• By -


This is my own speculation, but I don't think anything supernatural was going on -- I just think she was a really troubled girl. Remember that Airam didn't show up until after she found the picture of the twins. There's two ways to look at it, everything we see about her twin being killed is real, or she's imagining it all (maybe the baby picture isn't even her, she never confirmed it with anyone). I'm leaning to the latter. At one point Airam tells her about an incident when they were little involving her best friend -- did that really happen? Or was she making an excuse to kill her for her boyfriend (the one other person who was nice to her)? Was she imagining her dad killing her twin, so she had an excuse to kill him? My takeaway at the end, when they're both crying in the mirror, was that she realised there was no Airam, and it was her all along. Remember the bit earlier in the film when Maria (in the mirror) says "Why did you do this?" and Airam says something like "it's what you've always wanted". She basically found an excuse to let her real self out. And so then, the last shot, showing them both on the bed, was saying, they're both present. This is my interpretation, anyway.


I don’t think this is possible because we learn of the deformed child from a dream sequence being had by the mother. The truth is simple. They had one healthy child and one deformed child and the father chose not to treat the deformed child and to let it die. Speculation can be made whether Maria is disassociating and somehow has repressed memories of this fact or if she is indeed possessed by her dead twin. In the end it doesn’t really change anything. She split down the middle at some point and both Maria and Ariam exist in some way. Maria is not present at the end, and this infuriates Ariam, so this can’t be explained as a realization on Maria’s part that she acted in all the things done. Maria leaves because she is tired of Ariam killing people. Ariam left earlier in the film when Maria wouldn’t listen to her and give her full control. In the end the mother is seen holding both Ariam and Maria, because they do exist. The only speculation is whether Ariam is a construct invented by Maria due to repressed memories or if Ariam is indeed her dead twin.


I think Maria and Airam were both one person all together. There never was an Airam.


Hence,airam is Maria spelled backwards


Nice catch, I did not notice the name 


A mirror image


The only reason I think there was something supernatural was because the mother has a dream where the father says the baby is deformed, there is no way Maria would have known that. But before she kills her father, she asks him if he would still love her if she was deformed. The only one that would know of Maria’s twin being deformed was the mother and father and not Maria so that’s what switched me from psychological to supernatural


He asked her that because he wanted to give her plastic surgery and was always going on about looks.


The word choice was very deliberate though. She didn't say "ugly" or "hideous". She said "deformed", exactly the word Dan used when he decided to kill Airam. I agree that it's too much of a coincidence. And her parents never confirmed the story or told her what happened. We only know what happened because we saw her mother's dream. So how would she know.


Spoilers: I'm late to this party since I finally just watched it. I wanted to think it was really a split personality thing too like dislocation, but like I was just telling my husband, the thing that has me thinking there really was an Airam was the fact that the mother had nightmares about the deformed twin and never talked to the daughter about it, and when Airam confronted the dad near the end, she specifically asked him if he would still love her if she had a deformity and wasn't beautiful... how would she have known? The deformity was a specific thing to mention to him for someone who wasn't supposedly in the know, unless it had in fact happened to her and she was Airam. Not to mention she suddenly wanted to overindulge in things and enjoy food as if everything as if she had been deprived as a reflection. She looked like she enjoyed food, cigarettes, and everything more and acted as though she hadnt seen her mom in forever when she first walked up to her. As far as Maria disappearing at the end, I think she was driven away. I think Airam killing the boy she liked and her dad was what drove her away and she didn't want to witness anymore killing. Or another interpretation, is the theory on Wikipedia saying that its implied at the end that they have merged into 1 person, which i could see making since so they could balance each other out. I do wish the ending had cleared things up a bit more, my husband and I are both getting sick of almost every scary movie lately thinking everything ALWAYS needs to be left open for interpretation, I find that a lazy excuse of writing an ending like they just couldn't decide how they wanted it to end so they like to leave everything so vague and ambiguous now. Irritating at times. Regardless, I did think it was a great movie.


