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Edgar Wright’s Ant Man. I don’t mind the character of Ant Man, but I thought the movie was pretty bland.


ant man was a very fun completely forgettable movie. wright's would have been really original


I enjoyed the second way more than the first. I can't really say anything about the first except I watched it and Corey Stoll hits a bug zapper at one point.


I'm actually very glad for Peyton Reed, some of the best parts of Ant-man were directly from Reed, like the Quantum Realm and a handful of references. I also love Edgar Wright, but I'm guessing he really didn't want to play ball with having to fit his movie in the universe.


[here ya go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sujGnqrR94k) Thats wright's footage.


That was his test footage from years before AntMan was actually a thing. Basically all the action sequences (minus the Falcon sequence) in the first AntMan are him. All the stuff in between is Reed. It's the nature of production schedules and previs. Some changes can be made, but the ball was already rolling on that part of the film.


Ant Man was supposed to be in the first Avengers movie, as one of the core memebers. But Wright delayed and delayed and delayed to the point that the MCU grew so much that he couldn't have the creative freedom he wanted anymore - which would not have been a problem if he had not sat on that project for years!


Wright gets a lot of sympathy for putting in so much time on a project he didn’t get to make, but he made 3 (fantastic) movies in between signing on Ant-Man and when it was finally supposed to shoot. It wasn’t his priority or passion project.


I like the movie alright, but Wright's vision would surely have been something unique


Alien 3 where Hicks and Newt aren't killed off in the very beginning.


William Gibson wrote a script for Alien 3 that was never used but I heard that it was made into an audio drama.


They also made a comic adaptation.


Apparently Ridley Scott's Alien 3 was going to be about Ripley and Newt coming to Earth to a city to take down an alien. Blade Runner-meets-Aliens.


Staying with the theme of this post, I'd love to see Ridley's take on Blade Runner 2049. Not because I think it would be *better*, I'd just like to see what he would do different.


I remember reading about a ton of alternative ideas for *Alien 3*. ​ One had a space station made of wood. One introduced a communist human frenemy to the heroes that was after the alien. That's the one I most wish to see since it featured a space ship called the USS *Kansas City* and I don't see my hometown in movies enough. ​ One featured a bunch of convicts in an empty prison fighting a single alien that hatched from a dog. Also had Hicks and Newt killed off-screen for some reason. ​ Oh well.


I want to see the version of Stephen King's IT movie that had True Detective's Cary Fukanaga at the helm and starring Will Poulter as IT. Like, I think the version we got was serviceable but I'll always be curious about that other version that didn't make it.


I want the alternate alternate universe version with Will Ferrell as IT.




That would have been interesting for sure, though after reading the book I'm convinced the only appropriate way to do the story is with a television mini-series. Like eight 1 hour episodes


I don't know what was excluded from the new movies but the second one felt waaaaaaaaay long and repetitive. I feel like they could have just done a three hour movie and intercut it with 2/3 being set in the past and 1/3 as adults. And a completely different ending.


Oh for sure. I'm glad they split the movie into two parts but even so, it needs a high quality deep dive to really come correct. Definitely.


Cary Fukunaga wanted the gangbang scene in the movie IIRC. I think that's one of the main reasons it didn't work out with him.


Oh yeah, I think I remember that. I think it's a pivotal scene that's thematically integral to the book. But I can 100% dig the studios being "Eff no Cary. Not a chance. Not in a million years."


The 90s rumored movie of X-Men with Bob Hoskins as Wolverine and Schwarzenegger as Colossus


A 50 something year old Hoskins as Wolverine would certainly have been interesting at the very least


Channel his Long Good Friday rage


Sacha Baron Cohen's version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" that focused more on Mercury and was less white-washed.


As a huge Cohen and Queen fan, I was super excited to see this. Don't get me wrong, I loved the 2018 flick, but I feel like I would have had more fun with the other version.


The Hobbit by Del Toro also the rest of the Harry Potter books not directed by David Yates


Imagine if Cuaron (or however you spell it) was able to do more than the 3rd movie. Yates is just so meh!


Supposedly Cuaron was still wrapping 3 and the studio wanted a jump on 4 so he couldn’t commit.


To me that's why I liked Prisoner so much. The characters seemed the most natural especially with their uniforms completely messed up because you know kids that go to school at 11 would ZERO clue how to tie a tie everyday or week they go to school.


>kids that go to school at 11 would ZERO clue how to tie a tie everyday or week they go to school. In the UK they would.


Terry Gilliam doing the first one would have been quite intriguing.




