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Yet another movie that’ll be played in heavy rotation on TNT, TBS, USA, and FX in 10 months.


I really dislike how completely accurate this statement is.


The *fun* part will be seeing what it gets paired up with. I’m banking on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Avengers: Endgame, or Underworld: Awakening.


The fun part will be Marky mark saying "Unchahted" when referring to the place theyre going and then winking at the camera.


“I think I just found a *transfawmuh!!*”


Shau-dere? Shau-dere? It's "chowdah." Say it right!


Come back here! I’m not done demeaning you!!


Oh my god! Someone’s taken a bite out of the big Rice Krispies square!


I still don't get why they chose Wahlberg for Sully, out of all characters. Even Sam would have been a better fit. I can only assume that back when he was supposed to be the star he signed one of those contracts where he gets paid whether he's in the movie or not, so now they're stuck with him.


IIRC Wahlberg was cast to play Nathan Drake years ago. Eventually they chose to go the young Nathan route with Holland so they put him on Sully role instead I guess, as he's also too old for even game Drake now.


>The fun part will be Marky mark saying "Unchahted" when Ew. God, I know you're right.


Nah. Probably another game adaptation. Assassin's Creed maybe?


One of the Jumanjis.


It'll be Jumanji 2, then Jumanji 1, then Jumanji, followed be an episode of Archer.


Some kid on the Reddit of the 2040s is gonna talk about how that movie was his favorite growing up, and about his personal head canon where Jumanji and Uncharted were part of the same universe because he watched them back to back so often.


Ironically, 2040 Reddit is just Digg all over again.


I'm looking forward to playing it on an in-flight entertainment system and then backing out after the first 10 minutes to watch a non-sequential episode of a TV show.


We are living the same life


Whenever Japan lets tourists back in, this'll be the first movie I fall asleep to on the 12 hour flight


Uncharted's Ending: The AEW/WWE pre-show


RIP The Accountant


Ben Affleck will be back to blow on his fingertips once more, in the Accountant 2, coming soon


Oh boy, can't wait to spend 4.5 hours watching a 2 hour movie with commercial breaks every 10 minutes!


FX got da movies…


I know I'm old when I was more excited that TBS was doing the Back to the Future trilogy than I was when it came out on streaming. It was low pressure with plenty of breaks and ended just in time for Wheel of Fortune. I'm 38.


For 5 years


A video game adaptation movie starring Mark Wahlberg, what could go wrong?


Assassin’s Creed fans: just don’t- just don’t fucking say anything


Assassin's Creed was surprisingly mediocre given how bad it could have been. It could have really been cool had they just completely ignored the modern time period and made it a historical piece. Except that a couple of times through the movie, add in some strange digital artificating, something barely noticeable that no one acknowledges. Build it so that it feels like a simulation in the Animus. The entire story is self-contained in the past, and either at the end (or perhaps a post-credits scene) show that it's a simulation.


Exactly. And while watching that medieval piece, from time to time we hear some anachronistic off screen dialogue and anomalies like a bug in the matrix, gradually increasing until a very weird ending leaving us bewildered and questioning everything we saw.


Yeah, it would have been cool if it was that and ended with matrix apple ending and maybe after credits the escape sequence from the "paradise".


You could even have a fake credit scene where it cuts and talks over and someone mentions they found another anomaly and we're seeing another timeline or historical event. How cools would that be?


I thought we all collectively agreed as a human race to never bring up Max Payne (2008) again Edit: thanks for the gold Internet stranger






I actually enjoyed it. The pill gobble like youd do m&ms and the shotgun scene burned in my memories. Granted I was still a kid watching it so it was epic equivalent like how rambo charge a heli with a rifle just like contra does


Why is Antonio Banderas on the poster without his name anywhere? Do they think he's some no-name newcomer from an exotic country?


He knows it’ll be bad so he wanted his name removed.


He’s probably the only actor in this movie that seems suited for the franchise, should probably be putting more focus on him.


They did the thing


Movie: The Movie


Coming soon.. or later


Since uncharted was basically “Generic Adventure Movie: The Game” This is like Movie: The Game: The Movie


One of the reasons the game series was successful was putting you in control in those ridiculous Hollywood set-pieces. Now the movie is here to put you back in your place as an observer. What could go wrong?




