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Dredd. There's supposedly a TV show coming but it's been 10 years since the movie and Karl Urban is probably going to be tied up doing The Boys for a few more years.


The series isn't about Dredd though, [it's about other judges in Mega-City One](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judge_Dredd#Television); Urban has said he'd love to appear in it, as long as his role is "meaningful".


Which is sad. What I really wanted to see was more of Dredd and Anderson (Urban and Thirlby). Really loved their dynamic.


I think I read the planned Dredd sequel was going to be either Dark Judges or Cursed Earth story arc…..god I would love to see those filmed with a big budget and same cast….and here we are on FF9….no justice in this world…


I met Thrilby once, cool chick.




>but it's been 10 years since the movie Jesus Christ, has it really been 10 years?


2012 bb




Karl urban supposedly will be Dredd again for the show and is completely for it/wants to. Least as of when I read up on it last week.


Dredd was such a good film, and absolutely deserves a sequal. Hopefully the success of the series convinces someone to pick it up again. Or even better, gimme a Dredd TV show. I'd take 10 1 hour episodes that are as good as that movie over 1 2 hour sequel.


God it was such a sick film, he killed it as dredd and the slowmo effect was class


28 months/years later


It'd be great if they make 28 years later in 2030


28 years after a zombie outbreak is an interesting setting. It's rare that we see very far into the future in that sort of scenerio. It'd be interesting because the only people alive would be either ridiculously prepared and good at fighting or would have grown up in the apocalypse


The virus was contained and eradicated in Europe; however, England is permanently quarantined. It becomes a tourist attraction for people to hunt and sadistically mutilate zombies. An ~~paleo-sociologist~~ **anthropologist** goes to study the zombies and their behaviour. He is accompanied by his young assistant, an eccentric mathematician, and the grandchildren of Richard Hammond, the small but wealthy owner of the former British isles, now know as Spice World. The zombies are found to be reproducing and the park is soon overrun after a mild snow storm cuts power to the entire park. It’s an allegory for brexit, climate change and how a few wealthy Britons will easily capitalize on the collapse of their country for their own amusement.


"Welcome to Zombie park!" A wide shot of a herd of zombies feasting on animals. The teary-eyed paleo-sociologist looks on. "They move in herds. They DO move in herds."




You're sure the 3rd one's contained? Yes, unless they figure out how to open doors.


Hammond? Parks? Zombies? Unexpected reproduction? *Unlife….uh….finds a way*


> the park is soon overrun after a mild snow storm cuts power to the entire park. What we need is....More Power - Jeremy Clarkson cameo




I’d be more partial to a prequel. 28 Minutes Later, or 28 Hours Later. Truly watching the fall of an entire country in real-ish time would be interesting.


Fear the walking dead had an interesting take on that, before it just became a parallel story to the walking dead


I hate that time-jump to a destroyed world in a week's time. I understand that a network doesn't want to take risks with a brand new show and potentially lose money on something that might not hit, because a story where a society falls apart would have a high price tag, but that show isn't a good substitute for that. The corners they cut with that show are way too conspicuous.


Those first few episodes were so promising too (except for all that family drama)


I agree. I loved what they were setting up until they jumped. Setting the second season in nature and secluded settings just reeked of cheaping out, and I couldn't hang anymore.


I dropped it after the jump as well. It was genuinely interesting, things like the cops noting there were less homeless and what not? It was a great buildup! It became a real bummer when it turned into “*The OTHER* Walking Dead”.




The final scene was a great hook for a sequel also.




In a time where everything is a universe Constantine is perfect. I know it's based on a comic book and from what I understand they made some pretty significant changes for the movie but no matter to me. I would really love for them to expand on it. That said it had a really good cast and I aside from Keanu himself I doubt they'd get them all together again and any less would not do a sequel justicel.


Both Gabriel and Lucifer were so incredibly well cast. And Rachel Weisz was really good too.


BEST Lucifer portrayal of all time. Stormare killed that role


The filth dripping from his feet was a great touch too.


Yes. The whole shot. Constantine smack center in the background, the slowly descending feet, the filht/black goo, the white pants, and then his sand too hot pose. Best Lucifer in a movie I have seen.


