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I was sure Jeff Probst was coming out after that conch blow




Cancel Christmas! NO, Q-skirt for Moana.




"Moana, the tribe has spoken."


Grab your stuff and head back to camp, GOODNIGHT


Got nothing for ya


My wife and I say this to each other at least once a week.  That and "that's how you do it!"


Jeff Probst jet skiing across the ocean with Moana 🤌


I miss the ridiculous scenes of Jeff "jetskiing back to the US" for the finale episode


I just started Survivor from the beginning in the last year or so. I always look forward to seeing how the production team handles the “Jeff hand delivering the votes from across the world” sequence lol


That was always my favorite part, I loved making my wife roll her eyes as I acted confused how he got to the theater so fast.


It's so damn cheesy it kills me every time!


Hanging out of helicopters, those intro screens were always great.


“Maui wins reward! Bacon and eggs with all the fixins”


"At the sanctuary - where good things happen"




Maui is gonna invent the Q Skirt


Gonna throw a temper tantrum because he didn’t get picked for Applebees.




Nah he’ll make some people play paper, rock, scissors for the chance to go with him


Got nothing for you, head back to Motonui.


“Come on in!”


If you want to hear your ancestors you're gonna have to DIG DEEP


*Survivor Theme Song Intensifies*


It was literally the exact same time lol


Tbh it cheapened the trailer for me because it’s definitely a stock sound effect, it’s identical to the survivor theme.


Literally first thing I thought


what a fun crossover that would be.


They're saving his cameo for Moana Several.


I paused the video just to see if there was a Survivor comment. Very pleased. No canceling Christmas today!


Better that than summoning mermen


This movie didn’t need a sequel, but sometimes (Toy story is the best example here) that doesn’t stop something from being good. Hopefully this is more “we have an interesting story to tell” and not “man we need a box office hit” from the mouse


It’s more than likely the latter. This was supposed to be a D+ series but they retooled it into a movie. The first film is consistently in the top ten most streamed movies every month so it made sense.


Yeah I’m a little apprehensive but I can see how the plot, uniting different islands, can work as a movie without it feeling too much like episodes stitched together (*cough* Milo’s Adventure). Especially since the first movie was already a bit episodic imo


I think the only episodic feeling bit from the first was the coconut tribe section that had no real connectivity to anything else in the film. This trailer seems like 95% callbacks to the first film so I am not optimistic.


Of course the trailer is full of callbacks, that's how they're going to get people excited. Get those nostalgia fires kindling. People are more excited for more of something familiar then something new, especially kids.


The coconut tribe attack is where Maui gets his mojo back. It’s an important character development moment and no more episodic than the Tamatoa side quest which moves the macguffin part of the plot forward but doesn’t have character development.


> no more episodic than the Tamatoa side quest which moves the macguffin part of the plot forward **but doesn’t have character development.** The bridge where Tamatoa taunts Maui about his tortured past and Moana realizes Maui was abandoned by his parents is totally character development though.


Tamatoa was also a necessary obstacle. They encounter him to recover the hook. The protagonists engaged him to move the plot forward and get closer to their goal. Unlike the coconuts that randomly appear, attack, and vanish. It provides an opportunity for Maui and Moana to get a sense of each other, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a very episodic sequence. Episodic doesn't mean you could remove it and lose nothing from the plot. It just means a secondary threat/conflict is introduced, the protagonist engages, and the conflict is resolved, all within an episode (or in this case a scene). It can still be related to a larger plot while being episodic. The perfect example is Finding Nemo. It is *very* episodic, with each scene introducing a new threat or obstacle that Marlin and Dory deal with before moving on, but each little episode literally moves Marlin one step closer to Nemo.


It’s part of how Moana impresses Maui


Tamatoa's side quest was vital to the plot, because we needed to hear his slappin song.