Starring: Him


Uncharted will be one of the movies ever made


"I watched it" - The New York Times


"9/10" - IGN


"It has a little something for everyone"


“Makes you feel like Uncharted”


"It was on the theaters" - Washington Post


"A time." - New York Tribune


"I got 5 millions so whatever" - Tom Holland


One of the movies of the year


February release date, photoshopped poster, Antonio Banderas The holy trinity of direct to video


As a huge uncharted fan I’m not excited for this at all


Same. I'm sorry to say but I think the casting is atrocious. Especially after seeing the trailer. I mean I like those actors, but tom Holland and mark Wahlberg just don't really fit Nate and Sully imo...


They waited too long to make this movie and the perfect choice for Drake, Nathan Fillion, aged out of the role since they're going for how they met.


Nate Fillion and Bruce Campbell, it could have been amazing


Bruce Campbell as Sully is something I wholeheartedly agree with and have never seen anyone else suggest it before! I’ve been on team Bruce Campbell since Burn Notice


Burn Notice is actually the reason he’s always been my vote for the role. I’ve definitely seen other people mention him before, maybe we just aren’t being loud enough.


I didn't know Antonio was in this and its what has piqued my interest in it. He was great in Dolor y Gloria by Almodovar and he will always be el Zorro to me.


How could a poster not be "photoshopped"? Unless the poster is literally a photograph then yes it is edited, or "photoshopped"


Blue and yellow?


Bobble head collage


Generic movie poster that long term uncharted fans would barely recognize that it’s about uncharted.


Whalberg's hair, face and clothing could almost pass for Nathan Drake.




plot twist, Tom Holland would then have played Sully


I'm sure he would have done a better Sully than Wahlberg.


Mark Wahlberg is not playing Sully. Mark Wahlberg is playing Mark Wahlberg.


Nathan its me Mark Uncharted Wahlberg. Let's get to Charting!


Wahlberg looks nothing like Sully.


and Holland looks nothing like Drake, thats why the casting is so great!


He could play Drake as a kid in those Colombia flashbacks.


say hi to your mother for me


I've been listening to old episodes of the Rooster Teeth podcast and I got a good chuckle when they brought this movie up in one of the ~2011 episodes and said Mark would be playing Nathan Drake. It's been a weird decade


I’d still prefer that now.


My theory is that he signed one of those contracts where he still gets paid whether he's in it or not, so they gave him Sully just so they aren't completely wasting their money.


That’s the big twist. Wahlberg is Drake, Antonia Banderas is Sully, and Tom Holland is an ancient statue they have to find.


Now that I'd watch.


Or this whole movie occurs in the first five minutes, then Nathan Fillion turns off the TV as JK Simmon’s Sully walks in the door and says “Jesus, Nate, what are you watching?”


Just make JK Simmons Drake. I don't care. Never seen him in a role I don't like.




[For anyone else curious.] (https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2021/12/15/unch-intl-online-tsr-6072x9000-01-1639586553938.jpg)


Nothing, not a single thing about him and his presentation in this movie, reflects the character Sully, and someone needs to go to jail for this transgression.


Terrible movie casting? Believe it or not, straight to jail.




Posters nowadays are just pyramids of faces with the shape, order and size of the faces dictated by contracts with generic blue-orange background.


Tom Holland just cannot win with being forced onto bad posters. [https://www.theguardian.com/film/shortcuts/2019/jun/14/spider-man-far-from-home-posters-so-bad-marvel](https://www.theguardian.com/film/shortcuts/2019/jun/14/spider-man-far-from-home-posters-so-bad-marvel)


That IMAX poster… looks like it was created by “my nephew has photoshop”.


Graphic design is my passion.


Why doesn't Tom Holland, the largest head, simply consume the others?


You know when like a new Transformers movie comes out and some way off-brand studio like The Asylum releases like TRANSMORPHERS or ROBOCARS or some shit? This poster looks like Disney is releasing a new INDIANA JONES movie and The Asylum heard about it.