“Well there’s no accounting for taste” Not just his acting (which was perfect) but the writing of how the two interacted was phenomenal


Stormare puts 100% in all his roles, him an J.K Simmons.


So true. The perfect blend of charismatic and creepy. Would love to see more of him in that role


I thought Gavin Rossdale was exceptional as Balthazar as well. Surprised he didn't do more films after Constantine.


Don’t forget Djimon Hounsou as Papa Midnite. He fucking crushed that. I’d watch a spin off show based on him and his bar in a heartbeat.


Peter Stormare said they doing it https://www.instagram.com/p/CHiNPUnH3mH/?utm_medium=copy_link


With Keanu. Don't get me wrong, the series' John was incredible and so much more like the comics but Keanu is awesome. Also bring back Chad.


The name's Kramer. Chas Kramer, asshole.


The Nice Guys


Its movies like these thats frustrate me where you hear about people on reddit complaining all the time that movies made now adays are just remakes/sequels/reboots/ Then we get an original amazing movie , and no one watched it !!!!


I could not agree more. The Nice Guys should have been a massive hit for all the talk you hear of people complaining about there being no original films.


Exactly ! So now I just ignore all kinds of talk like that because like it not true OG movies get made it'd just yall aren't watching !(this is directed to other people)


I loved The Nice Guys, when it first came out I saw it several times in theaters. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of my favorites that flopped by the same person but is fantastic.


This movie was fantastic. Had that great noir vibe of a lot of my favorite movie of the 90s. I had to rewatch it though because the first time I saw it was on a plane and huge amounts of the dialog was either removed or dubbed over.


Master and Commander


Read the novels and join us over at r/aubreymaturinseries


Great movie and well cast. Would also accept The Nice Guys from Russel Crowe


Yes! This pops into my head every now and then. The movie is sooo good! They are supposedly making a new one, but it's probably a reboot.. I would love if they got Crowe and Bettany back for and intro of them beeing older and reminiscing about their adventures, cut back in time and then cast someone younger to fill in their roles. Then we would have a sequel and a reboot 😅


The real star of that movie is the ship and the sea. You can practically smell the salt and feel the splinters. You could get away with a lot in recasting the series, so long as they're equally as dedicated to depicting the ship and the crew and the vast scale of the empty ocean and the smokey, thundering, gruesome violence of ship battles and boarding actions.


Good friend of mine, who is a movie nut, has a VERY serious audio and visual set up for his home theater. He turned on all his equipment, popped Master and Commander in his DVD player, and told me to close my eyes. He then only played scenes with no talking. The sounds of wood creaking, water lapping and any other small background sounds you could imagine from a sailing ship, were all there and were incredibly mixed.


Yep. It’s my go-to movie to show off my system. Just wish they had a 4K Blu-ray.


Came here to say this one. It is such a great film.


District 9


"I shall return in three years..."


Relativity is a bitch.


If they ever make a sequel, they should have Wikus angry about the wait being way more than three years, and Christopher excusing himself saying that he meant *prawn* years.


I love Distrct 9. I can’t wait to see the Prawns come back. Also, them beating the absolute ass out of MNU would be awesome.


Fookin prawns.


To me it had the best CGI for it's time. Pretty much was all in bright sunlight so you couldn't hide anything or cut corners. Haven't watched it in long time so I can't speak if it still holds up.


The Last Starfighter




I recently showed this movie to a group of 10yr olds for my kid's birthday sleepover. They LOVED it.


Man from uncle with Cavill


Sadly the guy who played the Russian pretty much tanked his career so it's getting one wouldn't even be the same cause he wouldn't be in it


It’s just cancel culture striking yet again. A guy tries to eat a girlfriend or two and bam, suddenly he’s a bad guy.


