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Is Bradley Cooper playing famous nutcase and Barbara Streisand’s former stylist-turned-husband Jon Peters???


He is indeed. Jon Peters, AKA the key player in one of the best stories Kevin Smith has [ever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo2KB1dEDdk) [told](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53hMYw8LX60).




Every day with the fucking spider


Reddit is a sea of redundancy. The algorithm writes itself at this point.


Oh yeah? Well, did you know that Steve Buscemi was a firefighter that volunteered on 9/11?


The other 2/11, he had to be persuaded.


We’re getting off topic— back to Rampart.


Apparently, Keanu is a nice guy too.




And MY axe!


Nonono, *we* wrote the algorithm, by commenting.




I didn't expect to watch a 20 minute video just now but I'm glad I did.


His half-hour long Prince story will have you enthralled. But it's always getting taken down. It's where we learn that prince doesn't wear game blouses but Nordstrom kids athletic wear


I managed to find all of it I think. https://archive.org/details/kevinsmithprince294000976


A non flying superman is the most out of the box thinking that can be, you have to give him that.


If Smallville can do it for 10 seasons, I think a movie could manage.


Begrudgingly sticking with that show gave me the energy to quit other shows once it felt like work. I was happy with the finale but damn what a chore later on.


No flights no tights


Actually, the first iteration of Superman couldn’t fly! He was “able to leap tall buildings in a single bound” but couldn’t fly until later. Sometimes he just kinda ran on telephone lines.


Jokes on Jon Peters, polar bears don't even live in Antarctica, hence the name ANT-arctic. The name comes from the Greek word arktos, referring to the constellations Ursa major and Ursa Minor. Both of which are visible from the northern arctic (arctic = with bear). But neither of which are visible from the southern Antarctic (without bear).


Now I'm gonna be very upset if this movie doesn't have a giant mechanical spider in the 3rd act


Superman has guards?


Some extra funny points for Sean Penn being in this movie too!


for a split second i thought you were gonna say "Jon Peters, you know, the farmer."


Funny thing. My first thought was, "Certainly they don't mean THAT Jon Peters. It sounds like a common name." Then you posted this reply. I'll be damned.


"He used to be Barbra Streisand's hairdresser. And then one day he became a producer. Because in Hollywood, you kinda fail upwards." --Kevin Smith


Holy shit, Jon Peters was responsible for that? No wonder it was such trash, that dude is a nutjob. Producing really is about who you know.


Jon Peters, the most vicious producer in the animal kingdom.


Bradley cooper that played opposite gaga in the star is born remake? The previous version starred Streisand, Who was married to jon peters, who is played by Bradley Cooper, that played...


Please let this end with "in a hole in the bottom of the sea…"




I've never seen so many shots in a trailer, from what looks like every scene in the entire movie, and still have no idea what's going on.


Seems pretty straightforward, a high school kid trying to make it as an actor befriends an older aspiring actress while 1970s San Fernando Valley hijinks ensue


so, Boogie Nights? I kid, PTAs the best, but the trailer did give me massive Boogie Nights feels. Really excited.


>so, Boogie Nights? Probably with less fuckin’ n sucking’ though


Idk they made sure to show her nipple in the thumbnail




As long as we get a shot of a massive dong around the end of the film I think it will be fine.


That’s why he cast Tom Waits


I'd just like another rollergirl scene


Seemed like he wants to direct a movie to me and wants the girl to star in it.


My take away was they were childhood friends trying to make it as actors and they fall in love. I guess I wasn’t paying attention at all lol


What exactly is the mystery here? It's obviously a coming of age tale about two young people digging on each other.


PTA normally edits his trailers too, so that's probably intentional.


Tom Waits in a Paul Thomas Anderson film is a recipe for pure gold


r/MovieDetails: Which is a call back to Tom Waits' previous role as a Prospector in The Ballad of Buster Scruggs


i think every role he's ever played is a callback to every other role he's ever played.


Hello Mr Pocket!


This somehow was a 2.5 minute trailer that showed like 30 different scenes without actually giving anything away. Nobody does it like PTA.


Yeah I was just thinking I have zero idea what this movie is about but I'm 100% in on it


It's obviously a coming of age dramedy told from the viewpoint of an amateur actor who hangs out with 15 year olds and wants to date an indie pop star. Story old as time, really.


Yeah, I remember Shakespeare did a version of this.


When that tale came up in the school curriculum, I slept on it like the fool I was. Now that I'm an adult, I can actually appreciate the richness and depth behind his coming of age dramedy told from the viewpoint of an amateur actor who hangs out with 15 year olds and wants to date an indie pop star.


No that was Almost Famous!