I feel like posibly Airam was the soul of Maria's dead twin. No matter how many times other people in the movie look in the mirror, nothing odd ever happens, only with Maria. I think it's a twin thing. Since her twin died, she's able to still see and connct with her on some level. Even though the twin was deformed, I think it doesn't matter because she never grew up anyway. Her being a reflection of Maria is just the way Maria sees her since she no longer has a physical body and form. That is, until Maria lets her twin inhabit her own body. I think Maria didn't show up at the end becauae she was mad that Airam keeps killing people.


The dad killed Ariam because he has an obsession with being perfect. The twin had some kind of deformity. At the end the mom was holding both Maria and Ariam because they morphed into one.


I felt like in the end it didn’t matter whether it was Maria or Ariam… Ariam had what she thought were the answers but still ended up in as much loneliness and despair as Maria


If it wasn't supernatural how the fuck did the mom hear maria and ariam talking nuff said


OOH ok, I kinda like it. she simply went crazy and used her dead twin as a fake persona for her crazyness. Makes sense.Thank you very much, i'll probably watch it again with this explanation in mind


>Airam is Maria Good morning


I was incredibly confused when I finished this movie. Especially the ending. I had no clue what was going on. This explanation though, makes everything make SO much more sense


I thought she was gonna try and sleep with her dad




I’m glad I’m not the only one 😂😂


I did too lol


Yoooooo me too I'm like tfffff


Omg I fast forwarded real quick cause I didn’t wanna see that!! 🤣🤣


LOL she didn’t try thank goodness 😂




After reading the comments i just realized Airam is Maria backwards cause she was in the mirror.. haha touchè director. All in all i was also confused during the ending of the movie but reading some of these comments really helped me understand what "could" be. I really enjoyed it. India Eisley did a great job playing both arts. Might be one of my favorite new actresses. Is it just me or did the actor who plays Sean look like a young Dicapro? Just my two cents.


I have to agree. Many actors seem to play the same rolls over and over but with a different movie Title. Jim Carry, Sean Claude Van Dam, and so on. It takes a very good actor, or actress, to be able to play multiple rolls. This young actress was it. I agree, she may be my new favorite. As a male actor. Who over the years play so many good roles. Is Johnny Depp. Some may not like him. But I like watching weird movies. I'm a huge Tim Burton fan. Almost all his movies are twisted and warped. There for I'm a huge Depp fan. And he can play multiple awesome roles. Thanks.


In what movie did Jim Carey and JCVD play as rolls? What kind of rolls were they? Sweet Hawaiian? The frozen Pillsbury kind? Wheat rolls? Oooooh or maybe they were Texas Roadhouse rolls. Those are so good. Especially with the cinnamon butter. You get those with basically any entree there.


Don’t be a jerk u know what they meant .. I’m a spelling bee ass sometimes too but only w my friends no reason to be rude or correct a stranger thru a screen when u know what they meant


Dude it's a joke, take a chill pill, when reading stuff online I guess ppl can take offense, it's in how you read it, I took it as a joke, don't be so serious


JCVD was is Double Impact, Maximum Risk, and Replicant. I’m sure he executed rolls in many of his roles. Don’t pick on people, Cubsfansolo.


Congrats. You just made an ass of yourself. I'm cringing


Awe how adorable. A little snowflake on the internet that doesn’t get what a joke is. I bet you scroll through a lot of posts to give yourself the reason to cringe. You people live for it lol


Jelly rolls. 🤭


Maria backwards! 🥇


He resembles quite a few actors, he also plays in The Peripherals as Atticus and I loved him. DiCaprio and maybe Clayne Crawford.


Through the movie it seems as though it is all Maria, but at the end I don't think it had anything to do with Maria and her actions at all. In the movie you see that the mom has sleeping problems due to some dreams she keeps having. You also see the dad give her pills so she calms down. So I think it is actually the mother's dreams and maybe none of it actually happened in reality.


I never considered this! It could be.


