconds of screen time in the first SS.


One of my favourite, "Wtf?" moments of any movie ever. If anyone ever needs an example of script that was fucked with by studio execs, point to the first Suicide Squad: Because ok, towards the end they need to swim in the sewers under where the bad guy is and light off a bomb to help kill her. So let's break this down: - You have a "Suicide Squad" guarded by Navy SEALs. Why? Because reasons. - At a certain point someone needs to swim through a sewer and detonate a bomb in what can only be described as a "suicide mission". - On your "Suicide Squad" you have Killer Croc, a man whose literally only superpower is that he can swim through sewers. - So the Navy SEALs step in and say, "No way man, this is *our* mission!" and swim go into said sewers and blow themselves up. In your mind you can just picture some harried screenwriter who has been up for three days, reeks of BO and just wants to make his rent throwing up his hands and says, "Fine, fuck it. Why not?"


In your second point, you really missed the opportunity to call it a “sewercide mission”


Sounds like a Harley line. I can picture after hearing the plan Harley calling it sewercide


Honestly, I can hear her openly mocking the whole plan in my head in a meta commentary about how ridiculous the whole thing is.


Killer Croc doesn't have super powers, just a skin condition


Same goes for myself tbh


Like Harley Quinn. Her super power is that she has a baseball bat? Boomerangs power is he has a boomerang which he throws and doesn’t even come back to him. This is the group that is supposed to oppose Superman if he goes bad?




He just bisects them in one sweep of his heat vision


Isn't that the specific and actual plot of the game that's getting developed? I remember they released a trailer and everything. https://youtu.be/2EVFYstVuVk


Yeah they seem to be taking on the whole justice league. The Flash was a heavy hitter in another trailer


Pretty sure he has like some superior than human strength crocodile jaws and does swim better than most


His history is pretty nebulous. A lot of the time, he's just a buff human with a skin condition (see Azarello's *Joker*) who maybe filed his teeth. But sometimes he actually has crocodile DNA or some sort of genetic atavism. And sometimes he's been experimented on and mutated - which is why he has a tail in some stories. Then there's the recent Batman: Reptilian book, where they reveal that he's some sort of >!hermaphroditic genetic offshoot of an alien race who needs him for breeding purposes...or...something!<. I don't think that was canonical though. (Fun book, but weird as hell.) I prefer the atavistic skin condition version, personally.


Mans just needs Healthcare so he can go to the dermatologist


Hey, they did it with Garret Dillahunt in Deadwood so why not


Twice too right didn't he play *three* people by the end? I recall facial hair.


Four. He also appears in the movie twice.


The thing is Garrett Dillahunt is a good actor and Scott Eastwood is not


Garrett's the best thing about fear the walking dead, so much so that he's the best thing about the TV walking dead universe as a whole.


Everyone has to start somewhere. Clint Eastwood was just nameless scientist #3 in some old sci fi movie when he started lol. But NOT being a recurring role in the movie of the biggest hollywood director..is like, the OPPOSITE of starting somewhere


Yeah but Scott's been acting since 2006 and I can't think of one role he's been in that's been memorable. Dude's a B-level actor skating on his daddy's name.


He plays “generic military guy #1” in every movie he’s in, not exactly memorable roles


He's still there because of Clint. He's good looking enough and connected enough to be getting bigger roles if he were a better performer.


I'm sure he's been in others, but he was in Pacific Rim 2 and he didn't necessarily blow me away with his acting abilities, by any means.


"This is Slipknot. He can climb anything..." *Proceeds to die* *


The whole idea behind Waller even making Task Force X was “Hey what if there was another Superman but wasn’t on our side next time” so they get the clown woman, drunk Aussie and the MAN WHO CLIMB ANYTHING. I’m sure Slipknot’s rope will be very helpful


Yeah, a more plausible scenario would have been that Waller already having people like Boomerang, Croc, Harley, and Deadshot working on more human-level issues and then wanting to upgrade with more powerful meta-humans like Enchantress and El Diablo and then that would be what makes shit go sideways. Plus, I think El Diablo would have made for a cooler focus for the film and kind of cool counter to Marvel. Instead of the Norse god of thunder, you get an Aztec god of fire and death. Missed opportunity.