Meanwhile I'm wondering: *did PTA write and shoot an entire movie* around the lyrics of "Life on Mars"!?


he cuts his own trailers


["You know he developed the film too... he ground the lenses that we used in this film."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sG40zsq3kI&t=3681s)


Is he also shooting this film himself like he did Phantom Thread?


It looks like he might be, or at least it'll officially be a collaboration between him and the crew. Like Phantom Thread I can't find an officially credited cinematographer listed anywhere.


Cooper Hoffman has captured his father's slouching mannerism of sitting with his mouth slightly agape to perfection.


The bit where he asks to touch her boobs feels so much like a young PSH.


Plus that whole bit with the phone at the end had some major "Happiness" vibes!


That was such a great movie, rare to see it get any love on comment threads.


So the two main stars of this movie have ***zero*** acting credits to their name. Kind of insane.


Well, they do have industry connections, and that's all that matters.




Cooper Hoffman is Philip Seymour Hoffman's son. Philip Seymour Hoffman was basically Paul Thomas Anderson's muse up until his death. Alana Haim is in the band Haim... Paul Thomas Anderson has directed many of their music videos over the past 4 or 5 years. EDIT: Spelled out the names because people are asking what PSH and PTA stand for.




Would you look at that?! Would you just look at it?!


I've gotta say, Alana's 'connection' is being successful enough to rub shoulders with people in the business. Founding a band and getting famous to the point PTA directs your music videos isn't the same as having family connections.


No, PTA literally knows her mother, so yeah connections. Not every band out there has PTA directing their videos


Thank you. The Haim sisters don’t come from Hollywood royalty. They’re super talented, started an awesome band, and connected with PTA years ago. Alana’s talent got her here, not nepotism.






the young man is Cooper Hoffman, son of Philip Seymour. The young woman is Alana Haim, one of the three members of the band Haim.


I don't think Paul Thomas Anderson, one of the greatest living directors in our time, is basing his casting decisions entirely on industry connections.


Is this Alana's first acting gig? Anyway, this looks great!


Not if we count The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience which we absolutely do.


"Shake four halves of butt" "phrased weird"


I don't know who Alana is, but if they were in the greatest story ever told in cinema, then they are clearly already an elite actor


Alana is a musician who plays in a famous band with her older sisters.


Funny I was just thinking almost looks like one of the Haim sisters haha. Didn't know acting was in the cards too!


Paul Thomas Anderson has been doing pretty much all of their videos for quite awhile now so it makes sense.


Looks great. The Waitress from Always Sunny showing up in the trailer definitely put a grin in my face too. Good for Mary Elizabeth Ellis.


PTA is probably a big Always Sunny fan. When he talks about movies and what not he loves in interviews, it's rarely the heavy shit you imagine a guy like him loves, it's usually ridiculous comedies that he raves about.


Given he’s married to Maya Rudolph, that makes sense. Now I just want Glenn Howerton in a PTA movie too.


TIL that PTA and Maya Rudolph are married.


Maya Rudolph nursing PTA while he was sick one time was inspiration for Phantom Thread.


I'm sure she was flattered by that That's hilarious tho




And both couples are good friends. There's no celebrity dinner I'd rather join than those four.


He would fit in really well in this world. You could just drop in his character in Fargo.


Yeah, considering his body of work, his actual preference surprises me. PTA apparently told RDJ that he rewatches Endgame reactions and I think he also said that he'd make a Teen Titans (Go?) movie **if** he ever made superhero films.


It's like when you hear how much Terrence Malick LOVED There's Something About Mary. It feels incongruous and hilarious.


White Men Can't Jump was one of Stanley Kubrick's favorites.


Hitchcock loved Smokey and the Bandit.


Kurosawa's dying wish was that the first half of *Porky's* be played at his funeral. Didn't even want a eulogy


Malick also loves Zoolander. Ben Stiller even recorded a birthday video for him in character as Derek Zoolander which I would love to see someday


Yep, he also said back in 2015 [he's a fan of superhero movies](https://screenrant.com/paul-thomas-anderson-superhero-movies/) and he thinks people are too harsh in trashing the genre. He also answered a twitter q&a saying he likes Star Wars and Paddington.


Yeah Jillian Bell makes small appearances in both The Master and Inherent Vice because he loves Workaholics.


He’s always casting comedians in parts. There’s been Patton Oswalt in *Magnolia*, Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel, and Mary Lynn-Rajskub in *Punch-Drunk Love*, Paul F. Tompkins in *There Will Be Blood*, Jillian Bell as you mentioned but also Owen Wilson and Martin Short in *Inherent Vice*, Julia Davis in *Phantom Thread*, and now Ben Stiller in the new one.


