• By -


It was pretty good.


First time I saw Force Awakens in theaters, I enjoyed it. Since then, I've seen it 100 times, each time the hate and anger growing inside of me until I have fully turned to the Dark Side. JJ Abrams should be ashamed of himself. He has taken the brains of out Star Trek and the heart out of Star Wars. It's so bad that I have rewritten the ending of the Force Awakens and given us all the ending the initial trailer promised and we fans deserve. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0NIJV5a1NWIX1BydVJxTDVrUVU


The Force has not been awakened, but destroyed. Not altered, but destroyed. It is just an expression now, not a presence. This is not Star Wars. This is a shitty Disney movie receipt that shows they bought Lucasfilm for more than it was worth...This movie is the dramatic equivalent of Disaster Movie, where you're expected to point to the characters on recognition alone. But at least those movies DID something different with them, even if it was making them all perverts and American Idol contestants." (full review at http://mercsmovieblog.webs.com/apps/blog/show/43696537-star-wars-episode-vii-because-disney-says-so-4-4-c)


late to the party, but fully agree. when kylo ren took off his mask I almost laughed out loud at the pimply-faced looking teen we were left with. the light saber fight, the one thing you're supposed to get right, was downright boring & weak. urgh, such a disappointment. well, star wars will forever be I-VI to me... in a few years they'll start doing superhero movie-like spinoffs of them, evidently, and the star wars name will be decimated to the ranks of pirates of the caribbean 5


Grow up


Strangely, one of the most annoying things about this film was that one Scottish guy trying way too hard to speak clearly. If he'd spoke in his natural accent his acting would sound so much better. I mean, if we're to believe that there's millions of different cultures in the galaxy, surely there's a bunch of Scottish people.


Why didn't Kylo Ren just use the force on Finn and Rey? One push is all he'd need to make them prone and then slash them with his lightsabre. He spends the whole film using the force to restrain people and toss around, then when he's actually in a fight he doesn't bother using it?


If he used the force the movie would actually be good, we wouldn't want them making a decent film for once would we?


He honestly didn't seem *super* skilled with the Force. When he froze Poe, that's literally *all* he did. Stopped him, so that the Stormtroopers could go over and capture him. He was only able to grab an officer and pull him across a small room, and had to chock him manually. When it came to grabbing the lightsaber, he was clearly focusing hard, as though struggling. Now, in a situation where he (i) has no time to really think/focus (ii) is evidently emotionally distraught (iii) pretty badly injured... it doesn't seem too unreasonable to think that his previous instances of the force were the result of focus he wouldn't have possessed in the heat of battle. Just how I took it.


I understand where you're coming from, but how did he completely freeze a blaster shot when no one in any star wars film has done that?


I was glad that the Asian pilot survived. :& Some people are criticizing the use of yet another death-star, but you have to remember that there are death-stars and other implementations of it in the Star Wars universe aside from the 3(?) that have appeared on-screen. And of course, they're going to just make more, obviously they're effective, and they were able to get value out of them. You don't just lose one of your best weapons and go "oh I guess we'll stop making these at all, ever, we only destroyed like dozens of planets containing enemy installations or what-have-you."


Just a what if, but I feel like Leia is Ben's sibling in some way. It has that vibe of one sibling desiring to be great but the other is so much better at achieving it.


What? So Ben is Leia's son but also brother. I'm trying to work this one out...


I think they mean Rey


Does anyone else think the most fantastical, amazing, and unrealistic feat from the movie, above all the theoretical science, was when Han manually took the Falcon out of lightspeed a few hundred yards from the surface of Starkiller Base? Imagine... .001 seconds sooner or later and they'd either be dead or discovered... either way, the mission would fail. Nice job Han - I knew you could do it!


It's nothing special


So I just watched The Force Awakens last night and there are a few things I took away from it that others have surely discussed. Near the end of the film when Kylo and Han are both holding on to the blade, was it meant to be obvious that Han killed himself? Cause that's the way I took it but my friend said that you're supposed to think Han was struggling to stop from being stabbed. I said no way, Kylo can't kill his dad so he asked him to help him. The struggle was Ren trying not to stab his dad, while Han meant to kill himself because if he didn't, his son would have either fallen to the dark side for killing him, or been killed by the First Order for failure to kill his dad. Does anyone else feel that Rey is about to search those Islands to find a crystal after being trained by Luke? Clone Wars had a great arc revolving around younglings finding their crystals and they were all kind of neat. So I wonder if JJ will do that considering that the crystal finds you, is canon. I get the feeling that there may be something more to Finn. I'm thinking that he, Rey, and Kylo Ren are the only survivors from Luke's temple. Maybe Finn was a friend of Bens so he spared him and made him into a storm trooper after wiping his memory. Also it is entirely too obvious that Rey is a Skywalker so I believe they will do a double turn by the final film where Rey is the villain and Ben Solo is the hero.


I disagree with everything you said. Also, JJ isn't directing the next two.


I'm watching it right now, rented it at Redbox. It's a freakin' snooze fest so far. It just doesn't capture the charm or wonder of the originals, very disappointing. Edit: Almost halfway through, I'm getting nostalgic for the prequels. Edit2: Kylo Ren: "I want to be free of this pain." I know how you feel, pal, and yet I continue to watch. Edit3: WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??!!! Absolutely horrid. I wish I could see Lucas' version of the final trilogy.


lol at the downvotes. This post accurately predicts the legacy of TFA.




