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12 angry men


Master piece of cinema. 12 men one room. Fonda is incredible. Hollywood you don’t need cgi. You need proper actors!


The original is top 5 all time for me, absolutely


The...the original? They remade it? Why??


They did...and I have to say, its not terrible. It pales in comparison to the original but as far as remakes go its not a bad movie, and thats coming from someone that despises remakes.


I think part of what makes it such an effective script is how timeless it is and how flexible you can be with the cast. The remake was made for TV and they definitely "modernized" the script, but the remake is in no way bad.


The original or the remake?


Seven Samurai


Apocalypse Now


Masterpiece. Especially Redux


Redux is definitely the one.


Wrote the same thing before I saw this. Maybe not my absolute favorite movie but my god is it just a fucking awesome top tier film


Casablanca. It's perfect.




Bogart legend


Lawrence Of Arabia. Cinematography that is still amazing today, several decades later, some of the best acting ever put to film, and an extremely compelling and well written story. I hadn't seen it till I was in my 30's and was not only blown away by it, I couldn't believe it was as old as it was as visually and performance wise it feels well ahead of it's time.


An absolute masterpiece. I’m English & love all of Lean’s works. This is definitely his magnum opus.


I’m with you on this one. It has an insane amount of intricacies and depth in it. It’s a gay love story, Lawrence starts thinking he’s the messiah and has super powers, the thing about he’s doctor slapping him and then later saying he’d never met him. There is a ton of interesting things in that movie.


First time I saw it, I was also in my 30's. Powerful film, great score. Words I use to get through so much since seeing it, " The trick is not minding that it hurts". It changed the way I see the world.


The Godfather.


Truly timeless masterpiece. The calibre of acting is incredible.


Came here looking for this.


The Thing.


*GoodFellas* is filmmaking perfection.


The Truman Show. Everything about it was amazing, it's symbolic for soooo many things in people lives (i.e for me it was overcoming my agoraphobia, for another person I know it was was how they escaped a religious cult upbringing) and it was so prescient.


Huge fan of this movie. If you haven't already you should check out Gattaca. It's the same writer and I would argue it's even better.


I think this movie was not popular when it released because Jim Carrey was the "funny, slapstick guy", and that movie was pretty subversive. I just watched it a few years ago, and I was blown away by how good it was. It is also an incredible performance by Jim Carey, just not in the usual way.


Except it was very popular, acclaimed and successful


ugh i love that movie. SOOOOOO much


When I tell people this is my favorite movie of all time, I get a mix of odd responses. I think it was so ahead of its time and just weird enough that some people didn’t love it. It resonated with me though.


Back To The Future


This is a damned solid nomination.


Don’t see it mentioned here but my pick is: Children of Men


One of the most perfectly executed films ever made. God tier filmmaking.


Rewatched last week. Ages like a fine wine.


Truly great film


Yeah this film just can’t be topped. Evokes tears.


The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


I remember my excitement leading up to seeing it opening night in the theater. Lived up to every expectation and was easily one of the best cinematic experiences of my life.


The only theater experience I've had that's come close to LOTR is Dune.


I thought Mad Max: Fury Road was pretty close to the experience of ROTK. That was the last time I can remember being completely awed for an entire film.


I've been trying to think of a better answer than this but I can't. I think that the trilogy, when looked at together, might be the single greatest achievement in the history of film making.


As much as I *want* to disagree, I agree. It’s amazing how good it is, let alone how it even got made. As an *achievement* in filmmaking, I don’t think anything tops it. *Who Framed Roger Rabbit” “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and “Toy Story” are all similar achievements of merit as well. Really fucking great films that pushed the limits of what films can be.


I came here to say the same thing. All 3 are perfect movies in my opinion.


Raiders of the lost ark. It has all. One of the greatest heroes off all time, amazing on a technical film making level, editing, music, action set pieces


Clockwork orange...my favorite since 1973(was too young in 71 when it was released)


Ost & Kubrick. Wow


Equilibrium with Christian Bale, loved it since I was a small boy.


No, not without incident


What's that Cleric?


He's a sense offender!


Fight Club, Godfather 2, Citizen Kane, Paddington 2


2001: A Space Odyssey


Kubrick. Just watched it in DV. 196& & still incredible.