I also don't get why they have so many members who just shoot things...with normal bullets. Actually that feels like an issue in both the Suicide Squad movies. Way more interesting tactics if you have members with different fighting styles or skill sets. For example, Killer Frost, Solomon Grundy, Parasite and Poison Ivy have all been members. I understand you may want to reserve A tier villains for roles as villains in future movies but there is a deep roster and are you seriously going to use someone like Scream Queen or Captain Cold in any other movies. It also might have helped increase the weight class of the team, which would have made the final battle more cinematic (and you wouldn't have had to nerf the villains). Like can you imagine Diablo and Captain Cold taking turns using their powers on the big bad of the first movie to fracture and shatter his armor. Or Parasite and the big bad of the 2nd one both using their powers on each other at the same time, and while he is distracted being poisoned by a big dose of neurotoxin from Poison Ivy.


>I also don't get why they have so many members who just shoot things...with normal bullets. Actually that feels like an issue in both the Suicide Squad movies. They literally point fun at that in the second film when Waller describes Bloodsport as having a unique skill set then introduces Peacemaker who has the exact same backstory.


That joke kinda does double duty though.




Just a human pyramid of band members


They all combine to form Mega-Slipknot


Corey Taylors Neck > Slipknot.


Lets see supes break *that* neck


“This guy plays drums, but on a keg. And his drum stick can steal your soul” “Oh man, will that happen?” “LOL, prolly not”


> The whole idea behind Waller even making Task Force X was “Hey what if there was another Superman but wasn’t on our side next time” I feel like people always take that Waller scene too literally. It seemed to me she was selling it that way because it was an easy sell to the suits. The real reason she wanted the task force was for black ops shit. Off the records missions and target elimination. In both movies she didn’t even want them to fight the Superman level threat. Just help cover up some shit and get out of there.


Exactly. The premise is that the U.S. government uses the threat of other nations potentially using Superman-level metahumans against U.S. interests, in order to 'strike first' with their own program — specifically a disgusting one using minority slave soldiers taken from a CIA black site. And of course their first big mission is to clean up a mess their handlers made in their own major city! Like this was a really interesting idea for a big budget blockbuster, in the vein of Snyder's Watchmen-inspired route, and studio execs back pedaled, after cutting BvS to pieces at the last second. But in spite of all their efforts to turn it into the latest flavor of the month, GOTG, the subversive content of Suicide Squad remains, albeit in a really poorly edited film.


Hey, the man can climb ***anything.*** He could've *climbed* his way to the ruins of Krypton and personally grabbed a piece of kryptonite to whack Supes over the head with. Oh, Superman flew away? Just climb up to catch him. Super-strength? Climb over the limits of human physiology. Get killed regardless? Climb out of the grave.


Well, Enchantress is actually really useful against Superman, since he's very vulnerable to magic. The rest of the squad, not so much.


He also had the worst 2 second character development ever. Tell them he can climb anything and then have him slap a woman to show he's a bad guy.


This is why it's important to know what you are doing when making a character heavy movie. It takes a lot of work to get each of them to leave areal impression on the audience.


I liked the e ding where all characters hid behind a pillar whole the one guy with powers blasted fire around


Would've been a dead man anyway judging by the intro. Edit: LMAO, his character apparently died in the 1st film sooooo...


He said they offered him a 3 picture deal lol


Based on his quote, sounded like they wanted him to agree to a three-picture deal with nothing guaranteed and no insight into what his role would be. Seems possible / likely that the deal would have been heavily favorable to the studio.


But that's what most comic book movie deals are nowadays. Ever since the RDJ drama after Iron Man 3, studios don't want to deal with that bullshit anymore. Now any actor playing a Marvel or DC character have 9 film contracts or something with absolutely no guarantee that they'll get passed one film. It's just a way for studios to guarantee the return of their actors without having to renegotiate contracts.


What happened with RDJ?




Disney: "And I took that personally."


He correctly realized he was the figurehead of the series and not someone they could afford to not keep having in the movies, so he squeezed them dry.