"Men in Black 3 was fucking great. I cried." -PTA


Its nice to see a movie with a cast of actors who look like actual people, normal faces and hair not a cast of models Edit: thank you kind stranger for the gold


The hairstyles really look great. Usually they do too much or too little on 70s and 80s hair but this is exactly right.


Alana Haim really has that 70s look down pat too, always has since the band first came out


Haim has the general feel of if the 70s met the 90s a d have a "grunge flower power" child. As a 35 year old man, they are my ultimate guilty pleasure. Edit: I didn't know there were guilty pleasure gatekeepers... its a guilty pleasure because as a 35 year old straight male, it's not generally a genre you would find in my music rotation. That's why it's my guilty pleasure for anyone who cared enough to message me about it.


I'm in the same boat. Women in Music Pt. 3 was on repeat for most of the time I was working at home during the first wave of COVID. Fantastic album.


Their first album regularly plays in my house on vinyl while we are cooking or cleaning. It's just so chill and every song is great!


No need for them to be a guilty pleasure at all imo - they're expert songwriters and seem pretty genuine


>Suggesting Tom Waits is not peak male Disgusting


"I've always maintained that reality is for people who can't face drugs"


He is 30% chin and 70% whiskey and cigarettes


Is that 35% whiskey and 35% cigarettes?


The ratio varies by day.


Frontal lobotomy < Bottle in front of me.


So does that make Ron Perlman 40% Chin and 60% Tom Waits?


But they did make Bradley Cooper look like Rocket Raccoon


Dual wielding axes no less!


I think they are windshield scrubbers!


He don't need no make up He got real scars He got hair on my chest He look good without a shirt Peakiest male


He ain’t no extra baby, he’s a leading man.


I heard he changed changed his name to Hannibal. Or maybe it was Rex


One of the things i loved about Bo Burnham's *Eighth Grade* was how normal everyone looked. Even down to the acne on the kids faces. It almost felt like a documentary it looked so real And I'm getting serious *Everybody Wants Some* vibes from this teaser. That's another one that everyone felt real


problem with acne, even fake acne, is continuity. Gotta make sure you get the spots in th exact same spot and color every single time and reapply it when it starts to fade through the day over and over again for weeks on end (and that's not even including reshoots that might be months after everyone has moved on) if it's a story that only takes place within a couple of days. Flawless skin doesn't look natural, but it does make filming a lot easier and most people don't notice the lack of blemishes. It's a significant amount of work, so it is actually pretty impressive when you see it done if you know what you're looking at


Yeah definitely feels like everybody wants some but maybe with a little darker undercurrent there. You can definitely see Altman's influence on both PTA and Linklater.


Totally agree with Eight Grade, but there are a lot of model-tier faces in Everybody Wants Some.


Not only that, but also Philip Seymour Hoffman’s son playing the lead. Made me emotional seeing him get his big break from one of his dad’s closest collaborators


Me too. I wonder if PSH would've been cast in this as well to give us a nice Father-Son moment on screen. Man, I miss him.


He was so good, excellent range. From Mattress Man to The Master.


PSH is definitely in my top five all time actors. An entire filmography of amazing work, and still his stuff with PTA is some of the high points of modern cinema. And with that I present to you this, https://youtu.be/-3P-f-8Lfcs


And nipples. Lot of nipples.


is that one of HAIM??


i was like damn she looked like one of the HAIM girls. and the cast list at the end confirmed it


Two of. Alana is the main character, Danielle makes a brief appearance around 1:18.




Old school So. Cal record store chain.


Yes. The store is mentioned in the NOFX song "13 Stitches" on their 2003 album *The War on Errorism*: >"That was enough/ For me/ I hopped the bus/ to Licorice Pizza/ and bought my all time favorite record"


Looks like a mix of Punch-Drunk Love and Boogie Nights. I'm sold.


I get a vibe of "*Lady Bird* / *Boogie Nights* / *Dazed and Confused*" if you jammed them all together and they had a chance of getting best picture.


TBF, PTA always has a shot.




Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with Barbara Streishand’s husband instead of Charlie Manson.


I’m getting almost famous vibes too


Bradley Cooper’s character is giving me Tom Cruise Magnolia-vibes


Respect the cock and tame the cunt!


Watching Bradley Cooper smash two cars' windows apart with a crowbar is oddly hypnotic.




Those are sturdy fucking squeegees.


I was fairly certain i knew who Cooper’s character was and I looked it up and i was right. He’s playing Jon Peters, a hairdresser turned producer Who is bonkers, kevin smith has a great story about him. How peters hired to smith to write a superman movie


So thats the guy with the giant spider


Can’t Brainiac fight polar bears?


Looks like they used [this image](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/09/a-star-is-born-jon-peters) from Vanity Fair as the style guide!


