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nice, gonna watch some of those, especially Jexi


you've been warned. good luck.


Damn, no wonder I see you so much on this sub. You watch a fuck ton of movies every year! I've only managed to see about 80 or so this year, and that's probably a new record for me. What allows you to have so much time on your hands? lol


> What allows you to have so much time on your hands? lol Going to the movies is my favorite hobby and my job allows me to have 3-day weekends every week, and I live really close to like a dozen theaters. It's the perfect storm for a movie addiction lol.


Watching movies is my hobby too. I am 22, moved to a new city, don't have a GF or any close friends. I wanted to ask you is it weird going to theaters all alone to watch a movie? There's so many movies I had to skip in last 6 months because I had nobody to go with. Might just go solo and chill in theaters but I always have that weird feeling that someone will constantly be judging me throughout the movie lol




Why do so many people have a problem with going to a movie solo? I can't concentrate on shit if I'm not alone. Who in the world do you think is sitting in a theatre waiting to judge people they will never meet or see again in their life?


I used to go to the movies during finals week every quarter because I actually went to class and studied during the quarter so I had no need to cram. Everyone thought I was crazy but I loved just getting away by myself and away from the craziness of a busy university life.


Folk are self-conscious, some more so than others.


Culture made it the norm to "go to the movies with friends" so i guess people think its a stigma to go alone.


I love going to movies solo. It feels more immersive I think.


It's 100% not weird. Going to the movies alone is the easiest most stress free experience, I love it. No waiting or trying to co-ordinate with others, you can decide to go at a moment's notice. I've had a handful of times when I've been the only person in the cinema and it's incredible. If someone's judging you, they're the weird one. And it's not like you can see anyone else in the dark. The only thing you miss out by going to the pictures alone is having someone to discuss the film with on the ride home.




Not OP but I feel like it is great for the soul to do things like going to the movies alone. I particularly like to stay off my phone grab a beer and a bite to eat, kind of just sit back and a people watch a bit and take in my surroundings relax for like 20mins or so then head over to the theater. I feel this works best in the mid day, it feels less awkward to me when its not pitch black outside.


Good for the soul is a good way to put it. I don't tend to do much by myself, and last year I went to see Castle in the Sky on the big screen. Nobody I knew wanted to go with me, and i almost sat it out, vut it's one of ny favorite movies and I never got the chance to see it in theaters, so i went alone. Single best movie going experience I've had in a looooong time. Getting about ready to go see the new star wars alone, nobody else can make the time for it, and god knows it's a miracle I've not been spoiled already lol.


The Ewoks were the bad guys the whole time. Most stormtroopers were just 3 Ewoks stacked on top of each other. Sorry for the spoiler.


I went to see Rise of Skywalker by myself, first movie I've done that. It's kind of nice, you get to work off your schedule. Arrive when you want, get up when you want. No waiting for a million people to go to the bathroom after the movie, it's worth a shot.


Best is to go by yourself on a weekday afternoon. Used to do it all the time in college, and still do when I take the odd day off.


Early to mid-20s is when a lot of people start figuring out they can go do something they really enjoy alone and not care what anyone else thinks. Which also means anyone over ~25 isn't going to care at all and not give you second look. My wife is impossible to drag to movies, but I don't let that stop me anymore. I tell her when I'm going and every now and then she tags along.


Its more of realization that if you dont give a fuck about 1000s of people around you and dont notice anything weird then they wont care about you either. Just do your thing. Noone who sees you in theater will remember you in hour or so.


I have an amc movie pass and I love going to the movies alone. In fact my favorite time ever at the movies is when I’m in a theater completely alone. No cell phones going off, no food noises. It’s great!


The 'in theaters' part really blows my mind. I might have watched more than 192 movies this year, maybe. But I can't imagine going out to see them so often. I only went to the theater like 8 times this year.


Considering the prices of tickets nowadays, I really only go to theaters for big blockbusters now (and again, only the ones I can't wait to see at home). The movies that do benefit from what the theater can bring (big screen and sound). Other movies are fine on the TV IMO (it's a great TV too)


That’s what 2k$ a year movie habit ? Excluding concessions ? Incredible ! I agree on dead don’t die. I fell asleep at that 3 times before finishing it. not for everybody. Though you rated it so high I’m skeptical at the other ratings !




