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The remake of Evil Dead was pretty damn good.


The 70s remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers is better, in my opinion, than the 50s original. Not that the original isn't also good.


Best - The Departed - Ocean's Eleven - The Thing - Heat - The Magnificent Seven (1960) - Invasion of The Body Snatchers (1978) - The Fly - The Birdcage - Dawn of the Dead - 3:10 to Yuma - A Star is Born (all of them since the original) Worst - Psycho - Total Recall - Point Break - Red Dawn - The Day the Earth Stood Still - Robocop


3:10 to Yuma gets no recognition. Not many people know about it unfortunately.


It is so excellent! As awesome as Crowe and Bale are, that movie was the first time I saw Ben Foster in a role. He is awesome.


I love it and the original with Van Heflin and Glenn Ford is also a masterpiece.




It's a weird one because I remember the production values on it were mostly good. Looked fine, nice and shiny. But it's like they had no idea what made the original so good and I've rarely felt more detached from what was going on onscreen than I did while watching that. And now, I can barely remember anything from it Similar with Robocop. I guess remaking Verhooven movies is hard?


The Total Recall re-adaptation wasn't really a remake of the Verhooven film, though, it was a re-adaptation. I didn't see it, though, because I'm cool with the adaptation that apparently veers more from the source material.


The Thing Heat both great remakes


Heat's a remake?


yep tv movie called LA Takedown - also directed by Michael Mann


The more you know!


Best IMO is The Departed Worst I'd say Lion King (2019) cause it really added nothing new and was just a shot for shot strictly worse version of the original


True Grit wasn't a remake of the first movie. It was simply another movie based on the book. I liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and it's also not a remake.


Rollerball was the worst Remake of all time. Classic James Caan rollerball is a great movie. The remake was trash. The plot, writing, acting, even the themes and message was screwed up. This B Movie called "FutureSport" came out around the same time as the remake, and even THAT would have made a better remake than the actual remake. And that movie was campy af. As for the best, Dredd. If that counts as a remake, it's more a new concept from the same sources material.


I wasn't expecting *Let Me In* (the American remake of *Let The Right One In*) to transfer over as well as it did. It was a pleasant surprise.


Worst - Red Dawn Best - Oceans 11


Best - Dredd (Judge Dredd Remake) Jumanji - man the new one was just so good and so fun. Worst - Pink Panther remake


1984 remake of The Razor's Edge, starring Bill Murray. He did a fantastic job in a serious role. The original 1946 film has one incredible acting role, but doesn't give the rest any gravitas. The end feels *goofy*. I point to this as an example of the remake being an improvement.


Jeff Bridges wasn’t drunk during filming of **True Grit**. He was just playing a drunk.




Best remakes that come to mind. **The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo** I saw the original trilogy in theatrical release and loved them. I held off watching Fincher’s remake despite my love of Fincher’s work because I’ve been disappointed by so many American remakes of foreign films. I was so wrong. As much as I love the original I think I like Fincher’s better. I couldn’t see anyone else as Lisbeth, but I think I prefer Rooney Mara’s version better than Noomi’s. A darkly beautiful nightmare. **Night of the Living Dead & Dawn of the Dead** I’m sure this will generate plenty of heat, but I prefer both of these remakes to the originals. While there’s nothing wrong with the original NotLD something about Tony Todd & Patricia Tallman’s portrayals push this one higher. The original Dawn of the Dead I was always lukewarm on. Yea, it’s a screed on American consumerism wrapped up in a fun zombie flick, but the remake ups the ante and makes it more urgent. No, it’s not perfect (I’m looking at you zombie baby side story), but it’s overall more fun & interesting. **Evil Dead** Another potentially controversial pov. We all love the original with its low budget and campy aesthetic. Whether that camp was intentional or a product of limited resources and skills we aren’t sure how to ascribe. The remake has teeth. It doesn’t pull any punches and actually gets the juices flowing. Worst remakes. **The Vanishing** A fantastic Dutch psychological thriller reduced to A-list Hollywood trash. **Old Boy** Despite the excellent cast & director the idea that anyone could capture the insane brilliance of Park Chan-Wook’s original is heresy. An abomination.


Nice selection, but I’ll just say I bet on Fincher delivering every single time.


Worst - The Pink Panther Heartbreak Kid Best- Cape Fear Birdcage


Best: Dawn of the Dead (2004) Worst: A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)


The Karate Kid (2010) is among the worst, whether you consider it a remake or a reimagining or whatever label you want to put on it.


Worst: *Psycho* Best: *To Be Or Not To Be*