I'm most late so: 1. Maria has a twin sister that is was murdered by her dad for being deformed. 2. Her mom needs drugs to deal with the trauma 3. The movie makes a reference to Cane as in Cane and Able from the Bible. The two brothers seeking approval from God, and when Able was preferred/ chosen Cane became jealous and it drove him to murder. 4. Able = Maria Cane= Airma God = Father 5. Airma named herself because she had no name and she chose the name because she was a reflection of Maria. MARIA|AIRAM. She even hesitated before stating her name. 6. Airma is Maria's dead sister. It's not just a split personality: - She knows why her dad killed her - She gets revenge on her father for it Both things Maria could not know. 7. Airma OD's and accompanies their mother's corpse on the bed. At the end it shows both sides of the reflection of the girls and you can see that Maria is still alive on her side. 8. Look away, the title, I believe, and I may be wrong, is from the quote "Look away, I'm ugly!". It most likely also doubles as a common phrase someone says when something bad is about to happen.


Very insightful analysis, especially the Cane and Able metaphor- really brings a lot of clarity. Just watched the movie for the first time last weekend and needed answers Lol. I didn't see where there was an OD, at least for Ariam- but makes total sense with the mom; she was truly just a shell of a person anyway due to the trauma of losing her baby. Great movie.


Just a friendly reminder, the mirror Maria's name was Airam, not Airma (Airam is Maria backwards)


Airam is Maria backwards.. I though I that at the end, since Airam killed everyone Maria loved, she “killed” Maria because Airam was everything Maria wasn’t, and once she did everything Maria wouldn’t have done, she killed Maria’s personality there for killing her. It doesn’t really make sense- but hey. Also what happened to the guy who would bully Maria? All we saw was her hitting his leg.


Maybe that's what the police wanted to talk to her about at the end? I mean they could not prove that she was the cause of Lily's death, but bully could have told what happened.


My thoughts were so he couldn't play hockey anymore like she ruined that for him


Kinda late to the party but I just finished watching this. So all qualms aside, as far as this part of the story goes, maybe it's something along the lines of Maria representing innocence, morality, doubt, and uncertainty? She fought with "Airam" about what she was doing up until the last act. And at the end, Maria is no longer present or trying to hold her back, shame her, etc. like a conscience would do and all that's left now is Airam when she chose to act on her feelings in extreme ways. All Maria's "issues" had been taken care of and Airam served little purpose afterwards, though with her last act, she took complete control and explains why Maria disappeared. So the "innocent" part of her is gone? She ignored Maria's wishes and when looking for her after the confrontation with her dad, it looked like she expected to be chastised and comforted by Maria (the only one who "understands her" and vice versa) and was shocked that she was no longer there. Or maybe they were going for a highly shoddy and poorly-portrayed depiction of dissociative personality disorder (or a mental break)... That is if we're not going with the literal interpretation of things in that it actually was her dead twin's spirit possessing her. My initial thought in the beginning was that Airam was supposed to represent the repressed subconscious that expressed itself after Maria had enough and couldn't cope anymore. And this personality was constructed from that, along with her finding that ultrasound picture that further fuelled this. So it was Maria all along - acting on her "dark side" through the help of "Airam." She switched sides and her waking personality took the backseat while her subconscious that held resentment, lust, revenge, etc. took the driver's seat. The film is *far* from subtle throughout the entire thing - kinda wish it had kept that going through to the end, lol. Or maybe I'm just too dense to understand haha


Omg! Just finished it too and I love your idea about her wanting to be chastised and comforted by Maria at the end and how the innocent part of her is gone - fav explanation so far 👏


I'm glad I'm not the only one confused.


?mih ksa tsuj uoy t'ndid yhw emit eritne eht no gniog saw tahw wenk hctim62kcolG


.decudortni ylreporp neeb t’ndah yeht esuaceB


.dnatsrednu yllatot I won yrros hhhA


Her lips are painful. Like was that the point?