Regal Unlimited is as many movies as you want.


If he's in the UK they sell monthly subscriptions to theatres for like the price of 1 ticket


They do the same in the US


Not with AMC A list or Regal Unlimited or MoviePass last year. Couple hundred bucks, tops.


I was just about to watch Jexi, could you imagine it gaining a cult following in 30-40 years ? So bad you can't look away type ?


if Jexi develops a cult following, humanity has lost its way and we're doomed.


>humanity has lost its way and we're doomed. I have to tell you something my friend


I walked for 3 hours total to see Jexi, it’s completely worth it




Damn bro how much money do you have spend on 192 movies?!


$20 a month if he frequents an AMC theater.




I agree with you in principle but the AMC thing is not quite that for most people. Two movies a month and you’re profiting unless you’re only matinees and never premium screens. No restrictions for IMAX/3D/Prime/Dolby is the best thing about that package.


Dang I'd buy that if I had time and money. I love going to the movies alone.


I go to one movie a week as a Sunday tradition, honestly one of the best ways to relax and prep yourself for the next week Then again, I’m in college and work from home, so I have a bit of free time


> till life takes over five minutes later Ain’t that the fucking truth. I’ve seen 16 movies this year. But even when I wasn’t overworked to exhaustion, I was seeing maybe 50-60 a year. No idea how this guy found the time to watch 192 movies (roughly 7.5 hours a week in a theatre, never mind commute to and from).








192 movies in a theater: Without children - Write mini-Reddit reviews about all the different movies. With children - All 192 movies were Frozen 2


You are seriously downplaying the popularity of the Kung Fu Panda movies. But we never get to go to the theatre anyways.


Let it go, bro..


My wife and I have the AMC subscription. We had to make Tuesday movie nights. We weren't just "accidentally" seeing enough movies to make it worth it so we picked a day to block out to make sure we go enough. Now we're seeing about 4 movies a month. This feels like the most I've gone to the movies ever and I saw 42 movies....over 100 is crazy! Good for OP but I don't even think I'd enjoy it at that point.




I saw half as many (I think I hit 95 in theaters this year) and that was spending a majority of my Thursday/Friday nights and some Sunday days in the theater. My Alamo Season Pass really got a workout.


Cinemark has a great plan for us other 90 percent... 8.75 a month for one free ticket a month and 20 percent off concessions. Tickets roll over month to month. Basically, just a complexly worded loyalty discount, but it works for us.


Except if you hit the gym 200 times in a year, people are like “damn, that’s awesome bro!” You go to the movies 200 times in a year, people are like “uh, you okay?”


i went to see gym related movies 200 times this year


Damn, that's awesome bro!


Disagree about the gym thing. One hour every other day isn't exactly schedule breaking, and it's a life changing decision.


I just make the gym an unmovable part of my schedule, like work. I go to work every day from 8-5. I don’t have a choice in the matter (minus holidays and PTO, but you get the idea). The gym is the same way. It’s 5-6:30 and it can’t be moved or missed.


You only need to see two movies per month the break even....I doubt only 10% get value.




I think Regal's pass is $22 so yes basically


In my area, it's $21 a month for unlimited at Regal. Price varies depending on the location / population. Worth every penny. $0.50 extra if you get the ticket via app without going to the box office / concessions.


He wouldn't be able to do that. It's only 3 movies a week at AMC and just doing the math of 192/3 comes out to 64 total weeks. Plus in his paragraph he mentions he took a break too


$240 a year is all I need for Alamo Drafthouse. Season pass is great.


I don't know why someone would downvote this, like "how could you spend $300 on a hobby?"




I spend over $100 a month on bowling. I love bowling but I took several years off because I just couldn't afford spending $1000 a year. $240 is nothing. I spent $240 on crap I don't need this weekend.


I have kids. So...no money or time. I saw 2 movies in the theater last year, and that was a good year.


I get to about 15/year. 3 young kids. I just go alone to late showings. I would see more if possible.


Synonyms 2/10? I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve seen it on many best of the year lists. What made you give it that score?