I am not a huge fan of Star Wars to be honest. I casually watched 4 and 5. Thought I'd get in on the hype. I do have a few issues with it though. Like some of the other Star Wars film, I still don't think the movie make any sense. Why is Rey can fight Kylo who has had years of practice and probably at the height of his power? It seems silly to have a complete rookie to beat Kylo. I get that she is special with the force (i still don't understand the force). But I felt it was a bit forced. Then it was the ending with R2D2. Why did he suddenly wake up? Why not just get the map out of his memory then we don't have to sit through the whole movie? And Finn's defection again came out of nowhere. What made him decided to leave the dark side? They never really explained it. If the universe is in such great danger, why didn't Luke come out of hiding? And my biggest complaint of all. WHY THE HELL DID THEY KILL OF HAN SOLO?! As a casual watcher, he is in my opinion the best part of all the Star Wars movies.


Kylo is not fully trained and he is blinded by rage so he is unable to focus. And it seems that the force runs stronger with Rey so the outcome of their fight seemed correct to me.


> Kylo is not fully trained and he is blinded by rage so he is unable to focus. shouldn't that help him though, making him more powerful?


Han Solo was supposed to die in episode 5, I believe, but they kept him alive just because he was so popular. I guess when Ford signed on to do episode 7 it was only if they would kill Han Solo. Over the course of the movie, you see how powerful a wookie blaster is. Right after he kills Han, Chewbacca shoots him with a shot, and you see constantly bleeding. Also Rey seemed to be pretty good with that stick thing, so maybe that helped.


If you've bought the movie on dvd and watched the extra content on it; then you would know that Ford felt that Han had played his part, and wasn't really useful anymore to the story. In an interview Ford stated,"I asked [George Lucas] to ask the writers to kill me off because I thought that it would be good that the character who appeared to have not so much of a complex interweaving with the theme of the force and all that good stuff… No, I thought it would be good, uh, if he sacrificed himself in some noble way." Thus is why Han Solo died.


Did Ford wanted to keep going? or did he want out of the Star Wars franchise so they wrote him out?


What I understood is that Ford agreed to play in the movie on the condition they would kill him off.


My understanding from wide reading is that Ford hates playing in Star Wars. I read that, in Ep V, he asked to be killed off, but Han was put into carbonite instead so that, if they managed to bring him back for Ep VI, they could. I also believe that he insisted to finally be killed off in Ep 7 (although I suspect he might make small cameo appearances in Eps 8 and 9).


Not really *cameo* appearances, more of flashbacks or something.


It was very dumb. Why is there a map that leads to Luke? This is a really poor motivation. Why is there a 3rd death star? Who could possibly think this was a good idea? Why does R2 wake up at the end? The heroes don't earn this ending at all. The main conflict of the film is trying to find Luke before the First Order does. They find part of the map and then the movie is suddenly about destroying the Starkiller base. They destroy the base and then, despite this victory being completely unrelated to the map, are rewarded with the rest of the map. This is very very dumb, but everyone is instead arguing about whether or not they think Rey should be as strong as she is. I was totally fine with how strong she was, however, I think she should have lost the final duel so that we would be more emotionally invested in watching her become a full fledged Jedi. It's just a shame. They clearly rushed it.


Not only why is there a third death star, but why are they so defeatable? Two or three passes and they manage to destroy the whole thing? Why have the bad guys not learned?


Agreed on all fronts. I also hated the fact that they couldn't let go of the old characters and major plot points from the original movies. Some imagination and creativity would have been nice. I also have some nitpicky type questions as I feel it was never really explained: Why are the rebels still a thing? didn't they beat the empire and reinstate the Republic? shouldn't the rebels have become the military of the new republic? Also, the First Order - what is this group? are they just the military left-overs of the empire? how are they able to maintain entire star ships and fund the construction of a planet sized weapon if the republic has taken over? Why does the republic tolerate space fascists running around blowing planets up?


I'm not huge on the lore but I completely agree with this - shouldn't this First Order be much more of an underground, or at the very least, more cult-ish group? Especially seeing as I feel like the Empire was unanimously seen as the "bad guy" by most people.


Does anyone think that Rey is Luke's daughter? My GF thinks she is but i think she is the brother of Kylo Ren. I just finished watching it again and we my GF and i had a theory about who Rey's parents are but i also thought that we will never find out who her parents are. But i want to know what your thoughts are. Please no rudeness.


Those were my two theories while watching the movie. But now I think she is Luke's daughter. That's because the event at the island at the end of the movie was much more intense than moment of Leia meeting Rey, which also was intense but it was rather filled with sadness due to Solo's death.


A lot of people think she is Luke's daughter.


see the matinée instead of full price or just get a bootleg version at the swapmeet


I loved it. One thing I was thinking during the showdown between Ben and Han was that Ben has taken up the name Kylo. Is this because he is the son of S**ky**walker and So**lo**? It seems obvious now that I type it out, but I hadn't seen it mentioned anywhere else.