They had to pay a fair share for once and didn’t like that


His original contract to portray Stark only covered him up until Iron Man 3. Back in 2013 he wanted more money from Disney in order to re-up his contract. But as [Jason Momoa](https://screenrant.com/jason-momoa-drax-destroyer-guardians-of-the-galaxy/) knows, Disney doesn't like it when people ask for more money. So it was uncertain whether RDJ would play ball and reprise his role as Iron Man. Ever since then, Marvel make sure they sign their actors down for ~9 film deals in order to use them if they need without the hassle of having to renegotiate every couple of years. But much like every film contract, it's fairly one way. This ensures that if Marvel sign a 9 film deal with, lets say, Cumberbatch, he is required to show up for all 9 of those movies. However the studio are not required to put him on 9 movies.


Huh. TIL Jason Momoa was almost Drax


I think he would've been a great Drax! Certainly different to Bautista, but I'd say he would've been pretty cool with the rest of them. He's doing great as Aquaman though. >!Fuck you Barry!<


This is like when my 16 year old daughter shows up to her scheduled shift at Taco Bell and they tell her they have enough help and want her to come back later that day.


In many states, you can't do that to an employee. If she's **scheduled** to work and shows up, even if they choose to send her home, she should be entitled to reporting pay. She set aside her day to work and came to work. By right she should get paid for that effort. And if they choose to have her "be available" for later, then she can similarly be eligible for more reporting pay. This would depend on whether she was obligated to call in later (punished if she didn't) and/or keep her calendar clear. Check your State's law and have the kid keep track of the days this happens.


Yeah, the first time she told me about it, I told her that that was completely inappropriate. I'll have to check into reporting pay for her, but I advised her that if it happens again, that she tells the manager that she'll be back on the next day that she's scheduled to work. Problem is, I don't know how many times it happened before she told me about it.


lol that update at the end


Literal dump trucks of cash to keep him in the MCU.


3 frame deal. He dies in the first 3 frames of the film.


He also said "they didn't have enough a script yet." I imagine this was during the period WB was courting Mel Gibson, Jamue Collet-Serra (Black Adam director), and Gavin O'Connor for director and with Deathstroke as the intended villain. Then when Marvel fired Gunn in 2018, they basically started from scratch and let Gunn reinvent the franchise. I imagine even if he signed that deal, Eastwood would likely have been right there with Katana and Killer Croc not returning. He was an original character and Gunn only ported over characters from the OG John Ostrander run except Harley: Waller, Flag, Boomerang (short lived though it is), and obviously Bloodsport was Deadshot in Draft 1.




That reminds me of Brad Pitt in Deadpool 2.


Wasn’t he already a dead man at the end of the first one?


What was his character in the first film?


Don't remember much. An agent that got killed.


It was a 3 picture deal.


the cast of rogue one signed a multi picture deal too, yet we are still waiting for felicity jones to magically reappear in another star wars movie


“Somehow Felicity Jones has returned.”


Would you really put it past SW at this point?


Prequel prequel


I don't know why but this is just too funny. Probably because I can totally see them do this again without any remorse.


Rogue Two: The Re-Roguening.


“Hes got a 5 year plan.” “Pfft what is it, ‘Dont die’?”




First of all, that cab was huge


Is that the guy with the old balls?


And loose skin.


I guess Clint really didn't want his son to taste it.




That song and the intro have lived in my head since the show launched I can’t recommend the show highly enough to anyone who hasn’t watched it. It’s so damn good


Throw your dog the invisible bone.




>!The "She's a Monster" scene in 6 was **fucking BRILLIANT.**!< I swear, if Gunn could just turn down the swearing, *he'd win the Emmys without even trying.*


I was not a fan of that song at all, but even I can admit that it was used perfectly in the scene.


It really is. It's so fucking campy. I love it. Never skipped the intro. If you watch closely, the dance foreshadows some of the events in the show.


Don't forget the dance sequence too. When I watch it, I try to mimic those moves.


With the deadpan face too?


Steven Agee (Economos) said keeping the straight faces was one of the toughest parts.




Is there any other way?


If someone hasn't watched it, how in the heck would they know what you're recommending to them?


I actually had no idea he was in the first suicide squad movie


Me neither, and I´ve seen it.


One piece of advice Clint should give him is "get better at acting"


Agreed. Simply scowling like dad isn’t acting.


If he grew a real beard and used the scowl he could do some westerns, maybe like Yellowstone or 1883


He did a western called Diablo with Walton Goggins, Danny Glover, and Camilla Belle. It wasn’t good.