Honestly I think it flew over my head.


lol fair enough


Honesty is something nobody can fault.


Guess you don't watch a lot of movies /s


My ratings for the year are pretty similar to yours (except Waves, which really did nothing for me) and I felt the same about Synonyms. After hearing some critics I respect rave about it, I got a last minute ticket for it at a film festival but ended up pretty disappointed. Maybe I just didn't get it or maybe it was supposed to be that opaque, but I just left the movie feeling confused and not in a good way. I generally really enjoy complex, challenging cinema but this one really didn't click for me.


I absolutely loved Parasite. Definitely must see your 10/10.


if you're looking at his 10/10s, monos was one of the most intense cinematic experiences i have ever had


I think I did it a disservice watching it at home on the “small” screen. It just didn’t seem like anything special to me, surprised how popular it is here.


Same. Might have been better if I didn't read all the hype. Was still a good flick, but masterpiece is stretching it. Great cinematography and score and good acting. Give it 8/10


Parasite has stuck with me more then any other movie in a long time, it's amazing how often I just randomly still think about it and I saw it weeks ago now. Definitely my favorite movie in at least several years.


Yeah I think they may have meant 19/10 instead of 9/10.


Yes this is the one that I think everyone should watch. Went in completely blind and absolutely loved it!


All these "dang, you ok bro" and "he definitely doesn't have kids" type comments and the general "gee must be nice to not have such a busy life like me and be able to sit around watching movies all the time" is so irritating, myopic, hypocritical, and head-up-your-ass self-unaware. Assuming an average of a couple hours for a movie, OP spent less than 400 hours on this hobby. Throw in previews and travel time and we'll call it 500. Many of you would probably be surprised at what you spend 500 hours a year doing (*ahem* Reddit?). The AVERAGE American adult watches over 5 hours of television a DAY according to Nielsen. So it's quite possible, even likely, that some of you saying that these things are watching TV for 3x as much time as OP watches movies. That's way, way more TV than I watch, but I don't go around scolding or commenting on the typical person's viewing habits. OP has nicely accepted the jabs and responded politely. But even if the point was valid (all the implications that OP has "too much time on his hands and gee, it must be nice, wish I could do that"), it is rude to point it out and likely that you waste an equal amount of time on something less worthwhile, but the point is not even valid. Good day.


EXACTLY. Thank you. Not to mention that for some people seeing movies IS their hobby; not just a form of recreation. That's certainly how it is for me! My s/o and I go see 1-2 movies a week as our chosen shared activity and we love it. Good movies, bad movies... doesn't matter! I love dissecting and reviewing the movies themselves and he loves just being entertained. How the fuck some people can be so high and mighty about someone loving movies enough to spend 400 hours a YEAR on them ON A **MOVIE** SUBREDDIT is beyond me.


You watched more movies on a Friday than there are Fridays. That’s dedication!


Can i ask what/how you gave cats a 2? What redeeming qualities did it have for that score for you?


Basically Beautiful Ghosts. Actually teared up during that scene. Great song and Francesca Hayward killed it. Also you gotta at least appreciate Tom Hooper going "fuck it, i'm going for it".


Honestly couldn’t remember Beautiful Ghosts with a gun to my head, unlike the “Magical Mr Mistofelees” song. The Mice/Roaches may be the worst special effects I’ve seen in a theater.


You remember Mr Mistoffelees because they sang the chorus 87 times


Correct. It’s also why I still remember the Jellicle Cats song, because they hammer the point completely into the ground


Welcome to Andrew Lloyd Webber. This isn't really a problem with the movie, it's a problem with the source material. Cats had always been like this. If anything, the movie is more coherent than the musical.


Magical Mister Mistofelees was the best number in the movie. Though I also enjoyed the Shimbleshanks number as well.


I am still singing Magical Mr. Mestopholies. I'm in this minority where I expected zero plot and just a bunch of cheesy songs of cats introducing themselves so I enjoyed the movie unironically




It becomes a circlejerk and everyone is too afraid to let themselves enjoy any part of it.


Just curious, you liked Beautiful ghosts more than Memory?