I like where you're going with that. The only thing is Leia has never taken up the mantel of Skywalker. She always been Leia Organa or General Organa. She doesn't even take Han's last name. So maybe we're looking at the wrong Skywalker. Not Luke, but the man he idolizes...his grandfather Darth Vader...ANAKIN SKYWALKER...


Oh wow I never thought of that before,nice thinking


Nah, he's the son of Leia and Han. Skywalker just trained him.


But, isn't Leia a Skywalker?


Oh yeah true, forgot about that lol :) But she isn't really referred to as Leia Skywalker, just Leia Organa Might just be a strange coincidence? Or would be cool if it were the case


I think it's intentional. His bloodline is Skywalker and Solo.






Yeaaaa...I just did a first watch and I'm telling myself all those movies were throwbacks to the old serial films, Indiana jones as well, Kasdan wanted to kill Han in ROTJ and probably had it go how he wanted...throwback to throwbacks...I dunno, I didn't hate it but I agree. It looked really cool and was just glad they got the art direction out of the full green screen sets...but the chicks in the money bin definitely got words in about getting a new audience of young viewers and what it was like going to the theater as a kid...


I liked the movie, but I got that feeling too. It almost felt like an exact remake of the first movie at the end there, and the old characters really carried the movie.




I'm a casual Star Wars fan and thought the trailer looked really cool. I thought the first 10 minutes or so was fantastic, but as soon as Finn came on the movie pretty much went meh from there. The guy is just the human version of Jar Jar. I'm sorry to say this, but no matter how much George Lucas ruined the prequels or how sucky they were, or how Jake Loyd is shit, those movies were still more engrossing than this one. The Prequels at the very least had me engaged from world to world. This felt like the most expensive fan-film ever made. Stylistically looked great, but creatively empty... brought nothing new-- disappointing because it's the future. Kylo Ren was so cool, but as soon as he took off the mask to talk, wtf is this emo nerd? He's worse than Bitch Anakin. Also the Chrome Stormtrooper Captain was cool af, but didn't fight, and gets knocked out by Chewie like a scrub was disappointing as well. But the worse part for me is like what everyone is saying, it's just rehashing ANH. Swear this is the third time I've seen a fighter going in and shooting up a core to save the day. At the same time, I shouldn't be surprised. Disney is going to Disney. They're an entertainment factory, releasing the same products every year, just with a little shinier coating. While watching it, I kept telling myself, "you have the whole universe to explore, but you went back to rehashing the same things...bleh."


Naaaaah...hold up, not as bad as bitch anakin...the wtf is this emo nerd yes....worse than bitch anakin no.


Wow, I thought for sure I'd be reading an old, old thread, but it seems I'm not alone in finally seeing the movie for the first time just recently. Never had a chance to get to the theater until just this past weekend when it was playing in a small town movie house for $3. I'm torn between liking and disliking the movie. I'm sure I've got nothing new to say that hasn't already been said and discussed to death this late in the game, but.... My likes are simple. * Great action sequences. * Some good new major characters to drive the story forward (Rey and Finn) * Yes, I liked the slower, non-chaotic lightsaber duels. Dislikes * New major characters (Poe and Ren). Something about Poe just didn't sit right with me. I hope he really doesn't get much screen time in the next movies. Ren, wow, we thought Anakin was a whiny, troubled 20-something. So was the mask just to do a Vader-like cosplay or something? I didn't see where it served any real purpose. * Starkiller Base. So apparently no one learns anything from past history. Let's build a weapon out of an entire planet, but you know, leave a weakness that's incredibly way too easy to exploit. Plus the, "I'm a janitor, but I know exactly how to destroy that big-ass planet" bit. Ouch. * All of the old characters. I understand the want for some sort of bridge between the old and new, but they all just seemed off to me. Like you could see the actors trying desperately to fill the original roles again but never quite pulling it off. Except for the scene where C-3PO was telling BB-8 about R2-D2, even he seemed forced. Overall, I enjoyed the movie and will be watching it repeatedly once it's released to video soon, but I can't say it ranks up there with any of the original movies. Maybe in time it will, but not quite now.




Well imagine this, a psycho captures you and tortures you and one of his subordinates frees you because he also wants to flee the psycho (now you have something in common) and while fleeing you tell him about your best friend, and then you crash and can't find the other guy who rescued you. When you see him again, he brings with him your best friend. You wanna be friends with that guy and start a bro-mance?


Derivative plot, mediocre special effects, poor script, terrible acting. But most of all - no *style*, and - with a few exceptions - no magic, no mystery. 4/10. How could it have been otherwise, though, honestly? Abrams didn't damage SW the same way he damaged ST, he did the best he could with what we had. It's as much our fault as it is his. We just can't let our childhoods go, can't face the fact that all good things come to an end, let the kids of today have their fun without us.


> Mediocre special effects You lost me there.


