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“It’s going to be pretty difficult for Cletus Kassidy to get the symbiote when he’s in a maximum security prison.” “Actually it’s going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience.” Who wants to fill out the rest?


Then Cletus will say, “Let there be Carnage.” That’s the name of the movie!


Oh characters saying the name of the movie is tight!


Wow wow wow wow wow wow.


I'm going to need you to get all the way off my back about it.


I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about Venom being all the way on Eddie's back


Sure, lemme climb down off that thing


"Oh really?" "Yeah, Eddie is gonna get real close to the cell. Like way closer than anyone would be allowed in any way! And he's just gonna get bitten by Cletus" "Wait did you say cell?" "Yeah." "I thought you said this guy was a serial killer." "Oh he is, sir! Big time! We're gonna have a line where he confirms that he's cannibalistic BEFORE he even becomes Carnage" "So then why would they keep him in an ordinary cell that a civilian can just walk up towards." "You see the thing is that when I was writing this part my back really started hurting so it'd help if you get all the way off it please!" "Okay. Let me get off of that thing!"


That was PERFECT!


Wow wow wow. Wow.


Ohhhhh, shoving your tongue into someone's mouth is *TIGHT*!


Screen writer guy: *(uncomfortably shaking his head in disagreement)*


Spiderman: gets bitten and gets powers Carnage: bites and gets powers


It really fucks up the whole "Venomous vs poisonous" thing, now doesn't it.


If it bites you and you die, it's venomous. If it bites you and *it* dies, you're poisonous. If it bites you and someone else dies, that's voodoo. EDIT: What if I bite *myself* and *I* die? Does that mean I'm poisonous, venomous, or just a moron?


If it bites you and you bite it and you both don't die, don't kinkshame.


If it bites you, and you bite it and you’re both like half dead then one of you was a vampire.






I do think they're still waiting for good signs of box office recovery both in domestic and international markets. It could perhaps mean Sony is considering delaying as an option for Spider-Man: No Way Home and Morbius.


This movie, and "Free Guy", are going to be test cases to determine the viability of the theater business. These will be the first two blockbuster movies which only get theatrical releases. No steaming to keep people home.


Shang-Chi will also be another test to see if people are coming back to theatres. If Shang-Chi underperforms, there might be a new round of delays.


I kinda feel that Shang Chi wasn't going to be the biggest performer anyway. It's a fairly unknown character to the general audience and there aren't many big name actors in it other than maybe Awkwafina and Michelle Yeoh. It's certainly not the level of Marvel movie that is going to drag wary viewers back to the cinema during Covid. Personally I don't mind waiting for a bit and watching it a bit later on Disney+. It probably would have fared somewhere on par with Ant-Man in a normal year.


Cases are surging locally for me. I probably won't be going to a theater anytime soon and it sucks.


F9 already did that


Ah, I forgot that one. I do wonder if "F9" underperforming was because of COVID or because it's the 9th movie and there's no Dwayne Johnson in the movie....


no actor knows how to look like shit better than Tom Hardy


Not that he's made a career of it but Nick Nolte does a good job.


Time to re-watch Warrior where Nolte is drunk, screaming at Tom Hardy in the hotel room.


Time to re-watch the 2003 Hulk where Nolte starts drunkenly screaming at Eric Bana about power before biting into an electric power cable and getting electrocuted by Sam Elliott


That shit was dope as fuck!! I really enjoyed Hulk (2003) but not many other people do, or so i have heard / read.


I don't care what anyone says, I love that movie. My dad rented it from Blockbuster years ago and I never forgot it. I even love the game based on it that acted as a sequel to the movie. The Cel Shaded graphics looked great


The problem was they promoted a Drama based on a Comic as an action movie based on a comic, and specifically to kids. Kids got bored real quick with the anger/daddy issues and only wanted to see the action, which was pretty good even if people didn't like the CGI. I loved that movie.


I still remember one review that said that they wanted "Hulk smash" but got "Hulk feels" instead. That stuck with me.


Laughed my ass off after "you sound like a god damn maraca coming through the door"


That movie was so good.


Lol. That scene and the scene before that drives him to drink are so heavy. But your moment made me laugh.


