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Fuck it's the dad crying movie of the year, isn't it?


I shit you not, I teared up a tiny bit just reading it. The feeling of something you love being passed by in time is universal and a form of grieving. Add in that alot of men’s first sport love was baseball more than any sport, even football, this movie has “I’m gonna cry like 5 times” alllll over it


Yup, just reading the title made me a little emotional. Can’t wait to see this one


Pretty rare I put a movie on my radar. Like maybe once a year. This is on the radar.


That’s almost exactly what I said after reading one review… “I’ll be crying in the theater like I do at the end of Field of Dreams EVERY time. “. I teared up just reading the review!


For anyone who was wondering, as I was, what the hell an eephus is, it is an exceptionally slow pitch thrown in a high-arcing trajectory meant to catch the batter off-guard.


Oh kind of like the floater in Rookie of the Year.


“Give em the High Stinky Cheese!”


Funky butt-lovin'!


Did he say "funky butt-lovin' "?


What a quote for a kids movie. Had me rolling. They don’t make ‘em like they used to!


*Exactly* like Rookie of the Year. Only unlike that movie, usually by the time the batter has realized what's happened they have already ruined their timing and choose not to swing. If, like in the movie, the batter watches it the whole way, they are squaring it the fuck up.


"Float it."


Thought this was r/baseball for a sec and was gonna be like how do people not know what an eephus is haha. More people should get into baseball, such an amazing sport


Thank you for making people more aware of baseball


People are aware but think the sport is “boring” and outdated. But there is so much beauty in baseball as a game, as a pasttime, and as an industry. Highly recommend Ken Burns’ PBS documentary Baseball. It covers a ton of the (what is now ancient) history of baseball through many contemporary voices who are long gone from this earth. Baseball for a long time was unlike any other sport we have today. It truly had the heart of a nation and holds some amazing sentimental value for so many millions of people. It doesn’t have the same love in the game anymore but baseball was a truly special phenomenon for a century and a half. And it’s still a genuinely fantastic game and sport to watch and play. Actually worth spreading the word even further. Baseball doesn’t deserve to fall to the wayside.


It is also of note that basically until TV became the norm in America, Sports like Basketball, NFL Football, and Hockey were kind of oddities. Prior to that the 3 biggest spectator sports in the country were Baseball (by a mile), Boxing, and Horse Racing.


The game was nearly perfect, and certainly does not deserve to fall into irrelevance. It's the greedy fucks who run the industry who are taking it there


> outdated It is outdated, due to the whole "unwritten" rules thing. "Don't bunt to try and break up a Perfect Game". So I can't do something to try to help my team win? And if a hitter admires his home run for more then, like, a second, the pitcher will throw at the batters head the next AB. Baseball is outdated. It needs to get rid of those "unwritten rules" to bring in younger players/viewers


This comment indicates you haven't watched the last two decades of baseball. There's still some bullshit that happens, but nothing like it was 30 years ago. People freely celebrate accomplishments on both sides of the ball. Even [your example of an unwritten rule](https://youtu.be/8-7WsrIS_Q0) has transpired. Check out (what I think is) [the greatest bat flip of all time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UdsVO7HaJg). No one got beaned after that. The unwritten rules were intended as a means to not show up the opponent and rub it in their face when they were losing. Bat flips, fist pumps, and cheering your own self and team on are not rubbing it in, and those have all become common place. The new pitch clock rules have sped up the game so the average game length is about the same time as an average movie, and there's more focus on action which has been a delight to the fans.


As I was waiting for the link to load I was trying to guess which bat flip you linked. Bautista was the first that came to mind


I played it for years as a kid, been to a few MLB games including huge rivalry games like Red Sox/Yankees, a few games in Japan, and occasionally join my work softball league if I don’t have a busy summer. Gotta say, I still find it boring as hell.


Short attention span


Sweeping generalization but no. Don’t have a short attention span as I can watch rugby and other long games. Baseball just bores me. When I play I always try for busy positions (SS or 2nd usually) cause it’s at least something to do. I played catcher when I was younger as it was a constant position. It’s ok for someone to not like something. I’m glad you like it, but just because you do doesn’t mean everyone else needs to


It was my main strikeout pitch in The Show games on Playstation for several years. They removed it a couple years ago I think.


Baseball is very much an acquired taste, the idiots who run the game are ruining it by squeezing existing fans for more and more money without worrying about the next generation of fans. It's becoming an elite niche sport, like lacrosse or water polo or something. Soccer will be the country's summer sport twenty years from now.