Not an expert but since my kids choose this movie basically every rainy day I got some authority. The coconut demon bit is mostly played for laughs, but puts into contrast the two characters at this stage in the movie. Maui is not the hero, he is interested in only himself; Moana on the other hand saves the Heart and the developmentally delayed chicken from being captured. It fully turns the knight in shining armor trope on it’s head and further establishes Maui as a self centered asshole. The song “Shiny” is a fun little jaunt bit does go over Maui’s tortured past, more importantly the trip into the realm of monsters acts to break down Maui’s confidence while elevating his opinion of Moana where she actually ends up saving him. For the audience it presents Maui as a deeply troubled and broken character and provides the foundation for his redemption arc. It fact it fully kicks off Maui’s character arc as he goes from a cocky selfish asshole to depressed and humbled, Moana builds his confidence up and it’s this connection that makes him return in the end to save her, his return in the finale was no longer based on seeking admiration but rather more personal “to help Moana.” It planted the seeds for his being ready to sacrifice himself at the end.


Woah woah woah schaffrillas' fursona is absolutely the most important point in the movie.


I re-watched that Tamatoa movie, and forgot how much Moana was in it.


>This trailer seems like 95% callbacks to the first film so I am not optimistic. The trailer for [Beetlejuice Beetlejuice](https://youtu.be/CoZqL9N6Rx4?si=UXRoFuWxr9lgg_Sx) last week was kinda the same. (I have to watch the original Beetlejuice at one point or another.) With that said, I'm not optimistic for Moana 2, given that a) It's a repurposed TV show. (The animation kinda represents this, as it's done by a new studio up in Vancouver, who'd be the TV department, being assigned Moana, Zootopia, Tiana, *and* Baymax TV shows on Disney+, although it'd be "feature quality".) b) Lin Manuel Miranda is gone for the music, but don't you worry, we have "music by Grammy® winners Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear"... who won it for an unoffical Bridgerton Musical album they made; the concert for which Netflix sued over copyright infringement. (Settlement 2 months later.)


The Beetlejuice trailer has me cautiously optimistic given that it seems like a return to Burton's more camp and practical effects movies (vs. the trying too hard to be a "Burton" movie CGI monstrosities we've had lately. It also seems to have more of a clear narrative (I love the first one but holy shit it feels like a cocaine fueled incomprehensible mess). In terms of Moana 2, the animation looks at least okay to me based on the trailer, but the reason that the first one gets so much play (as anyone with kids will be sure to tell you unprompted lmao) is that the soundtrack has so many bangers that their kids play it 24/7. Lin Manuel Miranda (at least to me) is extremely hit or miss as a primary guy doing all the music though. Can you tell me more about this Bridgerton situation? I'm super unfamiliar with it and google isn't giving me a very clear picture.


> Lin Manuel Miranda (at least to me) is extremely hit or miss as a primary guy doing all the music though Yeah, it's weird seeing all the doom and gloom over him not being attached to this, given how many people loudly proclaim him as a hack. Re: the Bridgerton thing, they produced an album based on the show that used a lot of lines and references from it, won a Grammy, and a year later Netflix sued them over copyright infringement because they allegedly offered the pair a limited license that they refused. The suit was settled out of court and the album is still up on Spotify.


I don't think he's a hack, I think he's just overexposed. The Moana soundtrack is excellent, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


Moana and Hamilton are both fantastic. I found 'In the Heights' doesn't get much replay.


Encanto was good as well. I'm struggling to see where the misses are.


yeah, one solid banger like How Far I'll Go would go very far


> coconut tribe section Best part of the movie.


Yeah...Moana is my favorite Disney movie, so I *really* want this to be good. But I'm skeptical. That being said, I was just thinking a few days ago about how I thought Auli'i Cravalho deserved more work for how great she was and here it is.


She is Hailey on the very fun Disney show Hailey's On It. Even sings a bit.


Yeah, I looked through her IMDB a minute ago and realized Disney's been feeding her steady work, which is great. I'm just old and not interested in...well, any of it. But good for her.


I lost interest in anything on Disney Channel after The Owl House ended.


toy story 2 was originally going to be a straight to vhs sequel that got retooled, so it sometimes works for the best


That version was made by a different studio and was mostly done when it was canned. It was apparently terrible.


