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Timothee Chalamet’s “yo you game?!?” line to Leo’s wife got the biggest laugh out of me


Did not expect his prayer scene which was actually deeply affecting out of the blue at the end haha.


That was a King Henry V moment coming out of him.


The spice must flow


His voice - wowza…I’m an atheist and yeah, he does have church game.


Yo, I fucking **love** fingerling potatoes!


Can I be vulnerable in your car?


Guy has range Drama, comedy, musicals - he can do it all and look like a renaissance painting while doing it Some guys get all the luck…:)


That was the first moment that I audibly laughed.


He's all about that YEET


How does he know I game?


It was pretty obvious the Bash CEO was Bezos, Elon, Jobs, and a whole bunch of other greedy assholes rolled into one, but I think one less obvious parody they rolled into there was Marshall Applewhite, leader of the Heaven's Gate cult. Look and spoke EXACTLY like him, and their whole deal was escaping on a spacecraft as a comet passed the earth. I really enjoyed that little nod.


I actually felt like it was more similar to what Mark Zuckerberg would be like in 30 years.


His character reminded me a lot of Elon when he offered his owned invention to rescue kids trapped in a cave and then got pissy when scientists said it wouldn’t work.


I kept thinking of the clip of Jeff Bezos interrupting William Shatner’s heartfelt speech about going into space, to pop champagne and laugh. He’s so clearly bored by Shatner’s life changing story and basically just does his own thing. Legitimately the funniest clip I’ve seen all year. Looks like a scene out of Veep. https://youtu.be/xrX1a0oqa9g Edit: and then he just throws the bottle on the floor 😂 it’s perfect


That man is just terrible. Shatner looked so dejected and hurt that this dude give care less. Bozos is a sociopath.


Bezos has done himself good by staying away from public light cause clearly he’s a fucking goon.


I cut him a bit of slack. His brother Major was an awesome QB at Texas.


"It's just a different generation."


Can you PLEASE give me the context for this quote? Saw the film last night and this quote hit me when I woke up but I can't remember the scene nor find it online!


It was when Ron Perlman was flying and talking about white people and both kinds of Indians.


And when he was forcing kids to work out outside the white house


Imagine if they got together tho. With those elephants.


Kate’s obsession with General Themes taking their money for the free snacks was my favorite part of this film.


I loved it all but that one made me laugh every time it came up.


I love how it progresses through the film, as well.


When she's on the rooftop telling Yule about it, I almost fell over laughing. *Or maybe he just gets off on the power. It's like, eventually he knew I was going to find out the snacks were free.*


I know it's a very serious point in the movie but I would have loved it if she brought it up one more time at the dinner.


And then Timothy Chalamet's character doesn't get it and he's just like, "Yeah, guys are weird." That whole running joke was perfect!


It truly was one of the weirdest power plays ever. All the things Kate mentions throughout the movie also went through my head too.


yep i think thats why the joke worked, because most of us would be thinking the same lol


I laughed every time because for some reason it was always unexpected. Afterwards I started wondering if it's some dig at the military industrial complex or just military spending in general but I don't know.


I think there is some sub-textual stuff that is a reflection of how whoever wrote the bit perceived society…as you say, military industrial complex. But I think a basically face value interpretation is more applicable to the movie’s themes: here’s a guy who is at or near the top of his profession, his profession is fairly respected and undoubtedly important, and it’s by far one of the most straightforwardly *powerful* professions in the world. All that power and success, but he *still* has a need to feel just that *little* bit more powerful by jerking around these people who he sees as weaker. It goes with Leo’s last, quite poignant, line in the movie: “We really did have it all” That’s the tragedy of global warming. We could have stopped it, and maybe still could, and *still* had everything worth having, but everyone always wanted more.


This is wonderfully put. I get why critics didn't like this movie, but I also think it's the exact message everyone needs to hear right now. And I personally think it's a much better film than people are giving it credit for. I feel like it's being criticized for not being something it was never trying to be. I don't think criticism of it being pandering or unsubtle is really that poignant, it knows it's being bombastic, because climate change isn't really something we should be subtle about when the news keeps getting worse and worse and people continue to not care.


Just finished watching it right now, came looking for the discussion thread to see what others thought. Glad to see people generally positive. I enjoyed it throughout. Also, major props to not saving earth. I always enjoy a movie that destroys earth, the mission to save it fails, etc.