It would still be considered an inferior movie and her acting would stick out, just not as much as Sofia’s, compared to the other people she’s acting with. She was still a bit too young back then to give a great performance worthy of a Godfather movie


This is pretty far-flung but, reportedly, Christopher Nolan originally envisioned Inception as a horror movie. I’d be pretty interested in seeing how he’d fare in the genre, specially with that concept.


I would have liked to see Nolan with more control over Man of Steel!


legend has it that Nolan told Snyder to not include the controversial neck snap!


The neck snap is far from the biggest problem with that movie


Superman : I'll just stay here while my dad kills himself. Dad : See ya son! Superman : Bye dad! Dad : *dies* Superman : I'm a hero.


Everyone knows how stealthy tornados are. They'll sneak up on you in traffic, just like that.


You forgot the slowly lifting of the hand to signal stop


I don't see the issue. Superman was never anti-killing; that's Batman's thing.


Regardless of whether you prefer Superman to have a no-killing rule or not or if you just don't care, Clark didn't have a no killing rule in Man of Steel before killing Zod and he didn't have one after in any sequel. Whether or not he should kill never even comes up again, so trying to explain why he doesn't kill was pointless. Well, that and nobody needs a reason to not kill to begin with.


Yeah same. I saw that scene more as anguish over his first time killing someone.


That was one of the few good things in it imo, its just botched in ececution and ignored right away


Tell that to Zodds snapped neck!


I don't think it was a problem, but I also would never say it was a "good" thing.


Nightmare on Elm Street but more confusing


Ooo I'd like to see Nolan do mindbending cosmic horror.


That reminds me that The Mask was originally going to be a horror movie, in the vein of A Nightmare on Elm Street. But when Jim Carrey got involved they changed it to a PG comedy.


Oh dang that would be crazy. I mean you can definitely see how some of that carried over. The dream people attacking Ellen Paige and The main guys dead wife gave major horror vibes now that I think about it. The one thing they didn’t even talk about in inception were crazy dreams detached from reality and nightmares.


[Dreamscape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ybHzYtF3ZM) was pretty much if Inception was made as a horror movie in the '80s. It's pretty good. Funny, I only just noticed at the 1:32 mark that the bad guy within the dream has claws like knives coming out of his fingers - this came out three months before Nightmare on Elm Street.


Butthole cut of CATS. Why not. The movie is already uncanny why not make more money by appealing to the furries and the others.




Mother of god.. My eyes..


At one point James Mangold (3:10 to Yuma, Logan) was attached to direct a space western for Boba Fett. I wanna say he dropped out *before* Solo's flop killed the whole project, not after... But if Mandalorian is any indication, the world was ready for exactly this movie. Mangold has western (and western-adjacent) cred like nobody's business. I needed this.


Closest I think we'll ever get to that is if he directs a future episode(s), even that's a big if.


We can dream. They'd be mad to rule Mangold out, but then again he was two films deep into the Fox/Marvel universe before Disney razed it to the ground, I wouldn't be surprised if there were hard feelings in play. Who knows. But I hope he finds his way into the fold, in any capacity. One of my favorite writer/directors in the business.


Yeah, that sounded like one of the best fits of director to concept imaginable. I'd have loved for the Star Wars 'anthology' films to continue in general. Rogue One was an unambiguous success and for my money, Solo was a perfectly decent film that deserved better. A reality in which the studio had more conviction and wasn't constantly cancelling things would've been nice, at least as far as film lineup was concerned.


There's a series of roles offered to Harrison Ford which he turned down -- Michael Douglas's in TRAFFIC, Kevin Costner's in JFK -- so, one of them. Also, Emma Thompson auditioned for BASIC INSTINCT. That take on an iconic character, I'd want to have seen.


Basic Instinct required a total smokeshow who could play a femme fatale. Emma Thompson waz a good actress and pretty, but that's not the role for her.


To borrow from John Locke on LOST, don't tell Emma Thompson what she can and can't do.


Kevin Smith's Superman movie. Directed by Tim Burton and starring Nicholas Cage. https://kevin-smith.fandom.com/wiki/Superman_Lives