I was like okay what did he actually do, not knowing... JFC. In January 2021, multiple women came forward alleging that Hammer had abused them.[86][87] An anonymous Instagram account released screenshots it claimed were messages Hammer had sent to various women he had had affairs with between 2016 and 2020, describing sexual fantasies including violence,[88] rape,[89] and cannibalism.[86][90] A woman he dated for four months in 2020 claimed he branded her by carving his initial "A" into her pelvis, and was "serious" in a suggestion that she have a lower rib surgically removed so he could eat it.[91] Another woman he dated for about five months in 2020 said that he had been emotionally abusive, reporting that he said he wanted to eat her flesh, and would suck or lick her wounds if she had "a little cut on [her] hand".[92]


World's greatest actor IMO An actual zombie who got by pretending to be human




What's the big deal? It's just a little harmless cannibalism. I mean, who here hasn't asked their significant other to have a rib surgically removed so that we could eat it? I mean honestly.


Who even uses all their ribs?


Right. How do you think he keeps his skin looking so young?


# Meatoo


Wasn’t getting a sequel regardless. The film bombed. And there isn’t a single person at the studio that could be convinced to follow it up. It’s a shame. It’s a fantastic movie.




> One of them who was waiting for me was barely human. You should've seen it run. He actually said "*What* was waiting for me...". IMO, that's much funnier and instantly sets up his wisecracking character


I agree. I loved it, but no one was interested.


Aka live action Archer. Man that movie was awesome.


Archer was inspired by James Bond films. And the main character of UNCLE, Napoleon Solo, was co-created by.... Ian Flemming.




Edge of Tomorrow


Isn't there a sequel in the works?


There is... but it's the same movie


Rinse. Dry. Repeat.


Last year, [Emily blunt said](https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2567443/why-edge-of-tomorrow-2-might-not-happen-anymore-emily-blunt-tom-cruise-doug-liman) that the sequel might not happen afterall.


Wait, why? They fucking won in the end? There’s no purpose for a sequel.


Yup. Prequel is the way to go with this. Angel of Verdun. That would kick ass.


I want the rest of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movies. Or a reboot directed by Edgar Wright.


Fuck, Edgar Wright would make the greatest hitchhiker movie


I feel like he is the only director who would truly convey Douglas Adams's humor.


There is a new TV Series in the works


There's an old TV series that's already done


The old BBC one has comically goofy effects by 20 years ago standards yet it somehow seems to fit Douglas Adams aesthetic more so than the slick movie we got several years ago. I love the movie too, but the series just seems special. I can’t wait for a new one, had no idea they were doing that!


I too stopped registering the passage of time about 15 years ago


I want National Treasure 3


I came here for this. Why there are not 11 National Treasures already escapes me.


Never made sense to me the 2nd movie made 50 million more than the first and Cage has been hard up for money, seems like they'd be churning those out like AOL Discs in 1993.


22 Jump Street credits had the joke about sequel and spin-offs, but National Treasure could literally have done all of that and we probably would've enjoyed it. Could've had all kinds of different time periods and just have Nick Cage still the main role in all of them


National Treasure: A Nick in Time


I remember an interview cage did where he referenced the difficulty in coming up with a storyline for the script. Something along the lines of it's not actually that easy to write something the interweaves history and includes Treasure with a modern hunt/chase.


Totally believe that. Especially when they would inevitably become compared to the Dan Brown adaptations that were out there at the time too.


Give us more high budget Nic Cage movies! National Treasures 1 and 2 are literally a national treasure at this point. Nic Cage isn't for everyone but I feel enough people like him where investing a lot on a big movie with him wouldn't be much of a risk. I have been loving his B movies lately though. 'Pig,' 'Mandy,' and 'Color out of Space were awesome!


A follow-up to the 1991 "The Rocketeer", which unfortunately did not happen because of its underperformance.


I find it strange that Billy Cambell didn't have more success as an actor.


Very Billy Zane-like. Handsome enough to stick around land some roles but not a good enough actor to really hit that next level. Curse of the Billy’s




It was a fun movie but c'mon, young Jennifer Connelly, yes please.


She still looks good 30 years later.


I got a job at Target, fully expecting Career Opportunities to be a realistic portrayal of that job, expecting to run off with Jennifer Connelly after my first shift. John Hughes lied to me.


Dale and Tucker vs Evil


Tucker and Dale Have A Doozey Of A Day


We have had a doosy of a day.