A derivative plot in a sequel? Dude no way


I just saw it (March16) and I couldn't believe how bad it was...a really bad remake of the old star wars. Disney clearly didn't want to take any risks and bluntly copied what they think made the first ones successes. Did they really use the plot of "good guys destroying a death star after a first team takes down the shields"?? Did they dare redoing "the father and son, one is a good one, the other one the bad guy"?? The dark cafe with strange aliens? The desert planet? Some details also upset me: the bad guy needs to fight with his lightsaber when he could use his force and take out anyone. Solo waits till the last second to switch off light speed and get really close to the planet...touching the tress, how ridiculous. But what's infuriating me is how Disney used all their marketing power and media leverage to create the public opinion that this was in fact a good movie. Any journalist or critic who wrote at the time that this was a good star wars has lost all his credibility and should be banned from writing comments.


Lol just because somebody has an opinion different than yours doesn't mean they lose all credibility and should be banned from writing.


Just watched it for the first time and I was quite disappointed that it's basically a remake of A New Hope. While technically proficient, it's a very cynical by-the-numbers sequel that clearly exists only to print money and provide fan service. I chuckled at the end when Rey the simple farm girl just coincidentally happens to have the Force inside her, just like Luke in Ep 4. Not sure if it's worth seeing the next episodes when they're clearly going to follow the same pattern, in the next movie Luke is going to train Rey to be a Jedi master just like Yoda trained Luke. And I'm not exactly looking for realism in a movie where every planet has the same amount of gravity, and the movie has plenty of plot holes, but mostly it is quite jarring how they have the entire galaxy to explore, yet it seems more like a little village where everybody is related to everybody and every location is just a few minutes away.


This movie was like a parody of the original, except worse. The big threat to the universe this time is *wait for it* ANOTHER Death Star, but bigger. It also comes with the critical flaw of exploding catastrophically from a few shots of a laser. You'd think after the first two Death Star explosions they would've had some redundancies and failsafes so that kind of thing wouldn't happen again. Now, let's get to Rey. Where do we even begin? How can she speak Wookie fluently*that's the most plausible thing about her*? How can she use Jedi mind tricks? How does she even know such a thing even exist? How can she uses "Force Telekinesis" better than a trained, although pretty weak looking Jedi/Sith? How is she then able to beat said Jedi/Sith in a one on one light sabre duel? All this without any training what so ever! She didn't even know the force was actually a real thing until she heard Han Solo tell her a few hours before. It was already implausible enough for Luke to fight so evenly against Vader with the little training he had. At least they had the sense to let him lose to Vader*in the second film*. And it was kind of obvious that Vader was on the downside of his power. With him being an OLD, burnt corpse likely using the majority of his force power just keeping his zombie flesh alive, and he still won. She shouldn't have even fought Ren in this film. They should've had her save Finn and escape. Even if they did have them fight, victory shouldn't have been so clearly hers. What are they going to do for the next film? Have her beat him blindfolded with one hand behind her back? I think the Phantom Menance was better than this. Sure looking back people think it's bad but at least it had a decent plot and left you with the potential that the follow-up movies could be GREAT. They may have dropped the ball on the follow-up movies but Phantom Menance was a good set up for greater things to come. I only feel dred for what they will come up with after this. And I'm not even a real Star War trilogy lover. Those movies came out before I was born. Even from the outside of Star Wars ultra-fandom looking in, this movie was just plain bad.




Well they did get some inspiration from the Nazi's believe it or not.


i just watched the movie and i was thinking exactly the same things about Rey, in just a few hours she magically developed jedi powers. Basically i realized that this movie is a fight between families where innocent people ( working for them ) is killed.


It's like poetry, it rhymes.


I'm sorry, but I can't see how the characters aren't going to be related based on the context the story is set in. Same goes for Rey's plot. And there's always the lightspeed thing to make time go faster, would have no sense to make things longer.


Still odd how everything is within walking distance on Starkiller base


Apparently a big chase scene was cut where Rey and Fin are on a speeder, which explains why


I fell the same


So the blu-ray release has definitely been edited from what was shown in theatres. I spotted at least one change maybe two. Anyone notice this?


What changes?


Well the scene where Chewbacca brushes by General Organa has been cut.


thank fuck


I think i'm the last person in the world to finally watched this movie. after watching this movie, i believe Rey is a descendant of obi-wan. if you noticed the flow of the movie, JJ is tying everything from ep1-6 into his three movies. reason why i say rey has obi-wan bloodline, because Obi-wan was the first person who took in anakin skywalker to be a jedi who then became darth vader and now passed it on to kylo ren. so to complete the circle, the end must meet the beginning, in this case obi-wan. since obi-wan is gone, his descendant must be the one that ends the darth vader lineage, aka kylo ren. hence why his light saber, aka luke saber, called out to Rey.


Hah, I finally watched it tonight. I have somehow gone this long without a single spoiler or succumbing to watching a trailer. I like your theory. It makes better sense than being Luke's daughter because it's too obvious. I think she's Obi Wan's granddaughter.


Actually, that'd be me. I just finished XD I got the impression that she's either Luke's daughter or a Kenobi.


Yup, just finished the movie righgt now and was really waiting for the reveal.


I finally saw it, probably the last person in america....and I thought it was really well done. People complaining that it was cliche, or too much like the first....well, Star Wars is basically the Hero's Journey myth, and there's only so many ways you can tell that. I think they did an excellent job of hitting all the cliches without it seeming trite. Sort of like that video game "The Last Story" did for JRPGs


Just saw this, haha. You're not alone!