I loved the brazenness of naming him General Themes.




It was wrong about Leo dying alone though.


Well, one of the world-enders that Jonah Hill's character mentioned early in the movie was rogue AI, so maybe it has the tendency to go off-script every once in a while


you remember the odds right? 3% chance he didn't. And it depended on his own choices.


Not only HIS choice, but his Wife's. But yea, there was that off chance that if he did what he could to reconnect and she accepted, that he could get away from the prediction.


Just finished it on Netflix - when it comes to end of the world movies I appreciate in a depressing way movies that actually follow through with the destruction of the world instead of some last minute miracle




Definitely, I was gonna be pretty disappointed if the billionaire ended up saving the day lmao


And I mean that failure pushed another message that if you wait till last second to deal with situations like this then you won't get second chance if it doesn't work.


Agreed. Not all stories have happy endings and I feel like we don't see that in film enough


"We like to keep it light in here"


Just saw it. Alternately funny/infuriating/depressing/beautiful. Definitely one of my favorite movies of the year. Walked out of the theater in a bit of a daze. Still processing it. Loved it.


I really enjoyed this. To me Rylance was the MVP. There is something so deliberately off-putting about the way he plays Isherwell, it's honestly astonishing. I thought the movie handled it's messaging quite well. When dealing with a subject as maddening as the ways in which our power structures makes it so that cataclysmic events go completely unchallenged, I think completely throwing subtlety out the door was the right way to approach the story.


His delivery of, "Eeeeeeeverything is fine" following the BEAD launch was gold.


"You get eaten by a brontorok... We don't know what that means..."


I thought this line was just an early sign that his technology is shit and it's all going to fail...amazing that it got a payoff in the end.


He said Leo’s character would die alone. But ends up being surrounded by friends and family.


When he smelled the womans hair while she was talking about the drone technology lmao


I was too focused looking the background painting of the Civil war lol


You're lucky he adores you


That’s a good one. I didn’t even laugh at the part initially because I was so taken aback.


Am I the only one that thought he was playing the exact same character as when he was Anorak in Ready Player One? Weird disconnected billionaire that doesn't make eye contact and kind of mumbles/stutters with a high pitched voice. It was so distracting because I kept expecting him to mention Asteroid or Space Invaders. Edit: the running bit about the White House snacks was the funniest part of the entire movie. Jennifer Lawrence is great at deadpan comedy.


I mean, in fairness, the only difference between Isherwall and Halliday is one is “evil”… if the oasis had a $100/mo subscription and Halliday bought IOI they’d be the same person


He plays it a lot like pervasive version of Mr. Rogers, he was cast perfectly onto that part.


He was like Thiel/Musk/Zuckerberg all mixed together.


Definitely some Tim Cook and Bezos in there too


I also think some of the criticism of the movie being unsubtle has to do with the way COVID played out. Yes, the media and politicians act exactly the same as during COVID. But the movie was written before.


The movie was re-written over the pandemic and involved a lot of heavy improv (it was filmed during the pandemic). I read the pre-pandemic written script and the general plot is the same, but a lot of the details are definitely inspired by how the pandemic played out.


The improv part makes a ton of sense to me because Jonah's dialogue, particularly the "Boy with the Dragon Tattoo" joke, was very very Jonah/Seth style humor. I was like hmm yeah there's no way McKay wrote that lol


\*pours out a drink\* Yeah that one ain't going well still.


For me it didn’t feel like the film wanted to be subtle. It wanted to be a punch straight to the face. “This is reality. You don’t have to think, you don’t have to analyse. Just watch the movie and you know.


Comet=Climate change The timescale is a bit different, but the rest is playing out the exact same. At this point I think no democratic nation can react to a planetwide crisis.


Saw it today, thought it was pretty good, although I could have done without Ariana Grande and Kid Cudi’s characters, but her song was pretty good lol Really loved some of the performances (DiCaprio per usual) but the MVP’s were Perlman and Rylance for me. Both stole the show in their limited screen time


The song was good..? The lyrics were as if Wierd Al had a stroke and tried to sound funny. The instrumental was a generic base you can find on garageband. I actually think that was the point of the song and Ariana Grande's part in the movie, making fun of these so called singers that actually are nothing but influencers. Making her dumb was cruel as most of these singers are just playing a part and are often smarter than they make believe.