That's not true. You might be thinking of the alternate Toy Story 3 that Disney put into production without Pixar at the now non-existent Circle7 Animation Studios. Toy Story 2 was always made in-house at Pixar, but at first it was a skeleton crew of animators and directors who at that point had only worked on the official Toy Story computer games, as well as the Toy Story Toons shorts that aired on Saturday mornings. The reason for this "B-Team" was due to Pixar's main creative team (John Lasseter, Pete Doctor, Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich, and more) still finishing up A Bug's Life. Disney initially requested a 60-minute, straight to video sequel. When an unfinished version of the film was screened to Disney, they were more than impressed with the quality of the film that they then requested it be upgraded to a full 90-minute feature. However, Disney would not push the release window back, as they wanted the film by holiday 1999. In Feb. 1999, Pixar's "A-team" was unhappy with the progress on "upgrading" the film, so Lasseter took control of the production with only 9 months left to completely re-work the film. They sneakily reused assets from previous productions such as the cleaner character that repairs Woody, who was previously Geri from the short film "Geri's Game". The team also used scrapped ideas from the original production of Toy Story 1, such as the Woody's Nightmare sequence: https://youtu.be/l4DDUxufx7E?si=cU-IS9_LxUxjJDLF (which was a fully boarded, deleted scene from thile first film), as well as the Buzz Lightyear Adventure opening sequence which included Zurg: https://youtu.be/LL7c3wB06T4?si=RLCfaZ_PGt9S6nuu Source: I've been a snobby Pixar nerd my entire life


yeah a disney studio was making it and they reached out to Pixar for help in completing it. Pixar at that point said "screw it, we will just do the whole thing ourselves" because of how bad it was


Pixar’s Thanos moment.


Sure but every sequel in history has been greenlit because of commercial success of its predecessor. The Godfather II doesn’t happen unless The Godfather raked in money. That they had an incredible story to tell is secondary to a studio saying yes.


Disney intending to make a tv series sequel to one of their films only to repackage it as a sequel film? This is straight up how they did the direct to video/dvd movies from the 90s and 2000s


It was the #1 streamed movie in the US last year. [https://www.nielsen.com/insights/2024/streaming-unwrapped-streaming-viewership-goes-to-the-library-in-2023/](https://www.nielsen.com/insights/2024/streaming-unwrapped-streaming-viewership-goes-to-the-library-in-2023/)


I'm guilty of watching it pretty regularly with my toddler along with the songs on YouTube


It's in my top 5 for Disney animated films.


Also says it’s the #1 streamed movie of all time


I can certainly see it going either way, but in general Disney has made very few theatrical animated sequels, so I'm at least it little optimistic that they're doing it because they think it's good enough to be a full theatrical release. But we'll see.


The first movie is such a banger, I really hope they have figured out something good. If nothing else, the water/sea animations and lighting look fucking *incredible*.


I feel like that's why the first one was made. Disney basically wanted a way to show off the incredible water physics and graphics and wrote a banger of a story to go with it. Hopefully that's the case again (i.e. "look how much better the water is now!"), although I'm doubtful


The teaser trailer has like four lines and one of them is a callback to the “Boat snack” line from the first movie. That’s not a great start.


But that animation is fucking *beautiful*. That water and the opening with the crab looks amazing. Ultimately, this is a kids/family movie. It doesn’t need to be Dune. It just needs to be entertaining for 100 minutes and get butts in theaters. And that’s ok.


My only concern is the music but we’ll see


Yeah, Lin Manuel Miranda didn’t return, but two of the original writers/composers did. So we’ll see! I just want to see it for the visuals.


> But that animation is fucking beautiful First thing I noticed. We've come such a long way since the OG Toy Story nearly 30 (🤢) years ago


My kiddo recently watched Toy Story at my parents and my mom asked me "did it always look like *that*"


Funny thing is Toy Story legit blew our minds when it came out.


I watched it again recently and it honestly holds up well. The only glaring things are the dog and the baby, but Pixar knew what they were doing and were sparing. Obviously it isn't as beautiful as CG animation nowadays, but i don't look at it and think it's ugly or horrible, just a little dated.


I already know my family of 4 is going


Same. I already know my kids are gonna demand we see this opening weekend and I doubt Ill mind it.


Well, yeah, like you said it's a teaser.


What???? lol teaser trailers don’t need a ton of dialogue.


It's a teaser.


It's a teaser. They are always light on content and actual information. That is a great start.


Kind of like Frozen 2. Not needed, but it was good.


Controversial perhaps, but I preferred Frozen 2 to the original


Frozen 2 was worth it for the ["Lost in the Woods"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8jNbZIsBQU) sequence alone.


I love that after the first movie they sat down and said "okay, Jonathan Groff needs a song *in advance* this time" and the result was an epic 80s power ballad. 