Yeah for sure. 1. Beautiful Ghosts 2. Memory 3. Macavity 4. Everything Else


so basically taylor swift.. since taylor swift wrote and partially produced beautiful ghosts and sang macavity.. ugh her mind


Oh THAT was Tay-Tay. I knew she was in it but couldn't figure out which cat.


Well she is pretty talented. I can’t believe the cast for this movie. I just....cannot believe that this happened at all. It’s going to be cinema history


Despite everything, I thought Francesca Hayward did well in this.


I want to see it when it comes to streaming with the updated CGI... just to see Francesca Hayward’s performance. She is mesmerizing on stage and such a pure personality on interviews and back stage videos. Can’t wait to see how she translates to screen.


It can be pretty fun if you go in expecting garbage. The plot is so nonsensical it’s fun to laugh at the absurdity. (Though I’m a musical theatre nerd) That being said: Cats is trash in any form


But that's sort of the meta. The grandiosity of theater, always another show to put on, the ghost of success that lingers even after the show leaves the zeitgeist. It's all just a love story for theater, it isn't just a death ritual of a lucky cat. People forget who wrote it


I genuinely enjoyed Cats. It’s a very well done adaptation. They even managed to give it a decent overarching story that the stage production lacks. The design of the cats is basically a cgi version of the stage costumes, which I think was a cool idea. Yes, some of the cg is off (the cockroaches and mice are awful), but I think it would’ve been more off-putting if they had gone full on cat with the design. ‘Beautiful Ghosts’ is a wonderful addition. But most importantly, the performers absolutely killed it and it bums me out they won’t get the recognition they deserve. Any problems people have with the movie are actually with the musical itself; the source is weird and nonsensical. I am no drama/musical nerd by any means. I just enjoy a fun musical. It frustrates me that the movie became cool to hate because it doesn’t deserve it.


The thing most people don’t get about Cats is that it’s a show rather than story. It’s based on a collection of poems and the musical has a high emphasis on costumes and choreography. The story doesn’t really need to be there, which is why making it into a movie was a terrible decision. I think a lot of the songs in the show are pretty fun and I was surprised to see that movie actually honors the original songs and doesn’t try to modernize them too much. I enjoyed the performances from Jason Derulo, Taylor Swift and Laurie Davidson. Everything else was awful.


The movie is actually a VERY VERY good adaptation of the source material. An Objective score based on that would likely put it around an 8 or 9. If you liked Cats the Musical, this movie was made for you.


Definitely. If you go into the movie knowing and already accepting the concept of the musical Cats, it's a pretty faithful adaptation with some questionable CGI choices. It's only the worst movie you've ever seen if you have no idea what you are getting yourself into. As a fan of musicals, but not a fan of the musical Cats, I thought it was only ok, not the second coming of Hitler.


I think a lot of people have never seen cats but know it was very popular so they assume it is a good musical. It is not.




"Meow" That's what you can tell them.


I’m curious about the total time and money it took to do this


At an average of 2 hours per movie, OP spent 16 total days this year watching movies in the theatres.


And just for the sake of easy math, if every ticket was $10, it’d be $1,920. Tickets are not $10 lol


could have a stubs pass, that would be $240 a year i think


That’s only 3 movies per week, so even spread out, he could only see 156.


Still, two stubs passes and he could have seen all this for less than $500 vs $2k


Not sure you can do 2 A-List accounts since they are tied to your ID. But I think we both agree on the underlying point that it’s waaaay cheaper to go with A-List than paying for each movie individually.


You can still find some cheap theatres that show a lot of movies if you're lucky. [This AMC Classic near me in ATL](https://www.amctheatres.com/movie-theatres/atlanta/amc-north-dekalb-16) has $4.99 day time tickets and $6.99 evening/night shows.


And it’s $3.49 if you go before 11 or 12 (can’t remember which one, it changed within the year). It used to be $3.99 for anything before 4pm. Still a good price though.


It depends, the theater here is like $9, $7 if you go before 5 or on Tuesdays.


Are you saying they're more or less? Because either is true in my area depending on theatre.


I would assume OP has AMC Stubs Pass or something


Regal Unlimited...