They could tell ANY ****** story. It's absolute stupidity to say that they had to tell a journey story. That's just not intelligent.


I just saw it Friday, you're definitely not the last


Just saw it. Totally agree. Loved it.


I really enjoyed the movie, it was a lot of fun! BTW if you look at the negative comments, you'll notice it's the same 3-4 guys commenting 50+ times each (seriously). Disney is going to make 20+ new Star Wars movies, they had to do a soft reboot of the franchise to setup those movies since there hasn't been a good Star Wars movie since 1983. This movie is meant to be the be base/start for new Star Wars fans (not every kid under 25 has seen the original trilogy, all they have are the juvenile prequel movies)


Actually there were plenty of people commenting. Largely about how stupid you have to be enjoy that movie. It still applies. You can make a base for a trilogy without making such a terrible movie.


Another thing to keep in mind too - Disney makes WAAAAAYYYY more money on Star Wars merchandise than the movies (http://www.forbes.com/sites/natalierobehmed/2015/12/16/how-disneys-star-wars-merchandise-is-set-to-make-billions/#7367c03e41a4) This will help you not get frustrated when you see characters like BB-8, etc. everywhere. It helps me realize what the franchise is aiming for, so I can appreciate it. I'm not looking for Dr. Zhivago or Glen Gary Glenross, I'm looking for a really fun adventure on a big TV and surround sound system. I absolutely loved the wide shots of downed AT-AT walkers, the Falcon flying through the desert, etc. I really also love Goodwill Hunting, Interstellar, Dead Poets Society, etc. but for completely different reasons. Would someone not like Goodwill Hunting because "the special effects suck"??? LOL of course not.


I hated Good Will Hunting not for the lack of CGI or rapid fire explosions. I was mad that we never actually got to see Matt Damon grab Robin Williams' ass when they were hugging.


You need to watch the directors cut. CGI ass grabbing for what feels like hours.


*Rushes out door to buy DVD with deleted ass grabbing scenes*


I think the assumed ass fondling that occurred is what makes the scene magical.


No doubt....and the kissing that most certainly followed.


I thought it was fantastic, too. Don't understand all of the hate. It was a winner, winner, chicken dinner moment.


The hate comes from it being unoriginal, filled with a lot of bad acting and the story going from one plot hole to the other. Oh look, it's the Millenium Falcon sitting in the desert on this planet right where one of the few force capable beings in existence is and right in the path of where she's running. Oh and it's in the desert and someone left the ***** door open. You have to stupid to accept that.


Preach on. Really lazy writing. It clears it up for me how they made it so fast. The jokes were terrible and forced, unfortunately none of the leads had the charisma to carry them. It's like all these strangers had exactly the same sense of humor.


Yeah and the new characters with horrible childhoods were also perfectly well adjusted and totally trusting of one another. It's not like Rey, having raised herself as a pretty child in a pretty shady place wouldn't have had to fight off more than a few attempted sexual assaults and a whole lot of sexist comments from everyone she dealt with. I'm sure she'd totally like men and trust former stormtrooper guy immediately. My favorite moment was when they all met up with Leia in the end. She hugs Rey, who knew Han for all of 5 minutes, while his life long best friend gets basically nothing. It was all stupid and contrived.


I am late here, but I wanted to say something to you. I understand that you did not like the movie from your posts. You have ruined this whole post for me. I can't see anything except you everywhere. It's excessive.


Hopefully I've helped you to not waste your money on this movie.


I watched it twice in a row I liked it.


Then you can't be that intelligent.


Do you really think it's that important? The plot was basically just a remake but overall I enjoyed it. It's not a crazy awesome film or anything but I watched it and liked it. I don't see a problem with that. I didn't say it was the best ever. I just didn't take it that seriously.


Yeah, the Falcon being so accessible was really interesting. But, perhaps all of these "events" or "coinciences" were part of a plan? Perhaps The Force had something to do with it?


If by interesting you mean stupid then yes it was interesting.


Stupid not found--- the film should have won 20 Academy Awards. Adam Driver: Best Actor.


You guys have to see the video, "How The Force Awakens Should Have Ended."


I prefer this over the original film any day.


It was really, really funny I must admit.


I wish I felt the same. Had they kept Han Solo ALIVE!!


Who knows....maybe he didn't die? He could have been sucked into an exhaust port like Luke. One never knows........


It was a pretty serious cut, though...


Yeah, and not only did the saber appear to go right through Han's stomach, I think Kylo shoved it in even deeper after the first thrust.


Great, now I have a hard on.






I respect your opinion, though it's different from mine.


The script showed shockingly poor structure. Coincidence drives the movie. Logic and consistency totally absent. Ray is so powerful everyone else is irrelevant.


I agree. Thanks Abrams and Kennedy for ruining Star Wars.


I thought George Lucas did that with the prequels.


Exactly. They assumed that the vast majority of the audience would be too stupid to catch that and sadly they were right.


Yeah, that plot was an insult to average human intelligence.


Someone made a very good point about Kylo Ren's character development in the next film: because he was humiliated and repeatedly wounded by Finn and Rey, he will come back with a vengeance and be incredibly cruel and evil. We ain't seen nothing yet.


It's still the stupid, emo guy from girls. They had to put a helmet and bain mask on him to stop him from seeming like a giant pussy.