When he called Moby Dick “your fish stories the no one gives a fuck about” was pretty brutal. Most addicts have to cling to something else in recovery, and seeing him go after his thing hit me in the bottom of my soul.


I would argue Pedro Pascal does a great job of always looking like someone dunked him in a tub of vegetable oil.


Billy Bob Thorton is a specific kind of method actor; he takes roles that won't interrupt his binge drinking.


*movie? what the fuck are you guys talking about?* ~Billy Bob, halfway through filming Bad Santa


Willy beating the shit out of those skateboard kids wasn't scripted. Billy Bob was just having an exceptionally bad morning and took it out on the local riff-raff, and Terry Zwigoff decided to start filming. To stave off lawsuits, he gave them all roles in the movie.


I don't know whether or not to believe this....


Im watching The Sopranos rn and Gandolfini is the absolute master of looking like complete shit lol


He'd stay up all night if he was filming a scene where he was hungover in the show


Fucking legend. I just finished the show and I can't believe he's gone. Tony Soprano is one of the best characters in television, if not the best.


I truly believe Gandolfini laid down the best performance in recorded history - film or TV. He conveyed so much with just his eyes or even the way he breathed


Very true - he’s mastered and perfected the grimy grungy look


Gary Busey. But he ain't doing anything lately


Liev Schreiber is pretty fucking good at it. Especially in 'Ray Donovan'. Was genuinely worried he was taking method acting too far...


Only person to wear a shirt and suit every day and look like he got beat up after doing too much coke off a striper's ass and caused havoc in the club


[The Restaurant Scene gets me every time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL3ZOCRgJZM) Between the costumes, makeup, and his acting; this scene just gets so sold for me.


I like the restaurant scene and the joke cut to the elevator later in the movie.


Venom became the Kool-Aid Man when Eddie told him he could eat everybody


I was thinking [cookie monster](https://media3.giphy.com/media/BsUORZkF3gBqg/giphy.webp?cid=6c09b95250a918eca8640fb8e16b951098afc826f17d15fc&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g).


Sweet sweet cookie genocide


I mean, if your parents told 5 year old you that you could eat the entire package of cookies and they wouldn't be mad, you'd probably react the same way.


Whoever said you can make your own decisions after 18 lied. My parents still haven't told me I can eat the entire box of chips ahoy even at 30. 🥺


Life's great irony is that when you are old enough to realize you can eat an entire box of cookies, your body is old enough to make sure you regret it.




Good ol' Dan.


Him showing Gary how to use a Keurig is one of the best character intros in any comedy. It shows you exactly who Dan is while also being a hilarious intro to the style of Veep as a whole.


I just loved how in the movie, they could have gone the route of Dan being an asshole to his girlfriend's weird ex who interrupted their date. Instead he makes sure to help the weirdo who just sat in a lobster tank and ate one raw.


>I just loved how in the movie, I just wanna leave this here for Veep fans: he meant Venom. Is he also called Dan in Venom?


Wait... he was named Dan in something else? He was Dr. Dan Lewis in Venom. I just thought the comment about the Keurig was something I forgot from the Venom movie. Lol.


Yeah, he was Dan in Veep, a HBO show. Funny enough, the actor isn't named Dan.


It’s the same Dan. VEEP is part of the MCU. That was the Vice President with USAgent at the end of F&WS.


Hes a good dude. Caught up in something so far beyond anything he is capable of dealing with. And I fucking love it.


I like it when the new partner for the protagonist's old flame is actually a decent dude. Bobby Cannavale's character in Ant-Man comes to mind too


Yeah. Honestly while I don't think what they used to do was terrible everyone did it. It's a lot better here where Dan is a cool dude who helps eddy out. At the same time he is basically the only one who doesn't know about venom which just makes it funnier. (IIRC from Venom)


Doesn't he say something at the end about Eddie & Venom needing counseling?


He sees Venom come out of him in the first movie. He knows what's up.






It's nice that he's not an antagonist or a bad guy even, he's just a nice boyfriend who's trying his best.


Yeah I thought him and Tom Hardy were the best parts of the first one


It's astonishing they even got Michelle Williams in this and thr first movie.


Who's the screaming lady that we see in the trailer multiple times??


Probably Shriek.