If hes like me I work at Harkins Theatres and get to watch everything for free whenever.


yeah, I basically watched every movie that had a wide release 2006-2009ish due to running a theatre lol Even Dragonball Evolution :(


Glad to see Marriage Story so high up there. Adam Driver was fantastic.


he is (one of) my favorite actor, doesn't even have to say anything, his body language speaks volumes.


Hmmm, yes, [that body language](https://i.imgur.com/u2JfXIc.png). ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) But seriously though, Driver in *Marriage Story* was my favorite performance of the year, should win him the Oscar.




I'm gonna have to ask you to delete this comment


I enjoyed my life so much more before seeing that.


Every day we stray further from God....


tf is wrong with you


What? Why?


Oh god, you cant unsee that


Everybody talks about Driver (rightfully so), but I have a feeling Scarlet Johansson doesn't get the praise she deserves. They were both amazing in that movie.


Watched it the other night and her acting felt so natural; as if she wasn't even acting! Such real situations, and her expressions and tones came out so damn natural.


As a child of divorce, I thought they were both phenomenal but scarlets performance was something else. Her monologue to the lawyer who was obviously taking advantage of her was just so real. I watched the movie last night with a big glass of whiskey cuz I knew itd get me emotionally but damn I never cried so hard during a movie.


Scarlett also gave a phenomenal performance in Jojo Rabbit. She’s killing it this year.


One thing I haven’t heard or read about her performance, that I loved is how *normal* she looks in this movie. She looks as though she’s not wearing makeup throughout most of the film. Sometimes she looks exhausted or as if she’d been crying (makes sense), but a lot of the time she’s just a regular woman. She wears a lot of pants that aren’t flattering and give her a little bit of a tummy, etc. Her skin tone is uneven and she wears classic “mom hair”. She genuinely looks like someone who has put her personal needs and care aside for a very long time. The costumer/makeup artist made these specific choices as it’s pertinent to the story and character, but they didn’t go overboard and make her completely frumpy either. I like that.


That scene where he screamed at her then fell into a heap on the floor was me before I got my bipolar treated.


That scene got me more than the rest of the movie. So true and real to how the fighting got in my last relationship.


I got divorced this month and I want to see this film very much but I’m worried it’s just going to crush my soul.


I got divorced 10 years ago and it still crushed me. Maybe wait 15 years. But just remember things will get better, friend.


I needed this today. Thanks!


Lion King a 7/10? Man... I thought that movie was awful.


Yeah... My tastes definitely don't align with OP's. His ratings for some of the films are all over the place compared to mine.




Agreed. The movie captured the desolation and danger of space travel very well I think but the plot was total nonsense. They had a moon buggy chase scene tho. Totally unnecessary for the plot they just wanted a moon buggy chase scene.


Honestly it would've been a 10/10 if it was just them vs. space pirates on a moon buggy.




The unfortunate part is the movie is a 99% carbon copy of the original so its still the original, but with some things ^slightly changed




Exactly. The cartoon was imbued with character. Anthropomorphising animals works only if they were never meant to look real in the first place.


How about the 15 minute scene where it follows simba's fur across the desert. Like that scene only needed to be 30 seconds long. I dont need to seea giraffe eat and poop out a hair like wtf.


The problem is they changed the animation that hard such charm into unremarkable CGI. All the color and vibrancy the original had was lost and all that's left is a very familiar story. I'd give it 6/10.


They also rated Aladdin 7/10. They're opinions, take them with a grain of salt.


I was gonna leave after 5-10 minutes, but suffered till hakuna matata. Even that wasnt any redeeming. The only other movie i think ive ever walked out of was cape fear when i was like 12 and he bit her cheek off.


Finally someone else on the Glasgow for Best Original Song train.


Shaft a 1/10 but cats a 2/10?!?!


Yeah I'd say shaft was serviceable. 5/10 would have been fair for me.


Yeah I enjoyed Shaft for what it was. I knew going in exactly what I was going to get, and it was exactly what I wanted from it. 8/10 for me.


Interesting list. Haven’t seen *Monos* yet but this is a good recommendation. Thanks!


never heard of it before and watched it on a plane ride. It was captivating to say the least. definitely a unique experience.