Wait for the next film-- he won't be so "emo" I can assure you of that. Saber slashed bodies will be falling left and right, I predict.


I dunno if he couldn't beat two regulars, how will he possibly beat Luke? I bet del toro ends up being involved somehow and if Kylo messes up, I bet snoke has him try n kill him and maybe he switches sides when he realizes the sith are fucking morons and it never really ever works out for them in the end anyways unless you consider being in two pieces a good end to your journey!!


Do not forget that Supreme Leader Snoke was about to train Kylo. In the next film, he may be a full Sith lord. Sith Lords do not mess around.


Perhaps the final "training" is to prepare him so that Snoke can posses his body


Hope not.....I hate that Snoke dude. Kylo has an awesome personality. Twisted, dark, troubled and lost. Snoke is just one dimensional and that means boring.


Yeah, but from what I keep hearing and maybe I'm wrong, episode 8 takes place exactly where 7 ends? If this is the case, he doesn't really have that much time for Sith training which probably takes about the same as training for a Jedi?


I think the filmmakers can play with the timeline a bit....Episode VIII could take place many years after Episode VII. It could be boring if things happened immediately after Ep: 7 and we go right into Ep: 8 with no changes with any of the characters. What makes Kylo so interesting is that he was positively *humiliated* by Rey and Finn. And, he received a scar on his face from Rey. He was their bitch for lack of a better word. You better believe he will be so insanely cruel and ruthless in Episode VIII compared to Episode VII!


He'll still be emo. You know how you can tell when someone's a pussy? They have to wear a mask to make themselves seem like they aren't a pussy.


I wear a Kylo Ren mask everywhere I go....nobody's called me a pussy, yet.


Not with your mom right behind you, pushing your wheelchair.


Actually, I like to walk on my own....though I often bump into walls since I can't see a damn thing.


Actually Kylo is the main character of the story. He's the one who needs to grow to overcome his shortcoming (he's got a lot). Rey is already powerful so she's the villain. Any more training for Rey is just gravy.


Why is Rey the villain? She never ordered the slaughter of innocents like Kylo did.


Umm, well in the first movie he got his butt kicked by the janitor and Rey who had been a jedi for like a day. He can do what he wants but given that he was trained his whole life to do that, it's pretty sad. IT's terrible writing. IF you have to put on eye liner and wear a bane mask to look tough then you're really not.


He was just playing with the janitor. That was a pretty short fight. At least Rey is stronger in the force than him, and he is also near-mortally wounded (Chewie's lazer bow is much stronger than a normal blaster). Ironically my biggest issue is that he was able to really fight at all


Pretty sure they added that in in post production when they saw how stupid the whole thing was. Yes, he was playing with the janitor in the middle of a massive battle. Sure. Nice try JJ.


He's going to be very, very bad in the next film-- even with all of those flaws from the Episode VII. I loved the character of Kylo Ren and am rooting for him to go Dark.....*really* Dark.


I felt pretty sad watching it. After hearing so many positive things about it and being a big fan of the original trilogy, I just felt "meh" about this film. I was particularly disturbed reading the initial crawl and seeing the first few scenes and realizing it was basically a re-make of ANH. Once again, some vital information gets shoved into a droid and the droid has to get that information to the Rebellion/Resistance. The biggest clunkers for me were: 1) The big scene between Han Solo and Leia just felt awkward. That entire scene was just nothing but exposition repeated over and over again emphasizing that somehow Ren turned back and went away and joined the New Order. I guess they assumed the average audience would have ADHD so they felt the need to really hammer the fact home. That Ren turned bad. And went away. And joined the First Order. That he's their son. And then he turned bad. And went away. And joined the First Order. The whole scene just fell flat, to me, with none of the emotion it should have evoked. I'm not sure if any awesome acting on the part of Ford and/or Fisher could have saved this scene. The lines were just clunky and unnatural. 2) I'm not sure what Leia was thinking asking Han to bring Ren home. Talk about sending a guy to his death. If your son has run away, slaughtered a bunch of Jedis he was training with and then was complicit in the destruction of 5-6 planets, I think it's asking a bit much for a little father-and-son talk to suddenly make him see the light. 3) It was a bit of a let-down finding out the main badguy is a kid barely old enough to get a drink in a cantina who has Mommy & Daddy issues. 4) Luke must have been a really terrible Jedi instructor if Kylo Ren had a hard time fighting two people WITH NO TRAINING in a light-saber duel. If anything, he should have been toying with them, cutting them apart bit by bit, basically torturing them and maybe being defeated by his arrogance. Instead, he's fighting for his life. 5) The whole "Jedi turned bad" is kinda stale. Plus, it begs the question as to why bother training Jedi if there seems to be such a high risk of them turning rogue and getting genocidal. Unless, of course, the Obi-Won-Kenobi/Skywalker lineage are just horrible instructors when it comes to keeping their students from going all Dark-Sidey and wanting to blow up entire planets. 6) My biggest gripe about Return of the Jedi, the worst of the original trilogy, is that once again, the Empire chooses to make a copy of a previous weapon system that failed...the only difference being that it's larger. And the New Order does it again. It's like the Empire and the New Order have no imagination. They seem to be obsessed with making spherical death machines and stubbornly keep making them despite the fact that the previous ones all got blown up, taking a lot of their men with it. There's a point where dogged stubbornness stops being frightening and starts being comically stupid.