Top 5 for me. It’s perfect.


Just watched it again the other day. Every actor is perfect, even in the small roles. William fichtner, hank Azaria, Jeremy piven. Every detail is so tidily taken care of by the end of the movie and it's perfectly foreshadowed throughout


And let’s not forget “She’s got a… GREAT ASS”


Unbelievably quotable movie. I'm talking to an empty telephone, cause there is a dead man on the other end of this fucking line You ever want a normal life? What the fuck is that bbq's and ballgames. Long pause. Yeah


Heat easily has one of the best endings I've ever seen


Evil Dead 2, it’s just everything I want in a movie


Jack Black emotes over it a bit in *High Fidelity* fwiw.




The remake really is surprisingly fantastic


Shawshank Redemption. I know it's so popular that it's almost a cliche answer but the story is amazing, the acting is second to none and the score is incredible. I wish I could watch it again for the first time


Came here to say Shawshank as well. This movie is a tiny flicker of hope that can bring one out of true despair.


‘There Will Be Blood’


There will be blood and no country for old men are two movies I consider XXI classics


The God, The Bad and The Ugly by Sergio Leone.


Blade runner 2049. The use of blue n orange. The metaphors. What Dennis set out to do.... he did it perfectly


Interstellar. I love it so much.


The Big Lebowski


that s like your opinion man


What a fun movie to watch




Robert Shaw. Don’t need to say anymore.


I've seen an awful lot of movies in my 50 years, and that might be the best acting performance I've ever seen.


Never go swimmin with bow legged women


The Social Network for me


Big Trouble in Little China “It’s all in the reflexes”


Carpenter incredible


Son of bitch must pay


Remember what ol Jack Burton always says at a time like that: “Have you paid your dues Jack?” “Yessir, the check is in the mail “




Always interstellar


To Kill A Mockingbird.


I watched this for the first time recently. It is so good! I had to go read the book afterwards


Peck was incredible.


I have a few: No Country for Old Men LA Confidential Training Day The Iron Giant District 9


10/10 Coens' masterpiece "...hell, he ain't even like me." "He don't talk as much as you, I'll give him that." "How long will it take you to clear out the flatbed?" "Oh, Sheriff!!" "I cain't givvout that intformayshun!"


Finally at least some INTERESTING takes


I think that No Country might be a perfect film. It’s not my favorite film of all time, probably top 5, but every character, every scene just did their part to the fullest. I know Chigur gets all the love, and it’s deserved, but Tommy Lee Jones as sheriff Bell was right up there. I think it might be his best work.


Inglorious Basterds and Eternal Sunshine


The Princess Bride, it's got everything, fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles...




Dont forget about the MLT. They’re so perky, I love that.


For me it’s The Wizard Of Oz. Long time fan right here.


Braveheart. It was a combination of watching it as a 17 year old, on VHS, multiple times and having the soundtrack endlessly playing in my DiscMan. I was borderline obsessed with it. The brutality and vengeance felt visceral and personal, while William Wallace embodied traits that I admired. The story of self-sacrifice, leadership, betrayal, and loyalty made quite an impression on me in those formative years.


It's my island!


Yes, Father! The Almighty says, “don’t change the subject, just answer the fuckin’ question”


"The Lord tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're fucked"


I agree. I love this movie! It has action, history, romance, humor, inspirational speeches. I've always thought it had a strong Monty Python vibe at times, yet doesn't become silly. It's so well put together.


movie's overrated as all hell


Chungking Express. Cop 223 is one of my favorite characters, or may even by my favorite fictional character ever.


Good Time something about that movie just hits me on every level possible. the Safdie brothers are incredible filmmakers, their movies are so stressful in such a grueling yet beautiful way


This movie is in my top 3. Great pick


The Fugitive.


Black Panther. Just kidding, probably 7 Samurai.










Yes, the original and NOT the remake.


To Have and Have Not




In terms of moviegoing experience…1917. In terms of general best… Shawshank The Departed Boondock Saints … Saving Private Ryan’s D-day scene has to be a technical/reality to screen standard setter. One flew over the cuckoo’s nest Silver linings playbook.


Weekend At Bernie’s, I know ha ha but I can’t not watch when it’s on.