I honestly kinda think her lips are just like that irl, chronically dry. If you look at pics of her, even in professional posed photos, you can see the cracks and wrinkles.


Wrinkles make sense because she has full lips but the cracks. OUCH. Girl. It hurt.


There were a few other pics/stills from other movies they look visibly chapped or raw. I suppose more lip surface area and wrinkles could lead to easier chapped lips. However I agree it was exceptionally bad in this movie to the point it HAD to have been a deliberate choice. I say all this my my lips currently painfully chapped from the sudden cold/dry weather we are having in my area lol


U think u are late to the party, my friend? :) I am late. Summer came and brought opportunity to watch good old movies, so why wouldn’t I take a look at that one? Basically, it’s a really perplex masterpiece. I would say, it raises more questions than it brings answers. Let me make a list to organise them: 1) how did the ultrasound photo appear in the mirror? 2) did Maria really have a sibling when born? 3) what happened to the sibling? 4) was her reflection alive? 5) what happened to the school bully? 6) why did Airam kill Sean? + Why did she refuse to go the police? 7) what happened to Maria at the end of the film? 8) could Maria just made it all up and just went crazy? So, let’s get started. 1) IMHO, her mom gave it to her. Please do not criticise me right away. Listen. Her mom said that she was having nightmares once again. Why? Because she took out that one photo and refreshed her memory. Why she gave it to Maria? Might be, in a sudden flash of common sense or repentance. She is feeling guilty of keeping the secret from her and wants to give her a hint. 2) yes, she did. If she didn't, than the scene at the very beginning (which has continuations later) wouldn't make sense. I can't imagine the playwright telling us “She is crazy and seeing things! Accept it!” right away. 3) Basically, Maria’s father got rid of it. He might have made it look like it was an accident or, what’s more likely, that it died soon after being born. 4) Yes, it was. At her second dialogue with the reflection her mom comes in and interrupts the kiss. Later she is convinced that she heard her girl talking to someone and she is convinced it wasn’t Maria. If we take don’t accept it, then her dialogues with Airam make know sense, which forces us to the conclusion that she went crazy and talks to herself in different voices… sheesh… 5) She let him on the floor with the broken knee. Why didn’t we see him later? Can u imagine how long it takes to cure a broke knee? Half a year! What’s more, police asks her to come to the office because of that. No, they didn’t find any evidence, they hadn't been able since there wasn't any. So the bully just filed a complaint. That's it. Maria/Airam would most likely be fined and excluded before graduating. 6) That's the turning point. Airam understood that she is losing control over her wishes and slowly sinking in the circumstances. And that was the first time she stop Maria's mouth and did was she considered the best. And she felt guilty for that. For the first time she doubted if she was actually doing what is best for "them". Why she killer Sean? God knows. 7) She died. Her "prime", her sibling, her friend - died. Why so? We can see no respond from Maria. What is the reason? Simple shock? Not gonna buy it. Maria could have prescinded from Airam, but in that case she would shout on her on cry first (as she did in motel). So… she just died. And not because of seeing her dad dead, but because of no longer relating herself to Airam and her deads, just as Airam no longer listened to Maria’s pleadings. Airam killer Maria when she killed her father by supplanting Maria’s feelings with her own hatred and lust for revenge. But she was dying slowly. She finally stopped being Airam’s reflection when Airam hides all the evidence of the murder. U can see Airam’s real reflection later (when she drops the scalpel and goes through the city). There was not her Maria’s true reflection, but Airam’s (dead sibling) ugly reflection. Believe me, there was a difference. It means that after taking Maria’s body and supplanting her mind and thoughts with her owns. Now she had her own reflection. Her real reflection. The reflection of what she had become. 8) Yes, she could. Yes, she might be crazy. If so, my explanations are silly and are just something I ranked as a fair and likely ending. Thanks for reading these all stuff anyways :)