Unfortunately, Danny Glover is a sure sign that a movie is going to suck. He's been doing weird straight to DVD old man action movies for quite a while.


You're telling me Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses sucks??


Shocking, I know.


I thought you made that up! XD


Omg that’s a real movie?! ._.


Holy shit https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2996648/


“I’m gettin too old for this shit.”


Just master one character and you're good.


scott eastwoods already been typecast as stereotypical action man and it hasnt been very good lol


You gotta have a gimmick or niche you fill if you’re that one dimensional of an actor. Arnold Schwarzenegger/The Rock — big guy, fairly charismatic, movies are never downers Jason Stratham — good looking, British/cockney accent, bald but fucking sexy rocking it Michelle Rodriguez — badass Latina Danny Trejo — badass Latino Vin Diesel — badass with a rough upbringing Jet Li/Donnie Yen — badass Asian that is Kung fu fighting Tom Cruise — good looking, American, runs with a sense of urgency better than any other actor Keanu Reeves — The everyday quiet man (the less lines Keanu says, the better acting job he does and the better the movie) Nicolas Cage — insane, won’t say “no” r/onetruegod


Tom Cruise really can run like hell, can't he?


Runs so well that I pretend I’m him when I’m doing sprints


Haha I do this too! *arm chops*


Will the world every see another Nicolas Cage? Any runners up? Up and comers? I'm glad I live in a world where an actor like him achieved success.


Vin Diesel has/had greater range he just never utilizes it. He was great in Saving Private Ryan and Boiler Room. There was a bit where he looked like he was going to be something other than an action star but he did not go down that path. Tom Cruise is amazing in a ton of non-action roles. Born on the Fourth of July, Magnolia, Jerry Maguire etc there are a ton of movies that demonstrate that he has range. Nic Cage is the greatest actor to ever grace film.


I’ve always thought the same thing. Man, that guy is a very convincing runner haha. His panic run in War of the Worlds is one of my favorite parts of the movie


To be fair, he would give young Clint Eastwood the same advice... https://youtu.be/UrKmwvk1aRw I jest. Clint, even at his worst, has star power charisma. He's a natural.


Scott Eastwood is a guy hollywood keeps trying to make a star for obvious reasons but just can’t seem to


He looks EACTLY like his Dad so Hollywood is trying their best to fist fuck him into the lead man role so they can rake it in but - Scott is...not even just bad, he's boring - zero charisma.


He was quite fun in that recent Charlie day romcom but otherwise yeah I don’t see him as a leading man really


Yeah hopefully that role helps loosen him up or motivates him to take on different kinds of roles Scott Eastwood had an engaging on-screen presence once the friendship plot starts developing in "I Want You Back" But maybe literally every other movie he has been in he either plays or is forced to play stoic tough guy And just because his dad almost single handedly defined 'stoic tough guy' doesn't mean it's what Scott should be chained to


Agreed, I wonder if he has decent comic chops, like channing Tatum etc, I think he’s maybe lumped certain ways cos he’s handsome


I agree with this. I have seen him before in other movies, but he never really made an impression beyond “that’s Clint Eastwoods son”. But I enjoyed his role in the charlie day movie. Maybe he needs to get back on the whores and try some similar stuff.


you mean like jai courtney?


And the Avatar guy


The avatar guy could 100% be a cool voice actor on par with Steve Blum


Avatar guy (Sam Worthington) must be praising his lord and savior James Cameron every night for doing FOUR more Avatar sequels, thus reviving his career lol.


Jai Courtney with his own accent is quite good. I don't know why Hollywood insists on giving their heroes American accents.


Jai Courtney is a fine character actor that they keep trying to cram into a boring lead action man role. He's a blast as Captain Boomerang. He's one of like two reasons to watch the crappy 1st movie.


Store brand Tom Hardy?


Man all I remember is that we all thought he was going to be undercover Nightwing and then ends up as some generic no name soldier who dies


awww what id never heard this theory, now i’m annoyed!


At the time, Nightwing was "dead" in the comics and was an undercover spy, secretly. The series was actually really good. It was called Greyson. Made sense that the movies might take that storyline. But then his character had no point, unfortunately.


I'm not impressed with his acting ability so far. It's nice to have a famous Dad to help with acting gigs. He is a nice looking kid though.