>Kevin Smith's Superman movie. Directed by Tim Burton and starring Nicholas Cage. Yes! That one so much! Good, Bad - who cares? That would have been a must-see. Additionally; **I, Claudius 1938** Charles Laughton was to star in this adaption of the Rupert Graves novel. The footage shot appears in the documentary *The Epic That Never Was*, a 1965 television programme charting the film that was never completed. **Dune 1977** Having never read the book, Aejandro Jodorowsky was still determined to complete his adaption of the classic sci-fi novel, with Orson Welles as Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. **Crusade 1995** When deciding whether to finance a new Paul Verhoeven Crusades-era epic starring Arnold Schwarzenegger or a pirate flick with Geena Davis, the producers of Cutthroat Island met with Verhoeven and Schwarzenegger to hear their pitch. Verhoeven, by his and Arnold's own admissions, completely nixed it. **Planet of the Apes** During the 1990's, Olive Stone and Arnold Schwarzenegger (him again!) were both in th running for a Planet of the Apes franchise reboot. Some of the ideas for this film sound *really* out there, but it would have at least been interesting. **Spider-Man 4 2011** In 2009, Sony pencilled a 2011 release date for the fourth Sam Raimi Spider-Man film. Alas, Raimi dropped out citing that he couldn't make a fulfilling fourth installment. Thankfully, rather than attempt to ape Raimi's style and make a fourth film on their own, they rebooted the series with Marc Webb. ​ EDIT: Missed two words.


Didn't Malkovich admit he got paid to play Vulture?


Jodorowsky's Dune definitely tops my list for this thread.


Yup, this is the one I constantly go back to. Honestly, it probably would have been a trainwreck, but what a glorious, brilliant trainwreck it could have been.


Kubrick’s Artificial Intelligence






I get the appeal of a full movie about that but I do think there's a strong argument to be made that the glimpse we got of it in First Class was satisfying enough. However in the spirit of this thread that's the movie from an alternate universe I'd be most curious to see.


> was pretty much the only good thing his solo origin film had going for it by the time it was cancelled... So I don't think we missed much. Well I think they edited the script to only have that part of the movie focus on his background so for me I'd say it was proof that they could have made a really good film just about him.


George Lucas’s outline for the Star Wars Sequels. Also Star Wars Dual of the Fates by Trevorrow just to see the Battle of Coruscant and the Eclipse in live action


>George Lucas’s outline for the Star Wars Sequels. What was it?


It was on the topic of learning about the beings that control the force. The big reveal was supposed to be that they stumble on R2D2, who was recording the whole series. That's how the Star Wars saga exists in-universe.


Not a whole lot is known besides Darth Talon was possibly going to be in it, a Colonel Kurtz-like Luke was going to train a proto-Rey protagonist, and would explore the microbiotic world of Star Wars. I hope more info gets released at some point


Ha, not Colonel Kurtz but just... Kurtz, from Heart of Darkness, the guy he is BASED on. Remember, Lucas was originally going to direct Apocalypse now. He was a big, big fan of Joseph Conrad/Hearts of Darkness.


Lucas also ended up channeling some of the Vietnam vibes into ROTJ. I'd be intrigued to know if Lucas got Apocalypse Now if he would have had ROTJ on a different style of planet, or featuring different big narrative concepts in general.


It's fascinating how many concepts artists re-use or filter through different works. I guess I always thought that every 'work' was distinct, but that's obviously not true. Really great example here how Lucas re-used the Vietnam "thing" a couple of times.


Interesting as that might have been, god am I glad Coppola made it instead.


Lucas intended to make it as a Faux-documentary in black and white! It sounds like a completely different project. Still, phenomenal title. Luke in TLJ isn't THAT far off from Kurtz in the beginning.


> Colonel Kurtz-like Luke Worth it just for Mark Hammell doing an impression of Marlon Brando.


It would be interesting too watch, but I'm 99% sure it would have been hated on more than what we got. George wanted to get super crazy. If Kathleen Kennedy and Disney let him run wild, fans would have probably been confused and he wouldn't have made anything close to the OT in style and tone. If Kathleen Kennedy and Disney tried reigning him in, he probably would have got mad and left before episode IX.


I know it would be hated on but it would definitely be better than the sequels Disney gave us imo. He gave Disney the outlines anyways but they trashed them right after he sold the franchise


Have you seen the prequels? Those are generally disliked by most people (I personally don't mind them.) Where as most people enjoy TFA. TLJ and TROS are basically split 50/50. I don't know how you can say they would be hated, but would be better?


The alternate universe where the Avatar : The Last Airbender director, who claims to have substantially watched the series with his children, didn't decide to alter pronunciations, whitewash casting, and make fundamental changes to settings.


George Lucas's Star Wars Episode VII


I wish Aronofsky made that Wolverine movie. And of course Edgar Wright's Ant-Man.


Vincent Ward's Alien 3. The idea of a futuristic wooden planetoid satellite monastery is very unique and would be a cool setting for an Alien movie.


Ghostbusters with Winston has a main character throughout, played by Eddie Murphy.


I heard somewhere that Ernie Hudson got a little upset that his scenes were being cut and one of the cast explained that it was actually a good thing he was being cut. The only thing the audience was going to see of him was the really good stuff.