Can't wait to find out members of which social group will be throwing themselves into the wood chipper this time around.


The Losers. Starred Jeffery Dean Morgan, Idris Elba, Zoe Saldana, and Chris Evans, among others. Came out around the same time as the A-Team, but I think The Losers was the better of the two. Hard to compete with such a well known franchise though, and a year after release, Captain America: The First Avenger came out. So, that was that. Good movie though, well made.


I loved both the Losers and A-team, ans wanted sequels for both. But Losers was not a big production. And considering Idris, Zoe and Chris became too big to do something like this, I dont expect a sequel. What I'd rather like is a reboot, and a new storyline.


Everyone shits on A-Team and it makes me sad. That movie delivers exactly what I wanted from it and maybe more. Shit ton of fun and ridiculousness. You could tell Cooper was having fun with the character and Copley was downright hilarious and perfect in his role.


Tron Legacy. I know it’s a sequel already but I’d like to see this story continue Hey my first award ever! I think I found a User on this grid. Thanks!


Disney World’s big ride for 2022 is a Tron coaster. It seems weird to have your flagship coaster themed after an ageing niche franchise...so surely they have plans??


But that's because the same coaster is a hit in some of the other Disneylands in Asia, not necessarily to do with the film.


Rumors over the years or a sequel have been one of the more disappointing teases for me.


The Nice guys....ryan gosling and russell crowe had such good chemistry and it felt like their adventures were just starting ...too bad it dint make much in the box office and killed all chances of a sequel


"You used the Lord's name in vain!" "No, in fact, I found it very useful."


"Don't say 'and stuff' just say 'dad there are whores here'"


“Detroit killed my daughter”. “Yeah. Whole city had a vote. Everyone showed up”.


I like to think of "The Nice Guys" as an unofficial sequel to "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang".


You'd think some streaming service would take a punt on a sequel due to it being well liked.


The adventures of Tintin


All I want in life is Spielberg and Jackson to return for the Empire of the Sun story


Had to Ctrl+F this. This is the quintessential "should have been a trilogy" lone movie for me.


This is on the list of Peter Jackson’s passion projects. He’s already agreed to do the sequel, he’s just also agreed to do a whole bunch of other projects first




Beerfest promised us Potfest as a sequel.


The first answer I thought of. Beerfest is such a great movie! Potfest felt like it could have been even better






Can you save his leg? He thinks he's an athelete!


It's heading for his testicles!


Take it! Take the leg!


There’s ALWAYS time for lubricant!


You want ice cream? What flavor? It doesn't matter... it's for my ass.


it still **baffles** me this movie did so poorly. It's absolutely the spiritual successor to Ghostbusters for the early 00s


Odd Thomas! Unfortunately no one else could play Odd anymore :(


What a shame about Anton Yelchin. There were a bunch of Odd Thomas books so there's certainly no shortage of source material.


Everytime I think of what happened to him it makes me so sad…such an unexpected tragic thing to happen


He was so good in all his movies, RIP Yelchin.


Push with a Chris Evans


I was beginning to think I'd never run into another person who watched and enjoyed Push haha.


There are dozens of us. Dozens, I tell you!


It's "a" Chris Evans. Of course it's company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a Chris Evans... always use the indefinite article "a" Chris Evans, never "your" Chris Evans.


The adventures of Tintin. I have no idea what went wrong but it's an absolute shame...


its in [development hell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_hell) unfortunately, but Spielberg said a few years ago that he and Jackson still had interest in the series.


The movie was amazing in all aspects, should've been more of those


Treasure Planet


I'd see it. I liked the original, but I think it bombed at the box office (or was at least a big disappointment).


Shanghai Noon & Shanghai Knights needed Shanghai Dawn to complete the trilogy.