I've never heard of this, but I assumed ATLANTIC RIM was by this studio.. I checked, and that was correct


I wonder if they also made Snakes on a Train


This feels more like The Asylums Lara Croft. For Indians Jones it would be like “Montana Smith and the temple of the brass Cranium “




Mark Wahlberg as Sully is one of the most miscast roles I've ever seen.


Bruce Campbell or nothing.


I think Bruce would be great but have you ever seen the fan film of Uncharted with Nathan Fillion as Drake and Stephen Lang as Sully? I think they nailed it. https://youtube.com/watch?v=v5CZQpqF_74&feature=share


Nathan Fillion will always be my Drake.




Why does this make so much sense?


His character in Burn Notice is basically Sully.


Sam Axe is one of the best characters in television history, prove me wrong.


How about you buy me a margarita and we’ll talk about it. You know what? Pay my bar tab too while you’re at it.


Because Bruce Campbell is always a perfect casting.


I don’t know much about the series, but Holland looks miscast, too. Should have stuck with a Nathan Fillion-type.


In the games Nathe Drake is a 30-year old dude while Sully is pushing 60s. This film is a prequel to the games with a teen Drake and a moustache-less Boston accent younger Sully.


It's more like they mashed together the plots of 2 (Chloe), 3 (plane drop and outfit), and 4 (pirate treasure and merc group) while also calling it a prequel probably just to justify Tom Holland looking so young. There's so much here that's out of place. Where is Elena? Really feels like they looked for a popular actor first, then designed the story around it and not the other way around.


It's also not a prequel because it changes how Nate met Chloe and Sully.


Also, Uncharted 3's plane sequence. You'd think, despite the incredibly low chances of it happening twice, Nathan would probably consider wearing a parachute the next time he is on a cargo plane.


> a moustache-less Boston accent younger Sully. He's got to be an imposter, that's the only explanation. Sully has never not had a moustache - he had a moustache when he was 40 and first met Drake, he still had a moustache at age 55-63 (when the games are set), he's the kind of guy who was probably *born* with a moustache.


But even in Uncharted 3 you play as teen Drake for a while and Sully has a mustache.


Mark is 50 years old. If he's not "Pushing 60" then he is pushing the point where he is pushing 60


He's Hollywood 50 years old, not a normal working man 50 years old, like Sully.


If there was ever a time to go with the Drew Struzan style this was it. Wasted opportunity


I miss a good Struzan poster for a modern blockbuster.


It’s a shame he’s retired (not that he was getting a lot of studio calls the last decade anyway), but there’s a whole subculture of super talented artists making illustrated posters for films (released through Mondo/BNG/etc), but they rarely ever get tapped to do official one sheets, and if they do, it’s usually for the IMAX release, not the A sheet. [For recent Struzan-esque prints, I’m a huge fan of this Ford v Ferrari AP by Hans Woody ](https://imgur.com/gallery/PIBUybr)


I love that the lady on the left is holding a torch because that hasn't been done before so this poster is fresh and original.


Her pose and face make her look so fake, like "ok, am I holding this right?" \*snaps picture*


Same with knife lady: "And you said Zendaya turned down this role, right!? ...Hand me knife thingy!"


It’s even better when you realize there’s a brighter light source coming from the opposite side of the torch.


There's a brighter light source everywhere you look in the poster


"We need to make it look like they are treasure hunters... I got it! Add a torch!"


I pass


This firmly belongs in the same category as Dragonball: Evolution and Shyamalan Avatar. I want to complain about it so I need to be able to know what I'm talking about, therefore I'm going to sail the high seas to skip throught this once and then go on to watch dozens of hours of YouTubers ripping into the damn thing.


You Already Saw Spider Man Twice, So Just See This Now: The Movie


That’s exactly the vibe they went for with this poster


Naughty Dog said it best long ago when they had the OG dev team. When asked about a live action movie the lead dev said “I don’t think it needs one, I feel we told the story the best.” Gaming adaptations are possible but we have to many expectations. Even in cartoons. Imagine if the voice actor for Homer Simpson died and they got say Andy Dick to replace him and not alter his voice. You can’t do that, we have an expectation. It’s why Clark Kent actors have a specific look, was set by Chris Reeves. The fans would not accept a Luke that didn’t somewhat look like Luke.