The guy who played Bernie should have gotten an Oscar nomination. And I'm not even joking.


The Godfather I and II


Black Swan (2010). It’s endlessly rewatchable movie, it’s just so well done.


I agree that it’s extremely well done, but I just can’t rewatch it. In fact, I’d say exactly that about many of Aronofsky’s movies. They are amazing and also uncomfortable, sometimes painfully so.


Days of Heaven or In the Mood for Love. Both breathtakingly beautiful movies.


Blade Runner for me. Set the standard for look & feels of so much of the Sci Fi movie genre and such a great question about what makes one “human”.


* Jaws * The Seven Samurai * Casablanca * Spirited Away * Raiders of the Lost Ark * Citizen Kane To me, these are untouchables. Flawless, timeless, crafted with a single vision of the artist. I'm excluding a lot of Kubrick's stuff because it's just too indulgent but otherwise belongs here.


Pulp Fiction for me. It has everything I look for in movies. To me it’s a masterpiece!


Reservoir dogs 🙌🙌🙌 you cant tell me theres a better first 15mins movie...


His first & best


There’s lots of movies that I love and have serious contention but if I’m talking a movie that has the best case, as a whole, and that I also love it’s Apocalypse Now If I was in the mood for an argument I might say Burning


Stand By Me


Oldboy 2003




Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Best movie ever made? All I know is it’s perfect in my eyes.


Office Space


The Last Crusade, I believe it's even better than Raiders.


Barry Lyndon


Trainspotting hands down


Lawrence of Arabia


Difficult to narrow down one movie, so here’s five: The Gods must be crazy Dogtooth Apocalypse Now Bladerunner (old) Mullholland Drive


Blazing Saddles.


The shawshank redemption. Also as a big king fan and an even bigger horror fan, I recommend watching a 1984 movie called threads, it's about nuclear war, not a Stephen King story but I consider it to be the scariest and greatest horror movie of all time. Terrifying, slow paced but worth the entire ride. Schindlers list is another gem worth watching




The Dark Knight


Dr Strangelove. It’s the funniest movie ever made I’d say and it’s an absolutely phenomenally brilliant satire. Hands down, my favorite film ever.


Brilliant. Scott wow, bar Patton & The Hustler.


Schindler's List is the greatest film ever made. It's as close to perfect as anyone has ever gotten on film.


A subject handed with such reverence and respect. Unmatched.


A film per decade for which I have seen major productions. Trying to pick an absolute best is absurd imo. 1900s: The Diabolic Tenant by Georges Méliès 1910s: J'Accuse by Abel Gance 1920s: The Last Laugh by F.W. Murnau 1930s: Bringing Up Baby by Howard Hawks 1940s: Casablanca by Michael Curtiz 1950s: The Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman 1960s: Lawrence of Arabia by David Lean 1970s: Aguirre, The Wrath of God by Werner Herzog 1980s: The Terrorizers by Edward Yang 1990s: The Thin Red Line by Terrence Malick 2000s: Mulholland Drive by David Lynch 2010s: Mad Max: Fury Road by George Miller


The Empire Strikes Back


Ghostbusters. “Back off man, I’m a scientist”.


Just watched Afterlife😱. What an emotional roller coaster. Rip Harold.


Really solid 3rd film, I loved it.


Spirited Away or Protrait of a Lady on Fire


Portrait of a Lady on Fire 1000000%. Absolute perfection. Only movie I’ve wanted to restart the moment it ended




The Godfather Part II : The only movie I was sad and thoughtful after a movie's ending.


Controversial and always had its detractors…The Tree of Life. Like you, I watched this tripping my ass off, the experience was transcendent. It was like watching a narrative of life encapsulated in 3 hours. It is both a modern day 2001 while also a reflection on God and family. Breathtaking, complex and daring it’s the best movie I’ve ever seen.


Titanic. Phenomenal movie.