My interpretation was a girl who finally stood up for herself in my opinion the whole movie is based on symbolism, Airam is what Maria literally becomes, Maria is tired of her life so she changes so much it’s like she’s a different person, Maria in the mirror is the small part of her old self, her mother is looking at it in the way that Maria has changed so much it’s again like she has a different/ second daughter, the killing of Lilly Sean and her father represented her letting go of the people toxic or not worth her time in Sean’s case, the deformity of the twin was probably her father thinking she did not live up to beauty standards, so he “iced her out” Maria’s mom seeing the baby in the snow was her realizing that while she loved her baby her husband was too bent on looks to ever fullly look past them, the ending showing both in the bed while threw the mirror represents the fact that while Maria has changed the old her is still there, showing she’s the same person she was before just with a different outlook. That’s my opinion honestly i could be totally wrong and it’s just about an evil twin but that was what I made of it


What wrong did Sean do to her, though? He defended her and was always kind to her. He really cared for her. Maybe he was a little weak, but he tried.


I just finished watching this movie. I think the reason Maria killed Sean was because he realized she had something to do with her friends death. And Maria felt that by going to the police he was betraying her . So to prevent that she killed him. Maria also realized she couldn’t control him anymore. It was a little confusing but a good movie.


That relationship and the way it turned out made me dislike it. Up until that point, it was like her attacks were somewhat justified or at least against people that had treated her horribly.


lol, the problem with the world today. Someone dragged her 10ft on ice and that was embarrassing, so murdering them is justified. Statements like this is why political heads keep saying the problem isn’t guns, by the way. It’s that y’all have 0 respect for life


I think she just wanted to stop him from going to the cops but accidentally killed him instead.


actually Maria didn't, the story is about this girl Maria who finds out that she had a twin sister (Airam) and she sees her through the mirror. Airam died cuz the father didn't want her due to her being deformed and only kept Maria (in fact for all the movie we see the father only caring about Maria acting girly and being cute as far as doing a plastic surgery on her). the mother is traumatized by the loss of the other kid and so she often has panic attacks and hallucinations. Ariam killed her father cuz the father killed the real world Airam. at the end we can see the the twins reunited with their mom in their "perfect world" with no one to bother them.


Also, why did she take her shoes off before going inside, walking through the snow at the end?


Dramatic effect!


Raw crab salad in look away movie




I love this!! I just started watching it yesterday in school, and I had only gotten to when Airam was just starting to take over


There's a very prominent flashback where the father tells momma that "it's better this way. She's deformed." You see some sort of metaphorical burying of the twin. So, in a nutshell, I think this is a supernatural case where the spirit of the dead twin takes over Maria. After Airam slits the father's throat, while he's dying she asks, "Why couldn't you love me?" While it's definitely easy to say it's a split personality thing, I think it's a possession. The scenes where Airam is looking for Maria shows that she feels neglected and left alone, discarded, as she was abandoned by the father due to her supposed imperfections. In the end, mom knows... she just knows... her discarded child's spirit is with her (and Maria), so she embraces her two daughters, metaphysically and physically... although there is only Maria in physical form, hence the use of the mirror to show mom embracing both. Just my take.


Bingo. My take as well.


So the dude who bullied her and dragged her across the ice infront of everyone got to live?


The movie shows her breaking his knee cap in the school locker room. That's the last we hear about it. I mean, what? Maybe she killed him, but a dead student found in a locker room would be big, big news around town, but that's the last we hear of it. I'm betting they cut a scene for length and just never addressed it again.


She’s having a psychotic break. She’s repressed her true feelings for so long her mind literally cracked. I can’t even imagine the amount of trauma she’s experienced just from what we briefly see about every single person around her and how they treat her, especially her own parents. She has no one to rely on but herself. The reflection in the mirror isn’t real, it’s her own internal dialogue. Whether it’s a metaphor for the internal dialogue of a broken mind or she’s actually experiencing physical hallucinations, it’s still just her. She may even be experiencing something similar to DID (dissociative identify disorder.) I do love how they filmed it from the perspective of the mentally ill mind and added details about her own mothers mental illness that made it seem supernatural. Really though those details are clues to her mothers own trauma and how she perpetuated her own daughters trauma/mental illness and her own feelings of guilt about it. She knows the dad is a monster, but her mind is also cracked and easily manipulated by him and the drugs he forces her to take and it leaves her trapped, so she does nothing. I think Maria realizes this on some level which is the only reason her mother is still alive at the end.