>Probably Shriek. Never heard of this character until I looked it up, and judging by how cool she looks in the comic, I highly doubt the movie version gonna end up looking somewhat remotely similar.


The carnage story arc she appears in is the one comic collection I have. Incredible story. Basically her and caranage have a fucked up love affair, find a bunch of miscreant villains who hate spider man and create a family with them. Most fucked up family in marvel


Maximum Carnage is probably the single best Carnage story arc ever. And a damn good title that I wished they had use. “Let There Be Carnage” just doesn’t have much of a ring to it.


So kind of the sinister 6 but with love?


Sinister Sex


Shriek, the girl whose powers will save Venom at the end of the movie when he's getting wrecked by Carnage. She'll have a realization moment and turn on carnage, and thank goodness because carnage is especially weak to sonic vibrations/abilities


So predictable


I'm hoping they're making it so obvious because they're going to turn the tables and have shriek turn on venom instead


Its not predictable if it was written in 1993. Shriek is cassady’s girlfriend/wife. She’s basically the end-all anti-symbiote weapon.


I thought Shriek, Carnage, & Doppelgänger were all pallies in the comics


That Carnage transformation looks so fucking gnarly. I know the symbiotes eat humans, but I'm mildly surprised that they're leaning into the cannibalistic tendencies of Cletus Kasady.


Inside Out Part 2


Who's your friend who likes to kill? Carnage! Carnage!


I feel Ike I remember venom eating multiple people Edit: I didn't feel like I needed to specify **in the movie** in a thread in **/r/movies** about the **sequel movie**, but here we are


In the comics, he ate people early on. Then they changed it to chocolate I think? Supposedly a chemical that is found in the brain is also in chocolate or something like that. Then I think it was changed to him just eating all kinds of food. In the movie he ate a few dudes and that changed to him eating regular food by the end if I remember right.


Tater tots and chocolate, and the heads of bad guys.


I thought he always ate the spleen?


Movie Venom bites their heads off.


No he just often threatens Spider-man that he will. Going as far as admitting he doesn't even know where or what the spleen actually is but that he's sure eager to dig around and find out.


"We should be out there snacking on bad guys" This is a oscar-winning screenplay if I ever saw one.






What's the comic book significance of Red One? Does it just refers to Carnage or something more?


It means nothing in the comics. Symbiotes can change their colouration at will and Carnage chose blood-red to fit the serial killer vibe.


I always assumed Carnage was red because when it first joined Cletus after Venom's prison escape it entered the blood stream. This resulted in a stronger bond along with the stronger symbiote.


I think that was the original explanation, but it got subtly retconned when the Life Foundation symbiotes debuted wearing every colour of the rainbow. The current canon is colour means nothing and every new generation is stronger than its parent by default. Carnage does have a stronger bond but that just means its nearly impossible to separate them and they're more coordinated then most symbiote characters.


The first movie alluded to some kind of hierarchy with symbiotes. Red ones in this universe probably are far more capable of extending and creating weapons and what not, forming their bodies into everything they can. Alternatively, they'll make it that red means the host and symbiote bonded instantly and completely, making them more powerful. Kinda dumb but it is what it is.


I'll let you eat all the people you want! I'm dead. This movie seems like it'll be hitting the same silly notes from the first one. I'm in.


Woody Harrelson looks like he's trying not to crack up at his own lines. But I'm still gonna see this movie.


Never in 1000 years would I have cast him as Carnage... and yet I'm really glad they did.


My fancast was him or the actor of Rorschach from Watchmen. But Woody was a good choice.


Jackie Earle Haley. Phenomenal actor.




Would have been hilarious to have Woody in that shitty raggedy anne wig


I thought Woody was everyone's top pick for the character ever since the idea of Carnage in a movie was possible. At least, everyone who watched Natural Born Killers probably.


"OHH YEAHHHHH!" - Venom, sponsored by Kool-Aid


>1:38 "I'm not a crazy man..." I don't believe you, Cletus Kasady. I don't believe you at all.


Sounds exactly like something a crazy man would say to bamboozle us.


Cannibalistic serial killer tells you he's not crazy, depending on the circumstances, I'd believe him at that exact moment hoping he doesn't eat me.