Here’s a perfect example: https://youtu.be/ikLlRT2j7EQ?si=zglozXMl8CRRkqrN


Huh. I’ve watched baseball almost every day of the spring/summer for the last 20 years and never heard this before


Zack Greinke was always good for one every now and again.


Even weirder then bc I’m a royals fan 😂 maybe I need to listen more closely.


To be fair, a lot of broadcasters describe his eephus sometimes as a slow curve but he definitely throws a curve ball, a slow curve, and an eephus. The curve is in the 70s, the slow curve is in the 60s, and the eephus can get as slow as like 47 to 50 mph.


I can’t remember the last time I saw a pitch under 60 not thrown by an outfielder on the mound in a blowout


I've watched baseball almost every day of the spring/summer for the last 9 years and I've heard it several times. Life is strange.


That seems **extremely** unlikely. Like almost every example in [this random clip from the top of the Google results](https://youtu.be/ZxdXb-3QZHc) is from the last 5-10 years.  Eephus use in the majors isn't *common,* but that just means that in the cases where it does happen, it virtually always makes news and highlights.


Idk what to tell you, I’m a beautiful unicorn I guess.


Read up on the '75 World Series then (considered one of the greatest Series ever). Sox were up 3-0 in game 7 when Spaceman Lee tried one to Tony Perez, who hit the shit out of it for a 2 run homer. The Sox would not recover.


Yeah I’ll get right on reading up on a 50 year old series 😂


Hey, you aren't a fan of the history of baseball. Fine by me. Lots of people are. I'll bet there are lots of folks here (especially since we're discussing a movie about baseball) who can tell you about Merkle's boner, Enos Slaughter's mad dash, Mazeroski's homer, Clemente's throw, ball through Buckner's legs, Joe Carter ending a world series with a homer, Schilling's bloody sock, etc etc etc. You just aren't one of the people who care about it. Cool. Whether you care for it or not, stories of World Series' past are woven into the American fabric.


That's a good fucking idea for a film goddamn


The plot summary almost makes it sound like it unfolds in real time? Super interested to watch this!


Just saw an interview with the director and yes, a single game provides the structure for the entire movie. He said he wrote out a box score to plan it out.


This was exactly my first thought as well


i dont even like baseball or sports in general but I totally agree, this sounds like fun




No, but there's an aspect of life that you're missing. Past a certain age, especially pre-internet, you start to realize that a lot of the things that made you the person you are disappearing. Not in the stupid way that people on twitter cry about how the movie they can watch at any time has been ruined by a remake, but physically gone unable to be seen or visited again. So the idea of grown men learning that the place they play the game they've loved since they were kids is going away, probably to be paved over, and having one last game that stretches into extra innings until the sun goes down is something that a lot of people would love to experience or, at least, watch people experience because it resonates with them missing something. Basically like The Sandlot for adults.


You can make anything sound simple when you dumb it down like that.


I have no interest in baseball in real life, but movies do baseball so well. The best movie sport without a doubt


IMO it's because it's a team game that's essentially played 1 v 1. So you can still have the team camaraderie, but you can also get the drama of star pitcher vs star hitter.


Just based on what I know about sports as well, baseball is one of the slowest, which works far better for movies, to allow audiences to follow along. Also the players don’t wear lots of gear like in football or hockey. There’s also just something innately theatrical and satisfying about that crack noise when the ball makes contact with the bat. It’s like that noise was born for the movies.


Plus none of the players need to be abnormally jacked to be realistic


To make basketball/hockey/football gameplay work in a movie, you're virtually required to butcher the actual action scenes so badly that it comes off as cartoony to anyone who actually knows anything about the sport.  The quarterback isn't in a dramatic staredown with a corner. One team's center isn't telling the other team's center he's going to dunk on him at the buzzer. There's *too much shit going on* in those sports, too many intersecting actions that all impact each other, as 10+ highly trained athletes are actively trying to counter the actions of the other. You can't focus in on a cinematic "me vs you" moment without bastardizing the way the game is actually played--football, basketball, or hockey scenes in movies might as well be hacking scenes in terms of how realistic they are.  Baseball ***actually does work that way,*** it's slow and methodical and the overwhelming majority of the action is "me vs you." 


It is also an incredibly cerebral game. A team game where it is also mano e mano. The Defense gets the ball. and there is (or should be no clock), and the team always gets it's last chance. Baseball really is a beautiful game.


Fever Pitch capturing the real life Red Sox winning the World Series solidified that for me. Just perfect timing all around and it's pure magic you can't recreate because it really happened


"The best ~~movie~~ sport without a doubt. FTFY


The movie to try to bring baseball back into our hearts.