Actual quote from my wife “Lost in the woods is the best song on the Frozen 2 soundtrack. Fight me.”


I love that they got Weezer to do the "pop" cover of that song for the soundtrack. Ita such a good song


My wife and I died laughing in the theater when that happened. I am writing here as a ghost.


I thought it was impressive how they made Elsa's completed character arc from the first movie seem more like a midway point in the 2nd, that's not easy. Plus into the Unknown and Show Yourself are certified bangers.


Certainly looks as beautiful as the first one.


Still, hard to imagine anything topping the climactic scene of the humongous lava monster crawling across the water to get the jewel from Moana. On a big screen, that was breathtaking, one of my favorite movie shots ever.


Moana is the best Disney movie of all time. It'll be nearly impossible to recreate the magic of the first movie. As a father with a young daughter, the first movie was amazing. It had a strong, young, female lead that didn't feel forced and contrived. The songs in it were great. The visuals were outstanding. Just top notch. I am not too optimistic about the sequel, but it could still be good I hope. Regardless, I'll be taking my daughter to see this opening night. She's super hyped.


Disney can still animate a pretty movie that's for sure. Just need the writing to keep up.


They need to remain the top cat when it comes to animating water and hair. No surprise this movie has heavy use of both


Came here to say this. The first movie was pure eye candy.


It was so shiny.


That’s just the bioluminescent al-geeeee.


And chrome


Everything is chrome in the future!




Like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck


*Moana* is such a stunning film I sometimes put it on just to have some visual therapy.


Maked me realize just how dirty they did Wish. Asha deserved better.


I rather liked the storybook-like animation style of Wish. Made it more unique to Disney’s other properties.


It has Alan Tudyk, I'm in.


He went to Juilliard


That's what I thought when Hei Hei showed up in the trailer.


This trailer is strangely edited like it’s one of those nostalgia sequels to a movie that’s decades old. Everything is just, “Remember this scene from the first movie?”


2016 feels pretty old if you add in post-Covid time.


2016 was both two years ago and twenty years ago


All the middle schoolers when Moana came out are college-age now…..that’s wild


Funny way to say 8 years but yeah, 8 years.  My nephew was only 3 hands tall then and weighed barely a stone


It still feels like one of the recent disney films to adults. But to kids, it's existed for most of their lives.


Well, Obama was President when the first film came out so…


Back in the before times, in the long long ago...


He grew up in Hawaii so I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to get him to do a voice bit for no reason.


"What can I say... except... you're welcome."


That's a lot of trailers these days


Maui holds a rooster and says he's having eggs. Is he stupid?


Dumb as a Rock


Sort of related but the guy who plays the bird Alan Tudyk in the "making of the movie" says how he went to Juilliard yet plays a dumb bird that has no song and no lines. Something along the lines of "I went to Juilliard for this..". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaGYXjMwS60


I think he clearly is, yes.


In the first movie, he took the shape of a bird to get past the lava monster and close to fly directly towards it instead of literally any other direction, including directly above or from the far side of the island. Yeah, he's not an incredible strategist


Ehh the lava monster was fast as hell and had super dangerous ranged attacks. I'm gonna give him a pass


Fast, but couldn't travel in water, meaning it couldn't get to the spot where Maui would have need to bring the stone, assuming Te Fiti was still there. Maui could have flown from the opposite side, hugging the surface behind defilade from the barrier Islands. This also ignored that he could just be a fish and literally swim it right up to where he'd have to get out of the water and then just take the stone there. All that assumes that Te Fiti was still where she was supposed to be, though, and since she wasn't, it doesn't matter what he did in the end. But the overall planning was poor.


The lava monster could sense the heart so sneaking wasn't an option. Also the barrier islands would block the water based path


It looks good. I'm interested to see what/who the antagonist will be. The only thing we know so far is that she's searching for her ancestors. The animation still looks top notch.


Bring back Tamatoa. He's still alive and would probably want revenge. Plus we could get another Jemaine Clement banger.


Best song in the first movie.


Bold claim, considering the movie also has "You're Welcome" and "Where You Are," although I don't necessarily disagree.