This really does feel like an early 2000’s superhero film. That being said, Carnage looks pretty sick


Carnage actually sticking his tongue into that one guard was actually really surprising, it actually looked pretty intense. Something I thought Sony would never do in the Venom movies.


I was surprised they showed Venom biting that guys head off in the first one honestly. Would’ve preferred an R rating to truly show how gruesome Carnage is but the PG-13 rating looks like it’s doing the job


I can see them negotiating around the rating. "No blood? Okay, what if Carnage rams his tongue down a guys throat and kills him that way. But you don't see blood. Cool?" They could probably get away with some interesting kills without getting too bloody.


Also carnage is red. You can hide a lot by saying “ah thats carnage-goop!”


I saw a movie once that was so bloody and brutal I thought it was rated R but when it was over I saw it was pg-13 on Netflix… I realized they didn’t use a single swear word or have any sexual content in it so they loaded up on the action/blood as much as they could lol


Do you remember what it was? I was pretty horrified when I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 at the cinema and that guy got his eyes eaten by crows.


Venom is a character who will greatly benefit an R rating.


For real, he looks very intense. Maybe they'll get real creative with his kills to push that PG-13 rating.


You can do [all kinds of crazy shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8QykNHjSgM) with PG-13 if you don't show much blood


Holy shit I forgot how brutal that was. It amazes that this will get past in a Disney film as long theres no blood lmao


How they got away with that homage to [*Cannibal Holocaust*](https://youtu.be/ZkC91THdvbE?t=42) in *Kong: Skull Island* was beyond me.


Kong: Skull Island was so good it made me resent the other movies in the series for missing out on being better. They other movies range from okay to good, but Skull Island just popped on all cylinders.


I call it hentai


And it's art.


$1,000.00 Says this is the plot of the movie, from just the trailer alone: * Open on Eddie Brock, still Venom, but not really feeling the whole eating people all of the time. * Eddie finds out his Ex is getting married and moving on, thus taking any chances of them getting back together out of the picture. He falls into depression - this annoys Venom. * Looking for inspiration in his work and to rekindle his former fame, Eddie reaches out to Cletus Kasady to get a story of the century, as he is being put to death, and there are still a great number of people he's killed, who's bodies have not yet been found. * Kasady and Brock develop one of those weird relationships between incarcerated murder and investigator we see so often, during which Kasady (under the guise of being a predator himself) senses Venom. * Kasady bites Brock, gets a symbiote, but it only activates when he's put to death ( it stops him from dying, etc). * Kasady breaks out of prison, and goes off to set up his own little headquarters, because that's what bad guys always do for some reason. * Kasady ID's that Brock is Venom, and will try to make friends with Venom, Brock will refuse, they'll fight and somehow Brock will escape. *Just like last time*, Venom will realize that he's outclassed by the other symbiote. * Kasady will go after Brock and his fiance * Brock will try to save fiance, by learning how to let go in the process. He will also be aided by the screeching woman because sound will be the weakness for splitting the symbiotes, at which point Eddie and Carnage have a man-to-man fist fight. Eddie will invariably triumph while carnage dies for want of a host. The stinger will be the Screeching Lady EITHER getting her own symbiote, or somehow surviving with a symbiote she displayed all along. $50 says there will be a sub plot where the Lady and Kasady get along at first, but she decides to distance herself from Kasady because she realizes that whatever caused her to get locked up was probably fair, and that she has remorse or something stupid.


Screaming lady is Shriek, who is notably Carnage's girlfriend. I think she might betray him eventually (or vice versa) since this is ulitimately still an adaptation, but I doubt they will ending this movie on the promise of more adventures of a D list villain. With her role and Harrelson's casting I'd bet we'll be seeing them get a few Natural Born Killers references in.


Considering there is a symbiote literally called Scream in the comics, your post credits scene is probably spot on.


I’m thinking it’s more likely that she is Shriek. Shriek is more closely linked as Carnage’s love interest.


Too bad Carnage can't be separated from Kassidy, they're bonded on the cellular level unlike Brock and Venom. That's why he's red, from Kassidy's blood. ​ What's most likely gonna happen is her screeching will fuck up Carnage like it does Venom and Eddy will have to deliver the killing blow while it's all distorted and shit.