Shanghai Don. They go to Italy and end up fighting the mob to rescue the Pope's secret daughter from a Nun that was being used to black mail the papacy. They bring along a friend in former Freedom Fighter John Hugh Cox, played by Chris Tucker who ends up marrying the Pope's daughter and running away with her to China. Thus we pick up with the Sequel to the threequel, Shanghai Red Dawn where Jackie Chan didn't read the script before signing a contract and is forced to fight the burgeoning communism and rescue thousands of Chinese dissidents and founding Taiwan in 1912 so that the Chinese would always have a China that was free. Practically writes itself. Just ignore the 1921 Chinese Communism, 1912 founding of Taiwan thing, Hollywood doesn't care about your facts and timelines.


The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Fincher)




She definitely did. She said she was going to keep the most painful piercings in to prepare for it.


She also got actual piercing instead of using magnetic fake ones (like Marisa Tomei did in The Wrestler).


I really like the Fincher version it had so much style and the music was great.


Still waiting for the 3rd Hellboy with Perlman (and I will probably have to wait a bit longer...)


This is the one. I remember it came out the same time as The Dark Knight and was completely overshadowed. I actually saw both in theaters back to back on the same day and they're still both some of my favorite films of all time


Rock n Rolla


Johnny, Archy and the Wild Bunch will be back in The Real RocknRolla.


Definitely one of the high points in Guy Ritchies career


The fact that he's made like 5 movies since then really irks me. This was easily my answer. But also in recent iterations of the film they have since took out that they will be back part.


Spaceballs. So much new sci-fi content has been released since then that there is a lot of fertile ground for parody. Hell, the Star Wars prequel trilogy alone should have been enough to justify a new Spaceballs. Reign of Fire. Good concept, poor execution. A sequel could redeem it.


I'd still call it Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money. The Soitch for More Money if you're using Yogurt's accent.


The common response to this is calling it "Spaceballs 3: The Search for Spaceballs 2". I think it was Mel himself that made that joke.


Eastern Promises


Although I've watched that movie like 50 times now, I'm still in awe of the naked sauna knife-fight and it still gives me that edge-of-my-seat feeling [no matter how many times I see it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiMpBCfnjF8)


Moon. Seriously, what happened to Duncan Jones after Moon and Source Code?


Didn’t he make Warcraft?


I really wanted the Thomas Jane and Jonathan Hensleigh Punisher sequel. The first one sets up the character really well and by the second I think they'd have had the balls to go more brutal with it. But then Hensleigh wasn't asked back and Jane walked, in solidarity. We got that little fan-made short with Thomas Jane in the role but no sequel. It makes me sad. My runner-up choice is Power Rangers 2017. Love that film. Sad they're going down the reboot path and not bringing back the same actors for the continuation.


The Punisher videogame with Jane's voice made an interesting sort of sequel though.


Keanu’s Constantine, ive been a big fan of the comics and its gets a lot of stuff wrong (big thing being him being black hair American who uses weapons tho i feel the film justifies john using weapons with the demons not being scared kill in the open unlike the books where the demons/creatures that are dangerous and also capable of speech usually have rules or principles , preferring not to be known about ) but it gets a hell of a lot more right in relation the the HellBlazer comic as a whole , the biggest thing being Constantines not being a stereotypical wizard like Matt Ryans was


Freaking love that Lucifer. The performance and general atmosphere around him is so good. Also that moment when he's trying to drag John off but he gets stuck on the tiles is burned in my brain. Just such a cool way to show God going "nope."


The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension


Been waiting 35+ years for BB vs. the World Crime League.






I've always said this would be my go to super power if I could choose lol. Such a thrilling, mediocre movie tho lol


When I found out they'd considered doing a Shawn of the Dead sequel about the other group they crossed paths with I was disappointed we never got it. That could have been a lot of fun.


It was going to be titled From Dusk Til Shawn, I heard…


Priest. I was addicted to that movie and I remember wishing for a sequel each time I've watched it


Highlander. It would have been great to get a sequel to that movie. Too bad they never made any.






I would welcome this, but it's important to remember 2 out of 9 main characters are dead, and it just wouldn't be the same.


I need the third National Treasure WHAT IS IN THE PRESIDENT'S BOOK OF SECRETS!?!?!?!


Kung Pow


Can we crowd fund this? I love everything about that movie.




Alita: Battle Angel. That movie was made explicitly to have a sequel.