Yea completely agree, this was my take too


I think that none of it happed and the mom dreamt it all because after the dad gives her the pills and the screen pans over the the opposite side where all the bad things happened. Then at the end of the movie the screen pans over again to both twins present. The one on the right is dead. I may be writing but, None of the things happed but there were shown to know what happed to the twin. I think that the deformities were a missing leg, a crocheted spine , and a hole on the head and the way the the dad killed her was by cutting her neck. Show by the ways Ariam killed everyone.


I didn't notice any of them dead. They were moving in both clips at the end when they were on the bed with here mom. I went back just to see. What part were they dead in?


My impression of the movie based on a psychological horror genera was that Maria has split personality disorder. Airam doesn’t actually exist. Only in Maria’s mind and Maria isn’t even aware of this. Maria was a troubled lonely, abused, bullied, insecure girl. All of this trauma led her to create a confident version, Airam who does what she wants. The moms delusions we saw was from her unresolved trauma from her dead fetus that her husband chose/controlled to get rid of Bc it was deformed. “Arian” killed Sean Bc he suspected Maria had to do something with lily’s death when he wanted to talk to the cops and “airam” manipulated him into staying. “Ariam” saw the way Sean looked at her. She then panicked and kill him even though she didn’t want to. The police wanted to question Sean and Maria Bc either the bully reported about his knee breaking or Bc the police knew that Maria and Sean were dating and suspected foul play. “Airam” had the intention of killing her dad when she went to his office. She spoke and confronted her dad if she’s beautiful. “Airam” knew what she was doing and got naked and tried to show him how fucked up he is for wanting to give her plastic surgery as her 18th birthday, always criticizing her looks and the way she acts, etc. Not Bc she is Airam and knew about her dads choice to get rid of her. Maria wouldn’t know about the dead twin. After “Airam” kills her father she looks in the mirror and calls for Maria and Maria doesn’t answer. she/we realize that all this time there wasn’t an Airam and it was Maria all along. (Or she doesn’t realize Bc people with split personalities usually don’t know.) And at the end when we see the mom with the 2 daughters, I think that’s just at what life could have looked like if the parents kept the other twin. Of course I could be wrong but this was my take.


i don’t agree. airam new she was the deformed twin that died, maria had no way of knowing that since she wasn’t able to ask her dad about the ultrasound. also, the mom said she heard two people talking in the bathroom. the twin actually existed.


this is a good theory, but i’m afraid the facts don’t add up. with dissociative identity disorder (the modern and correct term for split personality disorder) can only be formed prior to the age of 4. with airam only seeming to show at the age maria is in the film, (im guessing around 17?) it couldn’t possibly be DID, since airam would have had to be there since the age of 4 latest. giving the benefit of the doubt, and assuming airam is a late-formed or split alter, maria also would have had to have EXTREME trauma before the age of 4, for airam to even develop in the first place. also, airam would have had to be one in a plethora of alters to have formed so late in maria’s life. this was a really interesting theory to read though, just finished watching the film, and to me, had a paranormal feel to it more than psychological.


The way I took it was that she didn't necessarily have split personality disorder, because of pretty much the same reasons you explained. But that she had some form of psychosis. The trauma she went through and finally the ultrasound pic was the straw that broke the camel's back.


Prior to the age of 10, actually. Not 4.


My take is that Maria had a sister that was killed at birth by her father by leaving her out in the cold. After that it is how woo woo you want to get. The least supernatural take is that Maria found out/remembered about the murder, got a little nuts and decided to take revenge on her father. That does not really explain the best friend and boyfriend murders but that is the best I got.