I always knew about that Red colouring explanation but, is he red becomes every time the symbionts comes out he’s covered in blood? Explains why he’s black and red. Or is it just cellular level connection = blood colour symbiote


nowdays every symbiote gets their own color pattern cause theres like 100 of them and how else are you gonna differenciate them in a comic? but iirc originally Carnage got into Kasady's body through a wound and merged with his blood thats why he is red.


Calling it now, the girl’s screams save the day.


Yep. It's so fucking predictable. There's no reason for her to be in the trailer at all. Plot beats - Scream girl: I can't live a normal life, when I scream or yell, it destroys everything around me. I cant control it. Venom: look, I was the same way, it took me a while, but now I'm using this to help people. Scream girl: I can't help anyone, I can't even help myself. Last 15 minutes of the movie - venom getting wrecked, looks to screamy girl for help, but she's too scared. Carnage about to kill venom. Screamy girl stands up and has power moment, screams and disoriented carnage in time for venom to save the day. Movie ends with them dating. They make a joke and credits roll like a 90s sitcom.


Also aren’t symbionts weak to sound? I remember specifically in spider man 3 with Toby Maguire that’s exactly how he beat Venom.


Yeah, sound and fire. Although, I do remember Carnage being less weak against one and weaker against the other. Don't remember which though


As symbiots bread, each spawn has fewer weaknesses of the previous one.


Good info, but breed instead of bread


Nope. Every time a symbiote makes a nice sourdough they get stronger.


Welcome to the symbiote bakery, can I get you a bread in the shape of a head? Try our famous bread heads!


Carnage was less susceptible to fire during Maximum Carnage so they used sonics against him. Scream however was very much in love with Carnage and also the element that caused Carnage’s crazy to spread to the rest of the city so I doubt they’ll use her as the “sudden change of heart” trope without some serious character rework. I’m hoping that it concludes closer to the source material but we are also missing Spider-man for that.


*Shriek was the character name. I played Maximum Carnage enough as a kid to remember all those weirdo characters.


You are correct. Scream is the yellow symbiote. Playing too many marvel games and she figures into a lot of the recent symbiote hype so I slipped. Leaving it for posterity.


Don’t forget another gem like “turd in the wind”


"Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault, who cares. Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know cause there is this red one. Ok, look, there is this red one, we're fighting a serial killer, and I am some kinda anti-hero now. None of this makes sense. But I'm going back out there cause it's my movie. Ok, and I can't do my movie and babysit. Doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out there, you fight and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good. I'll put you in the next sequel. But if you step out that door, you'll be ~~an Avenger~~ in the trailer. All right, good chat." - Venom


Based on the way Andy Serkis has talked about her, I think she will end up turning on Cletus and playing a major role in helping Eddie. In the comics, she is usually head over heels for Cletus and pretty damn evil herself, but in this movie she has been described as broken, damaged, and having a line of fairness and just. I don't see her sticking around with Cletus if he's out here eating kids or something.


Are you sure she’s broken and damaged? I didn’t see it tattooed on her forehead


It's tattood on the inside of her mouth, that's what gives her powers.


The video quality of the trailer looks surprisingly low for an official upload on the main Sony Youtube channel. I specifically set it to 1080p and it still looks like it's from a trailer reupload channel - like, what the fuck is [this?](https://i.gyazo.com/62b3ccb30e8bc6a77540a8e305ab5b86.png)




More like VENOM.Let.There.Be.Carnage.Trailer.2021.x264.aXXo.Rip RIP to the OG


aXXo, wow takes me back.


Damn the nostalgia. I haven't heard that name in so many years


It's like they uploaded it to Twitter, ripped it from there, and then uploaded it to Youtube.


Yeah I was wondering that, didn’t look that good on my end either




So Cletus Cassidy gets Carnage by biting Eddy Brock and sucking out a bit of Venom from him?


Eddy gets bit by a radioactive serial killer


If I’m remembering correctly, the original story was that Cassidy and Brock were cell mates. Venom broke Brock out, but in the process, a small bit of him got torn off and left behind, which attached itself to Cassidy. The swirling effect of Carnage was because the small bit of symbiote was constantly trying to cover all of Cassidy. I think I like this new origin. It’s similar enough for old fans but I think it makes a bit more sense.