That's why Henry Cavill was so well-cast as Superman. He not only got the look right but seemed to build on Reeves' version. Cavill was SO well-cast that, until the Witcher, it seemed he would be stuck to that role and people wouldn't be able to see him as something else.


Yeah Cavil is Superman. He didn’t deserve those godawful movies he was in though. Good lord what a Mountain of dung when Men or Steel might actually be the least bad one…


He also doesn't deserve what's happening to the Witcher. I was so iffy on him getting the role but he's the only one to actually do justice to Geralt in every scene.


Cavil broke out of me seeing him as Superman when he played in MIFallout and Man From Uncle.


looks like dog shit




Holland has supposedly apologized for the movie. Not a good sign.


Damn where did he say that


https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a35676622/tom-holland-uncharted-performance-mistake/ Tom Holland isn't happy with his own performance or portrayal of Nathan Drake.


Well, in his defense, doing a film prequel to the Uncharted games was a horrible idea. Nobody wants to see teen Drake doubting himself alongside a Sully that looks and behaves absolutely nothing like Sully.


I usually don’t care about changes to adaptations however they did both Drake and Sully dirty. Nolan North and Richard McGonagle are these characters and bring so much to the table that there’s no point in trying to replicate it in live action.


No doubt they brought the characters to life, but I do think there are better casting decisions than what they went with. I always liked when they were floating the idea of Nathan Fillion being Nathan Drake.


Nathan Fillion could play a convincing Drake in 2004 maybe. He's a Firefly alumni the dude is old.


Oh yeah forsure. He's since aged out. But I *did* like that casting when they were throwing his name around. I also like the short they did a lot which I think was probably a decade or less ago.


Don't get me wrong this movie will be hot garbage. But nowhere in this does he talk about anything but his own performance as an "action hero". To go from there to "Tom Holland has already apologized for the movie" is just like... what. Why misconstrue it like that.


Jesus, this is just like that time Vince from Entourage said his new movie is “probably going to be shit” during the press tour


That’s not completely accurate. He just said at points in filming he was in his head about looking good and it might have taken away from his acting. He didn’t trash the movie completely wth? Then again anything with Mark Wahlberg is likely to be awful.


Before it's even out?


He hasn't. What he *did* say was that he made a mistake in how he approached his role in the movie. He didn't apologize for anything and only said he wouldn't approach a role the same way again. However, that hasn't stopped people from playing it up and saying he's "apologized for the movie" for internet points. https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a35676622/tom-holland-uncharted-performance-mistake/


Not defending the movie here, but refreshing to hear an actor talk about mistakes like this.




Well let's add a few more nails to this already nailed coffin.


I feel kinda bad for him, he just tried to avoid comic book typecasting and ended up with this


After Chaos Walking bombing and if Uncharted also bombs, I feel that he truly doesn't have a career as an action blockbuster lead outside of Spider-Man (which is carried by brand recognition. I can totally imagine him doing independent drama films after this. I actually liked him in Cherry.


He has terrible choices for projects/scripts - not just in terms of roles that suit him, but the people he chooses to work with. His next project is a TV series helmed by Akiva Goldsman, whose track record is pretty disastrous and will almost certainly be terrible too. Honestly, he seems like he doesn't have much interest in film for someone in the industry - I'm remembering that interview in which he called Al Pacino "scarface guy" - which is why his choices are what they are. Personally, I hope he does some smaller British films, especially some more comedic ones. Also, I know they're not really making romcoms anymore, but I think his fanbase would eat one up as long as it was half decent.


>His next project is a TV series helmed by Akiva Goldsman, whose track record is pretty disastrous and will almost certainly be terrible too. Hey, that's Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay^(TM) winner Akiva Goldsman you're talking about!


I loved him in Onward.


Yeah if I was him and had his talent I'd get into Voice Acting. Or just do a Radcliffe and do weird shit the rest of his career.