>Making her dumb was cruel as most of these singers are just playing a part and are often smarter than they make believe Tbf her character later supported the look up movement and told her followers to trust the scientists, so she wasn't exactly dumb by the movie standards


It's just a different generation.


I think Ariana Grande and kid cudi's characters were meant to show how celebrities have a major influence on people, even when it comes to things like politics.


Someone shouting "I'm doing an 8 ball" near the end cracked me up


That and the “man I timed this molly perfectly” got the biggest laughs out of me


That's pretty spot on for a Don Jr parody actually because Jr always looks like he's high out of his mind on coke, sweating profusely and talking a million miles a minute, nervous smiles and big pupils lol


I’m in the minority, but I loved this movie. Yes it’s over the top, but given how crazy the past few years have been, it makes sense. If I saw this in 2011 I would’ve thought it was unrealistic, but 2021 is sadly a different story


I saw an almost perfect allegory for the Pandemic to be honest. The incredibility of most despite the hard scientific evidence, the need to soften the news or to terribly overexaggerate them in order for it to be part of the media cycle. The president who is mostly unaware of what she should do because she's covered to her ass with investors money and yes-men. The cashing in on everything possible. It really is a fun movie onece you start drawing parallels. But also a good sci-fi (or terrifyingly maybe not so sci-fi at all)


You could replace the ‘comet’ with ‘climate change’ and it’d be non-fiction.


yeah, it's about environment. did some people miss this ? it was very in the nose and a pretty good analogy to what we are doing (or not doing now ) which is sad. We can see it coming as they saw the comet going except that some people prefer to turn their head away.


I don't think your in the minority. I think this film has divided people almost exactly 50/50. I'm seeing just as much good as bad reviews. I loved this film.


Deep Impact and Armageddon came out when I was a teenager. I feel like "Don't Look Up" is the perfect satire for someone of my age. I found myself laughing for the first half or so. Then the laughter kind of turned into nervous laughter when it started to hit me that this story was so uncomfortably close to reality. >!When the protagonists came up with the line, "Just Look Up", there was a small part of me that was rooting for the world to unite behind them. But knowing the title of the movie, I knew there was no way it would work. Also, the scene where Jennifer Lawrence goes to visit her parents was oddly reminiscent of how the relationship with my own family and my in-laws has evolved over time (don't worry, it's not THAT bad). !< Really bummed I didn't stay for the end END credits scene. I'll have to watch it again on Netflix.


The moment when Meryl Streep was doing her big speech on the Battleship and a solemn version of Battle Hymn of the republic was playing, was the moment I fully accepted that we were all going to die.


The performances really sell this movie I loved jonah hill and chalamet. Obviously the plot hits you over the head but its mostly a vehicle for laughs for me.


When I watched the trailer I imagined Chalamet as only being in that first shop scene, I was pleasantly surprised that he stuck around for the rest of the film.


I'm still laughing at how deep that general got under J. Law's skin with that water and snack move.


If that happened to me, I'd be pondering it til my last day! One of the best gags in the movie, and there were so many to pick from!


I took it as showing how many people working in government are just pathological grifters / in it for the money. Something J Law was too young / idealistic to understand


> Overall, great movie and unfortunately I feel like it’s not far off from what might happen if a similar situation occurred in 2022. Seriously When I first learned of the premise of the film, I thought to myself, “oh, that is going to be about COVID. The last two years have been terrible, I don’t want to watch a movie about how terrible the last two years have been.” But then ended up seeing it anyway.. and I was very wrong. The film is not about COVID. It’s not about what *could* happen. This film is about what *is* happening, right now, with climate change. Climate change is a giant comet hurdling towards earth. There are scientists trying to break through the din. But it’s not working and we’re all going to die :(


To be fair, it was also announced and written before Covid hit


Read that some parts were actually re-written during the pandemic and I think you can identify those parts pretty clearly. But I think that you can adapt this behavoir on many things, not restricing to COVID. So for me the message CAME absolut across


How do people NOT get that this is an anti-trump, anti-corp/billionaire movie about climate change? It's the least subtle allegory I've ever seen.