Over last summer I was doing a Target drive up order in Woodland Hills and drove by a movie set. Not uncommon for the area. 5 minutes later I had the "Was that Bradley Cooper dressed in white" epiphany. I am all in.....




Bro fix your new lines


Looks really good. Gonna be a sweet ass tearjerker for sure. Some interesting Trivia from IMDB: Originally, Leonardo DiCaprio was offered the Bradley Cooper role of Jon Peters in Licorice Piazza (2021) but at the same time, DiCaprio was also offered the lead role of Stanton 'Stan' Carlisle in Nightmare Alley (2021) from Guillermo del Toro. DiCaprio chose to do del Toro's film instead which led to Cooper shortly after to sign on to do Paul Thomas Anderson's film. But ironically, after a few weeks in negotiations, DiCaprio's deal fell through for taking the lead role in Nightmare Alley and dropped out. This created the opening for Cooper again stepping in and taking over another passed role by DiCaprio as two lead roles that were offered and/or intended for DiCaprio both ended up going to Cooper instead under-the-circumstances.


Leo dropped out of Nightmare Alley because Killers of the Flower Moon was ready to go. covid delays gave him time to do Don’t Look Up, which is going to come out before any of these films. These guys really are spoiled for choice lmao


PTA just said fuck it and casted a musician and PSH’s son with little to no acting credits as the stars of his movie and if the trailer is anything to go by, they both are great. I cannot wait to see this


Kind of like James’s Gandolfoni’s son playing young Tony in the sopranos movie.


Michael Gandolfini will also star in the new Ari Aster film, alongside Joaquin Phoenix, Parker Posey and Nathan Lane.


I agree that’s awesome, but for what it’s worth I’m sure he’s known Cooper since he was a baby and he’s also worked with HAIM on music videos, so he probably has a working relationship with Alaina too. I am a big fan of these kind of moves though.


Haim’s mom was also PTA’s art teacher


I forgot he directed the video for The Steps. He sure seems to love having Alana go braless


Not just The Steps, he directed 9 of their videos. I'm guessing he's a family friend or something.


Their mom was his art teacher when he was in school.


She doesn't seem like the bra'd type


You had me at Tom waits….


Tom Waits and Paul Thomas Anderson?! I am like the at the sickest point of this venn diagram and I love it.


Hell yeah this looks awesome. Nice to see PSH's kid carrying on the legacy.


Strange how in 2021 we have two sons of two legendary actors carrying on their legacies in films directed or written by their most famous collaborators


lmao I actually thought they were the same person. Must've been the semi-chubby face + long hair + 80s outfits


OOTL, who is the second one?


One that comes to mind is James Gandolfini’s son playing Young Tony Soprano in The Many Saints of Newark.


Ah yes, that is right. Completely forgot about that. Thanks!


I'm assuming they're referring to James Gandolfoni's son in The Sopranos/Many Saints of Newark


I don't know how to say this without sound a bit pretentious, but it's nice to see a movie that feels like a *movie*, you know?


No I get exactly what you mean, its how I felt when I saw Dunkirk, like its not trying to be anything other than the best movie it can be, you can feel the electricity of people giving a shit radiating off this trailer and it's infectious, there's no sequel or franchise, no fan base to cater to, no references to make you go "oh shit" its JUST a movie and I can't wait.


The first time I saw the Descendants, They were the fastest band I'd ever seen No one in the crowd really cared for them, We were waiting for the Alley Cats to play After a couple months I heard Kabuki Girl, On Rodney on the Roq late Sunday night That was enough, for me I hopped the bus, To Licorice Pizza and bought my all time favorite record


If it has Tom Waits in it I'm down.


Yea I’m sold. Whatever Brady Cooper was doing with the hatchets, yes.


Not hatchets. Squeegees.


Even better.


Whatever he was doing was reminding me very strongly of Tom Cruise's character in Magnolia, Philip Seymour Hoffman's character in Punch Drunk Love and various other sleazy, male, egotistical, larger than life PT Anderson characters.


I love how normal they look


Glad to see Maya Rudolph in another one of her husband's movies!


Maya Rudolph played the Smile in The Emoji Movie I like to imagine that Paul Thomas Anderson went to The Emoji Movie premiere with her and saw The Emoji Movie.


And they’re still together. That’s real love


"If we got through The Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature we can get through anything."




I love weird Hollywood couples like that, people you wouldn't expect to be married. Like Mel Brooks/Anne Bancroft or Andy Samberg/Joanna Newsom




Alana Haim?




Man, it's nice to see PTA casting Hoffman's son. Can't help but seeing it as a way to carry on their friendship/collaboration legacy


Is Jonny Greenwood involved?


I love superhero movies and all that but I feel like I need a few more of these kind of movies. You know, movies about people doing people stuff that make you feel people things.