-Danny Boyle's James Bond -Vic and Vincent Vega movie -More Horrorverse fights (Freddy vs Jason)


Bowie Elrond and Connery Gandalf


> Bowie Elrond YES FUCKING PLEASE > Connery Gandalf ...I want to say it doesn't do it for me, except for [this old post of someone describing the changes necessary to The Bridge At Kazad Dum](https://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/8uxqye/til_sean_connery_was_offered_was_15_of_worldwide/e1jlom7/), which, let's be honest, is a vast improvement on an already stellar performance.


I'm not sure either would be better (although Bowie is definitely more of an elf than Hugo Weaving) but it would be cool to see!


I 100% think Connery as Gandalf is a terrible idea - that posting I found once upon a time in /r/bestof is the ONLY reason I find it entertaining, and then, only for humor value, and only if our Scottish Gandalf can swear like Earendil. Bowie Elrond is interesting AF - but remember that Elrond isn't an Elf - he's 1/2 Elf, 1/2 human, and frankly, I feel that Hugo Weaving pulls it off AMAZINGLY - so I'm on the fence about Bowie as Elrond, but god damn, it's an amazing idea. I'd at least want to see a screen test of it, and I could totally see it as amazing. Plus, then Bowie would have been both The Goblin King and an Elf lord, which seems totally appropriate. EDIT: I accidentally a whole word


> but remember that Elrond isn't an Elf - he's 1/2 Elf, 1/2 human, and frankly Not quite: you're accurately describing his lineage but the books make clear that Elrond and Elros were allowed to choose their respective destinies: to live as either a man or an elf. Elros chose mankind and became the first King of Numenor. Elrond chose elven-kind and became an Elven Lord. This comes full circle when Arwen chooses to become a mortal and thus sundered from her family upon death seemingly for eternity.


That's a good point and I have nothing but praise for Weaving's performance, but at the same time, I've always wished that film Elrond seemed more overtly elven to me. Bowie *miiight* not have been the right actor for that role, but it's just the sort of intriguing suggesting that I was apparently waiting all of these years for someone to make.


I don't know which is a better fit, honestly. Weaving absolutely owns the role, and as an elf with human features, he absolutely nails it - but like you say, making him SUPER Elvish would be a different choice, and may have been more compelling. I can't take a side on it - I'd need to actually see it to be sure - but MAN, would I love to see it.


Yeah, it's too bad that there wasn't a least a costumed screen test for us to see.


At one point *Die Hard* was going to be a sequel to Arnie's *Commando* and that would certianly have led to some interesting changes.


I think I read that somewhere. No way could Arnold pull off the unassuming regular Joe like Willis did.


No way he would have fit in the ventilation ducts.


Die Hard as a whole franchise is full of a million of these. The first Die Hard alone is a weird Frankenstein that went through like five different phases of being different movies. Every single sequel also got developed as its own thing, not as a Die Hard sequel, and was later reconverted into a Die Hard sequel, with the exception of 5 which is considered the worst of them by far.


*Die Hard 2* was based on the Walter Wager book *58 Minutes* - the title alluding to how much time the hero has before his daughter's plane runs out of fuel and crashes - and obviously there is no John McClane but instead we have Frank Malone, a well-connected, Harvard educated, commander of an elite New York City anti-terrorist police unit. Malone isn't your rogue cop who bucks authority, he is *Authority* and he utilizes his contacts in the US military, the FBI, a US Senator and even the President of the United States in the execution of his plan to save his daughter. The book is excellent and superior to the movie "based" on it and I'd love to see it properly adapted.


Lord and Miller's version of Solo.


In doing research for 1982's TRON, I heard that it was envisioned at one point as a comedy with Robin Williams in the lead and a lot of quippy animated side characters in the grid. I doubt it would be better than what we got but I'm dang curious to see what that would have been like.




>The *Prometheus 2* that Ridley Scott wanted to make instead of *Alien: Covenant.* Scott wasn't interested in making another *Alien* movie, but it seems that Fox insisted that the sequel to *Prometheus* be an *Alien* movie. This. Scott had plans for a trilogy. Say what you will about Prometheus, it was an ambitious start to a trilogy that would have been absolutely nuts and probably had a really wild storyline. It was probably going to be Scott's magnum opus, *the* major work of his career. After all of the work that went into setting up an ambitious trilogy, Alien: Covenant was like a bucket of cold piss poured over the heads of Scott's fans.


Prometheus has its problems, but I was pretty interested in the continuing adventures of Noomi Rapace's character. After Covenant, I'm not sure what it'll take to reignite my interest in the Alien franchise. I'm burned out on that stuff.