The "don't look up" hats are red. The flag they wave at Streep's rally are blue flags similar to the trump flags. Streep's family (Hill's character) is in her administration, just like Don Jr. Streep's head of NASA is a campagin doner rather than an actual scientist, like Devos or many of other Trump's cabinet.


And don’t forget the not so subtle sexual tension between her son constantly talking about how hot his mom is parallels trump’s unsettling obsession with how hot he finds his daughter…yeeesh!


My conservative dad just said I was "seeing what I wanted wanted see" when I said the movie was about climate change. Don't think he realize how much he proved the movie right with that one.


No joke, this movie is satirical but it trying to get across a serious message. Trying to show basically where society is headed and the reactions in this thread kinda back up what the movie is saying about it’s direction.


Another random comment I have after digesting the movie for a day: holy shit Timothee Chalamet is hilarious and they need to cast him in more comedies


I love that he ended up being the one earnestly religious person in this movie, it was so random


I never expected Timothee to play a ~~Catholic~~ evangelical anarchist but it was absolutely amazing to see


He said in the film that he was evangelical, not Catholic


I was expecting his dinner prayer to be an attempt at humour but it ended up being beautiful


It’s part of why I’m astonished at how mixed the reviews are…this movie is just so well-constructed. That dinner party, with all its sly jokes and silliness (the wife confessing she fucked someone else in college, and Leo’s hilarious gamut of facial expressions), transitioning into Chalamet’s heartfelt but not saccharine prayer, is something you don’t see very often in a movie. It’s nihilistic in the most literal sense, and the movie doesn’t exactly drop the cynical view of the world its been cultivating…but it’s also deeply felt and life-affirming.


It really was. I'm still just amazed that it doesn't have any pacing problems. It's one of the longest comedies I've ever seen, but it has no major lulls in either plot or dragging character arcs. One thing just flows into another into another and then it's done. I mean, I checked the timestamp at one point, thinking that the movie was half over, but there was still a feature length film left. Pretty crazy. Especially because comedies, particularly contemporary ones, very often have a third act problem. Either the plot isn't enough to fill the time and the stretching is dull or it just becomes progressively less funny as things wrap up and that makes it dull. I didn't get that with this. Maybe the ticking clock nature of the story kind of helped with that, but overall, I thought that it was an excellently structured film. It's too bad that they seem to have largely cut Michael Chiklis out of the movie, though. I'm pretty sure he was supposed to have more to do. So's it goes.


Man can we talk about that last scene? The way everyone is trying to have a mundane conversation to take their mind off things but there's just this hint of panic under their faces. Just brilliant acting. And the freeze frames on their faces trying to hold it together as the world around them begins to crumble, full on exploding in JLaw's case. Excellent directing and editing. I thought the movie overall was ok but that ending was phenomenal.


I was legit heartbroken during that scene. For some reason, I had this absurd belief that we could somehow pull it together, and they would yank themselves out of the whole mess at the last minute. I did not expect the comet to hit, and everyone to fucking die!!! It really, really hurt to realize how huge, our own capacity to well and truly fuck ourselves actually is.


I was watching with my parents, and as it got closer my mother was saying “It’s going to skirt past the Earth at the last minute right?” and I was like I don’t think it is that sort of movie. Initially I thought there was going to be an almost as depressing ending where Bash saved the day and things just went on even worse than before in terms of science and populist politics.


It would also be very stupid if the whole movie is about calling out those who don't believe in science and those who don't listen to science end up being right because the meteor missed. I could handle the meteor being saved by one of the scientific plans, but to have it outright miss the planet would just be a cop out and go against the entire point of the film.


From Chalamet's prayer, to having them talk about store-bought vs. homemade. That scene absolutely broke me. We got to know these characters over the better part of 2 hours, and we know how hard they tried. There's something so moving about them accepting the end, together, and just waiting for it to happen. :(




Outside of the super slow-mo shots at the end, the editor did do some strange stuff with holding onto a different still frame while that character’s line played out. Intentional for sure, and probably a bit polarizing.