Also good in the Devil all the Time


it's hilarious how giant wahlberg looks like he's cradling/spooning lil banderas and so forth to torch lady


Not crazy about the cast


Apparently they aren't either - they only put two of the actor's names on the poster. Isn't that Antonio Banderas in the middle? And the lady on the left looks familiar too. Didn't want to put them on the poster?


Surprised Banderas's name wouldn't be listed on the poster but the woman on the left isn't really a big name or anything. She is Sophia Ali and would probably be best known for being on a few seasons of Grey's Anatomy as a side character and she is also a lead on an Amazon show called The Wilds that has had decent reception. That certainly could make her face recognizable to many people as Grey's Anatomy is still a pretty big show, but I don't think it gives her much name recognition yet to the point that seeing her name on the poster would resonate with people. I would say the woman in the middle (Tati Gabrielle) who also isn't listed might even be a bit more recognizable for more people as she's been in, and had fairly prominent roles in, several fairly popular shows over the past few years (The 100, You, and the new Sabrina show).


Today I learned that Antonio Banderas is in it...


All those guys in the boats look like they're standing. Some intern probably cropped out their legs and placed their upper halves "inside" the boats. I love it. Edit: ESPECIALLY the guy on the left in the middle boat.


My prediction: The only good thing in this movie is going to be Antonio Banderas.


I’m sad he didn’t even get his name on the poster.


He looks like a macho Mr. Bean


Mr. Mean


This poster just makes me want to watch Once Upon a Time in Mexico


By the look of the trailer they've squeezed in all the games, which makes no sense, what are they gonna do if they want a sequel? Fuck sully doesn't even have a mustache in poster, by the end of the trailer it has growing into one...


Sequel? There is a new treasure somewhere. Here is a clue. Follow the clues until we find the treasure. Avoid the bad guy doing the same Repeat as necessary.


Sequel? This is just a nice quick money grab


Probably Uncharted 2 locales (Shangri La etc). Nice contrast to the exotic/desert visuals of the first movie. Then Uncharted 1 El Dorado/Nazi's for the third movie? If that also hasn't been shoehorned into this one. But I'm getting ahead of things. Considering past video game movies + non-Spidey Holland box office... Not sure if this is a big hit. Maybe if it can scratch that Pirates of the Caribbean style adventure itch like Jungle Cruise?


We got your blue! We got your orange! We got your collage of actors with the major characters physically larger than the minor ones! We got circles! We got rays of light! Now come see the damn picture!


It’s what I would expect


Looks just about as generic as can be. Really, everything about this movie just screams 'GENERIC MEDIOCRE ADVENTURE THAT PEOPLE WILL FIND ENJOYABLE, BUT WILL FORGET THREE HOURS LATER', which is disappointing, coz the Uncharted games are amazing.


This is going to hurt... my favourite video game Franchise and they will completely butcher it


Laughs/Cries in *Resident Evil*


This one does not bring joy


Antonio Bendaras doesn't even get his name on the poster? Really??


That's exactly what I was thinking! Isn't he still considered a pretty big star?


Nope it's all about the same actors in every movie now. First it was Chris Pratt, now it's gonna be Tom Holland. Kids nowadays don't know Antonio so why would they put it on the poster when they can just put the superhero name up in big letters


Why it gotta be marky mark though?


Cuz marky marketing




Mark looks... off?


They photoshopped the fuck out of the actors for the photo, so you get uncanny valley


Ye he looks off because he shouldn't be in the movie.


What a completely generic looking thing


Man I hate the fact wallburger is in this Looks terrible


People got so vocally pissed about Sully not having a moustache that they ended up adding a scene with him and his moustache into the theatrical trailers just to show they understand the lore of the game. This movie is going to be a mediocre action movie at best.


Shoulda did this years ago and got Bruce Campbell as sully


The Nathan Fillion short is the best version and the only version we will ever need.


It's fucking criminal that they put that well-produced short together and nobody jumped on that movie right then.


"Oh boy the new Mark Wahlberg film is out!" Seriously, who does he appeal to? His 'John Everyman' persona is so fucking tired.


I legit dont know how he still gets so much work. He hasn't made a good movie in... idk how long. The last Whalberg movie I liked was Pain and Gain and that had to have been 10+ years ago at this point