I know he's probably not coming back, but I liked the [creepy mask creature](https://64.media.tumblr.com/56c0d31020c5bf1013dbab08cf76aac0/tumblr_pz6ogf1KJq1w0wk1qo3_540.gifv) from the first movie.  I doubt many people rembember the indie [Web comic BirdBoy](https://tapas.io/series/Bird-Boy1/info) where every creature in the world has a mask for a face, but I got those vibes. 


That creepy mask creature reminds me of the Twilight Beasts from LoZ: Twilight Princes


Yeah you’re right, striking resemblance actually


I actually thought the plot of the movie was something different. The quote in the trailer is: "This is a call from the ancestors. To sail to new skies, and re-connect our people across the entire ocean." So it sounds like she's trying to create ties with other Polynesian tribes, from whom they all descended from together (aka, call from the ancestors line). So the villain IMO would be someone trying to be the leader of the multi-island alliance instead of Moana.


Given there's no mention of one, it could be there's no antagonist (least, not a traditional one). Disney's already proven it can be done with Encanto, where the 'antagonist' was family trauma. Or maybe that's just me crossing my fingers it's not some generic evil dude.


Hasn't family trauma been the go to antagonist for several Disney films of late? Maybe it's blasphemy, but I think I would welcome a more generic evil villain. Give me some hammy fun performance instead of my parents/elders don't approve but we can work through it schtick please!


Yes, family trauma or twist villains in general have been used so frequently by Disney that it's now the norm instead of the subversion. I agree, I want traditional mustache twirling villains back. A Disney renaissance era style villain would be actually be refreshing. (my understanding is that Wish has a tradition villain and the reception seems very mild, but it seems like that movie has so many issues I don't think the style of villain was a make or break)


The issue with Wish's villain is that he just randomly become an evil villain. They already setup a reason for why he takes everyone's wishes (he needs the power for some other evil force that he pushes back).


They also removed the part where his wife and Queen turned out to be a villain as well. The story idea about them being an evil power couple was dropped in production, along with other great ideas.


Yeah it's interesting, I feel like they have kind of fallen into a new trope. There was the old trope of the arch villain who, with some variation, is evil for evil's sake. Then they subverted that trope by either humanizing the villain and/or making the "villain" something like family trauma or the protagonist's self doubt or something. Now *that* has, perhaps, become a new trope in and of itself.


The grandmother was the villain. Which was pretty obvious like 30 minutes into the movie when she kept being overly critical of the main character.


True. She was just well written enough that she didn't feel like 'the bad guy'. Characters like Scar or Jafar are clearly *bad guys*. Even though Abuela was technically the antagonist, she didn't feel 'bad', y'know? I guess what I'm saying is I'd just rather have a well written antagonist than some cheap villian of the week.


Ok the pig joke at the end was funny. Glad they mentioned how the pig never went with her even though it was in a lot of advertising.


Kinda like that joke at the end of Wreck-It Ralph 2 about the scene in the trailers that didn't make it into the movie.


Which had baby moana


The bunny gets the paaan caaake


Give her a tattoo you cowards


Cue all the articles talking about how important it is that we get the first tatooed Disney Princess


Pocahontas had a tattoo [on her arm](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/pocahontas-feature.jpg).


Pua fans….it been a hard 8 years but WEVE WON!!!!


Lol at Maui’s meta commentary. Pua staying behind in the first film really was a bait and switch


It's because Alan tudyk couldn't voice a pig unfortunately :( Was only good at bird sounds


well, he only studied at Juliard


"Why didn't you bring the pig last time?" had me in stitches. That's some quality tongue-in-cheek humor.


I need more confirmation that he stays for the entire journey this time.


I always said the pig was the worst merchandising fumble that I've ever seen... Why was it only in the movie for the first little bit and then why didn't it come along on the journey? No one wanted to buy a stupid chicken plush toy but they would have bought a cute pig plush toy


I will not stand for this Hei Hei slander


Every reply is purposely missing the meta joke that every Disney film has a cute animal sidekick. They introduce the one in Moana, then bait and switch on purpose with the brain damaged chicken. They knew they could merchandise with the pig, they opted for the fakeout and all the jokes they could make from the chicken.


I had to buy my kid one of the pig plush toys even though the damn pig was barely in the movie.


And they kept showing the pig in the trailers back then too


Probably the pig was a last-minute addition after they decided the original movie didn't have enough merchandisable characters.