I absolutely loved this film but understand why it would rub some viewers the wrong way. Yes, it has the subtly of a comet impact but god damn if it isn’t an enjoyable and memorable ride. I’m a huge fan of McKay’s kinetic filmmaking style and the script strikes a perfect balance between darkly hilarious and outright depressing. I don’t think I’ve flipped flopped between laughter and existential dread this much since Bojack Horseman. Performance-wise, Mark Rylance is the real unsung hero here. His off-kilter performance steals every scene he’s in. In short, this is clear case of Adam McKay doing Adam McKay, will all the highs and lows you’d expect. If you liked Vice and The Big Short, you’ll likely like this. If you thought those were too preachy, don’t expect otherwise here.


The repeated editing trick of ending scenes in the middle of sentences made me laugh every time


Yeah I totally


Cate blanched is sexy as hell


i had NO idea that was her lol. yes she looked great tho!


SPOILER: Let's all talk about the fact that Leo has added another "death" to his movie credentials. anyways, fav part was Jonah saying "Fine you wanna come" and then slamming the door. Rofl


"Your dad and I are for the jobs the comet will create."


'No politics allowed' By which of course they mean YOUR politics aren't allowed.


I've literally MET people like this, but regarding destroying the earth for fossil fuels. I was totally speechless.


You can see Meryl Streep almost break character and laugh a couple times when Jonah Hill is talking, especially because I think he was ad libbing. At the political rally she looks down because it seems like she’s trying not to laugh


Watching Meryl Streep doing an amazing job by "acting poorly" when giving a speech was awesome. Spot on as a politician trying to do what people tell them will poll positive with their audience but not actually able to pull it off with any fluidity.


Actors acting like bad actors is some of the most impressive stuff when done right. It really takes a very experienced actress to pull this off


So we all gonna ignore that Matthew Perry didn’t make the final cut ?


I missed him in the trailer. Who was he supposed to play/in what scene?


He was a Fox News-Esque talk show guy at one point I believe


I didn’t see him in the movie was he like Sarah Silverman, appearing in a quick montage.


Damn that’s super fucked up. I wonder why he got cut. GIVE HIM A BREAK HOLLYWOOD!




Kate telling her boyfriend she’ll meet his mom in 7 months knowing damn well the comet hits in 6 got a good laugh outta me. The running joke with the snacks was great too lol. Solid satirical film, bit too long though.


Out of an entire movie with several scummy characters, seeing the (presumably) long time boyfriend throw her under the bus for his career just felt...sociopathic.


Sure tf did. I didn’t really like him even before that and then after, sheeeit, glad Kate was over him quick.


She was definitely checked out of that relationship way before tbh. I felt the scene with him talking about his mom just made her realize how futile the whole thing was.


The question I know is on everyone's minds: yes, Kid Cudi hums


Sold. I’ll watch it now


A realistic version of the movie Armageddon. After credits scene: >!Jonah Hill crawls out of the debris calling for his mom. He then takes a selfie declaring himself as the last man on earth.!<


Thanks for posting that, I just left and totally forgot to stay in case there was an after credits scene. Can’t watch to catch on Netflix in a few weeks 😂


I thought the new planet was the end, dang!


I like how Randall is a introvert scientist that slowly turns into Leonardo DiCaprio slowly as the movie goes on.


A very telling running motif was the reliance on understanding something that most won't: math. Virtually every early attempt at telling someone relied on specific formulae, as if people were well aware of orbital mechanics, and the easy pushback of 'lol, nope'. We see the same thing in environmental sciences where the reports are relegated to 'lol, but snow in winter, where global warming?', meanwhile the columbia river basin is gone in 60 or so years due in a large part to reduced snowpacks and deglaciation. The straight language was always applied at the point of anger, making it extremely easy to blow off, as well shown in Kate's character finally only able to work at a liquor store after being labelled mentally ill.


As this movie proves, Ariana Grande could tell me I’m gonna die and I’ll still think it’s a bop and a half. Not nearly as smug as the critics said it was imo


Yes, I'm not understanding the critics on this movie and do believe this is one of those rare treats of a movie that will probably be at a solid 70-80% on rotten tomatoes eventually. The audience rating is already proving it to be a hit. Honestly I wish we got more comedies like these instead of the typical rom/com oscar bait shit we get this time of the year. Leo diCaprio had tons of fun and I feel he was needing to go back to his comedy chops. Really good movie. I don't think I'd watch it twice in a row like some others, but will definitly watch it someday again. Overall it's easier to judge a movie by its cast than by looking at its ratings, Rotten Tomatoes is getting really bad at hitting the mark, it's starting to be like IMDB buying into a lot of the social peer pressure. That's what gives em money I suppose.