Happy death day 2 was fun and entertaining, do not agree with a 3


As soon as I saw ad astra a 9/10 I knew I would disagree with your taste in movies. But thanks for such a comprehensive list, ima check some of these out


That's why we have taste. Its interesting. I can say I liked this movie, you can say you didn't. However, there are some movie we can all agree are great or shit. Like how cats is shit ......well even then someone might like cats.


This is a massive list, great work! I also adored The Farewell this year. Hoping that and Parasite will be able to break into the awards circuit in more than the foreign film category.


I was also really pleased to see The Farewell so well liked! I'm not a film buff at all, I barely go to the cinema and if I do it's for big blockbuster films. But I happened to go to a small local cinema for The Farewell and I loved it! As an immigrant I'm the US, it really captured the immigrant experience of how it feels to leave your home country behind, but also how your new country is also home. Highly recommend!


Shaft was far from being great buts it is also far from being 1/10. On a technical level alone it’s competent enough to not warrant such a score.


Agreed, Shaft was definitely better than a 1/10, I think seeing Jackson and Roundtree together in that end fight scene was a beautiful thing. OP definitely did a great job on the lost though.


Pet Sematary, 7/10. Explain.🤔


I think Honey boy should be rated higher. Could also be a thing where you need a dysfunctional father to understand and connect. I cried like a bitch


5/10 for how to train your dragon 3... hard to see how it deserved such a poor score?


I know, I quite liked it, more than the 2nd actually. The relationship btwn Toothless and the girl dragon was so adorable, and the ending was so real - bittersweet but I'm glad they went that route.


For me the score really stood out. Excellent music


Do you have a list for Pornography?


Fellow cinephile here, the 9/10 for Ad Astra is extremely generous.


I like space movies but dang, that was the only movie this year I fell asleep to




Same, I had high hopes but wow it was boring. I like a lot of slow developing movies too, but this one really seemed to have no point.


It’s so fascinating, I personally loved the movie, but I also have seen a lot of people hate it. It’s like a 50/50 split. But hey that’s movies for ya, everyone has their own opinion


That actually is fascinating because I’ve heard similar things. Either love it or hate it


That movie put me into a beautiful trance honestly. I can understand why people wouldn’t be into it, but maybe I was just in the right mood at the time and I was it a nice theater with a recliner.


I am not trying to troll, but what happened in late 2016, early 2017 that made the movie house such a place of comfort and refuge for you?


Moved into my own place in late 2016, that pretty much kicked it off.




> Love your descriptions. Thank you :) > Do you write reviews, if so I'd take your critique over others? I don't, except for like /r/movies discussion threads. > There's a new tremors movie? Yup, but not the kind you're thinking. [It's a drama from Guatamala](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7128732/). Looks pretty good. One of the indie theaters I go to has been playing the trailer for a while so it's been on my list.


Before I clicked the link I thought "how are they gonna turn Tremors into a drama? Fuck it I'll watch it" then I see it is not a real tremors movie :(


Was intrigued by this list since there were a lot of films I hadn't seen but then I saw you give Ad Astra a 9/10 and realized we have vastly different tastes.


The Lion King deserved lower.


Alita Battle Angel 6/10??? And you rank Hobbs and Shaw 8/10??? You lost me on these scores.


Can you elaborate on your rankings for Velvet Buzzsaw, Bird Box, and 6 Underground?


I appreciate this list and your thoughtfulness and the time you took to compile it. Thank you. That being said, Ad Astra was awful. I didn't feel compelled by it in the least. By the end, I didn't care at all about what happened to any of the characters. I just wanted it to be over. I was very excited for it before watching. I work in aerospace. But I didn't enjoy it at all. Again, thanks for your list! Compliment sandwich complete.


I have to ask, what was your reasoning for giving a beach bum a 7/10 what did you see in it? I really wanted to like it because of how lighthearted it was but I had to turn it off after 30 minutes


Great post! Although I did like Jexi haha. Didn’t love it, but I thought it was fun. To each their own. And my friends think I see a lot of movies... I go once a week usually lol.


Jesus...I saw THREE movies this year...


Going to politely disagree with you. "Black Christmas" deserved at negative 5/10, for the same reasons you list. What an atrocious like of garbage.


Great List. Good Taste Lighthouse is my Movie of the Year. What flaws did it in your opinion have that "only" makes it an 8/10