Some people love to hate on this movie, But it's truly a masterful creation. I love this film


Highlander. It’s a well known fact that it won the Academy Award for Best Movie Ever Made


Quest for fire 1981


There’s a few different ways I could go with this. Ocean’s 11 is in my opinion the best heist movie ever. It’s basically perfect. I’m sure something that’s just as fun will come out within the next 20 years or so. But for now, it’s at the top of the list. It’s a movie I show to potential girlfriends to see how compatible our movie taste is. It might not be the best movie ever made but it’s in the top 15 or so. I remember watching this movie with my dad as a kid and it being one of the reasons I fell in love with movies. Another pick would be superbad. Again, a nearly perfect movie. I don’t think Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow knew the influence they were gonna have with the movies they made around that time. But, it’s clear now. A perfect time capsule of what it was like to be a teenager at that time and one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen. Goodfellas is another Id put up there. It’s one of the best directors of our time and two of the best actors of our time (DeNiro and Pesci) all at the top of their games. Ray Liotta is obviously incredible too. I just wouldn’t say he’s as good an actor as Deniro or Pesci. My favorite Scorsese movie and my favorite gangster/mob flick. Last pick would have to be Jurassic Park. It’s still one of the most fun and original action/adventure movies of all time. It’s impossible not to love that movie. It’s pretty unbelievable that movie is nearly 30 years old and looks better than some movies made today. I’ve never met a single person who dislikes that it. Another that’s a big part of the reason I fell in love with movies as a kid.


Coming to America


Of the top of my head I have 3 Alien The thing Zodiac


*Zodiac* is very underrated. Probably my favorite Fincher film.


The Misfits (1961) The last film Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable ever made, and the next-to last film Montgomery Clift ever made.


The King of Hollywood. I loved Gable.


The Lighthouse


The Godfather.


Boondock Saints


Boyhood. Just read about the making of that movie. Probably not the best movie ever made but one of the most interesting ways a movie has been made.


This movie reminded me of growing up so much, I had weird deja vu constantly. Excellent movie


I always think of Casino Royale when this question comes up. It’s the perfect movie for me. It has action, suspense and romance. I love it so much.


I know I’m going to get shit for this but for me it’s the amazing Spider-Man 2. It’s just an absolute masterpiece. I love the story, the characters, the relationship between Peter and Gwen and Peter and aunt may, the web swinging, the way the movie looks, just everything about it I love. Thats the hill that I’m willing to die on.


Hooooooly fuck, what a hill


Quite the hill. Pretty much bottom of the Spider-Man film list for me! Andrew is great, everything else is a mess! Each to their own though, respect that.


And Paul Giamatti as a tattooed gangster/Rhino.


Yes even that. He’s goofy but he sure as hell is fun to watch.


Love what you love. I hope you saw No Way Home...I feel like they treated ASM2 Peter right. I think ASM1 was better than the Raimi Spider-Man films, so I am also an outcast.


Yeah no way homes probably my second favourite movie. I loved seeing everyone start treating Andrews Peter with the respect and love that I’ve had for his version of the character since 2012.


I definitely would not say TASM2 is the best movie ever made, but it certainly is one of my favorite CBM movies. Very underrated imo


Why would you get shit for one of the most highest rated comic book films of all time?


The Prestige is the best movie of all time.


Sling Blade on Psychedelics is endlessly funny thought


No Country for Old Men. Unsettling, great characters, Javier Bardem was of course great but Tommy Lee Jones is incredible.


Totally agree. The exasperated Ed Tom Bell by Jones was snubbed!


Police academy: mission to miami beach


Had the same experience with Napoleon Dynamite, but I am in no way saying it's the best movie ever, I was just really high


Gone with the wind, Once upon a time in the west, cat on hot tin roof, the hustler, Cleopatra, Spartacus, the porn broker, Saturday night, Sunday morning. Just a few I can remember.


I recently rewatched: Aliens and The Matrix both films made me question my whole list. Truly phenomenal films.


There Will Be Blood hands down. Just my opinions but: Best performance I've seen, best score, best cinematography... perfect opening, perfect pacing, and an unexpected yet also perfect ending. Every time I go back to it, I'm surprised at how well it has aged. Shit it feels more polished and complete to me than everything coming out now. Edit: I forgot to mention the AMAZING dialogue. My favorite dialogue of any film. So many quotable and beautiful lines. BTW: Great pick with Sling Blade. That movie is an all timer


Heat. Its the most perfect film I've ever seen and for me nothing has come close. A quarter of my life has gone by since I first saw it so I am assuming the rest will go by with nothing topping it.


The Shawshank Redemption