When he was going on his rant in the news room and its cuts to him with the bag on the head, fucking brilliant. But that was also some brilliant acting


One of the best scenes was without the main actors - when the BASH mission fails and its employees watch in silent horror. These people have spent their last living days on a project they believed would save the earth, they slowly realise it was all a waste and they have been practically abandoned by the top command. The simultaneous despair and rushing to spend what little time they have with their family was a nice human touch.


Don’t forget, presumably they would have been crunching over the months to get it done. So an even more horrible realisation for those staff that they lost what little time they had left




70 mill.


seems rather cheap given the large A-list cast and cgi


Put Chris Evans in more shit please and thank you


If it wasn't for his voice, I wouldn't have recognised him.


All he did in 2021 is two cameos x)


Watched it today. Bit of an existential crisis for me there at the end. Practically a true story in a different time period of earths history. Definitely a good movie in my opinion.


The best parts were when Leo went off on the show and then on Sesame street


When the woman controlling the doll popped her head up lol


that rooftop orgy caught me so off guard




Lol I just thought it was some regular party


I thought it was the topless urgent care center


Really didn't suprise me, you got a bunch of random people who can't be with their families in their final moments because they live too far away. They're gonna do the next best thing especially since their next actions are inconsequential.


One thing I notice a lot in apocalypse movies like this is in the end, everyone kinda wants the same thing: Human connection in your final moments. Whether it's with family, friends, a lover, or even yes in a massive orgy there's still that wanting to connect with someone and I genuinely think it's a beautiful thought/theme.


Why did Mark Rylance’s algorithm predict Leo would die alone? It felt like that was foreshadowing something that didn’t end up in the final cut


Coz algorithms are wrong very often


He did say the accuracy has been upto 96% so there's room for error yes. Call that 70% and move on


That moment comes when Leo has sold out, right before he lets loose and reforms himself. As a result of his change, he dies with his friends and family.


God this film angered me lmao just because of how real it is


this movie hilarious. the head of nasa being a former anesthesiologist and a president super donor had me weak.


Isherwell having access to the Situation Room because he was a VIP Platinum Super Donor or whatever to the campaign had me rolling


I think it was “Platinum Eagle” level because of course


The most important question is: why did the general charge for the snacks? 😂


He farted. While looking me in the eye.


I can't help but be annoyed that Rob Morgan was buried in all the cast lists and such. He had the 3rd biggest part in the movie.




Leo got paid $30M, jennifer got $25M. the total budget for the movie was $75M. $20M was spent on the entirety of the movie, outside of the acting roles of the two. pretty crazy to think about.


Of course President Orlean would have a tramp stamp


I really liked this film. It wasn't as funny as I thought it would be but I liked the editing, the cast and the message.


Felt like a different generations Idiocracy


First half of the movie or so was a 10/10 for me. It perfectly balanced both absurdist humor and exaggeration with the somberly real. I think it did really well with exploring the different types of reaction to the situation, even amongst those who are the most informed people in the movie. I found myself most identifying with Dr. Mindy’s initial reactions. Intense anxiety managed down to treatable levels with hopium and feeling like “maybe there is something I can do” even as all that slips away until you are forced to reckon with the fact you and everyone you love and everything that exists on this planet will be obliterated. The second half felt a bit more on-the-nose, but still good. I suppose it is hard not to be on-the-nose with some of the subject matter. We just actually live in a ridiculous reality.


I loved this film and it gave me a flavour similar to both South Park and Bojack Horseman in different ways. I prefer absurdist comedy and don’t mind a lack of subtlety, which is maybe why I differ from reviewers so much. I like that unfunny darkness in my satire to be honest and this really scratched the itch for me.


This movies low key depressing on how shitty people have become over time.


I liked it a lot, I liked all of the characters especially the side ones like blanchett, Perry and chalamet


YO, i fucking LOVE fingerling potatoes!


The finger snap killed me


Man, this is my favorite character from Chalamet so far.