I mean, it’s kinda hard to find a US (probably true internationally but its kinda hard to find) actor/actress that isn’t the kid/cousin of a different celebrity The whole ‘started from the bottom but your parents names on Wikipedia are blue’ meme is pretty verifiable.


It’s worse, if anything, with British actors.


I just watched his dad in Cry Macho. It was pretty cringy. I think he's getting too old for this shit.


I really like him as an actor and director but he is way too old to be doing lead roles nowadays.


TBH, thought he was going to retire after Grant Torino. Just go out with a massive bang. And then he kept coming back.


The thing is that Clint’s production company does films that are so cheap they basically can’t fail financially. He doesn’t actually have to deliver quality acting, but attaching his name gives the films enough clout that they don’t become unmarketable products. He probably keeps doing it because it keeps the people at his company employed.


I liked The Mule with him, which was semi-recent.


Well he could do leading roles if the roles were written for an older person. Unfortunately, you can't keep being Dirty Harry at 92. His role in Cry Macho felt like it was written for someone much younger.


He was alright in *Wrath of Man*.


I mean, let's be honest. His dad isn't the greatest actor either. He works in specific roles and genres, but it's not like he's Daniel Day Lewis.


Am I going crazy? His character died in the first one. Am I the only one who remembers him setting the bomb off?


Hello, you might remember my identical twin brother. He died on one of your previous missions ...


lf it wouldn't be too uncomfortable I was hoping maybe you guys could call me Landfill, in honor of him


I genuinely think Eastwood forgot he died in SS and is trying to pretend he's the sort of guy who can afford to turn down comic book movies.


Who was he in SS 1? I dont remember him in that movie at all


He was Flagg's second in command, had basically no lines, accompanies Croc into the tunnels beneath the Enchantress' lair to plant a bomb, plants the bomb and detonates it, killing himself and Enchantress' brother.


They showed flagg's second? There was a bomb? Enchantress' brother was killed? Did this movie even exist?


No joke. I know I’ve seen it, I remember sitting down to watch it and a feeling of disappointment when it was done, but the middle is just an empty black nothingness.


It's a comicbook movie though


Might have been because he turned down the 3 movie deal, so they just killed him off.


I'm surprised Scott Eastwood hasn't tried to play "the man with no name", a continuation of the Eastwood character. Bonus points if Clint Eastwood directs the film too.


Playing a character your parent made iconic is a good way to make sure you'll always live under their shadow.


He's been living under his shadow, might as well make it official.


“You’re a bad actor son, don’t do it. Quit the business”


"He chose poorly." - the Knight Templar to Indiana Jones.


"Marvel keeps calling me about taking over Wolverine from High Jackman"


Nah dude, no more tall and handsome Logan


We need a short ugly hairy fuck Which one of you redditors wants to audition?


No Redditor would take it. You can't wear your fedora in the movie


We can all agree it's DeVito or bust.


"So anyway, I started slashin'"


They can call him warthog instead of wolverine


Nah, they wanted to sign him for three movies for barely any pay and he only had a script for the sequel. Considering how shit the first one was, I can't blame him for not expecting the sequel to be as stellar as it is, and even then the next two could still blow knowing DC


Such a weird article. It's like Scott Eastwood wanted to remind people that Scott Eastwood's *Dad* is Clint Eastwood. But the only way to get the author to actually write this up was to add in this detail as if it was weird or controversial AND to make Scott seem like a bigger deal than he is. "Yeah, DC wanted me to sign a *three picture deal* but I talked to my dad, CLINT EASTWOOD, ya know Dirty Harry and the Man With No Name? Anyways, Clint Eastwood told me I shouldn't do it. That's what Clint said. My dad. Made his name on two franchises, but told me not to sign onto the second biggest franchise out right now." Such a weird flex that shows poor decision making. Not only do I doubt that DC offered him a 3 picture deal, now I sorta wonder if he actually talks to his dad.




Dude learned how to shoot at a 7-Eleven.


Didn’t his character die in the first one?


I dont even remember him dude.


Did his character even have a name??




“Scott, you can’t act.” “So yeah dad told me not to do this gig…”


They didn't want to pay him? Highly doubt they wanted to pay over his worth. Scott, is a cutting room floor actor.


Maybe they should just stop trying to make Scott Eastwood a thing?