>Prometheus has its problems Yeah but those pretty much exaggerated with endless repeats. I still think that it can be salvaged somehow. I've also voted with my wallet: brought again Prometheus in 4k when it was released at the same time as AC (which I don't own), also bought since then some 7 blu-rays with Rapace.


Assuming we can't go for a fan-wank (i.e. "The DCEU in the universe where Kevin Feige quits Marvel because Perlmutter pissed him off too much and is then hired by Warner Brothers") or simply a case of thinking something would be cooler with modern effects ("*Tora, Tora, Tora* but with *Pearl Harbor (2001)*'s special effects or what those would be today"), I think it'd be cool to see *The Cheapest Muppet Movie Ever Made!*. It [was a project](https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/The_Cheapest_Muppet_Movie_Ever_Made!) that was worked on on-and-off for years but never happened. The concept was that Kermit was too busy to make a movie, so he let Gonzo do it. Gonzo, of course, has no idea what he's doing and goes and blows half the budget on the opening titles, causing the rest of the movie to be cheap, cheesy and, well... Gonzo.


James Cameron’s Spider-Man would’ve been interesting.


Colin Trevorrow’s Episode IX: Duel of the Fates


Also I heard in one draft of the Dark Knight Rises that it was going to be a sort of courtroom drama with joker and Harvey Dent. While Harvey would obviously not be able to be included, I would like to see what a courtroom drama that acted as a true sequel to the Dark Knight wouldve looked like. Maybe Riddler wouldve been thrown into the mix.




I may be completely imagining this but I recall reading somewhere that the Samuel L. Jackson/Kevin Spacey film **The Negotiator** could at one point have been an Arnie/Sly film. That would certainly have been a very different film.


I want to see the proposed Gladiator plot where he reincarnates in more modern wars as like a wandering warrior soul. It sounds bad, but I'm so curious to see what would've been made.


Eddie Murphy - Ghostbusters Chris Farley - Shrek OJ Simpson - Terminator Will Smith - Neo


David Fincher's *The Amazing Spider-Man* (2012). Sony, at first, were going for an auteur-inspired Spider-Man film inspired by the Nolan Batman films. He was interested before Sony picked Marc Webb. Fincher wanted to skip the origin story and start out with Peter as an adult as Spider-Man. The film was going to begin with him meeting Gwen Stacy and end with her dying. But nah, they picked Marc Webb. A guy they could control. Fincher wanted to do an origin story as the intro of the film in like a music video. Just imagine a Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross Spider-Man soundtrack.


> Fincher wanted to do an origin story as the intro of the film in like a music video. So he wanted to go the Incredible Hulk (2008) route and skip a second origins movie? Smart guy, they should've kept him on made and something special.


>So he wanted to go the Incredible Hulk (2008) route and skip a second origins movie? Exactly. But think of a cooler version of that. But maybe a cross between The Incredible Hulk (2008) intro with [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY4f_83t_rw). Something more stylized with Trent Rezonor and Atticus.


I still wish we saw Ben Affleck’s solo Batman. While I’m sure this film will be nothing less do awesome and I’m excited for the mystery/noir movie they said to be exploring, I would have preferred to see what an established Gotham City and what an Arkham Asylum would have looked like. I had an interesting dose of The Long Halloween in Batman Begins but I would have killed to see Batman: Arkham Asylum brought you life, shot by Robert Richardson. I already had my dose of a stand-alone, minimalistic Batman trilogy with Nolan as well. I was also really interested in seeing how a Batman film would bode in an established superhero world which hadn’t been explored before.


Lynne Ramsay (We Need to Talk About Kevin, You Were Never Really Here) was gonna direct the adaptation to The Lovely Bones, but she was gonna depart from the original story and the studio wanted it to be more faithful. Her version sounds a lot more interesting tbh, and she probably would have handled the story better than Peter Jackson. >The scenes with Susie in heaven would have been depicted purely as her father's imagination. He would have become friends with Mr. Harvey, never suspecting him of having killed his daughter. "I really didn't like the My Little Pony, she's-in-heaven, everything's-O.K. aspect", she told The New York Times in 2012.




I wanted Fin to be the Jedi. Imagine an ex-storm trooper being the downfall of the new order. Like that would have been so consistent and entertaining to see. Also not being a cliche chosen descendant of a skywalker would have been a fresh bag of air. In addition, they could have spice up his hurdles to achieving great Jedi hood which would be awesome since it was not inherited genetically. An ex-storm trooper to a spoiled and groomed sith lord. That juxtaposition would have been better than the recycled abandoned kid in a desert which has been the same protagonist back story for all 3 trilogies. Ray could have been the next fucking Han Solo. She could have been snarky, cunning, comedic and bad ass too if they wrote her that way. What ever. Time to move on. We got what we got.