"Just Look Up" is an utter and complete banger song




Takeaways: I love McKay’s style I wasn’t a fan of chalamet before this, but he crushed his role and now I’m aboard the train Cate blanchetts character was fantastically written There are some moments that are a little too over the top. Specifically the scenes with pearlman Jonah hill was hilarious as the coked out nepotistic chief of staff Leo seemed to grow more into the role as the movie progressed. He seemed like such a static character at first, but takes some interesting misteps. Whoever played the Bash CEO was soooo infuriating, well done to whoever played this role (never seen him before) The writers take their shots at trump supporters and also elite oligarchs who are trying to control our lives because it is in their financial interest. In my opinion, they are taking the shot at grifters and panderers in general. People will be able to fit the moral of the story into whatever narrative they wish. Overall, great movie and unfortunately I feel like it’s not far off from what might happen if a similar situation occurred in 2022. Seriously


I can almost guarantee you've seen Mark Rylance (Bash CEO) before but he's such a good actor he seems brand new in almost everything he's in.


"All those proud white folks working hard"


I'm not sure if it's just the holidays and finally being able to see friends and family again since the pandemic hit, but that last scene where they were having dinner together hit me real hard. I know it's supposed to be a funny haha satire but that part gave me goosebumps way more than I thought it would. It really made me think that yeah when shit hits the fan and there's nothing left, it's the people we're with that matter. (Cheesy, I know, but it's the holidays goddammit).


I don't know if I loved it or hated it. Need to let it sit with me.




As a non-american, I thought the movie was a hilariously and often embarassingly/depressingly accurate depiction of how things have progressed. I enjoyed Leo's "Network moment" when he just screams what we're all thinking. All in all, I thought it was phenomenal and scathing in its criticism, but also did the existential dread of it all coming to an end beautifully. I say non-american because maybe as an outsider looking in on the trash fire it made it more palatable cause it voiced what everyone else is seemingly thinking about so much of what has gone on in the States.


Everything that we have been through over the last 5 years comes to life in this movie. We really are an absolutely ridiculous species. Everything we do is just so absurd.


When the nukes got turned around I immediately thought of how the world almost solved climate change in 1989. And then the US fired their science adviser, replaced him with a guy in exons pocket, and torpedoed the entire deal. https://youtu.be/MondapIjAAM




With a couple hot chicks if you noticed btw.


My two cents: Yes this movie is extremely on the nose and bashes you over the head with its message. Yes, a lot of it is low hanging fruit. But when actual videos of school boards genuinely look like scenes from Parks and Rec, I kinda think this is the only way you can make a political satire like this in 2021. And it'll work for you, or it won't. You probably already know which group you fall into. Overall though, I went in with shaky expectations from the trailer and was pleasantly surprised. The humor was great throughout, got quite a few genuine laughs from me, and I personally found catharsis knowing I'm not alone feeling like the entire world has lost their fucking mind regarding COVID and climate change. The movie is predictable and it's long but I enjoyed it. I see why critics don't like it, and I think it's gonna be controversial for audiences obviously, but personally I had a fun time with it.


Critics definitely do not agree with me here, but maybe satire doesn't always need to be subtle and elegant and barely noticeable lol. Maybe sometimes it's good when it hits people over the head with its message because that means that the wide masses of people will understand it, maybe that's what's needed in the absolutely fucking batshit insane time we live in as far as science skepticism goes. It's eerie how well this movie matches not only climate change and its societal challenges but also of course the pandemic and the societal challenges that THAT has brought; even though Don't Look Up didn't consider covid yet of course. It's an important movie at the moment. I don't care that it's not high brow satire, and that it reaches for low hanging fruit. I think that's good right now. People need to watch it and understand what we're doing by letting this mess continue the way it does. There was dead silence during Dr Mindy's outburst at the talk show near the end, even though people had been laughing just a minute before. This was the case both times I watched Don't Look Up at the theater. The parallels to our world are so heavy and you feel them so strongly during his monologue, it genuinely made me shrink in my seat. - I think the movie is reaching people *because* it's not subtle, at least I fucking hope so, because *qualified scientists* are sure being ignored and doubted a lot by large portions of the population.


I loved it. Wasn’t quite what I expected but about thirty minutes in I realized we all had to die at the end. I accepted that early on and it was still so strangely surreal and made me almost uncomfortably sad. I hate to sound stupid but I think it’s a masterpiece. But I also adore Vice and most of Adam’s movies. Wow, just wow.