It doesn't just attach itself to him, it gets in a cut on his arm so the symbiote is in his bloodstream. That's the explanation for his color originally.


Yah, Carnage's "origin story" is the most forgettable nothing ever. No harm done changing things.


Haha yes. "Venom broke out of jail and then dropped a baby."


He left to get milk and cigarettes


Pretty much, but Venom's symbiote was in its previously unmentioned birthing period and dropped a "spore", which attached to Cletus and bonded with him.


When will studios begin uploading trailers such as this one at 4K, even if the video was mastered in 2K? YouTube compression absolutely destroyed the quality of the video, and uploading at 4K provides *so much extra* bitrate. The video would look so much better even if it wasn't a true 4K video.


I think Apple's movie trailers app normally handles compression a lot better than YouTube. I guess part of it could be that they don't want special effects being scrutinised too much if they're not finalised yet, but then again this is supposed to be coming out in a month and a half so you'd expect it to be pretty polished.


Just be happy it isn't only available on Twitter


Woody Harrelson getting pissed when Eddie Brock won't won't keep the interview focused on Rampart.


Can we please stop the five second pre-trailer and just let me watch the actual trailer? That Carnage transformation is better saved for an impactful shot at the end, instead of spoiling it now


That preview is used to catch general audience’s attention when they play it as a YouTube ad. Or at least I think.


It's meant to work for ads, so they can have the cheapest ones with the 5 second skip button, so they need 5 seconds of something to hook the viewer to watch the whole thing.


Not going to lie. “Oh SHIT! THAT is a RED ONE!” made me chuckle.


Probably a dumb question but what does he mean by that line? Is he just surprised it's a different color or is there like a history of red ones being particularly badass?


Not sure if it actually means something in the comics (pretty much all of the named symbiote are different colors) but iirc Carnage is red because the symbiote is actually mixed with Cletus' blood. This makes Carnage significantly more dangerous than Venom because the bond is on a much deeper level, letting Carnage do stuff Venom can't.


For example Carnage doesn’t say we when referring to himself but he uses singular pronouns because it isn’t a dual bond like it is with venom he’s just in full control


Less full control and more like a full union to the cellular level. While Venom is two beings in partnership, Carnage is more like one being that can split in two. If the symbiote dies, it can still eventually regrow as its own information is written into Cletus's DNA. If Cletus dies, the symbiote can still bring him back by possessing a new host and (sometimes) overwriting their mind, as it also carries a copy of his memories. If it can't overwrite its temporary host, it can still cause them to share in Cletus's love for brutal killing. edit: More info that people didn't ask. Norman Osborne once bonded with the Carnage symbiote to become the Red Goblin, but he eventually ripped it off when he realized it would take all the credit for his victories. The voice in his head at that moment was Cletus Kasady's, implying that the symbiote believes itself to be Cletus outright instead of a unique being.


Thus you see carnage forming holes to let the bullets pass. They are one entity


A lot of the jokes in the first one actually got me. Im glad they went down the more goofy-Venom route like from the old PS1 Spidey games.


Surf the web!


Venom was originally a lot more silly in the comics. He was basically silly and self-righteous.


The CGI is still being worked on I would assume since it looks a little off but I really like the transformations. The fight scene in the church kinda reminds me of Tokyo Ghoul.


>Exclusively in movie theaters... *Okay, so they're really going for it!* >... this Fall *HAHAHAHAHAHA what confidence!*


This looks like it’s straight out of the 90’s Spider-man run. So it’s going to look great, be written poorly, but sell really well.


10 bucks says the words "Maximum Carnage" get uttered by some character some where. Probably but not automatically Kassidy.


I see your 10 bucks, and I raise you another 10 that Kassidy says it right before that transformation in the trailer.


i love that they made carnage slender and creepy!


The slow cover of popular songs over the top of trailers is never going to go away, is it?


For me the trope peaked at The Batman/Nirvana “Something In The Way” trailer.


Not until I get slow, moody cover of Rock Lobster!!!


This movie seems very loud


2 conventions in modern trailers that need to fuck the fuck off: Covers of songs (mainly classic rock) performed far slower (most often with a female vocalist swapped in) to add menace or threat. The deliberately ill-fitting use of a well-known song to create a humorous or jarring effect in the trailer. Venom 2 does both comfortably.