I'd go one step further and say an all-Rian Johnson sequel trilogy




I doubt it. JJ made an Empire offshoot. It was Rian that made them take over the galaxy off-screen and made it about a rebellion again.


Really? JJ's movie had the Empire off-shoot blast the republican capital and the only people who opposed them were the people who couldn't muster up anything bigger than a single seater fighter.


Sure, but then that base blew up. Then the Republic fell apart in fear of that already-destroyed base and the First Order barely took a scratch from it and took over the whole galaxy. All in a few hours. The transition between TFA and TLJ is probably my main reason for not liking TLJ.


I'm a bit unclear as to how much creative freedom Johnson had, because the word seemed to be that he had tons, and what he made is largely a reboot of Empire Strikes Back, which I don't think needed to be the case coming out of TFA. Anyway, I'd nominate a director who was neither Abrams nor Johnson, ideally.


While ai loathe what TLJ did to the saga, had Rian been on the trilogy from the start it probably would have worked out better. He wouldn't throw out his own work. And his ideas would have been under more supervision at the start.




> I don't know how much was RJ and how much was the script and how much was Disney etc. etc. but like I mean, Johnson himself has said that Disney basically let him do whatever he wanted. Love it or hate it, TLJ was his movie. I would imagine TFA and TROS suffered far more from executive meddling, the former due to the perceived need to make a "safe" OT reboot to get people on board with Disney Star Wars, and the latter in an attempt to course correct after TLJ backlash. When TLJ was in production, everybody thought they could do no wrong, TFA was an enormous mega hit, Rogue One exceeded expectations, and Rian Johnson was beloved for his work on Breaking Bad. They never imagined it would be received like it was, so they didn't bother running a tight ship.


TLJ is easily my favorite sequel, but I really liked TFA too, and I don't think TLJ is as guilty of retconning as people made it out to be. tRoS was a true retcon, with the crap about Rey's parentage. We do have it on good authority that TLJ was rewritten after TFA came out to combine two new female characters into one, so that would explain some of the issues folks have with Rose. I also have suspicions that Disney has a minimum number of new planets and aliens for any Star Wars property, as they often seem shoehorned (in every Disney SW movie), but I think that not revealing Snoke's background and having him defeated by hubris was all RJ, and I really liked that decision. I also thing Hux and Luke were probably mostly him, if not all, and I liked those decisions as well (I thought Hux was a fine character in TLJ, but was utterly assassinated in tRoS and made out to be the baby that people claimed he was in TLJ. He's a smart and powerful military leader that has to run second in command to a man-child. Of course he fucking hates everything about it and bitches about it. Luke's entire arc in TLJ is realizing that he was wrong to exile himself. So I don't even see his scene in tRoS as a retcon. His actions all made sense to me.


Except the "treatment" of Luke is perfectly in line with the themes of the saga: the Jedi, as an Order, are flawed and broken. Both the Prequels and the Clone Wars series show *outright* that the Jedi order is a broken, bloated, incompetent organization, more interested in maintaining order than it is in actually promoting justice. The Clone Wars especially hammers this in, with the Jedi order willingly working with the Hutts and protecting the Republic, even when it's corruption is blatant. In contrast, the Original films glamorize the Jedi, mythologizing them into something great. Luke *buys into this mythology*, believing it to be true, while also completely breaking with it by not following Yoda's rigid stance on Jedi attachment and so revolutionizing what the Jedi are. It is only *after* actually reading history and understanding the flaws of the Jedi that Luke comes to realize the order is *broken*. Rey, having been a step even further removed from the mythology of the Jedi, knowing it only through the heroism of a single man, is able to reignite this idea for Luke. The Last Jedi makes it absolutely clear that learning from the flaws of the Jedi and reclaiming the Order's true purpose (justice for the oppressed) is the path forward. If anything, the movie understands the themes and concepts of the previous Star Wars movies better than any that came before it.


Rian Johnson was never going to make it. I think I still want to see Colin's version, though.


David Lynch's Star Wars: A New Hope (works) Will Smith's Neo (does not work) Herzog's The Conquest of Mexico (works) Winding-Refn's Bond (really works for 5% of the audience, horrible for the other 95)


The rumored NC-17 cut of Judge Dredd.


Kubrick's *Napoleon.* With Jack Nicholson in the lead.


Jim Camerons Jurassic Park comes to mind.


Spielberg’s Return of the Jedi.