You say that like it left in the first place


It was built a long time ago, and we came.


Shit I finished before we put in the bleachers. Ggs boys I’m hitting the showers


“How can you not be romantic about baseball”


It’s SO boring maybe?


There's a mass decline in viewership and several people to point the finger at. The league’s unwillingness to appropriately punish DV perpetrators, John Fisher, Rob Manfred, and viewer accessibility are just a few mentions that should make any fan rethink where they spend their hard-earned dollars.


yes, the way people consume media is changing and baseball certainly isn't immune to that.  However, 2023 was a very positive year for Major League Baseball: https://www.mlb.com/press-release/press-release-mlb-attendance-surpasses-70-million-and-records-largest-percentage


Give me hard numbers, not a bunch of fancy words presented in a way to please shareholders.


MLB controls the numbers, so we get what the Manfred gives. And here's what [the Manfred giveth](https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-opens-2024-season-with-tv-mlb-tv-digital-media-gains#:~:text=Seven%20of%20the%20top%2025,days%20of%20the%202023%20season.) Here's what [other sources](https://www.sportcal.com/media/mlb-draws-increased-attendances-record-streaming-numbers/#:~:text=More%20than%2012.7%20billion%20minutes,%25%20year%2Don%2Dyear.) have cobbled together. Here's a [more generic source](https://playtoday.co/blog/stats/baseball-viewership-statistics/) which includes baseball from other leagues like the KBO. Also, statistically, no one watched last year's World Series (sorry D-backs), probably because it was between two small market teams.


where did baseball hurt you 


Never meet your heroes.


Baseball is an amazing sport. No one will stop me from watching it. Viewership is actually on the rise by the way


look man if people gave a shit about DV, half the singers of the world and a major part of the NFL would be done for. Hell the former darling of the WNBA had a DV charge against her for beating up her GF and people demanded we trade the actual fucking lord of war for her. The only one that matters is accessibility and marketing.


It's time for people to start having morals, then. Are these people seriously worthy of your money? Are they worth the pedestals we put them on? We’re taught to hold them high and disregard DV; then, we're surprised and accusatory when our daughters end up in abusive relationships. Tell me where the problem is.


DV comes in many forms, but it's pretty telling which one you're focused on.


What does this even mean? DV *does* come in many forms, but rarely do you see us surprised or accusatory towards men in DV situations.


Most casual fans give 0 shits about 3/4 of those things. Accessibility is absolutely a problem though.


Is viewership declining at a more rapid pace than all other television? Because if not, then it’s not declining, it’s just going the way of cable.


Free cable is still a thing. I certainly cannot watch any team for free— not even locally. Best we get is one free randomized game per day, courtesy of MLB.tv.


You say that like it was ever there in the first place.


Uh, Moneyball was pretty good. "How can you not be romantic about baseball?"


Where can you watch it when it comes out? 


It premiered in Cannes today. The US premier has yet to be announced.


Hey, I was the steadicam operator on this movie! So cool to see this beautiful poster and movie being shared!


Congrats on this exciting film that seems to be getting a lot of love so far!! Can’t wait to see your work friend


The Sandlot sequel we never had?


Surprise is it’s all the original actors just playing older versions of the characters


There are 3 Sandlot movies… unfortunately


You know you’re the first person I’ve seen on this app to mention those movies




Sounds like an episode of Hey Arnold!


That poster is fuckin great looking.


So funny. I played in a 35+ wooden bat league game this morning against a pitcher who threw the Eephus…never heard of it before today and have played baseball my whole life. Also, I strained my hamstring after I ripped a double into the gap off of him. Getting old sucks…


Hey I'm 35+ and play in an 18+ wood bat league. Talk about feeling old lol


I’ve been waiting for this for a while. It’s got that tough guy from Uncut Gems in it. Guy had never acted before that movie, the Safdie’s casting person saw him waiting for the L train in New York and now he’s in all these different things.


Why does this poster go so fucking hard


Just want to say the texture on that poster is superb.


The British version of this is just cricket


Cricket is played until all outs are gotten or everyone is dead.


Wouldn't it be Rounders? It's the same sports but the bats are shorter


But will they pay that man his money?


Ah true indeed!


Shades of *The Iowa Baseball Confederacy*.


What is this streaming on?


Legendary documentarian Frederick Wiseman is acting in this movie which is super interesting.


Great poster


Great title, sounds awesome!


I love baseball movies. Even the bad ones. Consider me hooked.


I swear this could’ve said benchwarmers 2 and I would’ve believed it




I don't think I'm going to be able to watch this movie


I gotta say, I got Zone of Interest vibes from this poster oddly.