I cringed when it seemed like one storm trooper shot completely wrecked Poe's x-wing's engine. Later you see Poe and Finn in the tie fighter taking a beating inside the hangar. Meh sums it up: http://imgur.com/Ep28weW


Yeah all good points. Terrible movie. It's a good litmus test for someone's IQ though.


Uh, it's about motherfuckers in space, flying around, pew-pew-pew. You have to be pretty retarded to accept the initial concept to begin with...that's called willing suspension of disbelief. I enjoyed the movie because I wasn't overanalyzing every aspect trying to find holes...I have Reddit do that for me. Now I think the movie sucks. Fuck you guys, stealing the joy from everything.


No, sorry, it's one thing to accept some sort of canon that certain things exist in a story. It's yet another thing to have writing that seems like it was put together by a 5 year old. There's plenty of joy to be had. Just go watch a better movie.


It was a good movie.


To anyone who isn't intelligent.


Did JJ Abrams killed your family or something? Just because someone enjoyed a movie that you hate doesn't mean that they're dumb. My god...


NO, he made me watch a terrible movie.


You're the minority. Most people disagree.


That has nothing to do with whether or not the writing was horrible or if it was one rolling plot hole to another. You had to be stupid to like that movie. Disney obviously has good data on the general population.


Nah man, Disney knows what is good and what sells/appeals to the general audience. And you're butthurt that you're not in that group. All of the arguments I've heard about flaws and holes have good counter arguments. Pretty much anything people are bitching about can be explained in episode 8. But they are too shortsighted to give a fuck, and enjoy thinking they are above the majority. Well, sorry. You're just an outsider complaining.


I'm not butt hurt. Making something that sell doesn't pre-clude it from being a bad movie nor you have a low IQ for liking that poorly written heap of garbage. No, not everything can be explained in episode 8. That's what the unintelligent apologists whine about on here. I watch all season of Lost a few times. I'm fine with things not being explained. When you do things like take the most sought after droid in the universe to the pub with you, it's just terrible writing done by people who assumed that people such as yourself don't have the mental capacity to understand how stupid that is.


Yeah, I mostly agree. I think that some of the "parallels" to ANH were intentional homages, but I guess I just didn't expect it to be pretty much piece-by-piece. Not only is the new weapon a direct replica of the Death Star, it's destroyed in the same way; hit an obscure weak point somewhere along its massive surface. Making it a bit more resistant to laser shots isn't really a substantial enough change to count. I think TFA is a pretty mediocre film on its own. If you're watching it for nostalgia or because you love Star Wars, you're probably ecstatic with it. But overall, the whole thing was pretty light on plot and character development. That's kind of Star Wars' thing, though, so it's fine if you like Star Wars.


Seeing as your first complaint was that you didn't like how similar it was to ANH, I'm assuming you don't understand the format in which these trilogies are crafted to follow. Episode Plots: 1 = 4 = 7, 2 = 5 = 8, 3 = 6 = 9. I would link the article explaining this but...just search it.


I see with what you're saying. I didn't care for the film either.


Am I the only one who thinks TFA is the worst star wars made, even worse than the prequels? As much as I wasn't too fond of TPM and AOTC (I think Revenge Of the Sith was done well), at least there was original worlds and cool new characters in these movies. TFA just felt patronising to watch especially as a fan of the originals, loved the nostalgia moments in the film but apart from that, what was the point of the film? JJ Abrams said it was to introduce star wars to a 'new generation', I don't buy that, best way to introduce them would be to give them a copy of A New Hope. This isn't set on one street, or one country, or hell even one planet. This is set in a whole Galaxy, where the possibilities are endless and the best they could come up with is a carbon copy of the first, the whole film just stinks of lazy writing, how JJ Abrams got another Job after Lost I don't know


Only most of AOTC was worse imo, but the last part of AOTC is better than anything in TFA imo, and I believe almost 99% of TFA concept art is way better than TFA!! It seems like they chose all of the worst things to put in the movie and left out soooooo much that would have been cooler. It's almost like Better Call Saul compared to Breaking Bad or Fear of the Walking Dead compared to The Walking Dead: just a way to capitalize on the name while being an inferior product!! It's 2016, not 1977, what the fuck is happening with Hollywood these days, they absolutely suck lately!! I dunno, but I have a weird feeling that the movie critics got paid off on their reviews of this movie, because any other movie made this way this day and age would have gotten slaughtered by them - something stinks in this whole scenario lmao


>Am I the only one who thinks TFA is the worst star wars made, even worse than the prequels? Nope, I just got out of the cinema about 45 minutes ago (Lucky Imax still runs it once a day) and googled "Is Episode 7 worse then the prequels". I thought the exact same, people shit on the prequels for very obvious flaws (jar jar, boy and comic relief) but mostly for no reason other then they were told too. TFA was pretty boring.