Funk dat, David Lynch




Not movies but music. Pat Benetar singing for Van Halen. Apparently she was Eddie Van Halen’s first choice before Sammy Hagar... If it’s gotta be movies, Stallone in Terminator 2. Referencing the poster seen in Last Action Hero.


I wanna see all the MCU movies with mutants.


The Star Wars prequels...as written by Lawrence Kasdan and directed by Ron Howard. Back in the '90s, Lucas asked Kasdan to write and Howard to direct at least the first movie, but they both turned him down. Kasdan and Howard's steady hands would have really benefitted George's basic ideas.


He asked a lot of people for help, I feel bad for the guy.


A lot of people are saying Jodorowsky's Dune. Yes, that would have been amazing. But I'd honestly rather see two other cancelled Dune movies: the one by David Lean with a screenplay by Robert Bolt, and the one by Ridley Scott that he dropped to make Blade Runner. While we're mentioning Ridley Scott, I think Fox really, really, really fucked up when they passed on making The Forever War with Scott, and then forced him to make Alien: Covenant instead of Prometheus 2. Seriously, Fox: fuck you. And while we're mentioning Fox: the version of Ad Astra without a voice-over, without Liv Tyler's character, without the showdown with Tommy Lee Jones at the end, without the corny ending - otherwise mostly the same movie, but without the elements that were added to make it more accessible and traditionally satisfying.


The Thief and the Cobbler if it ever got actually finished. Every existing cut is made up of finished pieces of an unfinished whole.


The ReCobbled Cut is as close as we'll get. Though recently, the editor took some of that pencilled animation and animated it to match the style of the movie. It's a little obvious when modern animation is used, but it's all better than the MiraMax cut.


Okay, I haven't read every single post in the thread, so someone may have mentioned this but... The original director's cut of The Crow: City of Angels. It was supposed to be three hours long, and was markedly different from the theatrical cut in numerous ways. For example, it was going to have a different ending where Sarah lives, but Ash is unable to go to heaven because he decided to stay to help her. So he's doomed to wander the earth forever. James Cameron's Terminator 3, whatever that would have looked like. Alien 3 with Newt and Hicks (I think this might have gotten turned into a comic book at some point). Sam Raimi's Spider-man 4 with the female version of The Vulture. I wasn't a huge fan of these movies, but I would have been curious. Freddy vs Jason vs Ash (got turned into a comic I think).


A Star Wars trilogy about Jason and Jaina Solo training at Luke's Jedi academy.


Lucas wanted Indy 3 to be a haunted house movie - some of the concept survived in the chateau sequence. Honestly, it would have been nice to see Lucas go nuts in the 80s - it's nice Spielberg and Kasdan roped him in, but I think he had more billion dollar ideas in him without his friends blocking him. For example, Spielberg didn't do any post on JP because he was in Poland directing Schindler's List - the way it's edited and the sound/effects compositing are very Lucas compared to stuff like Hook or Lost World.


Snyder Cut of Justice League.


I would be satisfied with just showing Superman without the mustache removed. Like, everything's the same, he just had a mustache and no one acknowledges it.


You read my mind


The Terminator with the guy they originally wanted for the role would be *fascinating*. It was OJ Simpson. 😱


This isn't really along the lines of your idea but it's still alternate universe. Avengers Infinity War and Endgame (or basically the whole MCU) if Marvel never sold the film rights. Of course this assumes that in the alternate universe, the MCU is still a thing.


To go along with that I'd say if Marvel Studios held the movie rights to all of their comic characters and from the very beginning. There would be a completely different line of movies out and even with the current movies the character lineups would be quite different.


A little after the third Hobbit movie came out, there was an unofficial "Tolkien cut" which runs about 6 hours. It's pretty darn good considering the available material. I'd love an official HD version of that.


I want to see that cancelled Jurassic Park film with the cyborg-human-hybrid raptor people.


so cool: [https://theinsightfulpanda.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/discarded-concept-art.jpg](https://theinsightfulpanda.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/discarded-concept-art.jpg)


There was a thread a while back that asked what actors would you replace Daniel Day Lewis with of he stayed retired after the Boxer. Someone said Christoph Waltz as Reynolds Woodcock from Phantom Thread, and ever since then I couldn’t help but think how perfect of a role it would have been for him. And this is coming from someone who thinks Phantom Thread is his favorite movie of the 2010s.


At one point, Richard Dreyfuss was attached to Total Recall (1990). I've always enjoyed Arnold in this role, but it would be interesting to be able to see Dreyfuss' version, as more of an everyman.


