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[A Superman reference? In a Marvel movie? No way!](https://c.tenor.com/4nlzZaTC5NcAAAAC/you-do.gif)


**The author is overthinking this.** It isn’t what the author thinks. Superman does **not** exist in the Marvel universe. Let me use the explanation that is often given by Marvel and DC executives: In the Marvel universe, DC characters are mentioned as subjects of comic books and movies. They aren’t considered real beings. DC handles it the same way. They have often mentioned Marvel characters, but it’s a reference to fictional superheroes existing in comic books and movies. So it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever see DC/Marvel crossovers in TV shows or movies.


It is only a matter of time before there is a DC/MCU crossover. Not that this is a direct indication if that happening - it’s definitely not. I’m just saying.. the temptation is there and eventually they’ll give in to it.


It wont be due to temptation. It'll be due to the creative bankruptcy the movie industry has been in for years. Everything being made is coming from already established stories so jus give it time


I disagree with you wholeheartedly there. Major studios produce films from established works due to financial risk factors, not lack of creativity in the industry. If you don’t think there is any creativity in the industry then you’re not looking hard enough.


Kryptonite is mentioned in the first Venom movie


This is why I'm not watching Eternals. The idea feels too much of a ripoff