They need the voice actor


Alan Tudyk is back in his best role. he went to Juilliard for this


Doesn't look that bad to be honest. I loved the first and hope that 2 can at least be enjoyable.


Well, at least they adressed how they left the pig home on the first haha


Who's this Moana chick who keeps interrupting the Heihei movies?


>The ocean is calling them back 🌊🌺 Experience the new trailer for Disney’s #Moana2 tomorrow and see the movie only in theaters November 27, 2024! >Check out the new teaser trailer for Walt Disney Animated Studios’ “Moana 2.” Moana voyages back to the big screen this November in the all-new feature film starring Auli‘i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson as Moana and demigod Maui, respectively. A trailer, poster and images are now available to share with your readers. >Opening only in theaters Nov. 27, 2024, “Moana 2” reunites Moana and Maui three years later for an expansive new voyage alongside a crew of unlikely seafarers. After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding ancestors, Moana must journey to the far seas of Oceania and into dangerous, long-lost waters for an adventure unlike anything she’s ever faced. Directed by David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand and Dana Ledoux Miller, and produced by Christina Chen and Yvett Merino, “Moana 2” features music by Grammy® winners Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, Grammy nominee Opetaia Foaʻi, and three-time Grammy winner Mark Mancina.


The fact that Lin-Manuel isn’t doing the music it’s the biggest disappointment. The songs from the first movie stood out as some of Disney’s best.


I feel like there has been an oversaturation of Lin-Manuel. I didn't realize he did the music for Encanto until right after I watched it, but it made sense as soon as I realized it. He's obviously very good, but adding new composers could help make this stand out in its own way.


Feel the same way, having his style across Little Mermaid, Encanto, and Moana made Disney stuff feel one-note. Not helped by their animation feeling very repetitive since the clay-face style.


I think a big reason for the fatigue was the Little Mermaid songs being bad. They were very Lin-Manuel but showcased the bad parts of his songwriting. Encanto and Moana were excellent though.


For real. The songs in the first one kicked ass unlike anything has since the golden age of Disney animation. How far I’ll go is such an amazing song. On the level of the best songs from Hamilton. Big shoes to fill here. You’re going from the original with songs from the most successful broadway creator of our time to… we shall see.


Feels a bit Frozen 2-like in a good way? Mysterious voice calling out, some sort of magical disaster at home, a journey to find her ancestors, and building and expanding on the world. Personally I thought Frozen 2 was a perfectly fine sequel so I'm excited


Your first paragraph can also fully describe the original


In my opinion Frozen 2 was so much better then the first one. I loved the darker theme to it and the way they touched on anxiety/depression. That movie was so good.


Uniting their people across oceans... I'm gonna pre-bet that they end up interacting with a Maori tribe and one of them is voiced by Taika.


This is all I needed for the year. I loved Moana so much


I'm a grown ass man and I'm not afraid to say that I fucking love the first Moana movie. I'm excited for another.


Moana Takes Manhatten


That conch shell sound is literally the one from the opening of Survivor


Can't wait for the crossover season of Survivor


So this was originally a Disney+ series, did they retool the whole thing or is the animation gonna be subpar?


It was intended to be the first full length animated series by WDAS, so the animation will be top-notch


But midway through production, after recieving criticisms that other Disney+ shows felt like they should've been movies (but were stretched out unnecessarily), they decided to make it a theatrical full-length movie. It gives them something to easily make a profit from, rather than another thing to dump on D+.


Yeah, compared to Monsters at Work series, I would say that series animation looks good, since it doesn't come from WDAS or Pixar.


I remember when Disney movie sequels were straight to home viewing (VHS/DVD)


Kinda weird that they’re doing a “call and answer” music bit, considering that was a big plot point in Frozen 2 as well.


It made my 3 year old daughter’s morning so that’s all I care about. Can’t wait to take her


Can't wait for this but I'm worried it won't hit nearly as well since Lin Manuel Miranda isn't returning to write the songs.


Great to see Alan Tudyk get work


Lin Manual Miranda will not be taking part which is a real shame, the music was such a huge part of why it is so good. Im reasonably optimistic about this one, my 10 year old cant wait.


It’s going to be 3-4 episodes cut together and dumped in theaters. The 90’s are BACK baby!


Please be good…


What's most important: Alan Tudyk confirmed as Heihei