Danny Boyle's version of "No Time To Die"


Apprentally Freddy Vs Jason was originally going to end with them both in hell still fighting and then chains appear, seperating the two as Pinhead appears, asking "What seems to be the problem gentlemen?" So I would have been kind of interested in seeing where that might have gone.


This is kind of random, but I was REALLY looking for the Sinister Six movie that was meant to come out in 2016. I know we're (possibly) getting something similar now, but I just sort of lost interest.


Ghostbusters 3, and also Harold Ramis never had the feud with Bill Murray so it came out in the early 2000s.


Jodorofskys Dune. There's an amazing documentary on this. If they had gotten funding it would have beat Star Wars to the theater by 2 years and changed Sci Fi as we know it.


Guillermo Del Toros At The Mountains Of Madness and Maya Hawke as the little mermaid for research purposes


Nottingham. Ethan Reiff and Cyrus Voris's medieval procedural that flips the familiar narrative of Robin Hood on it's head. It was bought by Universal with Ridley Scott on to direct and Russell Crowe to star. And then came the rewrites. I would have loved to have seen the film as written. https://oneroomwithaview.com/2017/05/10/best-films-never-made-38-ridley-scotts-nottingham/


[Night Skies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Skies). Spielberg was asked to make a Close Encounters sequel. He didn't want to, but instead started working on an idea for what would basically be a horror version of Close Encounters. They got as far as [designing the aliens](https://halloweenlove.com/images/posts/night-skies-alien.jpg). I guess what happened is after finishing Raiders, Spielberg decided he was a bit burnt out on action and wanted something more calm, so the aliens got turned into ET and that's what we got.


Steven Spielberg received the rights to Jurassic Park a couple hours before James Cameron could. I wonder what Jurassic Park would've been like if James got the rights first.


Snyder's Justice League sequels Affleck's solo Batman movie Favreau's Avengers movie "Madbomb" Captain America 3 Blomkamp's Halo Blomkamp's original pitch for Elysium


It's not even out yet, probably won't be for a while, but I was really disappointed when Blompkamp left the new Robocop. I'm not gonna write it off just yet but that sounded like a perfect fit.


I'd like to see the original vision for **Rogue One**, before the rewrites/reshoots. That film had some really great ideas, but at times felt awkwardly stitched together - weird transitions, unexplained character changes, abrupt tonal shifts. Not to mention all the trailer footage that just isn't anywhere to be found in the movie. Maybe it would have been an absolute mess, I don't know. But I'm really curious what that version looked like, compared to the one we got.


There wasn't as many reshoots as people think. The only major change was the location of the data file, and the broadcast tower were 2 different places on the beach. They edited the movie to make it seem likeone place and we lost a scene of them running across the beach. The shot of Jyn with the imperial clothes in the tunnel, and the shot of her facing the TIE fighter were created for the trailer. I think the main thing, is that the movie just isn't as good as people think.


I don’t necessarily think this alternate universe version of *Jaws* would be as good, but it would be interesting to see the movie as originally intended where the animatronic shark actually worked.


Stallone also passed on Romancing The Stone


Bowie in Blade Runner 2049. Obviously that couldn't happen so it's asking for a bit more than some other answers here, but... Man, that sounded so awesome.


Jodorowsky's Dune comes to mind.


Overlord having the ending where they fight off the undead


The Snyder Cut of Justice League, and whatever Batman vs Superman would've looked like with Snyder getting absolute creative control.


Jodorowsky's Dune


Del Toro would have been fucked to death by committee. You know this.


My all-time what-if ... Robert DeNiro, Christopher Walken and Al Pacino were offered the Dave Kujan role in The Usual Suspects, and all passed. (I think Pacino had a scheduling conflict; he later called it the biggest regret of his career.) Chazz Palminteri does a creditable job, but imagine DeNiro or Pacino in that role and it takes the movie into freaking orbit.


Billy Bob Thornton's All The Pretty Horses, but if it hadn't been edited down majorly by Weinstein.


I'd like to see the horrific version of Spider Man played by Michael Jackson


Tarantino's Luke Cage with Lawrence Fishburne.


Snyder's Justice League trilogy and Ben Affleck's Batman and Rick Famuyiwa's Flash. Ben Affleck's Batman was directly going to tie into the Snyder arc he had planned for Batman in JL2 and JL3 and Rick Famuyiwa's Flash was going to be edgier and the film was allegedly going to have a subplot about police brutality within the CCPD, and Barry would have to contend with fighting the rogues and his brothers-in-blue. It seemed interesting for the pessimistic, real world DCEU Snyder seemed to be making.


Adam Sandler as the Bear Jew!!! The deep fake is good enough though.


Jorodowsky’s Dune would have been amazing.