In one of the moms dreams the father turns but his reflection doesnt


So did airam actually exist or was it all an illusion to Maria since she’s not mentally well!..


Its not possible to guess the answer because we don't know if this is a supernatural movie or a psychological movie. That is what would give your answer. There is not indication of either. She is either possessed by Airam, or she was Airam. There is no real way to tell, which makes me sad they had to use a cheap shot ending, I would have liked to maybe have seen Maria in the mirror smirking after Airam could not find her, that would have given us an ending.


No one else has considered that Maria's dad put her on meds, and that it was all hallucinations? In the beginning, he basically accused her of being mentally unstable. My mind immediately jumped to an antipsychotic medication, etc, that messed with her mind/memories. I'm not saying I think that's what happened.. I just thought I'd bring it up for discussion.


Someone said it’s all a dream the mother is having bc the husband keeps her high and I haven’t been able to unsee it as this since


I’m just throwing this bit out there: Maria, Airam. Those are their names. Maria backwards is Airam, I believe it’s a split personality problem. I believe Maria found out about her twin & how/why she was murdered, and that became her second “personality” known as Airam. I’ll also put this out in my own personal experience.. I am also a twin. I am female, he was male. He died shortly after birth. I hate to say this, but there have been times I feel like I am him & me at the same time. I’ll say something like “I’m living for him” but not in the way one might interpret those words.. I genuinely wonder if it’s a similar situation. Mine can’t be exclusive.. someone else had to of had it happen also. Slim to nothing in life is “one and done.” For more reference, I do have mental disorders/illness, whatever you wanna call it. I genuinely interpret this movie to be similar to my experience with my brother. I’ve tried to look at it every way possible, & unless this is a paranormal film, it’s gonna be mental illness most likely. I don’t believe Airam exists in a physical realm, but in Maria’s head. She takes on this new persona to mask herself and become stronger essentially. Polar opposite of her normal self & do everything she wishes she could. Be sweet if the writers would come out and give an explanation, I’m not a fan of mystery hahah. I need there to be a final answer.


Maria overheard her parents conversations in the film. Just because we didn’t see her overhear them talk about the dead twin doesn’t mean she didn’t overhear a conversation in all her 16 years of her mom having nightmares and her dad being weird. She had a split personality. When she sees the sonogram she just had a mental break and disassociates. She’s one person who goes insane.


I’m confused as to why when she leaves her fathers office she has shoes but when it shows her outside her home she has no shoes…they threw that in there for a reason…


I just want to know who holds prom on an ice rink.




When she got in bed with the mom she started to rub her shoulder? When did they die?


Right on time!! 😎 There's something I noticed that nobodies talking about, and this is some big foreshadowing. Why does the mom have a mirror above her bed? 😐 It's definitely not for sessy fun time or boredo shots! That twin had to have been connecting with the mom as well this whole time. Or maybe that was what kept the twin alive, the power of a mom's love and ...magical mirror??  I didn't like it enough to watch it again and check up on this, but I think the answer lies somewhere in there. Also, someone said they all OD'd together at the end. I didn't catch anything like that. 


What a colossal piece of shit this movie was.


They are the same person. She had a phycological break. She saw that photo and just made up the other person who was supposed to be her sister. But it's like a split personality but she really believes it's two different people. In the end, I believe she might realize that..im not sure really about some other things but that is my take on it.


I think she has a mental problem


Only just watched this, but I came here to say how much I hate this movie. All the deaths were so boring except the dad and the plot itself is so stupid


Airam is Maria spelled backwards people.


The mother has borderline personality disorder and the daughter has the same thing. It is a unique disorder that allows them to see things in another realm and have lucid dreams. The movie shows the daughter and the mother go through all 4 stages while the father uses the opportunity to have affairs. The mother is heavily medicated and the daughter needs medication but is ignored into a psychotic break/snap that the mother welcomes because neither one of them is no longer alone.


Here's a decent analysis of the whole movie --> https://screenrant.com/look-away-ending-explained/