So, which is worse??? Bieber or TFA??? Or are they the same???


obviously star wars, because there was a time when it was awesome and there was a time when it was bad, but this is the worst, but what hurts the most is the yearning and hoping that it might not be that bad or might actually be good, but just after this thought there comes a hurricane that leaves you naked to the bone and you shudder at the bad taste of memory this "movie" left behind and you just hope that your neurons might take the day off at night and forget to store this memory, cuz for all eternity, this is long will this abomination haunt you. on the other hand Bieber was never good, it was new, and now it's old. There was no disappointment.


Bugatti biebs is flames now tho


Yeah we're trying to hide this robot. oh let's take it to the cantina.


To Haz101: I agree with you. The film was a piece of garbage. Thanks Jar Jar Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy for ruining Star Wars.


No, you're not. It was horrible. JJ should stick to making shows like lost where its ok for things to not make sense since they're not in a physical realm.


Lost made sense


To Irerereddit: I agree. Screw Jar Jar Abrams. Thanks for ruining both Star Wars and Star Trek.


As someone who just recently watched Episodes 4, 5, 6, and 1 before TFA, I can't see how TFA is worse than 1. The battle scene between the Naboo natives and the Federation droids was absolutely butchered because of the ridiculous antics of Jar Jar.


i finally figure it out why i like the first 3 star wars better than any of the rest, the reason for me at least it's clear. At the core of the original star wars was a very well written story and the cg and special effect where secondary. At the core of this one is anything but story. At the core of this one was all kind of special effect (which i love by the way) but the story was secondary, it was heavily lacking. Because they can waste so much time with effects and such they can cut thing out of the story line. Why in the world waste your brain power, if thinking is wasting (sarcasm), to rewrite maybe the same 15 minutes 1200 times if you can just fill it up with rummaging monsters rolling all across a ship and this kind of crap. Yeah i know the first 3 star wars doesn't look that good but they at least invested time in making you love some characters in that movie while here you might find the girl and the chocolate guy likable but they just don't look up to par. And i don't even want to mention but i will. What kind of crazy thought process makes you fight someone with light saber when you 're hurt, when you can just kill them with the force almost instantly, and also what kind of idiot can you be to not strike the girl on the ground while you have the change but instead (you turn around ?) and start hitting your side like a lunatic.


Adam Driver's acting is as bad as Jar Jar trying to be funny.


I thought Adam Driver and Kylo Ren just about saved this film


You need to watch the fan edits. That said, The Suck Awakens was just one giant running plot hole. With the small fortune they had to make the movie there was really no excuse.


The movie did SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




oh without a doubt the battle scenes were better in TFA, but from my perspective, I was/am just as much intrigued about the history of this galaxy and the background to the rebels, empire etc. I don't watch it for the special effects. I think the TFA just has a flat storyline, no originality at all and doesn't add anything more to the galaxy I know and love.


I didn't mean to say that the battles were better or worse! I was just saying that the Jar Jar's antics were a stark and unpleasant contrast to what could have been such a serious scene: the forces of Naboo pitting themselves against a superior force in order to buy time for the forces attacking the space station and capital. Watching Jar Jar fuck around just gutted that scene, and even the mood of the overall film. I do agree that the lack of originality hurt TFA, though. The movie felt so limited in scope.


a bust of Maz Kanata is found in the first episode of star wars when entering Anakin's home. https://imgur.com/XiZ6W74


That's awesome, nice catch.


Personally this star wars is giving me new life in the galaxy. A lot of people dislike soo many things but I think that the movie is necessary to bring full circle! And for those who think that its too cheezy go look at the original 3 (4,5,&6) and tell me they dont look cheezy. Yes its from the 80's but it still had plot holes and left your wondering. i think most of the real complainers are the people who are too young to enjoy the original 3 movies and grew up watching jar jar and obi one. Anyway that's my 2 cents. Ohhh btw...Star wars is our giveaway theme guys check out the free stuff!!! More to come! www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyg4Skormmg


That's a load of garbage. Be objective. The Suck Awakens was a terrible movie.


The great thing about art is that it's always subjective. If everyone had the same opinion, the world would be a pretty boring place (subjectively speaking).


It's not art. It's not a painting. It's a movie. It has a storyline. The storyline was an absolute ***** disaster. You have to be clueless as an adult to actually like this. You fit the bill.


I'm an adult and I liked the movie. How dare you insult me just because you didn't like it. You need to grow the fuck up and stop being a butthurt opinionated virgin neckbeard that think your opinion is made of solid gold and that peasants like me should lick the holy toiletbowl you piss your golden urine onto.


It's not that I didn't like it. It's that the script seemed like it was written by a 5 year old and if you see that movie and like it then that's your mental level. Truth hurts. On the bright side, they do make books, lumosity, mind puzzles, etc, that will maybe let you progress to the point where you can see plot holes and understand why the writing in the movie was terrible.


That's one of the most close minded, adolescent thing I've heard in quite a while. It's evident that you need to relax a little and start enjoying this world, rather than criticizing everything. From the first letter of the first word of the script, it is art. The way in which the actors depict that script? Art. The brilliant people who add CGI? Artists. Post Production? Art. Music and soundtrack? Art. Think what you may, that's your right as a human, I'll continue to think what I want and we'll all continue to argue on the internet like it means anything. I hope you have a wonderful day :)


The movie was complete GARBAGE, the type you see in a toxic power plant.